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    Does anyone know where in Kansas the reunion is to be?


      Originally posted by Kas
      It does sound a little like that but I read that as a little later. Vala is obviously at Mitchell's reunion to act as his girl for the night... he presumably didn't want to go without a partner. Hopefully we'll see something of how she came to be escorting him
      Do hope you're right about that. It's like they have a strict time limit of how much screen time the two of them can have together. Like if it goes past midnight and their still together, poof, the show will turn into Farscape! As if!

      Pity that once again it seems like Mitchell needs rescuing, although he seems more than capable of extracting himself from situations, aka. Babylon etc. I just hope we see the decisive Mitchell and that they don't keep throwing him backwards with 'oh look newbie...let's get him in trouble again' type writing.
      Pity too if the only thing he has to do in this episode is sit quietly across from bad guy with gun.


        Hmmm,that episode sounds like fun. They should have called it Kansas, so the people that think Stargate is turning into FarScape could really have something to complain about. And they'll probably complain that Mitchell needs saving again even though
        Sam and Teal'c have already apparently suffered the same fate.

        As for his "date", I figure that
        at some point the entire SG-1 team was together and Cameron probably said something about his high school reunion coming up and that he didn't have a date, or Sam or Daniel asked if he had a date or something like that and he said no - and they said, "You HAVE to have a date!" and he probably asked Sam and she said she wanted to work on her tech stuff and everyone said, "Why not take Vala?" and now that Vala is supposedly on their side and on the team there was no way for him to diplomatically say no. -like that run-on sentence? I just like the idea that Vala was foisted on him and he grudgingly takes her along. It also helps with the part where another guy likes her and she feels validated to flirt with him, telling Mitchell, "You didn't want me to come in the first place."

        What was Mitchell's age that everyone came up with in that earlier episode? If, in this ep,
        he graduated with the class of 1987, and barring any flunked years, which I don't find feasible unless by illness, or him graduating early, and assuming most people graduate at the age of 17 or 18, that makes Mitchell 36 or 37.

        Kas, I have to give you credit for being able to stay away from the forums. It would certainly help me enjoy the episodes without cringing trying to imagine every little thing that Mitchell does is going to be criticized - including stuff I can certainly see the others doing without criticism. But, I love reading the positive stuff and picking up nuances that I missed. If it gets too bad, I guess I'll hide in this thread and a few others.


          Originally posted by Dream-a-Little
          Pity too if the only thing he has to do in this episode is sit quietly across from bad guy with gun.
          I don't see that happening. They have already established him as a pro-active guy. He's not going to sit around waiting to be rescued, especially since he received a phone call tellling him
          "Carter and Teal’c have been attacked". When I first read that, I thought "kidnapped" but maybe they were attacked and escaped. They could still be injured. At any rate, unless Landry was more specific with Mitchell, he might also assume that neither of them is in any condition to rescue him and he better do something himself.

          I wonder if this is one of the episodes that Michael Shanks is on vacation? No mention of him, so either they already have another excuse for his 4-week absence in place or they would have said that Daniel was attacked and either captured or getting medical care and could not help. Since there is no mention, I think it may be the former. Or they just didn't mention him.


            In CD.
            Mitchell mention that he was about 10 when he and his dad watched the first liftoff of the shuttle from his hospital bed.
            I looked on the internet and found out that happen in 1981. That would have made Cameron was born in 1971. So he could have graduated in 1987.


              Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
              Hmmm,that episode sounds like fun. They should have called it Kansas, so the people that think Stargate is turning into FarScape could really have something to complain about. And they'll probably complain that Mitchell needs saving again even though
              Sam and Teal'c have already apparently suffered the same fate.

              As for his "date", I figure that
              at some point the entire SG-1 team was together and Cameron probably said something about his high school reunion coming up and that he didn't have a date, or Sam or Daniel asked if he had a date or something like that and he said no - and they said, "You HAVE to have a date!" and he probably asked Sam and she said she wanted to work on her tech stuff and everyone said, "Why not take Vala?" and now that Vala is supposedly on their side and on the team there was no way for him to diplomatically say no. -like that run-on sentence? I just like the idea that Vala was foisted on him and he grudgingly takes her along. It also helps with the part where another guy likes her and she feels validated to flirt with him, telling Mitchell, "You didn't want me to come in the first place."

