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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by astronomicalchick
    Patter? Chat? Hmmm.... sleekit?

    Actually think we just use blarney, or gift of the gab?

    SueKay? Dipso?
    Blethery? Someone's a blether.
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Originally posted by melpomene
      I would hate to see Sam MARRY that guy.I mean dating is one thing you expect it after enough of that having to leave each other alone but if she marries him all of us shippers are really screwed.That would be sooooooo unfair.At least if she's only dating we can dream right?
      I think it's amazing how many fans have been driven to the web in horror and/or looking for solace about the Sam/Pit debacle. what a huge, honkin mistake this all has been.

      ship sistah

      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


        Originally posted by Ship Nana


        is issued to the following Shippers:

        Ship Nana
        Mei Mei
        Ship Sistah
        Chevron Seven
        Sam O Neill
        Dipsofjazz with a side of cookies seved by Jack and a tucking in
        I've watched A$$inity!! I posted the message it a few days back. Mishy Mo has also watched it, but she can't get on GW anymore.
        Sorry. I'm a fickle person, and I want a nice shiny medal!!!
        Okay! Gotta run to school. Physics first. Oh the joy!
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          Originally posted by sugarshaker
          Well said, ship sistah. It's time to take pen in hand again and write to TPTB, but it's getting old. I made the mistake of looking at the Affinity thread (yuck) and I know those people will be writing, so it's up to us to continue the fight.

          Great job on the gift shop! The selection is fantastic. You deserve a special service recognition award for all the hard work you did.
          awww, I'm pretty sure I covered all the ideas the shipper gang came up with. It was an intense project, but I'm so happy it's out there and people are happy with it.

          ship sistah

          ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar

            And of 'course the kiss. And I really watched Jack in the scene this time in response to other threads I'd read earlier this summer re: that J had taken advantange of Sam during this loop. I noticed he kept track of the lapsed loop time closely in that loop & timed the resignation/kiss to be immediately (just seconds) before the loop restarted (note all the energy threads from the gate reflecting off the walls). And no, I don't think he took advantage of her. She could have punched his lights out if she hadn't wanted to partake in it!
            That 'taking advantage of Sam' idea never made any sense to me. She is CLEARLY kissing and holding him back. That woman is not upset! Someone likened it to kissing someone in there sleep, but Sam wasn't asleep. She was totally herself at that moment and her reaction was complete acceptance of his affection. The fact that she doesn't remember it now is beside the point. If she didn't like Jack kissing her (especially in front of everyone) she could have smacked him silly right then and there. It says a lot that she didn't and hopefully we'll get to see some more uncontrollable PDA by the end of the season.

            ship sistah

            ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


              Originally posted by kiwigater
              Glorious news (well, for me anyway)!!!! Looks like my freshly minted shipper t-shirts (brilliantly designed by our wonderful Ship Sistah!) are going to make it to me in time for the con this weekend!! *skips happily about the room, ignoring obvious geekdom of above statement*

              Now I just have to decide if I want to be wearing the "Shipper and Proud of it" one or the "JM Shipper Commune" one when meeting AT...... *frowns thoughtfully*
              Oh, yay!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Contact me as soon as you get them! I have to know how they came out!

              ship sistah

              Edited to say: And a big Thank YOU KG for helping me to get back on Gateworld, as-- once again-- it was shutting me out. Hey, everyone write this down: When you can't get into the GW forum, use this. It's the no frills version of the forum, but at least you can read and post.
              Last edited by sacme; 25 August 2004, 12:15 AM.

              ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                Originally posted by marimba26
                LOL! I mentioned this earlier in the chat room but I think it is worthy of being posted here. It seems the PTB at Stargate just can't understand why we've flown off the handle about Pete and call him a stalker. Funny, I was reading an ep review written by an Alias shipper and all I have to say is that we've been pretty kind about Pete. In fact, I'd say we've been downright NICE about Pete. Suffice it to say the Alias shipper fandom didn't take quite so kindly to Lauren. The *nicest* comment I read about her in that review was something the effect of "Well, Lauren is missing again. Good. The evil undead probably shouldn't be in the sun for too long anyway..." And it went on in that vein. Now I'm not gonna say I WASN'T LMAO during the whole thing , because I was. Just gave me a little bit of comparison. Sounds like the Stargate fans are a lot more tolerant than the PTB often give us credit for. Just a thought...
                LOL. Don't remind me of Lauren. That was a frighteningly huge debacle. We are being nicer to Pete than we did with Lauren on Alias. I mean, Lauren was the COW. We made fun of her character to no end. And frankly, the show ended up being similarly cruel to her character's eventual fate in the end as well. Her appearance just put in a totally unwelcome wrench into the Sydney/Vaughn ship. And even for the non-shippers, she was annoying to a whole bunch of viewers. We'll just have to see what happens next season, should I actually change my mind and decide to watch it. Boy they messed up that show.

