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    Originally posted by stargate barbie
    or maybe they're just evil. and they want to destroy everyones life and sabotage their careers. or maybe some of them are thinking of leaving stargate and applying for jobs as writers and producers on soaps.
    or maybe they want to create a spin off show called the sam and pete show, where occasionally just for fun they have their old friend teal'c drop by with another crazy adventure in his new neighbourhood. and teal'c will slide through the door like kramer used to do on seinfeld.

    hey i know! instead of doing another spin off show they can just change "stargate sg-1" into "shannahan", we know rda won't stick around forever. pete can be jerry. sam can be elaine. teal'c can be kramer. and i guess that leaves daniel with being george, now i know he'll have to gain a few pounds, but i think it'll be worth it.

    now they'll have to bring in a tad more comedy, and make the plots considerably more believable, but i think if they really try stargate could become the next "show about nothing". actually now that i think about it, they might not have to try that hard

    or, after thread, if it goes how we want it to, they'll probably just have sam sleep with jack, get amnesia, then sleep with pete. then she'll discover that daniel is her long lost half brother, and she'll end up running away with teal'c. then teal'c will go missing in a horrible rock climbing incident, and be presumed dead. sam will be devestated and return to colorado, where she will discover that janet fraiser is actually alive and well, they'll fall madly in love, teal'c will be returned several episodes later in a coma. sam will leave because she's just so confused. teal'c wakes up, and he and janet run away together. sam come's back but... she's pregnant!
    thats the end of the season,

    at the beginning of the next season, sam wakes up suddenly, goes to the bathroom and patrick duffy steps out of the shower.

    ok, i think all this torment from TPTB has driven me mad.
    You go girl! Thats why I stopped watching soaps a while back. Could not stand the ridiculous plots, back stabbing, unhappiness etc.
    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



      Originally posted by stargate barbie

      ok, i think all this torment from TPTB has driven me mad.
      **taps shoulder**

      ohhhhh SGB.... the RCC Shipper Commune Therapy room is ready for you now! We were able to move your appointment up an hour after we had a last minute cancellation.

      **looks through Therapy appointment books, wondering why Tame cancelled her appointment**

      ***Sees JackClone Therapy opening and a big lipstick kiss on the next therapy slot....***

      **ahhh.... it's all making sense now.....****
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        Originally posted by ses110
        Wynter I'am sorry to say but I do not have much Sympathy for Sam at all.


        Sam was the first one to move on.Sam also did not go to Jack and tell Jack about the proposal.Jack had to go talk to her.I think it is only fair that Sam go through some Heartache after all the Heartache Sam put Jack through with Pete.I really believe Jack started dating Kerry after Sam's engagement.Jack.I think Jack held out hope until Sam accepted Pete's proposal.

        yes ...but he is a big boy and in the real world
        He would have told her to give the ring back to Pete cuz he loved Sam and wanted to be with her ..and he was planning to retire to do so....then She's happy and he's happy ...not to hard ..hey ....



          Originally posted by stargate barbie
          or maybe they're just evil. and they want to destroy everyones life and sabotage their careers. or maybe some of them are thinking of leaving stargate and applying for jobs as writers and producers on soaps.
          or maybe they want to create a spin off show called the sam and pete show, where occasionally just for fun they have their old friend teal'c drop by with another crazy adventure in his new neighbourhood. and teal'c will slide through the door like kramer used to do on seinfeld.

          hey i know! instead of doing another spin off show they can just change "stargate sg-1" into "shannahan", we know rda won't stick around forever. pete can be jerry. sam can be elaine. teal'c can be kramer. and i guess that leaves daniel with being george, now i know he'll have to gain a few pounds, but i think it'll be worth it.

          now they'll have to bring in a tad more comedy, and make the plots considerably more believable, but i think if they really try stargate could become the next "show about nothing". actually now that i think about it, they might not have to try that hard

          or, after thread, if it goes how we want it to, they'll probably just have sam sleep with jack, get amnesia, then sleep with pete. then she'll discover that daniel is her long lost half brother, and she'll end up running away with teal'c. then teal'c will go missing in a horrible rock climbing incident, and be presumed dead. sam will be devestated and return to colorado, where she will discover that janet fraiser is actually alive and well, they'll fall madly in love, teal'c will be returned several episodes later in a coma. sam will leave because she's just so confused. teal'c wakes up, and he and janet run away together. sam come's back but... she's pregnant!
          thats the end of the season,

          at the beginning of the next season, sam wakes up suddenly, goes to the bathroom and patrick duffy steps out of the shower.

          ok, i think all this torment from TPTB has driven me mad.
          Oh, the horror, the horror!!