              What was Mitchell's age that everyone came up with in that earlier episode? If, in this ep,
              he graduated with the class of 1987, and barring any flunked years, which I don't find feasible unless by illness, or him graduating early, and assuming most people graduate at the age of 17 or 18, that makes Mitchell 36 or 37.

              Kas, I have to give you credit for being able to stay away from the forums. It would certainly help me enjoy the episodes without cringing trying to imagine every little thing that Mitchell does is going to be criticized - including stuff I can certainly see the others doing without criticism. But, I love reading the positive stuff and picking up nuances that I missed. If it gets too bad, I guess I'll hide in this thread and a few others.

              He couldn't take Sam as his date as everybody knows they were caught by Granny and they haven't lived down the shame. Hee, I'm not letting go of that fiction until proven false. I really think TPTB should include that in their history and I release all right to the idea. Snerk, I amuse me.


                Originally posted by gbbarb
                He couldn't take Sam as his date as everybody knows they were caught by Granny and they haven't lived down the shame. Hee, I'm not letting go of that fiction until proven false. I really think TPTB should include that in their history and I release all right to the idea. Snerk, I amuse me.
                Nah, Mitchell and Sam have been going at it hot and heavy since their academy days [whenever they could get together] and
                she couldn't go to the reunion lest everyone figure that out.
                BTW, Mitchell is the only man not to succomb to the Black Widow Curse. -- that's because it's truuuuuuu wuv!!!


                  Thanks for the spoilers!!!!!!!!!!

                  Aw, man. I'm trying soooo hard not the get excited. Too late, i guess.
                  But I'm definitely sticking to this and the 'other ' threads this time.

                  I messed up my happy little world last season, i won't do it again.

                  Sounds like fun.

                  You think the Cam/Sam thing is like the old 'if we're not married by such and such an age, then we'll marry each other'?

                  Naw. In my heart i still think they're cousins.


                    Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                    Nah, Mitchell and Sam have been going at it hot and heavy since their academy days [whenever they could get together] and
                    she couldn't go to the reunion lest everyone figure that out.
                    BTW, Mitchell is the only man not to succomb to the Black Widow Curse. -- that's because it's truuuuuuu wuv!!!

                    But she does come to the reunion because she and Teal'c save Cam and she gets recognize and Teal'c and Vala find out the truth. Soon everyone at the SGC finds out because Vala can't help but tell and Laundry wins the office pool because he has read Cam files and that little encounter was in there. They are very through in their research of new team members of SG-1.

                    By the way I absoltely love Princess Bride - one of my all time favorite movies


                      And now that everybody knows about their love, they move in together and have everyone over for movie night. Mitchell picks up the beer while Sam makes the microwave popcorn, only without a microwave [don't ask, I don't understand the techie stuff].


                        Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                        I don't see that happening. They have already established him as a pro-active guy. He's not going to sit around waiting to be rescued, especially since he received a phone call tellling him [SPOILERS]"Carter and Teal’c have been attacked". When I first read that, I thought "kidnapped" but maybe they were attacked and escaped. They could still be injured. At any rate, unless Landry was more specific with Mitchell, he might also assume that neither of them is in any condition to rescue him and he better do something himself.
                        Always the optimist! I’m not sure he really can do anything since
                        the safety of his former classmates seems to rest on him not resisting. I suppose we could have a bit of fun if he has to continue to mix and mingle at the reunion with Mr. Bad Guy in tow without giving Mr Bad Guy away... The attack on Carter and Teal’c seems to be just a way for them to know Mitchell would probably be in trouble. It doesn’t appear that they are incapacitated

