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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Kliggins
    (((((Meimei))))) I was wondering what had you up so early on a Saturday.
    Okay, so I'm at work now... AND THE FRIGGIN' IT PEOPLE ARE MIA!!

    All we need is one of the three to confirm the backup from last night and not one of the A-holes are answering their company paid for cell phones!!

    I need thunk to keep me from killing...


      awww, I can't believe you're leaving us Blingy! Enjoy your trip, and don't get carried away by mosquitoes

      I have a question for the more computer literate hussies amongst us..... hypothetically, how does one convert a DVD file (that say a DVD recorder might record) into something more resembling an AVI? (I am not talking torrents or filesharing here, merely asking if there is a nifty little program that might be able to do said action). ??? Anyone, anyone, Bueller, Bueller..... PM me or email me at [email protected]


        *heart attack*

        <fangirl moment>

        Joe Mallozzi thinks my sigs are cool!

        </fangirl moment>

        That is all.


          Originally posted by mazzmatazz
          *heart attack*

          <fangirl moment>

          Joe Mallozzi thinks my sigs are cool!

          </fangirl moment>

          That is all.

          What? where?!?! How did I miss this!?!?! TELL TELL!

          and you DO have AWESOME sigs! You are really talented! (not to mention the fun with photoshop thread! )


            Tame and Hatusu made me pm him. And he replied, like, really fast

            *bounces around*

            Yes, I know, I'm sad, but it really made my day.


              Originally posted by mazzmatazz
              Tame and Hatusu made me pm him. And he replied, like, really fast

              *bounces around*

              Yes, I know, I'm sad, but it really made my day.
              LOL! you are not in the LEAST bit sad! That is SO COOL! *joins in fangirl sqeeing moment*

              What on earth is he doing up at *calculates* 6.45am on a weekend!? on hiatus!?!?! Heck, for that matter, what am I doing up at nearly 2am? *wanders off muttering* it's not an addiction, really it's not.....


                Originally posted by mazzmatazz
                *heart attack*

                <fangirl moment>

                Joe Mallozzi thinks my sigs are cool!

                </fangirl moment>

                That is all.

                Adding my squee to the thread! Just proves he's a smart man! We already knew that they were cool!!

                Woo hoo, Mazz!!


                  Originally posted by mazzmatazz
                  GAG is Girls Against Gerbils, I believe. I can't remember who started it, but I made this for them:

                  That would be Seshat and I. But I came up with the acronym.


                    Originally posted by Queen Eleta
                    I think I spent a little too much time looking at the bondage pics yesterday....
                    Funny story..(trying to think of fastest way to punchline.)
                    We're building an addition, getting ready to pour concrete. We have plumbing pipes sticking up and have to put blue padded spacer type stuff around them so they aren't in actual contact with cement. Well, we tried several different types of tape and none work. My husbands said, "Well now what?" A little light bulb goes on over my head and I said "Oh! Zip ties!" He says "Good idea, but why did you say it like that?" I didn't say anything else.
                    LMAO, QE! That reminds me of the other day when my mom & I went to Menard's (local mega-hardware store for those who don't know). I saw a jumbo size package of zip-ties, and I got this vacant/distant look on my face. I only know I did that 'cuz my mom asked me if "anyone was home". I couldn't admit to her what I was thinking when I saw the zip-ties. Though I think you hussies would have an idea!

                    ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                      Jilly, your sig pic.... your sig pic... god. I can't breathe for drooling!

                      Click here for the latest news on Michael Shanks

                      Michael Shanks Online

                      Daniel Fanfic Archive ~ My SG-1 Scribbles ~ My Pros Scribbles


                        Okay. I'm having a senior moment. I can't seem to put 2 thoughts together & post anything that even closely resembles a coherent... thing. See?! I am a happy hussy though. I got the soundtrack to Spamalot (YAY) and a new DVD player (last one went kaput)! Now if I could just get my brain to work again.

                        Maybe a Danny pic will get the juices flowin'.

                        Aaahhh! LIPS! That'll do!

                        ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                          Workin' out the cobwebs.
                          Congrats to Jilly on 2,100!
                          Yay for Mazz on JM's compliment.
                          Well deserved praise for you!

                          Here's hoping Meimei's day gets better.
                          Bling, have fun on your trip.
                          Sign me up for GAG, or ABDA, or whatever anti-facial hair club. (AFHS, anyone?)
                          GAG does seem rather appropiate though.

                          Hello to Dana Jeane (as we haven't met yet). *waves* Hello!
                          Slash? *hands over ears* lalalanenenewoowoowoodededeaaaaaaaaa
                          I think I covered everything. How's that for economy!


                          *hehe* The pic that reminds me of a certain song.

                          ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                            Originally posted by Dana_Jeanne
                            Jilly, your sig pic.... your sig pic... god. I can't breathe for drooling!

                            Breathe, Dana! Breathe!

                            FF, ready to give the kiss of life.


                              Hey guys. Found this clone wandering the halls. He seems to be upset for some reason?


                                Originally posted by mazzmatazz
                                *heart attack*

                                <fangirl moment>

                                Joe Mallozzi thinks my sigs are cool!

                                </fangirl moment>

                                That is all.


                                Mazz!!! That's so COOL! *jumps up and down with Mazz*

                                Of course we already knew that your sigs are awesome.

