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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by debbycake
    Okay I am willing to take flames for this. I am going to go ahead and post the fic that was bugging me. If I don't do it now I might not get to it for a while. So here it is.
    No flames from me! That was really cute! Ah, to be a fly on the wall of the SGC... great job, debby!


      Originally posted by fishyone
      Lovely pics, Master Power. These make me excited... I want to see that episode.
      Me too! I'm actually looking forward to it... two more weeks!


        Originally posted by fishyone
        I have something similar, yet different for this one. Actually, I just came up with another, so... I'll post them both.

        Jack: You two want to explain that crowd out there?
        Daniel and Sam: Uh... The riot... um...


        Jack: What is that I hear about you being married? What do you have to say about that?
        Daniel and Sam: Uh... Um... (lowering voices) I guess this would be a bad time to tell them about the baby...
        They're both great! Love the part about the baby. I can just picture Jack's reaction to that.


          This is a little bit random (I've been doing this alot lately, but I'm just now getting teh chance to see all ten early seasons of SG-1). I noticed some shippy S/D content in the episode "In the Line of Duty". When Daniel comes to visit the Goa'uld infested Sam the symbiot asks him "do you care about Sam as much as Jack and Teal'c do?" he replied "yes". The symbiot immediately follows by saying "and yet you have only come to visit once?" (or something quite similar).

          It's obvious that Daniel cares about Sam greatly and he was clearly on the verge of tears when he went to visit her. I believe (to answer the Goa'uld's question) that Daniel resisted visting because he did not want to breakdown in tears (as he was obviously about to). He is sensitive, but also quite a strong and brave person--I'm sure he didn't want to look weak. The situation was also far too similar to Sha're's which must have made the whole thing doubly painful. Actually, the similarity between the two relationships seems like a little hint from TPTB (maybe Robert Cooper has a soft spot for Sam/Daniel??). I also loved teh ending scene where Daniel brought in the flowers--so thoughtful and cute!:

          All in all, I think the episode had more S/D ship than S/J ship--even though this would have been the perfect opportunity for that had the writers intended it.

          This is a major stretch, but I seem to remember in one episode SG-1 is being reviewed by an NID guy and he brings up that every woman Daniel Jackson has been close to got infested with a Goa'uld parasite--wouldn't that have to include Sam?

          Signature By Amber Moon


            Originally posted by JC_21
            I have to say that I agree, with them pairing Daniel and Vala up alot and I haven't even "meet" Vala before but just from pictures, coments,and episode synopsis I get that feeling.

            I love American Werewolf, great great movie, getting a bit dated now but still good. The fic was great, loved your inturpretation.

            I read all of the chapters out, for Breaking the curse last night...or was it early this morning either way WOW. Fishyone I love it, I can't wait to read more. You may have just created a that *prods* lots for updates

            Couldn't help noticing/commenting on the name of the episode that the season 10 pics are from, the name of the episode
            Morpheus- means bringer of dreams.
            I'm not sure about the whole spoilertag thing so wrapping just to be safe *grins*
            Yeah, it does seem like they are pushing that pairing... I'm afraid season 10 will turn into the Daniel and Vala show.

            Thank you. I am glad you liked it. I do have chapter 4 finished and Jess is beta-ing it... Then I'll make changes and then I'll give it back to Jess, who is hosting it on her site. And I'll have another prodder.

            It is interesting about the name of the episode.
            The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


              Originally posted by debbycake
              Okay I am willing to take flames for this. I am going to go ahead and post the fic that was bugging me. If I don't do it now I might not get to it for a while. So here it is.
              Don't worry. No flames. I liked it a lot. A cute, sweet piece of s/d fluff.
              The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                This is a little bit random (I've been doing this alot lately, but I'm just now getting teh chance to see all ten early seasons of SG-1). I noticed some shippy S/D content in the episode "In the Line of Duty". When Daniel comes to visit the Goa'uld infested Sam the symbiot asks him "do you care about Sam as much as Jack and Teal'c do?" he replied "yes". The symbiot immediately follows by saying "and yet you have only come to visit once?" (or something quite similar).

                It's obvious that Daniel cares about Sam greatly and he was clearly on the verge of tears when he went to visit her. I believe (to answer the Goa'uld's question) that Daniel resisted visting because he did not want to breakdown in tears (as he was obviously about to). He is sensitive, but also quite a strong and brave person--I'm sure he didn't want to look weak. The situation was also far too similar to Sha're's which must have made the whole thing doubly painful. Actually, the similarity between the two relationships seems like a little hint from TPTB (maybe Robert Cooper has a soft spot for Sam/Daniel??). I also loved teh ending scene where Daniel brought in the flowers--so thoughtful and cute!:


                All in all, I think the episode had more S/D ship than S/J ship--even though this would have been the perfect opportunity for that had the writers intended it.

                This is a major stretch, but I seem to remember in one episode SG-1 is being reviewed by an NID guy and he brings up that every woman Daniel Jackson has been close to got infested with a Goa'uld parasite--wouldn't that have to include Sam?
                You bring up some valid points. I didn't realize (even in our discussion of In The Line of Duty a while back), how truly shippy it was for s/d... I like the point you brought up of the way that Daniel answered that question about Sam.

                And I love the flowers. So touching and sweet.

                I thought that myself the last time I saw that episode... The thing about women Daniel cared about getting a parasite... I was like, "Sam, too!"
                The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                  Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                  This is a little bit random (I've been doing this alot lately, but I'm just now getting teh chance to see all ten early seasons of SG-1). I noticed some shippy S/D content in the episode "In the Line of Duty". When Daniel comes to visit the Goa'uld infested Sam the symbiot asks him "do you care about Sam as much as Jack and Teal'c do?" he replied "yes". The symbiot immediately follows by saying "and yet you have only come to visit once?" (or something quite similar).