                        I wonder if this is one of the episodes that Michael Shanks is on vacation?
                        Nope, he’s there. He is supposed to be listed in a few lines with Sam and Teal’c at the bottom of some of these pages. I think some people are making the same mistake here that Mitchell fan’s really had to fight against in regards to spoilers for early season 10 episodes. The spoilers come from audition sides. The only thing you can tell for sure from any of these spoilers is whether or not a particular show regular has a significant amount of interaction with yet to be cast guest stars. If a series regular is interacting primarily with other series regulars, they won’t show up in the spoilers. It doesn’t mean that they do not significantly participate in the episode. Here it would appear that Sam, Daniel and Teal’c are primarily interacting with each other,
                        on planning and executing a rescue mission.
                        Some fans were complaining that they wanted to see the “Big Three” working and interacting with each other. Looks to me like that’s what they will get here. To a lesser extent it looks like they may throw a little Ben/Claudia interaction to the Scapers that have said they wanted that. Only it looks like they’ll limit that second part by sending Mitchell and Vala each off with a guest star. Also it gives the so called "Big Three' the chance to
                        ride the rescue so to speak.

                        Every season has to have a a few earth based episodes to make up for the more expensive special effects episodes. Looks to me like maybe they are taking the opportunity to use this one to mix and match some character combinations that they think various segments of their audience might like since they can't go for the things that cost more money on this outing. I'm just hoping that this is an active experience for Mitchell's character in some way and not a passive one.


                          Originally posted by Dream-a-Little
                          Always the optimist! I’m not sure he really can do anything since
                          the safety of his former classmates seems to rest on him not resisting. I suppose we could have a bit of fun if he has to continue to mix and mingle at the reunion with Mr. Bad Guy in tow without giving Mr Bad Guy away... The attack on Carter and Teal’c seems to be just a way for them to know Mitchell would probably be in trouble. It doesn’t appear that they are incapacitated

                          Nope, he’s there. He is supposed to be listed in a few lines with Sam and Teal’c at the bottom of some of these pages. I think some people are making the same mistake here that Mitchell fan’s really had to fight against in regards to spoilers for early season 10 episodes. The spoilers come from audition sides. The only thing you can tell for sure from any of these spoilers is whether or not a particular show regular has a significant amount of interaction with yet to be cast guest stars. If a series regular is interacting primarily with other series regulars, they won’t show up in the spoilers. It doesn’t mean that they do not significantly participate in the episode. Here it would appear that Sam, Daniel and Teal’c are primarily interacting with each other,
                          on planning and executing a rescue mission.
                          Some fans were complaining that they wanted to see the “Big Three” working and interacting with each other. Looks to me like that’s what they will get here. To a lesser extent it looks like they may throw a little Ben/Claudia interaction to the Scapers that have said they wanted that. Only it looks like they’ll limit that second part by sending Mitchell and Vala each off with a guest star. Also it gives the so called "Big Three' the chance to
                          ride the rescue so to speak.

                          Every season has to have a a few earth based episodes to make up for the more expensive special effects episodes. Looks to me like maybe they are taking the opportunity to use this one to mix and match some character combinations that they think various segments of their audience might like since they can't go for the things that cost more money on this outing. I'm just hoping that this is an active experience for Mitchell's character in some way and not a passive one.
                          I sorry but your arguement is too logical and rational and obviously not suitably for this fandom and discussion board. (Sorry couldn't help myself)

                          I have some Mitchell spoilers so I'm a happy girl and I will wait to see the episode before judging if I like it (crazy aren't I)

                          I wish it was July!!!
                          LONG LOST TWIN SISTER OF PURPLE


                            Originally posted by gbbarb
                            I have some Mitchell spoilers so I'm a happy girl and I will wait to see the episode before judging if I like it (crazy aren't I)

                            I wish it was July!!!
                            LoL, yeah definitely crazy, but you're right, at the very least we now have some real spoilers to take apart and put back together again and speculate on. Which is waaay more than we had a few weeks ago.


                              Would this be the episode about the motorcycle in it?


                                Originally posted by greytop
                                Would this be the episode about the motorcycle in it?
                                Nope that is a different ep
                                LONG LOST TWIN SISTER OF PURPLE

