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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Gategirl12000
    Hey! This isn't really a response to anything, I just wanted to say "hi" to everybody since I just joined yesterday! A friend told me about this site and specific thread (I'm a major Sam/Jack shipper ) So, she said it's cool here and I agree. I posted some serious anti-Pete stuff yesterday, anyone here agree?
    Anyway, just thought I'd say "hi" to everybody!
    Hi to you too, welcome to the Shipper Thread!


      Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
      Just click on the shop picture in Sacme's signature
      or here's the link if you can't find one of her posts....

      and i'm so glad you found the missing chapters to A different Point of View!! Do you know when you will be able to get them uploaded onto
      And while i'm bugging you about fics...anything new added to 'The Generals Hell' yet???
      I don't know. I planned to have them up today, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to.
      I know what I'm doing with the general's hell, but the writer's block monsters paying this one a visit. Wait a few more days!
      Have you read chapter 14 yet?

      I'm lovin these shippy tshirts!!
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        "cutesy-wootsy romantic B-runner". Way to go, JM!

        "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


          Originally posted by Critter
          Is there a link to this somewhere? What have I been missing out on too?
          It's on the video page at my site (link is in my sig)--it's under gifs. It's just a short gif from the directors' series featurette for Lost City. The whole featurette can be found at--

          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


            Okay everybody! Only 2 DAYS until I go to the con in Chicago! I'm a little excited. So if anyone wants to still send a letter to me, I will check my email until Thursday night 9 o'clock CENTRAL time. My email address is [email protected].

            KG-Yay!!!! You're going to have your shirts!!! I got the confirmation that mine were mailed today, but I don't know if I will receive them by Thursday. Oh well, I have the one for Amanda to sign and that's what really matters.
            JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

            Thank you, Nikkirose!


              Originally posted by TameFarrar
              WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think JM since he started it all
              Send him a JM Shipper Commune shirt....


                Originally posted by JSDT
                Okay everybody! Only 2 DAYS until I go to the con in Chicago! I'm a little excited. So if anyone wants to still send a letter to me, I will check my email until Thursday night 9 o'clock CENTRAL time. My email address is [email protected].

                KG-Yay!!!! You're going to have your shirts!!! I got the confirmation that mine were mailed today, but I don't know if I will receive them by Thursday. Oh well, I have the one for Amanda to sign and that's what really matters.

                Hey Tasha ..ask her if she watched some of Caty and Marimba's Sam and Jack shippy videos....cuz we are a bit down right now and it will give us a boost if she did

                ...And also I can't download your video's a strange format ..can you help?!!



                  Originally posted by samplusjackequalsgrace
                  just a question, are my posts invisible?
                  Um, no! I just caught this one. Usually I'm so far behind that I can't catch up quickly so I have to skim! Sorry if it seems like we're ignoring you, we're not!


                  Just wanted to reply and say that we DO pay attention to you! If you want to look up the pic from Thread XI, search for posts by Jimlad (she posted it, right?). You have to use her full name on the search feature but you should be able to find it that way. Sorry I can't go dig it up for you but I'm pretty limited today on time. If you can wait until tomorrow, I'll try to go dig it up then and repost. Would that be okay?
                  Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                  Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                  Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                  Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                    Hey guys ..unless somebody posts it before me ..I may have a surprise for you soon regarding Threads .



                      Originally posted by Catysg1
                      Hey Tasha ..ask her if she watched some of Caty and Marimba's Sam and Jack shippy videos....cuz we are a bit down right now and it will give us a boost if she did

                      ...And also I can't download your video's a strange format ..can you help?!!

                      You need to have Quicktime downloaded to view my video. I make videos on a Mac using iMovie! so they are all in .mov format.

                      I'll try to remember to mention the videos...I've heard we get rushed through the line and I might have a hard enough time remembering my name when I meet her let alone anything else.
                      JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

                      Thank you, Nikkirose!


                        Originally posted by Critter
                        Thank you. Found it....OOOO LA LA! Great stuff marimba. Also watched a few of your videos. I finally have some computer time without the little critters watching over my shoulder. Love your Separate Lives video---Sam and Jack and Phil Collins. A powerful combination. Just one question (yes, one more)...after watching these videos from you all, how is possible that there are still people out there that don't see the Sam/Jack Ship? It is just so there!
                        LOL Well, they must not watch shippy vids because that SO cemented it for me! Thanks, btw, glad you liked the vid!
                        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                          Originally posted by JSDT
                          You need to have Quicktime downloaded to view my video. I make videos on a Mac using iMovie! so they are all in .mov format.

                          I'll try to remember to mention the videos...I've heard we get rushed through the line and I might have a hard enough time remembering my name when I meet her let alone anything else.

                          LOL ....I understand but it would be nice to know or at least know that she has the CD's in her house for future viewings

                          and Did you finish your treasure book by the way?!!!

                          Thank you I don't have quick time but I'll try to get it.



                            Originally posted by marimba26
                            LOL Well, they must not watch shippy vids because that SO cemented it for me! Thanks, btw, glad you liked the vid!

                            I think they watch videos with blinfold then they don't see ship , they don't see anything



                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              LOL ....I understand but it would be nice to know or at least know that she has the CD's in her house for future viewings

                              and Did you finish your treasure book by the way?!!!

                              Thank you I don't have quick time but I'll try to get it.

                              I basically have the book done. I am working on my letter right now and then I just have to add any additional letters that people send to me. I decorated the front and back covers with a collage of Sam and Jack pictures and some romantic quotes I found.
                              JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

                              Thank you, Nikkirose!


                                Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                                "cutesy-wootsy romantic B-runner". Way to go, JM!
                                I laughed so hard I nearly snorted my soda out my nose when I read that one. Heh. Love his descriptions of the relationship. So apt.
                                *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*

