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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Zoser
    And Jack was so darn good looking in this ep. Sam must have developed
    poor vision to not see how sexy he is. Maybe she's gone insane?

    Look at Potato Head
    Look at Jack
    Look at Potato Head
    Look at Jack
    How could anyone be confused?
    All good shippers should chip in to get Sam's eyes tested.
    Desperate Thunker


      Originally posted by Watters87
      Spoilers for Affinity and Threads.
      Token, I agree and disagree with your post. I agree maybe Sam was trying to get Jack to talk about marriage, kids and her. But I disagree about the ring should have snapped Jack into action. He's probably thinking what's the point in telling her my feelings if she doesn't feel anything for me anymore, I'm just going to get shot down. Remember she to him has moved on and now she's considering marriage. If I was Jack I think that her feelings have changed. I think this is what spurns Jack to go out with Kerry.

      I can understand Jack's reluctence to talk to Sam about his feelings because after Lost City, he might think that if Sam felt anything strong for him, why is she still seeing Pete and now comtemplating marriage. I think that if they are going to get together in the end, it is Sam that has to make the first move because to me she is the one that makes the decisions in the relationship. Examples : Devide and Conquer -leaving it in the room. BTS: Sam saying SIR.

      I'm about 20 pages in the behind thread but have to weigh in with my two cents (which we can donate to the shipper 'Get Carter Glasses Fund')

      In O'Neill's first scene he let's us know how he feels about these rules - "If
      you'd saved the world from total annihilation a couple of times and your government told you, you couldn't go out to play, you'd consider it more of a guideline not a rule." Jack has always let Sam take the lead and set the limits. He has always been the gentleman. He flirts but doesn't push. He, seems to me, says "I'm available, more than willing" she responds with "Sir" and "Leave it in the room". Jack is shot down every time.

      With her asking "What about you? If things had been different?" IMHO she is talking about them. And Jack is saying that he wouldn't be looking at the ring some turkey gave to his woman - if things had been different, say the open door policy, she would be his. Remember guidelines not rules! [spoiler/]
      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
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        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        I am NOT going to watch Alias.. I am NOT going to watch Ailas ..I am NOT going to watch Alias..I am NOT going to watch AliasI am NOT going to watch Alias..I am NOT going to watch Alias...I am NOT going to watch Alias..I am NOT going to watch Alias
        I don't watch Alias, I don't watch Alias, I don't watch Alias, I don't watch Alias, I don't watch Alias....anyway, what's the big deal here, Tame....just don't watch it! I know, I know. Forgive me once again. It would be like me not watching Stargate....NOT going to happen!
        Desperate Thunker


          Originally posted by Karibou
          Anyway, (back to Ship's business!) Have to say this...
          I really hope that TPTB don't have pete succumb to the Black Widow Curse. In an interview I read from AT, she said (jokingly) something about Sam needing to be in a real relationship so she'd have some experience to go by when she did end up with Jack. (and yes, she did re-iterate that she was just joking, not giving away spoilers. ) Anyway, I think I agree with this, at least in-part. Pete can't just disappear or be taken away. Sam needs to make a choice to get rid of him. Just like Jack needs to make a choice to get off his cute little hiney and tell Sam that he really cares for her.
          can't succumb to the Black Widow Curse because he doesn't exsist. That's the story I'm stickin' with. This certainly gives us the most hope as a shipper community.
          Desperate Thunker


            Originally posted by lilstarfire19
            omg!! i was just in the 'affinity' thread reading what some people were saying about the episode! i almost had a heart attack at how they were saying that they dont want sam and jack to end up together and how they're glad sam is pursuing a relationship w/ pete!!
            Just stay here in your happy place with your shipper family, lilstarfire. Don't listen to all the other things being said elsewhere. This is where the truth lies because OUR SHIP IS COMING IN!
            Desperate Thunker


              Originally posted by Critter
              I don't watch Alias, I don't watch Alias, I don't watch Alias, I don't watch Alias, I don't watch Alias....anyway, what's the big deal here, Tame....just don't watch it! I know, I know. Forgive me once again. It would be like me not watching Stargate....NOT going to happen!
              i watch alias top show but it has just finished season 3 here is the new eason showing over there now?

              Any-way guys i hope that threads will be our show and sam finds out she can't let jack go FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!




                Originally posted by Zoser
                I'm about 20 pages in the behind thread but have to weigh in with my two cents (which we can donate to the shipper 'Get Carter Glasses Fund')

                In O'Neill's first scene he let's us know how he feels about these rules - "If
                you'd saved the world from total annihilation a couple of times and your government told you, you couldn't go out to play, you'd consider it more of a guideline not a rule." Jack has always let Sam take the lead and set the limits. He has always been the gentleman. He flirts but doesn't push. He, seems to me, says "I'm available, more than willing" she responds with "Sir" and "Leave it in the room". Jack is shot down every time.

