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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by michelleb
    I'm watching Ex Deus Machina..and Daniel has that same leather jacket that he has in Icon! You know, this one..

    Mmmm, I do like that jacket
    Ok, the first thing I noticed in that scene, other than the fact that Daniel looked so good in jeans and no beard, was the jacket. I loved that look...

    Proxyblue - I would have to say no beard, none, nada, silch......oh and prefer him with the glasses. I have a thing for guys in glasses.....



      Am I the only Chicago Hussy not at the Con? sniffle, sniffle


      Insert appropriate Daniel pic since this Hussy is still building up her photo album


        *drops in for a spot of fly-by thunking*

        Signature courtesy of the wonderful Mazzmatazz


          Oh very nice pic here...


            Originally posted by Proxy Blue
            What do you think Daniel with beard or a shadow, or Daniel without beard?
            No beard, no shadow. I prefer clean shaven guys in general, and Daniel just doesn't look good with facial hair, IMHO.

            Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


              Originally posted by michelleb

              I've been waiting in this wood for two hours now, and no sign of hastiekido (and if Proxy Blue thinks I'm going to dress up in that slave's outfit again, she's got another think coming. That outfit pinched in the most awkward places...)
              100000 time Sorry Michelle!!
              I had to leave the computer for a while, but I'm back, and I lover your suggetions
              Thanks a lot for the thinking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                Originally posted by Proxy Blue
                Well I asked three times and no-one answered me.
                Hi Proxy. Umm...welcome (?) to the thread. As you can see, things get a bit slow from time to time. We live to please, and when asked NICELY and PATIENTLY, we usually respond. I realize you're relatively new, and maybe don't quite get how things work, so we'll let it slide this once.

                Just remember: Hussies don't respond well to obnoxious behavior.


                  Originally posted by Proxy Blue
                  I have a question if I may...

                  What do you think Daniel with beard or a shadow, or Daniel without beard?

                  I like a bit of an shade on the face, but then without the glasses.
                  I like Daniel with glasses the best.
                  Daniel in the first 2 seasons is how I like him best, as caracter and appearance.
                  Whumped Daniel? mmmmm tastes like more....
                  I like Daniel in many ways, with or without al kinds of stuff....just no gerbil..PLEASE!

                  And I like Micheal the way he is on al those beautiful con pics....


                    OMG, I didn't even notice that the beard was gone! Guess I got used to it. But I did notice that the jacket was back. Do I get any cookies for that? Choccy chip?

                    Lesse if I have any Danny pix... while we wait for the return of the hussies (can't wait to hear about the reception of the book)....

                    Okay, found one. This is my fave, so forgive me if you're in no way a Daniel/Vala shipper... or if you're really sick of Vala.


                      Just got off the phone with Bling. Her family's been evacuated out of New Orleans. She and the Gatelets are headed up to her Mom's in St. Louis. Everybody's ok, hubs hadda stay because he's on the emergency team @ the plant. But she assures me that it can withstand an F5 tornado, so he'll be okay. (One would HOPE a nuclear facility could ride out the weather. ) She's a BIT worried about how much damage the house is going to sustain, so let's all keep our fingers crossed!


                        I feel the need for a little Abyss....


                        Signature courtesy of the wonderful Mazzmatazz


                          Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
                          Okay, found one. This is my fave, so forgive me if you're in no way a Daniel/Vala shipper... or if you're really sick of Vala.
                          I actually liked Vala, as a character. I was disappointed to see her go; she put a lot of life into the series. Honestly, I think TPTB should have kept her.

                          ::ducks trout::

                          Daniel: I certainly hope CeeKay's the only one who thinks that...

                          Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                            I've added a line to my banner that someone mailed me.
                            Hope you like it.
                            But if anyone of you can think of a better/ nicer etc one, PLEASE let me know?
                            I will appreciate it al lot.
                            And Really thanks Michelle for the thinking for me!


                              Very nice addition to your banner...keep it like says "thunk"


                                Originally posted by Jillybiehn
                                Just got off the phone with Bling. Her family's been evacuated out of New Orleans. She and the Gatelets are headed up to her Mom's in St. Louis. Everybody's ok, hubs hadda stay because he's on the emergency team @ the plant. But she assures me that it can withstand an F5 tornado, so he'll be okay. (One would HOPE a nuclear facility could ride out the weather. ) She's a BIT worried about how much damage the house is going to sustain, so let's all keep our fingers crossed!
                                Eeeep! Sending good thoughts to Bling, Mr Bling and the Blinglets!

                                I hope she secured all loose Daniel clones before leaving