                Back on actual topic, I still maintain the J/S shippers will win out in the end. Anything else would just be wrong. Even more so than on Alias.


                  Originally posted by Brandie
                  So I saw this link today and thought of the shippers. (link is work safe)

                  The thing that got me was:
                  "Differences in rank are also considered no obstacle."

                  Germany could be a trendsetter... at least in fics hehe.

                  Wheeee! YES! I saw that article in our newspaper on Saturday and seriously considered translating it for you guys. Nice to know someone else noticed. :-)

                  In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
                  it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
                  It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
                  And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


                    I always liked the thought of them together, however the thought of Sam and Martouf appeared more to me, but alas, that dream died

                    Anyway, i think this ship has taken a real big dent with the last ep
                    Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them more ~ Oscar Wilde

                    S.o.a.b. sombody'd gotta teach that guy how to die" - O'Neill

                    "When I'm free you'll be the first I'll feed upon"
                    "Okidoki, I'll go make myself a sandwich then." - Wraith and Shepperd


                      Originally posted by melpomene
                      I would hate to see Sam MARRY that guy.I mean dating is one thing you expect it after enough of that having to leave each other alone but if she marries him all of us shippers are really screwed.That would be sooooooo unfair.At least if she's only dating we can dream right?

                      She won't marry him melpomene..she won't ..the Pete/Sam thingie is a decoy that Sam does not look pathetic waiting for her true love ..I n threads (*sigh* A bit late though) everything will get back to normal and We may even see Jack running after Sam big time

                      Of course she'll be upset to see Jack with another woman and she'll understand how Jack felt when he saw her with Pete or knew of Pete.

                      And if TPTB does an episode like Threads ...with This other woman telling Jack how to sort out his love life cuz she saw something between Sam and Jack ...there is a good reason behind it ..otherwise ..why bother mentioning it ??!!!!......if TPTB wanted to stop the ship ...then Sam is with Pete and Jack is with Kerry ....and that's it ......

                      ...but apparently it's not what they have in mind ...and I hope that they will please all the shippers around the globe .

                      You know I receive lots of e-mails about my shippy videos ...and these people who are sending those nice emails about Sam and Jack are not from Gateworld ..I don't know where they post here at GW we are not the only ones ..there are tons of shippers ....who don't belong to forums ...but watch music videos or enjoy Sam and Jack's collages ...and TPTB knows about that .......Like the x-files TPTB ....the Stargate TPTB will please the majority at the end .....they throw Pete in there for the anti-shippers sam and Jack that they have a bit of something ......but to be honest ...I can't belive why somebody would be anti Sam/jack and pro Sam /pete.....Jack and Sam have been together in a way for like 7 years ...their complicity is undeniable ........Pete is the stranger in Stargate . He has no complicity with Sam whatsoever...and should n't be in the show anyway or off screen ...

                      He's only on screen for the sam /Jack antishippers ....which is a shame ...but It will go away ..Shame we had to put up with him instead of having some great team episodes instead ...What a waste ......For me Chimera and Affinity are going to ruin the enjoyment of DVDs boxset.

                      I thought new order was excellent ..and I wish they would have carried on playing Pete as the's a better plotline and Stargate related at least.

                      Anyway ,....hope you are alright now ....and be happy ..Threads is coming ..I know a bit late !! ...and we have to suffer ...through all the other episodes thinking that Sam is engaged to pete ...which means no kiss between Sam and jack ..probably no hugg .....or may may one al deathknell....but hey C'est la vie ....we'll get there eventually...and with perseverance and dedication....and passion ....let's hope we 'll see WHMS between Sam and Jack ....just joking ...but you know what I mean

                      Last edited by Catysg1; 25 August 2004, 03:27 AM.


