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    Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
    Lol! I would love to see this in Stargate!!!! and like some else has said I think Sam would add Sir onto the end...that would be so funny!

    And I love what Mala has done to that pic of Tame on Jacks desk!! Jack is having a real good look through that magnifying glass isn't he

    Keep on posting Caty! Only 1 more post to go!!

    yes ..i know GW crashed on me just 30 minutes ago .Am i there now?!!!



      yeah ...made it ...must rush to finish my cooking now's nearly dinner time .

      Hugs to all



        Well done Caty!!!!

        How was France?

        On topic - ready for tomorrow?
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
          Marimba, I'd forgot about reading that in the TV Zone Special...I do remember being worried when I read it but i'd forgot it until now!
          Now I know this episde is going to be bad! and liek you if we have to see...
          Sam telling Jack about her being engaged then I will run out of the room crying! I can't bear to see Jack be hurt like that, if we do see his reaction i'll have to get up and go somewhere until its over...

          and thinking about this episode...I downoaded the teaser for if that Sci-Fi have been showing(i think) and there is a little clip in it of Jack sitting in his office..and it looks like he's thinking hard abut something I don't think it is his reaction to you-know-what cause from what I can tell he doesn't look upset or anything just has kind of a blank look on his face.

          Here is the link if anyone wants to see it
 - 807 Trailer

          One thing I am happy about though is that Sci-fi doesn't seem to think the storyline is very interesting cause there is no evidence that Pete is even in the episode in this teaser

          Can't wait for your new vids Marimba!!


          Will watch the teaser tonight ...What episode are you talking about ???!!



            Originally posted by auralan
            Season 8 spoilers affinity & threads

            Well, I'm certainly not worried, never mind anywhere in the vicinity of having given up. It's hard to stress too much about an episode where Sam's having very serious doubts and Jack's been handed an answer to the regs problem. They'll drag every last ounce of drama out of it, but I'm confident Pete's going to be taking the express train to dumpsville before the season's out.

            You mean to the Shipper Town Dump, don't you?

            I'm just getting a little to much pleasure from this thought!
            Ship Nana


              Originally posted by sueKay
              Well done Caty!!!!

              How was France?

              On topic - ready for tomorrow?

              France was magnificent ..I ate a lot and I even didn't put on weight !!!!!I'll do a video slide show soon

              Thank you suekay



                CONGRATS LUNAR!!!!!!


                Keep up the good work.


                  I love France!!!

                  How did you cope without internet?
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    Originally posted by sueKay
                    Repulsive's about the politest word I'd use for it!!!

                    I think if I ever watch it, I'll also have to be suitably inebrieted (is that the right spelling?).
                    Just read chapter 13 of "General's Hell." You are SO evil.

                    Putting Jack in the infirmary like that.


                      Originally posted by Catysg1

                      Will watch the teaser tonight ...What episode are you talking about ???!!

                      I was talking about Affinity....whenever I can get away with leaving out the name of the ep I do,so I just call it 'That Episode'

                      Glad you had a good holiday, I can't wait to see your holiday pictures
                      And you made it to Royal Guard!!

                      @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                      ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                        Originally posted by sueKay
                        Hey guys!

                        Yup you guessed it - I've not been able to get to GW again!!!


                        Congrats on your exam results!!! Awesome grades!! (You put me to shame!)

                        Are we all getting settled before A$$inity tomorrow? I for one, will not be d/ling it (unless it's better than we all think, or the Teal'c storyline's good!)

                        Is there any info or anything that I've missed? I haven't read any new spoilers since the Threads stuff became available.
                        Hey SueKay!
                        Glad you were able to get on!

                        Hope your computer holds out long enough for you to be able to catch up on the old posts and spend some time talking to us all

                        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                          Originally posted by mad_gater
                          Just read chapter 13 of "General's Hell." You are SO evil.

                          Putting Jack in the infirmary like that.
                          Hee hee. I'm not normally evil in my stories!!!

                          Have you read the story that I'm co-writing at the moment?


                          Jack get Goa'ulded, but it's a snake with a difference!
                          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                            Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                            Hey SueKay!
                            Glad you were able to get on!

                            Hope your computer holds out long enough for you to be able to catch up on the old posts and spend some time talking to us all
                            I'll try to!

                            I'm not going to attempt to catch up. I've missed like 600 posts!!!

                            What do you thing of The General's Hell so far, and will you be d/ling A$$inity?
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              Originally posted by TameFarrar
                              LOL...Theirs is NOT to question Why?? BUT to just GET OFF the computer We have shipping to do and that is that

                              Why do they watch sports??? Sam & Jack need our support. Heck WE NEED OUR SUPPORT!!! it is almost Friday

                              There is nothing to is just the way it is...
                              Since you were so honest, so brutely honest here, I have to come clean. I generally don't get on GW when my RL family is around. No privacy to ship in peace. BUT last night I was on when hubs was here and he asked what I was doing. I told him that I was in a Stargate chat room chatting, before I was so rudely kicked off. He went through the usual safety speech that we all give our kids and then I said: I don't get any Stargate support from my family (RL family) and I happened upon this wonderful place and have fun. Well, he said, (in a very quiet voice I might add) that he would start watching it with me. GUILT TRIP all the way but, hey, if it gets him to watch so that I can ship in peace....

                              Was there a full moon last night that made all the hubs computer crazy or something?????
                              Desperate Thunker


                                Originally posted by getcarter
                                []((((((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY)))))))))))))))[/COLOR]
                                Oh my gosh how I have missed everyone!!! You can't imagine my relief that all of this is over. When Waterfall was finally able to get through to me I was overjoyed!! I wasn't sure where the storm had gone so I had no idea if she was ok or not. We are all ok and have sustained minor damage to our homes but others were not as fortunate. The devastation both here and in Punta Gorda and the neighboring islands is unbelievable. We are still without power and have resorted to bathing in the swimming pool but we are all alive and have a home so that's all that matters!! My mom has a generator (obviously I hooked up the computer first hee!) so we are able to at least have food and some relative relief from the heat. Never thought I would WANT to go to work....

                                But thank you all for your concern. Waterfall told me that everyone was asking about us and it made me feel very loved. I want each and everyone of you to know that I am truly grateful to have met you. I am truly blessed.

                                We are supposed to have power by Friday - just in time for Affinity - how's that for timing. I did miss Avatar so I'll just have to avoid the spoilers and watch it in reruns. But just wanted to hop on line and let everyone know we're ok and that I've been thinking of you guys.

                                Much love!!

                                Its great to hear you're ok, we were all worried about you and when Waterfall finally got in touch with you and told us you were ok it was a big relief!
                                I hope you get your power back soon and can get back to a normal life....and a proper bath

                                I'm not sure whether you being able to see Affinity is a good thing or not...but it will be a pleasant surprise for you (and all of us!) if there is some Sam/Jack ship in between the whole Sam/ comotion!

                                @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                                ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^

