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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Jillybiehn
    Just got off the phone with Bling. Her family's been evacuated out of New Orleans. She and the Gatelets are headed up to her Mom's in St. Louis. Everybody's ok, hubs hadda stay because he's on the emergency team @ the plant. But she assures me that it can withstand an F5 tornado, so he'll be okay. (One would HOPE a nuclear facility could ride out the weather. ) She's a BIT worried about how much damage the house is going to sustain, so let's all keep our fingers crossed!
    Thanks Jilly for the update. Safe thoughts and prayers out to Bling and family.


      Just another quick post before I head downstairs to watch the Weather Channel. Bling mentioned she'll be on here and there whilst whiling away the storm at her Mum's. *waves* Hi Bling, you almighty goddess of sigs, you.

      (Just doing my job. )


        Originally posted by Jillybiehn
        Just another quick post before I head downstairs to watch the Weather Channel. Bling mentioned she'll be on here and there whilst whiling away the storm at her Mum's. *waves* Hi Bling, you almighty goddess of sigs, you.

        (Just doing my job. )
        Did Bling and the Gateletts get there okay?

        Our evening news was full of pictures of people sat in cars driving out of the city (and showing a bright, shiney modern city - I suppose I thought the all of New Orleans would be like the French quarter you see in films - thinking James Bond and Live and Let Die here) it looked like something out of a disaster movie and the storm hasn't hit yet.

        FF, glad to live in gently soggy Britain.


          Originally posted by Jillybiehn
          Just another quick post before I head downstairs to watch the Weather Channel. Bling mentioned she'll be on here and there whilst whiling away the storm at her Mum's. *waves* Hi Bling, you almighty goddess of sigs, you.

          (Just doing my job. )
          Thanks for the update Jilly......Big *mwa* for Bling et al....

          Dee Dee xx
          Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
          MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


            Originally posted by Jillybiehn
            Just got off the phone with Bling. Her family's been evacuated out of New Orleans. She and the Gatelets are headed up to her Mom's in St. Louis. Everybody's ok, hubs hadda stay because he's on the emergency team @ the plant. But she assures me that it can withstand an F5 tornado, so he'll be okay. (One would HOPE a nuclear facility could ride out the weather. ) She's a BIT worried about how much damage the house is going to sustain, so let's all keep our fingers crossed!

            Thanks for the update. I was worried when I saw the hurricane mentioned on the 6 O'Clock news. My thoughts, prayers and crossed fingers are goin out to all in the New Orleans area.
            Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


              Originally posted by hastiekido
              I've added a line to my banner that someone mailed me.
              Hope you like it.
              But if anyone of you can think of a better/ nicer etc one, PLEASE let me know?
              I will appreciate it al lot.
              And Really thanks Michelle for the thinking for me!
              ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR NEW SIG!!!!!!!!!!

              Did someone mention Whump Daniel?

              Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                So it may be 1am, but I am sitting here tapping my fingers waiting and hoping that either Amber, Erin or Kerri are going to appear online. I WANT TO LIVE VICARIOUSLY AND HEAR ABOUT THE HANDBOOK!!!!

                D: Sam, have you seen this thing?! They're mad I tell you, mad!
                S: Daniel, you know this already. I'm surprised you haven't done anything
                to stop this madness...
                D: Weeeell... normally Bling keeps them 'occupied', but she's otherwise
                incapacitated at the moment.
                S: Time to for you to start worrying then?


                  Thoughts and prayers go out to Blingy and her family all those in the path of Katrina from this hussy from Aus.

                  Slaveboy Danny to cheer everyone up.


                    Bling! So sorry you had to evecuate! It's one of my biggest fears (the CA wild fire last October was the closest I came) but I have my fingers crossed that you're home will be A-OK when you return next week.

                    As for the storm, you just can't compare a tornado and a hurricane. A tornado might have really scary wind speeds and come out of nowhere, but a hurricane (and this one specifically) can span 200 miles or more at once! I'm WAY glad that Bling and her kids are already gone from the lowlands of NO, 'cause it's NOT gonna be pretty there. I don't pray (I think it's hypocrytical if I'm not sure of a God) but you and your family ARE in my thoughts! Take care!

