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Anti-Vala thread - For complaints about the character ONLY!

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    Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
    Somehow I don't see Vala and Sam exchanging hand-device tips over a cuppa Joe.
    Unless Vala happens to know some kinky uses for the hand devices.

    Whatever the dynamic is between them it is sure to be interesting....
    Do me a favor, would (generic) you? Next week, after Beachead, without spoiling anything(because some of us (Me! Me! Me!) don't want to be spoiled), give a signal indicating whether or not there was what you'd call a dynamic between the two? Some kind of a 'one if by land, and two if by sea' sort of signal?

    A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
    "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
    One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
    resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
    confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
    A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
    The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."


      Originally posted by Purpleyin

      Okay, so it isn't an appreciated quality and is considered manipulative and immoral but sometimes characters are immoral and why not? I don't want my characters to fit nicely with modern Earth ideals when they're meant to be from another planet entirely, and have had a dark/traumatic past. If anyone thinks Vala like this is wrong, then just how would you expect her to be after the things that have so far been insinuated to have happened to her? People cope differently and sometimes they don't make the right choices, or act virtuously - it's something I appreciate them showing. I prefer that she's got plenty of flaws, compared to all our learned and wise SG-1. She mixes stuff up a bit, which I welcome. I'd probably get bored of it if she were a main character but she isn't so I'm happy with her appearances so far, just hoping that they do get to the depth soon. There have perhaps been hints to it, serious moments, even though they are few and far between. I'd count this as one.

      while i totally agree with what you've just said, i like what vala stands for more than i like vala herself. and i have absolutely no doubts that vala wouldn't be that big of a deal to me if i'd had been able to focus on someone(s) else when she was on. but, she and the daniel-vala stuff dominated the first four eps. five, if you count tonights, which i'm sure is just another daniel-vala showcase.

      everyone has a storyline they're not attracted to, or a character they don't care for, but it's easy enough to just watch it and basically get it over with because you have other characters/storylines to pay attention to. that's not easy to do with these first four/five eps. i'm drowning in it.




        Originally posted by majorsal

        everyone has a storyline they're not attracted to, or a character they don't care for, but it's easy enough to just watch it and basically get it over with because you have other characters/storylines to pay attention to. that's not easy to do with these first four/five eps. i'm drowning in it.


        I wonder why the producers decided to go that route. I'm thinking that maybe they're waiting for Sam to return before they can re-assemble the team, which would bring Mitchell to the forefront, along with Sam. Then they may be holding something back with Teal'c and the Jaffa because Louis Gossett Jr plays a big part in that aspect of the story. Is it possible that logistically they were trying to align their guest stars with their available regular cast?

        From reading the summaries for upcoming episodes, it looks like Daniel plays a much smaller part. And I read somewhere (TV Guide) that these first 5 are meant to be "transitional" before all the players are back in play.

        I think the problem with last week's episode was that lack of a "B" storyline. Usually you have an A story and a B story (or a c, d, e, f story is you're Battlestar Galactica). Anyway! Last week, there was no real B story that I can remember, which really slowed down what should have been a pretty fast paced romp type of episode.

        The main thing that's holding me to Vala/Daniel is, for me, the fact that I like both actors immensely, and that overall, I think they're good in the two roles. The problems I've had with the characters haven't been with the way they're portrayed, but with what's been written for them.

        But I can certainly see the point about spreading the wealth. There are 15 episodes left for the wealth to be spread around. Sam is back next week, so that ought to assuage a lot of concerns.


          Originally posted by PsychoPenguin
          I've said it before; I'll say it again. It actually causes me pain to watch Claudia Black play this character. Where once she embodied a strong, competent female who never needed to manipulate men in the way women have been accused of doing for millennia, she is suddenly an amoral, immature woman-child who flounces her way through people's lives. If she turns into a decent character, it will only be because she's been "saved" by the influence of a "good man," a wicked Jezebel rehabilitated by the virtuous Daniel, a scifi take on the "hooker with a heart of gold" cliche.
          Dude, Claudia Black is in actress, not Aeryn Sun! I LOVED Aeryn Sun (gotta laugh at the person who called Vala "Aeryn in pigtails or Aeryn-lite" because Vala has got way more of the Chiana/Rygel vibe going). I'm having a great time watching Claudia Black do something different.

          I think she's having a good time doing something different. As a fan, I'd like to see her do something non-genre because I think she's pretty talented.

          It's like chiding Gigi Edgley, who played Chiana on Farscape, for portraying a thieving little con artist who used her sexuality as a weapon and to her advantage whenever possible. Hmm. Geez, that character sounds familiar.

