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The Sam/Jack Shipper Discussion Thread X

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    Originally posted by LtLisa
    Kel'sha says she is a lady since no one would know she was snorting except that I said so. And reminds you she has been a gentleman before...and to mention that time on the Tok'ra homeworld 100 years ago when you two...
    Oy! That body swapping business between our symbiotes' hosts 100 yrs. ago!! Not an experience Kel'dor wants to relive!


      Don't forget the very shippy "Point of View" is on tonight as part of Stargate Monday!


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        Betcha that if you ask CJ if he's a shipper ...he's gonna say "Indeed" and start laughing really loud.

        But Have at the convention...

        Where is Tampa btw?!!

        LOL! I would die if he said that. Now I gotta ask him!

        Tampa is on the West Coast of Florida. I'm about 2 1/2 hours past that but travel there frequently as I have family nearby. It's not a bad drive. I was seriously considering the one in NY I believe, since AT would be there but my daughter starts kindergarden the next day so there's no way I could drive that far.


          Originally posted by Catysg1
          Betcha that if you ask CJ if he's a shipper ...he's gonna say "Indeed" and start laughing really loud.

          But Have at the convention...

          Where is Tampa btw?!!

          in the middle of Florida on the west coast...where I grew up...and won't be for the con

          madgater: yeah, I guess that was one other time, but I saw it as a friend joking...and of course Sam was upset; he was dying and they're close

          "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
          describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

          <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
          Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


            Originally posted by kiwigater
            LOL! Oh dear! This is exactly the sort of thing that would happen to me (and just to make my life miserable - it would happen right before the autographs or something! ). (this, and realising I'm naked when I stand up to ask a question at the con are my worst nightmares ).
            ROFL. Ok, hopefully that will not happen to me. Luckily this was a very informal affair - only about 200 or so people so the celebs were just wandering around chatting but it is still definitely something i will remember forever! Makes me giggle everytime I see him on something.


              Originally posted by JSDT
              Well, right now I just have a lot of ideas floating around in my head...and that's just kind of scary. I'm just trying to figure out what pictures I want to print out. I also want to include some quotes either from Stargate itself or from other sources that describe Sam and Jack's relationship. If anyone has any ideas on quotes, let me know. That's all I have for right now, at least until I write my letter and add the letters from everyone else.

              Were you still going to mail me a cd of your videos?

              Well ,Marimba received my CD for the gatecon ..I suppose she gave mine and hers to Amanda by now ..who knows !!!!..She may have watched a couple of the suggestions...

              Like ShipNana said ...would be nice to be a fly on the wall to see her reaction...but hey ..I know she cares about the fans ..and will watch at least one in each CD....probably the ones mentionned in the letter ..unless she prefers another track ..I don't really know her taste in music!!!!

              I thinks it's enough CD's ..for her don't you think!!!!



                Atlantis spoiler warning:


                I think there's nothing keeping Teyla and Sheppard apart, since she's not actually part of Earth's military forces. She's basically an alien civilian. ANd as far as I know there's no official regs to that effect. But I'll bet TPTB will find a way to screw it up anyway.


                  Speaking of regs....can someone answer this? In a fanfic I was reading yesterday they had a married couple on two different SG teams. Is this possible? I mean can Sam and Jack not be together because he's her CO or because they are both military? Cause now if he is the General over the whole dang thing he'll ALWAYS be her CO.....crap...just depressed myself.....


                    Originally posted by getcarter
                    Speaking of regs....can someone answer this? In a fanfic I was reading yesterday they had a married couple on two different SG teams. Is this possible? I mean can Sam and Jack not be together because he's her CO or because they are both military? Cause now if he is the General over the whole dang thing he'll ALWAYS be her CO.....crap...just depressed myself.....
                    As long as one is not under the direct command of the other, it's okay. But - an officer cannot date an enlisted person. Enlisted can date each other and officers can date each other. Just as long as one is not in command of the other.


                      Originally posted by LtLisa
                      in the middle of Florida on the west coast...where I grew up...and won't be for the con

                      madgater: yeah, I guess that was one other time, but I saw it as a friend joking...and of course Sam was upset; he was dying and they're close
                      Although I thought that outtake pic for S7's "Ressurection" was kinda funny. I thought it was really gonna be in the show, so I was bitin' my nails throughoout the whole show thinkin' "Please don't kiss him Sam. I know he may be a nice guy, but Jack's your man!! But then that scene where Danny's on the floor and Sam's helping him up came around and they didn't have the kiss in there made me go "Whew! It must've been an outtake!!"