                    Hmmmmm, need more Daniel thunkage... here's an interesting sequence. Especially since you can see the passage of time in Mitchell's reaction, but Michael is just so... frozen (it's another Vala moment ):


                      Tee hee... and Lexa thought prolly : "Oh cr@p, is it going to be like this all season long... ?"
             : lilferret


                        Originally posted by L-JADE
                        Anytime GH!

                        What is that pic ? is that Gaby & Rommie ? all that dots and light make it hard to see MS properly ...
                        hmmmph... I prefer Dr Justin Donnely...


                        see ? feature his face nicely ...
                        I like the effects.

                        Here's another:


                        lj here if you're interested.


                          I like that better

                          Mmmmhhh... shoulder

                          D : hmph! as soon as a piece of my skin appear...
                 : lilferret


                            Originally posted by meimei

                            Voice on loudspeaker, "Paging Dr. Freud, paging Dr. Freud!"

                            Wow. Didn't even notice that! Hehe. Anyway, HELLO HUSSIES!!!!! I'm ba-ack. OMG!!! You would not believe what happened this weekend it was just craziness!! I have update the LJ with stories from the dessert party (Peter signed my leg!! ) and will get to today's festivities tomorrow after I sleep and catch up on my Stargate. But, Michael did appear to enjoy the Handbook. He did really like the dedication. The schedule seemed to concern him a bit. Chris really wanted to read the Porn chapter. I GOT A HUG AND A KISS FROM BOTH OF THEM!! OMG!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I shall post a few of the pics I have (my camera died! about 5 minutes after they got on stage. Apprently, the outlet I was using to charge it wasn't plugged in itself. Goo! ). But Chelle and Kris have a TON of pics that I'm sure they'll share.

                            Michael wore THE JEANS!!!!! OMG! Sooooooooo hot!! And I got to sit next to him at the breakfast!! He did smell really nice. Must have used a few breath mints. Eyes are soooooooooo blue. *Sigh*

                            OK. On with the few piccies:

                            He's looking right at me!!! Squee!!


                            HAND PORN!!

                            Ok. That's all for now. Must go watch Ex Deus Machina (Baal!!!!!!)

                            Night everyone!!

                            Kerri *Much Love to all*


                              Originally posted by Switch42

                              Wow. Didn't even notice that! Hehe. Anyway, HELLO HUSSIES!!!!! I'm ba-ack. OMG!!! You would not believe what happened this weekend it was just craziness!! I have update the LJ with stories from the dessert party (Peter signed my leg!! ) and will get to today's festivities tomorrow after I sleep and catch up on my Stargate. But, Michael did appear to enjoy the Handbook. He did really like the dedication. The schedule seemed to concern him a bit. Chris really wanted to read the Porn chapter. I GOT A HUG AND A KISS FROM BOTH OF THEM!! OMG!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I shall post a few of the pics I have (my camera died! about 5 minutes after they got on stage. Apprently, the outlet I was using to charge it wasn't plugged in itself. Goo! ). But Chelle and Kris have a TON of pics that I'm sure they'll share.

                              Michael wore THE JEANS!!!!! OMG! Sooooooooo hot!! And I got to sit next to him at the breakfast!! He did smell really nice. Must have used a few breath mints. Eyes are soooooooooo blue. *Sigh*

                              OK. On with the few piccies:

                              He's looking right at me!!! Squee!!


                              HAND PORN!!

                              Ok. That's all for now. Must go watch Ex Deus Machina (Baal!!!!!!)

                              Night everyone!!

                              Kerri *Much Love to all*
                              Oh my gooodness.!! Thank you for the photos!!

                              Damn how can a pair of jeans be that HOT!!!

                              Ok where are my fellow hussies?!!

                              Surely i can't be the only one thunking over the latest con photos.


                                ((((((KERRI)))))) and all who witnessed the convention(((HUGS))))) sounds like you all had a blast. great pictures, kerri! he looks sooooooooooooo damm good. even better than in columbus...can't wait to hear more/see more!