                With her asking "What about you? If things had been different?" IMHO she is talking about them. And Jack is saying that he wouldn't be looking at the ring some turkey gave to his woman - if things had been different, say the open door policy, she would be his. Remember guidelines not rules! [spoiler/]
                I'd forgotten all about that line at the beginning! I remember thinking the same thing. I agree, it's always been Sam who's set the limits. In fact, until Grace, I don't think Sam's feelings were ever really explored on screen in any obvious way.
                "Love is the only game that is not called on account of darkness."
                -- Anon.


                  hey guys,

                  As i was locked out of the gateroom i had to watch all old episodes i was watching the divide & con and pdeluise is doing the commentary as sam and jack are staring at each other saying nothing,PDL says they were both given lines to say but both AT and RDA decided to say nothing as their looks say it all.I think this is the way they have played it all the way through.

                  Fair game to sam having the b**** to ask jack if things were different at least she asked him.After all he is the only one that has has the true kiss when he was in the loop,sam hasn't had any off the real jack.




                    Originally posted by Zoser
                    I'm about 20 pages in the behind thread but have to weigh in with my two cents (which we can donate to the shipper 'Get Carter Glasses Fund')

                    In O'Neill's first scene he let's us know how he feels about these rules - "If
                    you'd saved the world from total annihilation a couple of times and your government told you, you couldn't go out to play, you'd consider it more of a guideline not a rule." Jack has always let Sam take the lead and set the limits. He has always been the gentleman. He flirts but doesn't push. He, seems to me, says "I'm available, more than willing" she responds with "Sir" and "Leave it in the room". Jack is shot down every time.

                    With her asking "What about you? If things had been different?" IMHO she is talking about them. And Jack is saying that he wouldn't be looking at the ring some turkey gave to his woman - if things had been different, say the open door policy, she would be his. Remember guidelines not rules! [spoiler/]
                    i do agree to a certain point but he is her boss why don't he push the buttons and ask her some-thing after all he retired i know he's promoted but at least he could be a man and just tell her before he loses her to
                    i might have liked him if he wasn't with sam but he is annoying .




                      Originally posted by Elentarrii
                      *shyly enters the room*

                      Hi, I've been reading for a while, finally decided to stop lurking. Anyway, couldn't sit through Friday, tried, managed to get through the first ten minutes and chickenned out. Did manage to catch the last five minutes when I turned the TV on for Atlantis and had NO desire to watch the second airing at 11. Too scared it would get worse. It seems like I missed a lot tho, and not all of it bad.

                      Anyone know where/how I can get the episode online?



                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        *note to my fellow shippers. and any mods here. I hope it's alright with everyone if I don't use the invisible spoilers thinger? If it's alright, I'm just going to use the regular spoiler space warning. If I'm not allowed to use this, I hope a mod will come around and tell me otherwise*

                        Spoilers for S8's Affinity and Threads


                        I'm going to take a guess here, but I think she went ahead and said yes because: a- she really likes PS and thinks she'll have a nice life with him, b- she's still not sure how Jack feels about her, c- she's feeling the pressure of society and herself to settle down *might feel time's running out to have children*, and d- combos of the above that make her feel like this is the best she'll get.

                        I think Jack needs to give her some clues here. She's tried to talk to him, but he keeps interrupting her and stopping her. I feel her confiding in Jack about PS's proposal was not just her wanting advise from a friend, but also wanting to stir a reaction out of him. If I were Sam, I'd see that he wasn't thrilled with this news, but would I think he was in love with me? Not really. And that's what she needs, really, really needs to know before she could even begin to imagine changing her life to be with him. I think we see more love for her from Jack than she sees sometimes. I really think Sam's going through a life crisis that's making her reevaluate her personal life and want to make some changes.

                        As much as I enjoy seeing this aspect of Sam being played, I'm not enjoying it being played via a boyfriend. I'd rather it be played through Jack. *duh*

                        I'm actually glad that Jack's going to have a girlfriend, because I think it'll stir a reaction in her that'll scare the heck out of her. She thought Jack would always be there -as a potential lover- but I think seeing Jack with Kerry will make her realize that he's just as capable of moving on as she is. Or trying at least.

                        You might ask why I'm mellowing on this boyfriend issue? Because I have no choice -except to stop watching- and after seeing Affinity, I see where they're going. Sam showed SO many doubts in the ep that it's made this whole storyline much easier for me to take. When PS showed her the ring, she was stunned. She went into a diatribe about society's pressures to get a mate *and this was after he gave her the ring*. She took over two weeks to answer him. She tried to get advise *and a reaction* from Jack. She told PS she still needed more time. And THE biggest, her accepting -saying yes- was very subdued.

                        So adding all this together, I guess you could say I've reached a peace within myself with this whole storyline. And all because I saw Sam's true feelings slipping out. I'll never love this storyline -or even like it really- but I can watch it, and with relief, because I feel they're moving towards a Sam/Jack shippy resolution. *ohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease*

                        I desperately hope you're right! I wish I could reach the same peace with this storyline, but unless something drastic happens in Threads, I don't know if I can feel ok with it...


