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    Originally posted by AmberMoon
    I like the gutter...I was 22 years US Air Force where being in the gutter is an art form!

    I like letting my imagination run wild about RDA...I love his hands and I have a good idea on where he can put them...all over me! Um-um-um heaven!

    Gosh no wonder you fit right in here!

    But you must remember not to break in line at the Shipper Town Gutter chute!!! People take their gutter ride very seriously around here! It can get very ugly!!! LOL
    Ship Nana


      Originally posted by marimba26
      Get OUT of the gutter??!!!!! You mean there's life OUTSIDE the GUTTER????!!! I'm just glad this gutter connects between Shippertown and Thunk!
      Yep digging that tunnel was a very good idea that you had!!!
      Ship Nana


        Originally posted by nickatell
        I'm I understanding this right that even if Jack retires but carries on as head of the SGC that it still won't solve the regs problem because Sam would still (there is no other way to say this) be under him? (Oh I gave myself goosebumps) Wouldn't that at least alleviate the AF restraints?
        It depends on how they set it up. Yes, it would alleviate the AF restraints BUT it is an AF facility and civilians are subject to simliar guidelines. HOWEVER, if they were to let Sam report directly to Hammond bc he would be her military superior then there is no problem. As long as she doesn't report to Jack, then there is no issue.
        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


          Originally posted by marimba26
          That's why I love the "In Demand" series by Jackie W.--she uses that very premise and it's really great to read! Funny, the more fanfic I read, the more I could see it. They seem to write her like his nagging wife anyway lol and the looks she gives him are just priceless!
          Well sometimes they act like an old married couple, don't they?! They are so comfortable around each other and they even know how each other thinks and what they'll say or do.

          That is everything except their feelings for each other. Isn't that strange! What were TPTB thinking. Even (spoiler Season 7)
          the President said that they were entitled to their feeling as long as they don't act on them
          Ship Nana


            Originally posted by Ship Nana
            Gosh no wonder you fit right in here!

            But you must remember not to break in line at the Shipper Town Gutter chute!!! People take their gutter ride very seriously around here! It can get very ugly!!! LOL
            ROFL! I'm real good at waiting in lines...22 years experience doing the "hurry up and wait" thing. I have patience even for the gutter chute! I like taking my time anyway especially if it's with RDA!


              Hey guys.

              OT question here-Does anyone have a tape or know the rerun date for the Pierre B/Stargate bit on the Late Night with Conan?

              Is there a tape thread I should take this request to?
              The Eye of Botox has been formally recognized by the System Lords! Beware my fire-y wrath!!

              by Nikkirose


                Originally posted by SG1Poz
                Hi Amber and good morning.

                I wish we could see the script! I'd love to be able to read what was supposed to be said, maybe;
                Sam, "Just Go!"
                Jack "NO!!"
                Sam "Sir Please"
                Jack "I can't leave you here alone"
                Sam, beginning to cry, "Sir, you have to. I can't watch you die."
                Jack, eyes tearing " I don't want you to die."
                Sam, whispering, "I have to tell you..........that I love you..please go Jack."
                Jack, whispering back, "I love you...That's why I'm not going anywhere."

                Ahhhh, Don't ya just wish ?

                Good Morning the dialogue! In our dreams, right? And yah, I wish!


                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  Whahooo ..She( the replicarter) looks great ..I love that dress ..I want it (will look good on me too ) but she is only with Teal'c ...FCOL ..where is Jack when he's needed.?!!!

                  real Sam is gonna get jealous when Jack looks at the replicarter with big eyes ..may be she'll come to SGC with short sleeves on the next day...Thank you Watters87 for finding that site .

                  So good to have some pics ...wish we could have one with Jack though ..Gemini looks great and is gonna be full of UST I bet Good ..good ..good ..rubbing hands .

                  Wow, she looks great. If this is a Jack lite ep and he never sees her in that dress, I am going to scream.

                  Below I added a picture, it doesn't have anything to do with J/S, but I thought was pretty cool.

                  Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                    Originally posted by marimba26
                    *beep* *beep* *beep*

                    Yep, back it in right over her boys!

                    *marimba gives hand signals to ground guide dumptruck over to Skydiver*

                    Yep, dump it there!


                    *truckload of ice covers Skydiver*

                    Feel better now?

                    Yep, it's definitely warm in here! Think I'll dive in that gutter with ya!

                    shiver, shiver.....body heat, i need body heat......jack???? jack?????where are you?????
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      The ONLY thing Atlantis had going for me was Jessica Steen. I remember being knocked out by her in Earth 2, so I was excited about seeing her in anything and was especially excited about it being scifi. I'm not thrilled with the actress that plays Weir. I guess she could grow on me, but Amanda grabbed my attention immediately. She's just groovy and that's it.


                      Me too, Sally! I have a huge AT/Sam crush! I remember watching Stargate for the first time (started because I am partial to scifi/fantasy and RDA ) and the rest of the cast just really hit me with their attractiveness and their characters. I still prefer the early excitable, floppy-haired Daniel . I don't get the same impact with the cast of Atlantis. I know that it is rather shallow of me, but I need to like the looks of someone to keep watching, no matter how well the character is written. The cast of Stargate does that for me. The cast of Atlantis...not so much.


                        Originally posted by marimba26
                        Actually the words are from a letter found in the papers of Beethoven after he died--no one knows who it was to. I learned about the letter from a fictional movie that was based on it--Immortal Beloved. One of the most romantic movies I've ever seen! I definitely recommend it!
                        Really, really like this vid. Thanks
                        Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                        My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                          This is only for those who watch Stargate on SciFi:

                          What is SciFi thinking to air one of the holy Shipper Trinity (D&C) with A$$inity????

                          Token ~


                            Originally posted by Token
                            This is only for those who watch Stargate on SciFi:

                            What is SciFi thinking to air one of the holy Shipper Trinity (D&C) with A$$inity????
                            Since when have they ever thought Token, at least recently?
                            Desperate Thunker


                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              shiver, shiver.....body heat, i need body heat......jack???? jack?????where are you?????
                              He's over with the gutter gals. I'll meet you there if you hurry. Now wait a minute, should we invite Sam?
                              Desperate Thunker


                                Originally posted by Token
                                This is only for those who watch Stargate on SciFi:

                                What is SciFi thinking to air one of the holy Shipper Trinity (D&C) with A$$inity????
                                At least they are showing it on Halloween weekend. Teal'cs outfit looks like he is going to a Halloween party.
                                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.


