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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Michael wore THE JEANS!!!!! OMG! Sooooooooo hot!! And I got to sit next to him at the breakfast!! He did smell really nice. Must have used a few breath mints. Eyes are soooooooooo blue. *Sigh*

    OK. On with the few piccies:
    He's looking right at me!!! Squee!!

    THUNK AND THUDDING , falling over, these are so SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!


      Con pics!

      Can't wait to hear/see more!!!

      lj here if you're interested.


        There are no words to describe what those pictures have done to me. All i can say is thank you.



          Yeah, those eyes! *sigh... THUD*

          Gotta see more!!! NOW! Well, I guess I can wait until tomorrow... gotta sleep... and work.

          BTW, is it too early for arm porn?


            Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
            Yeah, those eyes! *sigh... THUD*

            Gotta see more!!! NOW! Well, I guess I can wait until tomorrow... gotta sleep... and work.

            BTW, is it too early for arm porn?


            D : AAACCKKKK!! re-size the pic please....

   : lilferret


              Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
              Yeah, those eyes! *sigh... THUD*

              Gotta see more!!! NOW! Well, I guess I can wait until tomorrow... gotta sleep... and work.

              BTW, is it too early for arm porn?


              NEVER!!!! but yes, resize the pic, link it if you have to, because that's waaaay too big.


              lj here if you're interested.


                Originally posted by Switch42

                Wow. Didn't even notice that! Hehe. Anyway, HELLO HUSSIES!!!!! I'm ba-ack. OMG!!! You would not believe what happened this weekend it was just craziness!! I have update the LJ with stories from the dessert party (Peter signed my leg!! ) and will get to today's festivities tomorrow after I sleep and catch up on my Stargate. But, Michael did appear to enjoy the Handbook. He did really like the dedication. The schedule seemed to concern him a bit. Chris really wanted to read the Porn chapter. I GOT A HUG AND A KISS FROM BOTH OF THEM!! OMG!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                You lucky hussie!

                Originally posted by Switch42
                OK. On with the few piccies:

                He's looking right at me!!! Squee!!


                ] Aot1lsi
                HAND PORN!!
                OMG!! He didn't wear a hat to that con?! That's just not fair!
                *goes into the corner to pout*

                "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."- Adam Savage

                Cassidy- "Go ahead, Munch, rain on my parade."
                Munch- "I don't just want to rain on your parade, I want to blow up all the floats."


                  Hi GH *waves*

         : lilferret


           ROFLMAO!!! at THING...just got to tears from laughing so hard, hubs thinks I'm INSANE......oww...oww...*giggle-snort*


                      Thanks for all the nice milestone Daniel pics...well and for all the other thunk worthy Daniel pics...that is just what I need for my dreams tonite and for my first day of classes tomorrow...which happens to be Geology...yes! I get to look at rocks!


                        Originally posted by Jillybiehn
               ROFLMAO!!! at THING...just got to tears from laughing so hard, hubs thinks I'm INSANE......oww...oww...*giggle-snort*
                        Hold on to your sides... October nearly killed me!

                        I finished that Daniel fic and I have laughed so hard that I think I sprained something.... thing.... ACK! THING!!!


                          Sorry to drag everyone back to this pic but I had to as its so a very good pic.

                          If only his eyes were open then I could use it for an avatar.
                          But on the other hand you have the muscle porn on his arms to look at.


                            Originally posted by meimei
                            Hold on to your sides... October nearly killed me!

                            I finished that Daniel fic and I have laughed so hard that I think I sprained something.... thing.... ACK! THING!!!
                            so you know it's actually sour cream & chives
                            And I sprained something when Jack found the racoon..
                   : lilferret


                              Originally posted by Jillybiehn
                              Just got off the phone with Bling. Her family's been evacuated out of New Orleans. She and the Gatelets are headed up to her Mom's in St. Louis. Everybody's ok, hubs hadda stay because he's on the emergency team @ the plant. But she assures me that it can withstand an F5 tornado, so he'll be okay. (One would HOPE a nuclear facility could ride out the weather. ) She's a BIT worried about how much damage the house is going to sustain, so let's all keep our fingers crossed!
                              Thanks, Jilly, I was wondering where she and her family had gone. I live down the road a piece from her-across the river from New Orleans. I'm currently at my parents place in Houston. I'm worried about my house, too. If this thing does what they say it's going to do, I'll probably have to change my location from The Big Easy to Houston. No offense to any Texans out there, it's just that Houston is so, well, BIG. New Orleans is really a small town, you see.

                              Oh, well, if I don't have a house any more (or a job), at least I have my seven seasons of SG-1 on DVD to help me through the trauma. I'll just pause on Danny's pretty face when I'm feeling down--he's a cure for a lot of things.

                              While you hussies are thunking, can you say a little prayer for all of the people who couldn't get out of town (for whatever reason) and who are stuck in the Superdome tonight while that thing is bearing down on them.

                              Thanks, Lisa

                              Proud Member-Hussies Union, Local # 69


                                Originally posted by Jillybiehn
                       ROFLMAO!!! at THING...just got to tears from laughing so hard, hubs thinks I'm INSANE......oww...oww...*giggle-snort*

                                I'm not even that far yet!! Just through May!! I can only take some much at a time, breathing is a good thing, but THING is non-conducive to actually being able to draw breath. OMG, I am forever in FrostFox's debt for introducing THING. If, for some insane reason, I have another child..... Well that might be going too far, but you get my meaning.
                                sig by PM

