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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Discussion Thread

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  • Britta
    I think it is a Sam/Jack theme.

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  • cyced
    Can I ask some of my more observant fellow shippers, the music that plays during entity and divide and conquer shippy bits. Is that a sam and jack theme? Does it only play during the s/j romantic/ ust bits or is it used in other places?

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  • fems
    Originally posted by fems View Post
    I'm willing to organize Secret Santa this year. Assuming there are enough people who want to participate.

    So, anyone who wants to participate in Secret Santa please copy this and add one, so I can see if there are enough folks this year:

    Participants for Secret Santa: 2

    For those unfamiliar with Secret Santa:
    Secret Santa is a shippy event taking place prior to Christmas; people can 'sign up' (PM me with your email address) until November 17th, after which I'll assign everyone a person for whom they have to make something shippy. All the participants will be asked to fill out and post a questionnaire in this thread, so their Secret Santa can see what their preferences are; Secret Santas can make vids, art or fic(let)s for their giftee.

    Since I know how much time it can take to create a gift, everything has to be submitted by Friday December 19th (via email). Then I'll collect all the gifts and send the correct ones to your giftee over the weekend, and reveal who their Secret Santa was. Later, you can share your creation/gift online, after your giftee has had time to enjoy it.

    I hope that's a good enough explanation...
    If you're interested, please click on the blue >> button in the quote to get redirected to the appreciation thread so you can let everyone know you're in. Also, don't forget to PM me your email address.

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  • hedwig
    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
    I post in both usually although I'm not sure I tend to stick to the above rules :s oops!
    Nothing to "ooops" about. It isn't exactly a rule. This one seems to have gotten away from the discussion of episodes recently. Hlndncr has tried to get it reactivated, but it doesn't seem to be working. She also suggested getting the mods to merge this thread with the Appreciation thread so that it's all in one, which might be a good idea.

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  • AmberLM
    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
    Well, the "Discussion" Thread has been turned into a thread for discussion of the various episodes. There's been a list of each of the seasons with all the episodes listed, and people can sign up to do a review of their episode, and then others can discuss it. Then they move on to the next episode. I think we're up to Season 5 or thereabouts. The "Appreciation" thread was always reserved for all the other general comments anyone wanted to make, which occasionally wandered into the discussion thread when people started talking about some particular bits of an episode.

    Besides, the Appreciation thread has survived into a 2.0 version of the first thread, and if we stray away from that thread, we may never reach a 3.0 thread for it.

    If we abandon one of them, then we might as well close the other one.
    I post in both usually although I'm not sure I tend to stick to the above rules :s oops!

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  • hedwig
    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
    I'll be honest, I don't know what the difference between the two threads should be! Surely two sides of the same coin?
    Well, the "Discussion" Thread has been turned into a thread for discussion of the various episodes. There's been a list of each of the seasons with all the episodes listed, and people can sign up to do a review of their episode, and then others can discuss it. Then they move on to the next episode. I think we're up to Season 5 or thereabouts. The "Appreciation" thread was always reserved for all the other general comments anyone wanted to make, which occasionally wandered into the discussion thread when people started talking about some particular bits of an episode.

    Besides, the Appreciation thread has survived into a 2.0 version of the first thread, and if we stray away from that thread, we may never reach a 3.0 thread for it.

    If we abandon one of them, then we might as well close the other one.

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  • AmberLM
    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
    I liked Kerry. She knocked some sense into Jack. I think she and Sam could be friends. There's a great new fic by Sally Reeve in which she and Sam are friends.

    I'm also wondering how the "Discussion" Thread got turned into the "Appreciation" Thread. All of these chats should really be over on the Appreciation Thread.
    I'll be honest, I don't know what the difference between the two threads should be! Surely two sides of the same coin?

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  • SOtogether
    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
    I liked Kerry. She knocked some sense into Jack. I think she and Sam could be friends. There's a great new fic by Sally Reeve in which she and Sam are friends.

    I'm also wondering how the "Discussion" Thread got turned into the "Appreciation" Thread. All of these chats should really be over on the Appreciation Thread.
    I guess the appreciation is so great, it cannot be contained

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  • hedwig
    Originally posted by iiradned View Post
    Just finished reading it, lovely!! If only Sam had approached Jack before Kerry entered the scene.
    I liked Kerry. She knocked some sense into Jack. I think she and Sam could be friends. There's a great new fic by Sally Reeve in which she and Sam are friends.

    I'm also wondering how the "Discussion" Thread got turned into the "Appreciation" Thread. All of these chats should really be over on the Appreciation Thread.

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  • SOtogether
    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
    I ended up re-watching this epi, so my thanks to you as well
    I love the first scene, plus this one's actually funny

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  • AmberLM
    Originally posted by SOtogether View Post
    Yes, it totally could have been like that! Now I feel like re-watching the episode

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  • SOtogether
    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
    Just a little one-shot I've written. Missing scene from Citizen Joe. S/J
    Yes, it totally could have been like that! Now I feel like re-watching the episode

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  • AmberLM
    Originally posted by iiradned View Post
    Just finished reading it, lovely!! If only Sam had approached Jack before Kerry entered the scene.
    I can't green you but thanks for the rec and review

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  • iiradned
    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
    Just a little one-shot I've written. Missing scene from Citizen Joe. S/J
    Just finished reading it, lovely!! If only Sam had approached Jack before Kerry entered the scene.

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  • AmberLM
    Just a little one-shot I've written. Missing scene from Citizen Joe. S/J
    Last edited by AmberLM; 12 September 2014, 10:26 AM.

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