                      Somebody made a funny wallpaper out of that pic!! Here's the link:



                        Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                        As long as one is not under the direct command of the other, it's okay. But - an officer cannot date an enlisted person. Enlisted can date each other and officers can date each other. Just as long as one is not in command of the other.
                        Oh, ok....well, still crap!!! She's still under his command (in more ways than one...hee...sorry...) He's just gonna have to retire to take care of the kids.


                          Originally posted by mad_gater
                          Atlantis spoiler warning:


                          I think there's nothing keeping Teyla and Sheppard apart, since she's not actually part of Earth's military forces. She's basically an alien civilian. ANd as far as I know there's no official regs to that effect. But I'll bet TPTB will find a way to screw it up anyway.

                          can't say anything ..I haven't seen Atlantis yet ..will wait until season 8 get's more Sam and jack shippy first ..

                          Do you plan to watch Atlantis no matter what?

                          Do you think TPTB is planning on any ship .?.because they said they won't ..What do you reckon by watching the premiere?? otherwise ..we'll have the same rollercoaster ride as with SG1 ....and 8 years later ....they'll make sure they dismantle it

                          And I'm not too keen on that ......other than that ..I've heard ....the villians are excellent ..and it makes the go'aould look like nothing ....but I suppose it's not the thread to talk about Atlantis

                          Sam and Jack forever in bed together

                          And I blame Steffi for writting "Bed "in the middle ..she gave me the idea ..with her Sam and Jack fakes fanart



                            Originally posted by getcarter
                            Speaking of regs....can someone answer this? In a fanfic I was reading yesterday they had a married couple on two different SG teams. Is this possible? I mean can Sam and Jack not be together because he's her CO or because they are both military? Cause now if he is the General over the whole dang thing he'll ALWAYS be her CO.....crap...just depressed myself.....
                            Well, I don't know for sure, but I think the way it works is, as long as they aren't in the same command structure, ie. one reports to the other, and they didn't *associate* when one was the others superior (ie. they became involved and got married when they were the same rank, and NOT working together) its "OK".......
                            So, if the officers in the fanfic were married when they were both the same rank, and/or weren't working together, they can both be on separate SG teams, cos they report to the General (does this make ANY sort of sense, or have I made things worse??? ).
                            Makes sense from a harrassment point of view (ie. one was not in a position to influence the other), and from a getting work done point of view! (speaking of which POV is on tonight ).

                            OK, and having written all that, I see Chevron 7 has beaten me to it (and in a much clearer way might I add! ).
                            Right, I'm leaving my nice fast work connection and heading home to the land of the dial up.... (going to see I,Robot tonight, fingers crossed its good!).


                              Originally posted by getcarter
                              Oh, ok....well, still crap!!! She's still under his command (in more ways than one...hee...sorry...) He's just gonna have to retire to take care of the kids.
                              I think maybe they should actually do like in some of those fics where they were able to get special permission from the Prez to be together. They should talk to Hayes. We all know he's a shipper!!

                              If Hayes can get rid of Kinsey and his cronies that are always lookin' to discredit him and Sam, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to give them special permission.


                                Originally posted by getcarter
                                Speaking of regs....can someone answer this? In a fanfic I was reading yesterday they had a married couple on two different SG teams. Is this possible? I mean can Sam and Jack not be together because he's her CO or because they are both military? Cause now if he is the General over the whole dang thing he'll ALWAYS be her CO.....crap...just depressed myself.....

                                Thread X needs to be positive.

                                and I'm pretty sure ..He'll retire because he can't stand being a general at the SGC ....he's more an action man ..

                                Well ..this will be his excuse ...of course ...he's not gonna say ..I want to marry colonel carter....but deep down ....we know his real reason for retiring ...I hope it will be in season 8 though (THE RETIREMENT)...and I think afterwards ....he will still visit the SGC as a civilian ..I mean .....Daniel is a civilian Jack can come back as JACK ...and be called Jack by eveybody all the time nice to hear Sam call Jack JACK all the time and Jack call Sam SAM all the time Did you get it??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Caty aka Shipdiva

