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Cameron - Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Dream-a-Little
    I think Ben has been very limited with what he has been allowed to do with the character.
    Hi Dream,

    You know, for this reason alone, I choose to believe that Cameron is lethally dangerous in more ways than just with his newly learned stick fighting ability.

    I think beneath his perfect record lurks a serial killer. THATS why he caressed the gate in the first episode. Yep, our sweet faced Mitchell is a bit of a Jack the Ripper, and is just beside himself to be let loose through the gate. Also those promo pics of Cam that are back lit, and taken from that perspective of looking up his nose. My response to those photos are, what is in his head? What's he hiding?

    At least that's my reference for him when I watch the show. Keeps it interesting, you know.


      LOL! Perhaps he started with Grandma?


        Kas, you are so funny!

        You might not want to look too deep into his gym locker either.


          Welcome, Dream-A-Little! Interesting theories. I don't know if the show will ever address them as deeply as you have to answer our questions.

          LOL, deSaintphalle! Would Stargate ever be so bold as to have one of their main characters be a closet serial killer? Although, I can see FarScape doing it.

          I can see the briefings now...

          Landry: "SG-1, I have had disturbing news from the last 3 planets you've explored. It seems they've each had a grissly murder reported after you've left. Have you seen anything suspicious? And, ummm, where is Dr. Jackson?"
          Mitchell just sits there with an enigmatic smile...



            You know folks have been wondering where Jack is. The last we saw of him, he was riding in a jet with Mitchell...

            Its always the quiet ones.


              Oooo, my anticipation level is on a real high:

              From Joe Mallozzi's New Oct. 12 blog:

              Collateral Damage:

              Collateral Damage (a great Mitchell episode that is not only an off-world adventure, but focuses on Cameron's relationship with his father). To all of you complaining that we hardly know Mitchell - wait 'til the second half of the season. We're just getting started.

              And also regarding Ben's rep. for taking it all for his projects. Won't use spoilers as it's all regarding his athleticism and we've already seen that they want to make use of this.

              Just finished watching the director's cut of Camelot. Well, not exactly. I just got off the phone with Martin Wood, congratulating him on the terrific job he did on Camelot - which I just finished watching. Its huge in scope and really feels like a two-parter. There's so much going on including that swordfight I mentioned in a previous blog. HOLY CRAP does Ben take some punishment in this one. He lays it all out and, well, kicks ass. He's been an incredible addition to the show.
              He has indeed... love the way that they are allowing Ben to do much of his own physical stuntwork, even if he does get battered. The man loves this aspect of his work - is very fit, and it aids in making the story that much more authentic.


                Just anyone know just how old Mitchell is? Is he supposed to be about the same age as Ben?


                  Originally posted by greytop
                  Just anyone know just how old Mitchell is? Is he supposed to be about the same age as Ben?
                  Haven't seen his age brought up anywhere, in any article, Grey... Of course with Ben looking less than his years, in my own estimation the character could be anything from 35 up to Ben's 42


                    Originally posted by deSaintphalle

                    You know folks have been wondering where Jack is. The last we saw of him, he was riding in a jet with Mitchell...

                    Its always the quiet ones.


                    Mitchell was probably just getting back at Jack for not telling him that the band had broken up...


                      Oh, thanks, Kas, now I won't be able to concentrate on work until January. Or February. When is that episode?

                      Aaarrrgghhh. Dang hiatus!


                        I believe Collateral Damage is right after The Fourth HOrseman, Pt. 2.


                          Originally posted by greytop
                          I believe Collateral Damage is right after The Fourth HOrseman, Pt. 2.

                          Won't be too long of a wait then.


                            Okay, I hope this is okay to do - linking to someone else's site. If not, someone let me know and I'll delete it. Anyway, this guy from another site [his screenname is Codger] knows a lot about the military and based on how he expects promotions, etc., to go, he determines that Mitchell would have been born in 1964, two years after Browder, but he gave him the same birthdate [I think he does that until/if another date becomes canon].


                            Oh, and the second picture of Mitchell? SEX-AY.


                              Thanks for that Chillin. That is one cool site. I love the badge run down. I got quite a few of them by examining Mitchell's medal ribbons but by no means identified all.

                              Mitchell's got a whole chest full of the major bravery awards. So he's one skilled, brave man. Of course, he is unable to display the Medal of Honor though - wonder how they are going to explain that one, as it's illegal for anyone but true recipients to wear?


                                Originally posted by Kas
                                Welcome to the thread Dream a Little

                                You'll certainly find that many agree with you. On the whole the obvious ploy of TPTB seems to have worked - they've made Mitchell acceptable and likeable to the majority of Stargate fans - although it's yet to be seen if the non-SG1 watching portion of the fanbase they assume Ben would bring with him will stick around if they believe he's not getting the airtime or storylines. (I'm talking general, non-online watchers that don't pick anything up from internet etc).

                                (Thanks for including spoiler tags everyone However, I left off the spoiler tags because if we are discussing Mitchell, who only appears from S9, then we are going to be discussing episodes. The only time I'd wish for spoiler tags to be included is if we are including specific points from episodes that have not yet aired in USA - such as in the mention of Collateral Damage.)

                                Interesting concept regarding Mitchell's psyche, Dream a Little. He did portray underlying self-doubt but to me that didn't really last past his 1st Offworld mission. My impression was that his doubt was the way anyone would initially react given that they thought they were joining a team and found themselves to actually be in command of an area that they are not so familiar with. I notice how quickly he moved to negate what he'd just said. Nothing since has given me any reason to believe that Mitchell lacks confidence in himself. He knows that he has much to learn and he is prepared to do that... he's very quick. However, his actual command ability is demonstrated in how he can make the tough calls when required, dogged determination in getting the team he wants assembled and leading in team building activities, such as the games etc. I feel he has the command confidence and his confidence of leading this type of unit is growing all the time.

                                Mitchell was aware that he'd been given great responsibility by being given command of the frontline team and was more than aware that he still had much to learn. I feel that this was the sole cause behind his reaction when he has quickly overcome that feeling within the same episode. Of course, I could be totally wrong. So much is not known about Mitchell, it's going to be fun to peel off those layers, little by little.

                                Edited to say.... I'm such a slow typist. Just seen your post Dani. Looks like we had a similar reaction to Mitchell's initial worries.
                                I agree with both of you! I think his willingness to stay in the background is less fear of failure, and more of an indication of good leadership. I know, it sounds strange, but think about it. He knows he is a newbie, he knows his experience is nil next two the other three, it makes more sense for him to follow them and learn from them--making decisions when called for, but after recommendation from the experts. I think as he continues to gain experience and knowledge (and I totally agree that he is quick!), we will see him move towards the forefront.
                                Teal'c--what's with the hair?