          Girl has to make a living and unfortunately, there just aren't a lot of Aeryn Suns out there for an actress to play, especially if that actress is trying to fight being typecast. Other than the lovely-in-black-leather, Aeryn and Vala are about as far apart as you can get, character-wise.

          I really have to stay off these forums because they're starting to make me crazier.


            Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
            whatyathink of Daniel in green and red spandex?
            I think Daniel in spandex of any color would be OO-LA-LA!


              Originally posted by Darth Buddha
              Could be mean spirited. But what about it hinting at frustration over the mixed reception to Vala and anxiety about the future of the show. After all, there's nothing they can do about the way Vala was written NOW, and the complaints might get as old as... well... certain Vala fans trying to "prove" that those who aren't taken with Vala are "wrong". I'm sure a LOT of people know exactly how THAT feels.

              Six of one, half dozen of the other. I'm not wild about the way Vala was done, but I can empathize with anybody who'd have to field a bunch of cranky fans!

              Okay, then say that: "Hey, we can't make her go away and we don't want to hear any more complaints. Let's talk about something else." They handled it in such a way as to make it a Sam/Vala issue, and to not-so-subtly impugn everyone who doesn't like the character by suggesting that it was just pique by Sam fans (who were, by implication, being unfair and unreasonable). Why not ask how many Jack fans don't like Vala, since TPTB seem to be trying to use her to fill the humor part of Jack's character? Or Teal'c fans, since the Daniel/Vala Show has basically turned him into wallpaper? Or the "I like shiny ships and lots of big explosions" fans? Or not go into that aspect of it at all?
              "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                I dislike the character. and it seems few others do. I have not read the entire thread because it is really long but I dislike her and you can ask me if you wish to know why. But I will not post it here.


                  Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                  Okay, then say that: "Hey, we can't make her go away and we don't want to hear any more complaints. Let's talk about something else." They handled it in such a way as to make it a Sam/Vala issue, and to not-so-subtly impugn everyone who doesn't like the character by suggesting that it was just pique by Sam fans (who were, by implication, being unfair and unreasonable). Why not ask how many Jack fans don't like Vala, since TPTB seem to be trying to use her to fill the humor part of Jack's character? Or Teal'c fans, since the Daniel/Vala Show has basically turned him into wallpaper? Or the "I like shiny ships and lots of big explosions" fans? Or not go into that aspect of it at all?
                  Yeah. If this happened the way it sounds, than it was really immature. STILL, I'd like a LINK before we discuss it further, so we all have something to go off of.

                  Pretty please? Anybody?


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    ...i have absolutely no doubts that vala wouldn't be that big of a deal to me if i'd had been able to focus on someone(s) else when she was on. but, she and the daniel-vala stuff dominated the first four eps. five, if you count tonights, which i'm sure is just another daniel-vala showcase.

                    everyone has a storyline they're not attracted to, or a character they don't care for, but it's easy enough to just watch it and basically get it over with because you have other characters/storylines to pay attention to. that's not easy to do with these first four/five eps. i'm drowning in it.
                    Originally posted by esoap524
                    I think the problem with last week's episode was that lack of a "B" storyline. Usually you have an A story and a B story (or a c, d, e, f story is you're Battlestar Galactica). Anyway! Last week, there was no real B story that I can remember, which really slowed down what should have been a pretty fast paced romp type of episode.
                    I think the two of you hit the nail on the head. That's exactly what was missing, especially in TTTB. No B story. With SG generally we have an A story, but switch to the B every once in a while to break it up. Without the B story it's just a bit overkill.


                      Originally posted by Rogue
                      Too bad there isn't a button on the remote to selectively mute a character.
                      Sure there is, it's called the OFF button. LOL
                      I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                        Originally posted by esoap524
                        Dude, Claudia Black is in actress, not Aeryn Sun! I LOVED Aeryn Sun (gotta laugh at the person who called Vala "Aeryn in pigtails or Aeryn-lite" because Vala has got way more of the Chiana/Rygel vibe going). I'm having a great time watching Claudia Black do something different.
                        Well, I'll have to admit that I'm not someone who follows actors or actresses around from part to part. I'm more likely to follow a writer than an actor because story has always meant more to me than anything. (And along those lines, what *is* David Kemper doing these days? I seem to have lost him somewhere.)

                        When I say it causes me pain, it's because it's a very clear sign of how far back female science fiction role models have slid. The past ten years or so used to hold a lot of hope for me. We had strong female characters who tried to advance in life through the use of actual effort and accomplishment rather than wiles and manipulation, characters like "DS9's" Dax and Kira, "B5's" Ivanova, and "Firefly's" Zoe (a *married* warrior woman, How I loved that!). "Farscape's" Aeryn was only one of these and she and Zhaan made it easy for me to excuse Chiana because they were such stellar examples of "better ways to be."

