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Jack/RDA Thunk Thread III

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    Originally posted by Kliggins
    Since we are mentioning things about RDA I found this picture that I think was taken at his home because I remember him or possibly Apryl talking about a gorilla picture, and look what is on the wall. Interesting piece of art to collect and he is not looking too bad either.
    If I remember rightly, reading in an interview, didnt he say that his mother done a lot of the artwork in that house? It was definitely taken at his home though. I think there's an article on it over at


      This one bears posting again (after all, it's been about 15+ pages since we've seen it ).

      Originally posted by Ewokmonster
      I'm adopting Tame's policy.

      OH MY!

      I*wipes sweat from brow* don't normally THUNK over Mac pics (I've said it before, all my heart and all my lust belong to that sexiest man ever to wear an Air Force uniform)....HOWEVER....HUBBA HUBBA this one could be enough to tempt me in Mac's direction...(and those cowboy eps. do happen to be among my favorite MAc eps!).

      Of course, in my thunk-twisted mind, I get to thinking it's JACK in a cowboy get-up....and then *pauses to catch breath* I'm thunked out for the rest of the day....thoughts of Jack in the saddle *smile if you know what I mean!*....leather chaps.....and that huge honkin' gun of his....

      *wanders off to corner of gutter to dwell on rough'n'ready cowboy thoughts*
      Titania of the V V

      Keeper of the Quantum Mirror
      (I swear, it's in my basement!)


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        here ya go Jacksbabe...Jack just a bit he will DEFINITELY need a shower before he enters your dreams
, let's leave him dirty! I could so devour*smacks lips* him this way! You girls wouldn't mind, would ya?
        Titania of the V V

        Keeper of the Quantum Mirror
        (I swear, it's in my basement!)


          Originally posted by nugglebugget
          Hey y'all,been awhile!

          I was almost too tired to even get on the computer yesterday,but if I hadn't,I wouldn't have found out about our man being on last night.
          I also can't seem to stay up that late but my 15 year old son {& SG-1 buddy} told me to take a good nap & stay out on the couch.When it would come on he'd get me up no problem [he's a night owl].We watched it together & he laughed his butt off on #5 [so did I,it's such a hoot that RDA would accomodate us like that ]

          Loved the jeans

          I noticed people wer laughing during the clip.I wonder if they were laughing at it or if something else was going on onstage?
          All in all,RDA looked mighty fine indeed
          SPOILER Season eight
          I think the part of the clip everyone was laughing at was Thor poking his head over the console or table as Jack shot whoever it was! I have to look again to see who that was! Cool weapon though. Crystalized him!! Bet Jack loved that!


            Mei Mei was a very bad girl!! After finally getting to sleep at 2:30 a.m. she overslept!! Must have been all those luscious dreams of RDA and his mesmerizing hands! Absolutely refused to wake up!! Guess I better get back to work now since I was an hour and a half late this morning!!


              Originally posted by Mala50

              ok, the challenge is: a pix with every. single. frickin'. post.

              Jack salutes you, gals!
              *oh baby...........a personal favorite of mine....thanks!*

              Dont'cha all just love it when he comes to attention? *sighs happily*
              Titania of the V V

              Keeper of the Quantum Mirror
              (I swear, it's in my basement!)


                Originally posted by meimei
                Mei Mei was a very bad girl!! After finally getting to sleep at 2:30 a.m. she overslept!! Must have been all those luscious dreams of RDA and his mesmerizing hands! Absolutely refused to wake up!! Guess I better get back to work now since I was an hour and a half late this morning!!
                Just explain to your boss that you had something EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to do late last night. I'm sure it will be excused.

                I had so much trouble settling down last night, I didn't get to bed until 4:00 am. Luckily I didn't have to get up until 9 so I at least got 5 hours in. Feeling a wee bit goofy today though. Lack of sleep or RDA dreams?
                Last edited by JSDT; 24 June 2004, 11:50 AM. Reason: added...stuff
                JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

                Thank you, Nikkirose!


                  Originally posted by brightbeak
                  my viewing was scheduled at 130am (i'm the time zone east of eastern us, aka atlantic) and tho i saw it 'live', i was zonked! and seeing it on squinty vision as well was nice

                  i'm SO thankful
                  those pants **FIT**
                  his hair... *swoon*
                  and those DIMPLES??????????????????????????????????????????????

