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Jack/RDA Thunk Thread III

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    I think he was zapping a replicator and those pieces were the "blocks" of which the super replicators are made.

    Hey, anyone notice my perfect grammar here?
    Causality should not be taken lightly.


      God knows why I'm so tired, I had a whole 20 minutes of sleep last night. No, make that this morning. I've downloaded the interview for re-viewing when my brain stops feeling like a punching bag.

      I too noticed the jeans first (well, we don't call this The Gutter for nothing.....)

      Then, THAT SMILE.......jeez louise.

      My last concious thought as I dissolved into the omnipresent drool puddle was: so okay, let's just forget these other guests and give this lovely man the whole show........I don't think anyone would have minded.


        Originally posted by Geekyred
        Real Life can be so very very annoying at times. Honestly why should I have to work and clean house when I could spend my time drooling over Rick.
        Another lovely interview. He really does get better an better doesn't he? Althought I'm not entirely sure about the turn-ups in his jeans. Still his somewhat doubtful dress sense can be overcome rather easily, if you follow my thinking.
        Following you all the way to the shallow end! *dives in*


          Originally posted by Livi2Jack
          Well, hubby was ok about the RDA drooling after I took out my lust on HIM.
          *snorts* I bet he was thrilled! I think more than one spouse of these fine women reaps the benefit of our *ahem, cough* hobby!

          Originally posted by Livi2Jack
          I was noticing the face touching too...sort of like he was hiding a little...and those hands, I was watching and rewatching the hands to see if they would give away what he was thinking about that twit of a host. RDA fidgets as does my hubby. Perpetual motion. I was wondering why he was swiveling around so much and wondered if Wylie was just off camera somewheres
          It's possible. Though I get the impression from what he said that she wasn't allowed anywhere near the studio. Sounds like they do their level best to keep her out of the limelight. Not easy I'm sure.

          Love the hands!


            Originally posted by Disnow

            My last concious thought as I dissolved into the omnipresent drool puddle was: so okay, let's just forget these other guests and give this lovely man the whole show........I don't think anyone would have minded.
            I seriously doubt they would have. I didn't stay up to see the reaction to the other guests, but I know RDA got some great applause. They seemed pretty happy to me!


              Originally posted by Ruralstar
              Hi Shelly

              Thanks for putting up a page. I'm not sure if it's just me, but when I clicked the only pics that came up for me were the spoiler ones you mentioned. Having watched the interview I wasn't bothered, but I did wonder where the other 50 were.
              Someone on another list had that problem one time and it had something to do with a setting on her computer. I think for the firewall but am not sure. Sorry for the problem but it isn't anything on my end I don't think. They are all there and working for me.

              My Photos


                Originally posted by RDAfan61
                Someone on another list had that problem one time and it had something to do with a setting on her computer. I think for the firewall but am not sure. Sorry for the problem but it isn't anything on my end I don't think. They are all there and working for me.

                Well thanks for answering Shelly. I don't know why either. I can see all the other pictures on your site, just not those. I remember the Jackfic site having a prob and I followed the directions someone posted until I could see those pics. Your site has always been fine


                  Originally posted by Ruralstar
                  Following you all the way to the shallow end! *dives in*
                  talking of diving in....I think it's good that RDA is a diver, that could come in very handy. Hmmmm? I wonder what he likes to dive for?
                  PG Forum, right?

                  Geekyred stepping beyond the shackles and bonds of good taste and decency for all those who fear too.



                    I think Craig K. is an idiot. RDA could have done better for an interview
                    if he meant to promote Season 8 of SG-1. CK didn't know (or seem to
                    care) anything about Rick's *later* career!

                    That said, I think RDA was soooooooo thunk-a-licious in his nice-fitting
                    jeans, casual attire, lovely megawatt smiles! He's looking might healthy,
                    isn't he??? **sigh**

                    He does fidget a lot naturally, doesn't he? I think RDA has mentioned it
                    in some interviews, and the directors who did commentaries on the DVDs
                    talk about Rick not being able to sit still without doing something with
                    his hands. I think it's endearing.

                    Rick looked so sweet (to eat). I like the way he poked a finger in his
                    dimple. (I can tell you what dimple I'd like to poke a finger in, but you
                    *know* I can NOT!!! )

                    I wish he'd get a better show with a clever host who could talk a bit
                    about SG-1 with him. It's getting rather tiresome to have people always
                    dwelling on the MacGyver years in interviews. What has Rick been the
                    last 7.5 years, a piece of meat? (Well, yes, a mighty fine piece...but
                    I respect him for his acting. Really. That's all I think about. How he
                    would act in my arms, for instance. Or in my boudoir. )

                    I'd better go. I'm getting all hot and bothered.


                    If by "fond" you mean droolworthy, hummable, coma-causing, breath-stealing, lustful, libidinous
                    appreciation of the First Hussy Magnitude for Jack & his splendid, dirty, sweaty, sun-kissed, lithe-fingered,
                    full-bottom-lipped, lickable-eared, agile-tongued, long-necked, silver-haired, gracefully moving body
                    in all its fantasmagorical glory, then--- yes. I am also "fond." -- OzGirl


                      Originally posted by OzGirl
                      Rick looked so sweet (to eat). I like the way he poked a finger in his dimple. (I can tell you what dimple I'd like to poke a finger in, but you
                      *know* I can NOT!!! )

                      Oz!!!!! I was wondering if anyone else thought about that. You have more guts than me.


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                        WOW!! Just watched the interview on squinty vision, and he's sssssooooooooo Wonderful I'm going to have very sweet dreams tonight!
                        ps. Was the pic of him diving taken on one of his visits to the gutter???????
                        LOL. If it was it must have been before we all noticed he was there; you noticed he was by himself and in the gutter that would not be the case for long.


                          Originally posted by Ruralstar
                          ROTFL, good question! He did say he was improperly weighted, can't imagine how that may happen here! *slaps hand over mouth* mohohdrenoj or Did I say that out loud?

                          Oh and courtesy of a friend I present my new sig!
                          Bee-u-ti-ful new sig Rural. Could stare it for hours.

                          Originally posted by Ruralstar
                          Dangerous oh yes, but I'm willing to take the risk. Aren't we all?
                          What a woman! Always willing to give above and beyond when it comes to our man.


                            Wow, what can I say - the man looked fine, hot and delicious. I need another coffee now to try and get on with my day


                              I needed a little bit of fun added to my night so...........
                              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                                and this adds to my night

                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