                        Now what do we have? As much as I love "Atlantis," Weir and Teyla are only now starting to be more than cliche cyphers, and any day now, I fear the return of the "Ice Princess" and the "Amazon." Granted "BSG" has Starbuck, but even she wears a bit of the "You can't be a strong woman unless someone's knocked you around first" albatross around her neck, and her abusive childhood is something she's never dealt with. So she's the "damaged woman" cliche, which puts her a little bit off for me.

                        Thus, to me, seeing Claudia Black as Vala is just the latest, greatest sign of how far the situation has deteriorated. I don't begrude her taking the part. I realize she needs to work, but it would be nice if she didn't have to work for a set of writers who write women so poorly. It's just another blow to the idea that women can walk their way through life's adversities, as opposed to having to sleep their way through them.
                        "Just smile and wave, boys...Just smile and wave."


                          I'm personally pro-Vala and I'm pro-Sam. They both bring something entirely different to the show. From what I've seen from the past couple of shows, is that Vala and Sam are complete Opposite of each other. Vala is more raunchy, sexual, annoying, funny type character. While Sam is the serious, Air-Force, military, science type of character. So the both characters are good, but they are just good in their own ways. That's been really good for the show.

                          From what I've read, is that the people that don't like the character just find annoying. Well what you find annoying, is what I find funny. So really its the old saying " if one person likes it, doesn't mean everyone will". So maybe there could be a compromise of sorts, just have Vala as a recurring guest star (like Jacob).

                          I just think Vala brings some needed refreshing. I think at times that this show gets too serious, so its good to have a character that come in and clown around for a while. Life shouldn't be taken that seriously anyway. Everyone should have some that can make them laugh, and I think that's what Vala is doing.

                          Just sitting here at the computer..typing my life away!


                            Strangely enough, "too serious" isn't one of the descriptors that comes to mind when I think about SG-1's recent seasons...
                            Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
                            Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
                            Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
                            Jack: ... They're lying.


                              Originally posted by rac76
                              I'm personally pro-Vala and I'm pro-Sam. They both bring something entirely different to the show. From what I've seen from the past couple of shows, is that Vala and Sam are complete Opposite of each other. Vala is more raunchy, sexual, annoying, funny type character. While Sam is the serious, Air-Force, military, science type of character. So the both characters are good, but they are just good in their own ways. That's been really good for the show.

                              From what I've read, is that the people that don't like the character just find annoying. Well what you find annoying, is what I find funny. So really its the old saying " if one person likes it, doesn't mean everyone will". So maybe there could be a compromise of sorts, just have Vala as a recurring guest star (like Jacob).

                              I just think Vala brings some needed refreshing. I think at times that this show gets too serious, so its good to have a character that come in and clown around for a while. Life shouldn't be taken that seriously anyway. Everyone should have some that can make them laugh, and I think that's what Vala is doing.


                              I'm all for a light hearted episode now and then, even for Vala as a recurring character, but all Vala, all the time is a bit wearing.


                                Originally posted by PsychoPenguin
                                Well, I'll have to admit that I'm not someone who follows actors or actresses around from part to part. I'm more likely to follow a writer than an actor because story has always meant more to me than anything. (And along those lines, what *is* David Kemper doing these days? I seem to have lost him somewhere.)

                                When I say it causes me pain, it's because it's a very clear sign of how far back female science fiction role models have slid. The past ten years or so used to hold a lot of hope for me. We had strong female characters who tried to advance in life through the use of actual effort and accomplishment rather than wiles and manipulation, characters like "DS9's" Dax and Kira, "B5's" Ivanova, and "Firefly's" Zoe (a *married* warrior woman, How I loved that!). "Farscape's" Aeryn was only one of these and she and Zhaan made it easy for me to excuse Chiana because they were such stellar examples of "better ways to be."

                                Now what do we have? As much as I love "Atlantis," Weir and Teyla are only now starting to be more than cliche cyphers, and any day now, I fear the return of the "Ice Princess" and the "Amazon." Granted "BSG" has Starbuck, but even she wears a bit of the "You can't be a strong woman unless someone's knocked you around first" albatross around her neck, and her abusive childhood is something she's never dealt with. So she's the "damaged woman" cliche, which puts her a little bit off for me.

                                Thus, to me, seeing Claudia Black as Vala is just the latest, greatest sign of how far the situation has deteriorated. I don't begrude her taking the part. I realize she needs to work, but it would be nice if she didn't have to work for a set of writers who write women so poorly. It's just another blow to the idea that women can walk their way through life's adversities, as opposed to having to sleep their way through them.
                                If you watched The Powers That Be episode, I'm not sure you'd say that Martin Gero writes women poorly.