                        Originally posted by meimei

                        We feel your pain, girl, we feel your pain! But I don't think that TPTB will take it as far as Sam marrying the bum. They would lose waaaayyyy too much money in DVD sales!

                        The wedding pic of Jack and Sam from POV sold on eBay for $2035. I think that proves that shippers will spend inordinate amounts of money on our ship! We even have our own novelty store on the web!! (Thanks to the very impressive work of Ship Sistah - Sacme). I don't have the website here at work... Will post it later!

                        Make us happy we spend money! There's a message for TPTB!!
                        Money talks and Potatoe heads walk!!!



                          Originally posted by Ship Nana

                          SHIPPER MEDAL OF COURAGE!!!!!!!

                          is issued to the following Shippers:

                          Ship Nana
                          Mei Mei
                          Ship Sistah
                          Chevron Seven
                          Sam O Neill
                          Dipsofjazz with a side of cookies seved by Jack and a tucking in
                          I am soooo proud, thanks so much. yea me!
                          sigpic muppet the ship puppy is hoping for some good ship
                          Hoping for some kisses and so on.


                            I was chatting with CathySG1 to tell her of my latest analysis of Affinity and she suggested I post it here, so there you go.

                            Firstly, some of you might know that I'm a screenwriter -- and for those who didn't well... now ya know!
                            When you're writing a scene that's intended to be filmed, you can't write what's inside the character's mind as it is, you have to show what they think through actions, expressions, and so on. So this is only to say that I'm trying to base my analysis on facts and on things we've actually seen, not things we might project.
                            Secondly, I haven't been able to follow all the discussions about that episode, so if what i'm going to say has already been discussed, excuse me.









                            When Sam, Teal'c and Daniel talk in Daniel's lab, Sam basically says that the perfect couple doesn't exist except in society standards.

                            Now, if we confront this to:
                            1- her later conversartion with Jack;
                            2- her hesitations;
                            3- her final response;
                            but most of all,
                            4- her inner conversations in "Grace" (and in particular that with Jacob)

                            It allows seeing the episode under a different light: is she "happy" or "content" with Pete? Is the fact she repeats "yes" three times more to convince herself that she's doing the right thing, or Pete?

                            I won't answer those questions, but I believe they put an interesting perspective on Affinity, and looking backwards, on Grace and Chimera.
                            Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                              Originally posted by Anakin
                              I was chatting with CathySG1 to tell her of my latest analysis of Affinity and she suggested I post it here, so there you go.

                              Firstly, some of you might know that I'm a screenwriter -- and for those who didn't well... now ya know!
                              When you're writing a scene that's intended to be filmed, you can't write what's inside the character's mind as it is, you have to show what they think through actions, expressions, and so on. So this is only to say that I'm trying to base my analysis on facts and on things we've actually seen, not things we might project.
                              Secondly, I haven't been able to follow all the discussions about that episode, so if what i'm going to say has already been discussed, excuse me.









                              When Sam, Teal'c and Daniel talk in Daniel's lab, Sam basically says that the perfect couple doesn't exist except in society standards.

                              Now, if we confront this to:
                              1- her later conversartion with Jack;
                              2- her hesitations;
                              3- her final response;
                              but most of all,
                              4- her inner conversations in "Grace" (and in particular that with Jacob)

                              It allows seeing the episode under a different light: is she "happy" or "content" with Pete? Is the fact she repeats "yes" three times more to convince herself that she's doing the right thing, or Pete?

                              I won't answer those questions, but I believe they put an interesting perspective on Affinity, and looking backwards, on Grace and Chimera.

                              and also ...the clock is ticking ..and she knows that too

                              She probably doesn't want to be left on the shelf and wants to be married before she is 40 ... specially if she wants kids......who knows!!!!!
                              She said it in A$$INITY "She wants a life".



                                Yikes! Was unable to get onto the site again yesterday!! (I was starting to have withdrawl symptoms, LOL!!) Thank goodness things are working again.

                                For anyone who cares, the next chapter of my fanfic is up.

                                Anyone watch Scifi's SG1 rerun yesterday? It was "Emanicpation," the season 1 ep where Sam is sold off as property because she's a woman. I love the scene where she's first dressed in the native garb -- a low-cut gown and headdress. Jack does this hilarious, suggestive eyebrow wiggle at her. LOL!

                                My Fanfiction -- I love reviews!