                  It's obvious that Daniel cares about Sam greatly and he was clearly on the verge of tears when he went to visit her. I believe (to answer the Goa'uld's question) that Daniel resisted visting because he did not want to breakdown in tears (as he was obviously about to). He is sensitive, but also quite a strong and brave person--I'm sure he didn't want to look weak. The situation was also far too similar to Sha're's which must have made the whole thing doubly painful. Actually, the similarity between the two relationships seems like a little hint from TPTB (maybe Robert Cooper has a soft spot for Sam/Daniel??). I also loved teh ending scene where Daniel brought in the flowers--so thoughtful and cute!:


                  All in all, I think the episode had more S/D ship than S/J ship--even though this would have been the perfect opportunity for that had the writers intended it.
                  I didn't really think of it that much before, but I agree. I think that might be one of the reasons why Daniel was the last one to see her. It is very similar to Sha're's situation - someone Daniel cares a great deal for has been infested with a Goa'uld once again. I bet it was hard for Daniel to keep his emotions in check and he didn't want to appear weak. He did seem quite emotional when he went to talk to her, or at least like he was trying to bottle it all up but not quite succeeding. You could tell how awful he felt when he told her, "then I'm sorry" and then came forward, saying, "I'm sorry, Sam."

                  I loved that scene where he visited her in the infirmary with the flowers. That was so cute! I've seen it discussed on other forums (I think) about Robert Cooper. He also wrote Singularity, which is one of the most (if not THE most) shippy S/D episodes. Some people said that he might have been pretty much a S/D shipper, especially in the beginning. I don't know what happened later, though, if he jumped on the S/J bandwagon or was just overruled by writers who were S/J.

                  This is a major stretch, but I seem to remember in one episode SG-1 is being reviewed by an NID guy and he brings up that every woman Daniel Jackson has been close to got infested with a Goa'uld parasite--wouldn't that have to include Sam?
                  I remember that, too. I think the episode was The Fifth Man? The NID guy (Reynolds I think?) was interviewing Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c separately since they kept seeing that Lt. Tyler guy who didn't exist. I remember he brought up Sarah to Daniel and Daniel thought it was none of his business. I think that would have included Sam, unless they decided to leave her out because they wanted to make a distinction between Goa'uld and Tok'ra (and Jolinar was Tok'ra), or maybe they were afraid it would get too shippy. But I think it should include Sam all the same.
                  Last edited by JessM; 08 July 2006, 12:36 PM.


                    Originally posted by fishyone
                    Yeah, it does seem like they are pushing that pairing... I'm afraid season 10 will turn into the Daniel and Vala show.

                    Thank you. I am glad you liked it. I do have chapter 4 finished and Jess is beta-ing it... Then I'll make changes and then I'll give it back to Jess, who is hosting it on her site. And I'll have another prodder.

                    It is interesting about the name of the episode.
                    Ugh, same here! I am so glad that we have at least that second episode, the one for which MasterPower posted pics. Even if that will be the Sam/Daniel "last hurrah" of the season, it is still something to look forward to. If it turns into "The Daniel and Vala Show ... Oh, and These Other People" I probably won't watch anymore and just indulge in old episodes and Season 10 fix-it fics.

                    I'm almost done betaing chapter 4 - still great, BTW - so I'll have it back to you very soon... if not tonight then tomorrow.


                      Originally posted by fishyone
                      Don't worry. No flames. I liked it a lot. A cute, sweet piece of s/d fluff.
                      Thanks to all those of you who replied. I just had to get that out of my system.
                      Thanks Jess for the Sig!


                        You're welcome - and we all enjoyed it!

                        Hmm... wish I could add something else here...

                        Guess we can get back to episode discussion. Past and Present, right? Didn't see anything shippy in this one, except that when Daniel and Ke'ra were sitting together going through that book, and Daniel was joking around with her, Sam kept looking over at them. She almost looked jealous.


                          I had this thought...

                          Somewhere I was reading about why ships go through such long periods of UST and have no RST until the end of the show, and I was thinking that most s/d fanfics show the UST up to getting together and end there, without the exploration of the continuing relationship. Now, I know that when I read a story about an established relationship that's s/d, I always wonder how they got together... I guess maybe it's because they aren't paired on the show that I wonder just how it happened, but I guess I wonder if that curiousity as to how the relationship developed prevents or maybe just hinders stories about the continued relationship...
                          The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                            Originally posted by JessM
                            You're welcome - and we all enjoyed it!

                            Hmm... wish I could add something else here...

                            Guess we can get back to episode discussion. Past and Present, right? Didn't see anything shippy in this one, except that when Daniel and Ke'ra were sitting together going through that book, and Daniel was joking around with her, Sam kept looking over at them. She almost looked jealous.
                            That was really all I had for Past and Present. I guess we can move on to the very lovely shippy episode Jolinar's Memories.

                            There's some nice shared looks between Daniel and Sam at the briefing, and then of course, the beautiful scene where Daniel comforts Sam after she remembers Jolinar's torture. I love the way he looks at her, so full of care and concern... It is beautiful.
                            The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                              Originally posted by debbycake
                              Thanks to all those of you who replied. I just had to get that out of my system.
                              You're welcome, Debby. Thanks for sharing.
                              The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                                So... Once more, I will bring up our s/d thread story...

                                Okay... Do we want to start with the pic fic AU from Spirits?

                                Or... Do we want to do the story a season, starting with perhaps season 1?

                                Or any other suggestions?
                                The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.