            Originally posted by stargate barbie
            or maybe they're just evil. and they want to destroy everyones life and sabotage their careers. or maybe some of them are thinking of leaving stargate and applying for jobs as writers and producers on soaps.
            or maybe they want to create a spin off show called the sam and pete show, where occasionally just for fun they have their old friend teal'c drop by with another crazy adventure in his new neighbourhood. and teal'c will slide through the door like kramer used to do on seinfeld.

            hey i know! instead of doing another spin off show they can just change "stargate sg-1" into "shannahan", we know rda won't stick around forever. pete can be jerry. sam can be elaine. teal'c can be kramer. and i guess that leaves daniel with being george, now i know he'll have to gain a few pounds, but i think it'll be worth it.

            now they'll have to bring in a tad more comedy, and make the plots considerably more believable, but i think if they really try stargate could become the next "show about nothing". actually now that i think about it, they might not have to try that hard

            or, after thread, if it goes how we want it to, they'll probably just have sam sleep with jack, get amnesia, then sleep with pete. then she'll discover that daniel is her long lost half brother, and she'll end up running away with teal'c. then teal'c will go missing in a horrible rock climbing incident, and be presumed dead. sam will be devestated and return to colorado, where she will discover that janet fraiser is actually alive and well, they'll fall madly in love, teal'c will be returned several episodes later in a coma. sam will leave because she's just so confused. teal'c wakes up, and he and janet run away together. sam come's back but... she's pregnant!
            thats the end of the season,

            at the beginning of the next season, sam wakes up suddenly, goes to the bathroom and patrick duffy steps out of the shower.

            ok, i think all this torment from TPTB has driven me mad.
            ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is too funny! Too bad we don't have email for TPTB! That is one to send to them!! I know!! PM JM that synopsis!! AAAACKKKKK!!

            I have tears running down my face!! I don't think I can't stop laughing! It's taking forever to type this!!!!


              Originally posted by Catysg1
              yes ...but he is a big boy and in the real world
              He would have told her to give the ring back to Pete cuz he loved Sam and wanted to be with her ..and he was planning to retire to do so....then She's happy and he's happy ...not to hard ..hey ....

              I agree ...

              Jack is just as much to blame as Sam. He could have told her how he felt in the lab or at his house or on the ship....
              Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                i think both jack and sam are just very confused about the others feelings, and as a result have reverted back to trying to deny their own feelings, and desperately trying to make the best of their situation.

                as far as they are concerned they can never be together. they're kind of stuck in a rut too, so far as not being able to see a solution. so sam just decided to try and move on, and she's found someone who wants to be with her. i can't really blame her for what she's doing, even though i haven't seen any of season 8.
                i do feel sympathy for jack, but i feel just as much sympathy for sam.
                she knows that jack is her friend. but she's convinced herself that thats all he feels for her. jack probably thinks that its best for sam to move on. he probably even thinks that she got over him a long time ago. we've never actually heard what sam has said to jack regarding her own feelings for him.

                but hey, what do i know? i'm almost as confused as sam and jack are!
                i miss brad wright.
                i hope RCC is secretly a shippy and has a good shippy plan. (doubt it though).
                i hope we don't have to put up with any more soapy shows.

                are the pete shows the only soap opera shows? or are their others?


                  Let's see.

                  New Boyfriend, Cherry Red Sports Car, Plastic Surgery.

                  Yep! Sam's going througha mid-life crisis.
                  Major Kawalsky
                  I've clawed my way from Mature to Fodder! WOOHOO!
                  U.S. Stargate Command


                    Originally posted by MAJKawalsky
                    Let's see.

                    New Boyfriend, Cherry Red Sports Car, Plastic Surgery.

                    Yep! Sam's going througha mid-life crisis.
                    cherry red sports car and plastic surgery?


                      Originally posted by stargate barbie
                      cherry red sports car and plastic surgery?
                      Oh, lordy, don't get Stargate Barbie started on the bright red sports car... Not to mention the bright red cell phone...

                      Do these qualify as spoilers?


                        Originally posted by meimei
                        Oh, lordy, don't get Stargate Barbie started on the bright red sports car... Not to mention the bright red cell phone...

                        Do these qualify as spoilers?
                        I guess we would have to get a ruling from a Mod. I don't think it gave away plot devices.
                        Major Kawalsky
                        I've clawed my way from Mature to Fodder! WOOHOO!
                        U.S. Stargate Command


                          bright red sports car, as in giles' car in buffy?
                          is she going to get fired from her job and buy a magic shop too?
                          although i did kinda like that part.
                          (i'm still not believing the plastic surgery bit)


                            hi everyone!!! another delurker here lol
                            i've been lurking here for almost 3 months and finally got the courage to participate in this forum

                            i would just like to say that caty your videos r fantastic and i hav thoroughly enjoyed watching them, cant wait for more , also ship nana ur cookies r brilliant they comforted me a great deal when i was watchin the episode that shall not b named.

                            hello to all the other wonderfall shipper family members aswel and keep the spoilers comin lol

                            JACK AND SAM FOREVER


                              Originally posted by stargate barbie
                              bright red sports car, as in giles' car in buffy?
                              is she going to get fired from her job and buy a magic shop too?
                              although i did kinda like that part.
                              (i'm still not believing the plastic surgery bit)
                              Never saw Giles' car. And if she did get fired then the second to the last impedement to Sam and Jack would be removed! No More Regs!
                              Major Kawalsky
                              I've clawed my way from Mature to Fodder! WOOHOO!
                              U.S. Stargate Command


                                Originally posted by MAJKawalsky
                                Never saw Giles' car. And if she did get fired then the second to the last impedement to Sam and Jack would be removed! No More Regs!
                                i say fire them both! fire everyone!
                                then they'll get drunk to commiserate the loss of their jobs, and finally have a nice, long, slightly slurred conversation about their relationship, and all will be well with the world. they won't be stuck for money, because they can sell one kidney each on the black market!

                                who's with me!?!