                  First, I hope you can all forgive me for interruppting the thread's discussion of the CK show appearance with my previous posts~~ viewing/posting from the library makes me get very far behind, and there's just so many posts/pics to reply to and so little time. I know there's things I've missed, but to all who've posted the delish and droolable pics, I bow my head in gratitude.

                  Now, on topic~~ the talk show; my two cents worth :

                  the jeans~ oh yeah!! so well fit, worn at the knees, total casual thunkability
                  the hands~ well, I'm guessing they've been covered, but can I add that they are simply MAGIC?
                  the twinkle in his eye~ melted me like butter on a stack of flapJACKs
                  Titania of the V V

                  Keeper of the Quantum Mirror
                  (I swear, it's in my basement!)


                    Originally posted by Titania V V
                    *oh baby...........a personal favorite of mine....thanks!*

                    Dont'cha all just love it when he comes to attention? *sighs happily*
                    The thoughts that just entered my mind... Don't do that to me when I'm at work! Goodness!
                    JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

                    Thank you, Nikkirose!


                      Well sugar. I dunno if it's me or Shelly's site but I'm only getting the spoiler pics from last night. So in lieu of that interview...which was oh so fine! Let's see what else we can dig up.

                      These are also from Shelly's lovely site so you may have to copy and paste to your browser, worth the effort though!




                        Originally posted by Titania V V
                        *oh baby...........a personal favorite of mine....thanks!*

                        Dont'cha all just love it when he comes to attention? *sighs happily*
                        Originally posted by JSDT
                        The thoughts that just entered my mind... Don't do that to me when I'm at work! Goodness!
                        Well I'm all by my little lonesome here and the thoughts spinning around my wee tired brain...Okay well let's just say I need Mala's sign again....


                          Originally posted by JSDT
                          Oh my, I'm shaking! Watching the Craig Kilborn show right now! RDA is looking absolutely HOT!!! Okay, must calm down back later, commercial is almost over...

                          Okay, I'm back. Let me just say I am very excited about the first question...He knows there's an Anderson University in Indiana! That's about 10 minutes away from me! Okay, dumb reason to be excited, but I'll take what I can get.

                          Also, on the last question, I about needed to borrow a diaper from my kid. I am way too hyper to sleep now and it's 1:15. Oh well, the lack of sleep was totally worth it.

                          I am a little disappointed that they didn't talk very much about Stargate. The clip was great though!
                          I didn't stay up late to watch it. I had to work in the morning. As soon as I got home from work I watched it. It was a hilarious. Especially that last bit with the wig. ROFLMAO!!!!!! Of course as Jack, he is amazing but to see him as himself, so casual and laidback, He is just so HOT!!!!!!
                          Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                            Originally posted by Ruralstar
                            Well sugar. I dunno if it's me or Shelly's site but I'm only getting the spoiler pics from last night. So in lieu of that interview...which was oh so fine! Let's see what else we can dig up.
                            Sorry, I think it might be you. I got in and all the pictures showed up.

                            Originally posted by Ruralstar
                            Well I'm all by my little lonesome here and the thoughts spinning around my wee tired brain...Okay well let's just say I need Mala's sign again....
                            Poor Rural, all by herself with her libinous thoughts of a certain man. We may not be here in the forum, but we are with you in thought. I am sure quite a few gutter gals are finding it a little harder to concentrate on work today. I know mine are on man with certain attributes. I am going to watch those fine attributes, er ahem, I mean acting talents again right now.


                              Originally posted by Titania V V
                              First, I hope you can all forgive me for interruppting the thread's discussion of the CK show appearance with my previous posts~~ viewing/posting from the library makes me get very far behind, and there's just so many posts/pics to reply to and so little time. I know there's things I've missed, but to all who've posted the delish and droolable pics, I bow my head in gratitude.
                              Don't apologize. Never an interruption to stare at gorgeous pictures of Jack/RDA/Mac. Interruptions like that are always welcome.


                                Mesh has put up the 30 mb file of the Kilborn interview. Thank you!

                                Furlings, they sound cute. Like Ewoks. --- SG-1


                                sig by Mala50. You rock.