                          Originally posted by Shinrai
                          I'd forgotten all about that line at the beginning! I remember thinking the same thing. I agree, it's always been Sam who's set the limits. In fact, until Grace, I don't think Sam's feelings were ever really explored on screen in any obvious way.

                          WELCOME HAVE FUN




                            Originally posted by majorsal
                            You're reminding me of why I thought it was about Charlie in the first place - her grimmace. But, the way it was played/written was *so* ambiguous (sick of this word), and adding in the shippy music... it could go any way. And I say any because of the multitude of interpretations I've read. Also, she still could have grimaced if she felt she'd let something shippy slip out.

                            Let's say it is about Charlie. It still is shippyish because Jack was letting Sam know that he'd let go of his career to take care of the (their) kids. Sam was worried about leaving 'someone' behind and was it fair to them (she never mentioned Pete). She also said about daycare. In this discussion, Sam was worried how she'd be able to handle her career 'and' a family life. Jack basically told her not to worry, he'd be the one at home.

                            There's *so* many levels to this conversation that it's mindboggling. You can pick one interpretation and find many samples to support it. Argh, I want a flat-out scene without all the cryptic dialog and meanings.


                            SPOILERS CONTINUE


                            Sally, yes. yes. and yes. I posted in the "Affinity" episode thread that it doesn't matter how any interprets that scene. It's the *fact* of the scene that's important. The fact that Sam asks and Jack answers. The fact that neither one is happy either with the question or the anwer. That's what makes it shippy.



                              Originally posted by majorsal
                              spoilers for chimera, affinity, and threads - seasons 7 and 8


                              Here's a thought. Do you think that because Kerry sees Sam and Jack interact together, that's part of the reason she realizes that Jack's jonesing for Sam? And on that note; do you think that if Pete saw Sam and Jack interact, would he come to the same realization?

                              one can only hope...I've read some rgeat fanfic that does this...

                              DarkQuee1, you made some excellant point about Charlie and that convo in the lab...

                              "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                              describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                              <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                              Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                                Originally posted by estelle
                                Spoiler Space
                                I still don't think that the writers or the characters therefore referred to Jack's former family life with Charlie and Sara. Why would Sam bring up Charlie when she is discussing whether or not she should marry Pete. This doesn't make sense. Not when she wants to know how he feels about her, the proposal ... their complicated feelings for each other. I think she wanted him to tell her that a) there is no future for them so that she has his consent to marry Pete or b) for him to confess his love (again) and for them to talk about their future. I'm leaning towards a). I think she feels guilty for betraying Jack (because she *is* in love with *him*) and she wants for him to say it's okay (that she is together with someone else). Jack on the other hand doesn't want to give his okay, but doesn't want to lift the decision (because it is hers) off of her shoulders. He wants her to come to him, which in the situation Sam has gotten herself into is totally understandable. However what I don't get is IMHO Sam did ask for his opinion and feelings when she asked 'what about you'. My interpretation is that she asked -of course in disguise (cause they are on base)- 'what about *us*'. The only possible conclusion I came to is that he doesn't think that there is any hope for them and says that also disguised by his 'I wouldn't be here then'. It could mean that although he still cares for her he can't do anything about it and that if she doesn't want to wait, he won't 'force' her to.

                                Estelle xxx
                                Originally posted by Leanna
                                I think you are dead on that Sam wants Jack to say it is ok for her to "get on with her life and let her go".
                                But I do can see her ask him that. I mean one thing you can interpret into the 'What about you' is what will you do if I marry Pete, 'What about us'. Both know that they love each other, but at the same time that they are off-limits and that they will stay that way for the near future. I think it's quite possible that Sam needs to hear from him again that there is no chance for her to have something with him that equals something that she has with Pete. Gawd that sounds depressing, of course we know that there will always be more between Sam and Jack than there is between Sam and Pete.

                                Originally posted by Leanna
                                I believe Jack wants Sam to come to him if she wants to, and he would not interfere with what she wants in her life.
                                Ok, just to get that right. In my book Sam has come to him thrice now. The first two times in TLC; when they are in the engine room onboard the space craft and then when they are at his home. The third time IMHO she "came" to him was now when she asked 'What about you'. I think all these three scenes in which she came to him had the potential for a serious adult talk between the two, but the writers always chicken out or don't want to resolve the tension and just keep it in the room. It's quite frustrating and just leaves us hanging in there.

                                I have always felt Jack is really the gentleman in that way and would back off and let her be happy no matter what it takes, even though I KNOW he loves her very much. I only hope you are right.
                                Agree totally. I've always seen him this way too. I don't think we all can agree on this topic, I don't think we have to. I just wanted to let you know where my thoughts come from. Cheers,

                                Estelle xxx
                                Abu: This is a woman?
                                O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

                                Carter: Err. Colonel?
                                O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

                                Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
                                Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
                                Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

                                Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
                                Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
                                Jack: No I *like* it.

