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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    You're not alone DrG -- I'm here. I just don't have anything to say.

    Loved the Michael/Amanda piccy. Maybe it means he's over his Claudia obsession. That was mean -- sorry. It just irks me...

    Banner made by Jess!


      Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post
      You're not alone DrG -- I'm here. I just don't have anything to say.

      Loved the Michael/Amanda piccy. Maybe it means he's over his Claudia obsession. That was mean -- sorry. It just irks me...
      Aww, lol, ok Yay! (on the not being alone part)

      lol. well, the kiss was actually quite a short one in the video on YouTube of the cast coming on stage but he especially looks like he's enjoying it. Heh, it's ok -- that did get a little annoying.

      : )
      (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



        Eek! I've been gone for far too long Sorry guys, I had a bunch of crazy RL stuff, wasn't feeling well (complications from the antibiotic I was taking for the sinus infection), and work had me extremely busy. I couldn't stay away forever though. Gotta show love for my #1 ship I have some stuff to share too - will do that once I'm all caught up.

        Originally posted by MerryK View Post
        I've seen that a lot for the major ships. I think the shippers for more minor ships know what it's like to be in the "minority" and be ignored or attacked, so they're considerate and tolerant of other ships. But the S/Jers and the D/Vers can sometimes be a bit over the top about their love and support for their ship...not that I'm saying the majority is.

        I think some people are afraid to ship Sam/Daniel because they love the part of the relationship that doesn't rely on romance, and are afraid that if romance entered the scene, that would be what the relationship was all about. (As so many ship fics show, a lot of shippers like the characters head over heals for each other and having sex and possibly making babies, not being their normal characters and having a wonderful friendship as well as romance.)

        As if Sam and Daniel would let a bit of romance ruin their wonderful intellectual relationship...they are far too smart for that.
        Yeah, that sounds about right to me. I've noticed that, on the whole, shippers for the more minor ships are a lot friendlier and not as demanding/fanatical. I've never seen people who ship Sam/Cam, Daniel/Janet, Daniel/Elizabeth, Sam/McKay, etc. rant about (for example) Sam and Daniel being like brother and sister. I just tend to notice it from the S/J and D/V shippers. Not that I'm saying all of them are like that - I've run into some rather respectful representatives of those ships. But if you look at the people who give that excuse, 99% of the time it's from those two ships.

        I can understand that. I know there have been fears about really good relationships on tv being wrecked once the characters get together. I was talking more about the possibility that some people like Sam/Daniel but are afraid to say anything because they have friends who are S/J or D/V and would get ridiculed for it. But I totally see your point. I've never been a big fan of ship onscreen. I mostly reserve it for fan fiction.


          Originally posted by JessM View Post
          Yeah, that sounds about right to me. I've noticed that, on the whole, shippers for the more minor ships are a lot friendlier and not as demanding/fanatical. I've never seen people who ship Sam/Cam, Daniel/Janet, Daniel/Elizabeth, Sam/McKay, etc. rant about (for example) Sam and Daniel being like brother and sister. I just tend to notice it from the S/J and D/V shippers. Not that I'm saying all of them are like that - I've run into some rather respectful representatives of those ships. But if you look at the people who give that excuse, 99% of the time it's from those two ships.

          I can understand that. I know there have been fears about really good relationships on tv being wrecked once the characters get together. I was talking more about the possibility that some people like Sam/Daniel but are afraid to say anything because they have friends who are S/J or D/V and would get ridiculed for it. But I totally see your point. I've never been a big fan of ship onscreen. I mostly reserve it for fan fiction.
          Both those points made sense—I've been driven or nearly driven away from supporting major ships simply because they became too fanatical, and not just in this fandom. There was even a time when I was redded for not being fanatical enough, just supportive. But there are some wonderful threads for my little ships, and they serve as my port of refuge after I dare dabble in the major ones. This one especially—I love how you've kept this ship alive even with all TPTB against it. As if they know what's best for their characters!

          And after lurking for months and being afraid of openly admitting that I support minor ships, that latter point hits especially close. In fact, I think there are a lot more potential Sam/Daniel shippers than one would think. I've seen a lot of friends watch shows, Stargate included, and they're always reluctant to understand the appeal of shipping at all—once they get involved in fandom, though, it's hard to escape, so they gravitate towards the most accepted. And after being around all that enthusiasm, unless you really dislike the couple, you'll pick up on it and join the club. But a couple of my friends who were Sam/Jack shippers admitted when we were watching Moebius that alt!Sam and alt!Daniel were the cutest thing they'd ever seen, and after talking with them, I think if they had come across the idea of Sam/Daniel first, they'd be diehard S/D shippers now.

          ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
          ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


            Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
            Aww, that's ok... kept the light on for ya. *hugs*
            Tank you, hon!

            lol! Manic is right. They remind of Priors sometimes... *sigh*
            Heh... "Hallowed are the S/J and D/V twu wuvs!" or something similar

            Hmm. Well, the Steen-Weir definitely had a crush on Daniel, which was comical... but Higginson-Weir was somewhat more demure about it, if she did crush on him at all... although I thought in season 8, she had more of a thing for Jack. lol
            I kinda picked up that vibe, too. I think the Higginson Weir kind of acted more like Daniel was her equal, like a colleague from the same department at a university or something. If that makes any sense.


            Tsk. Yeah. Heh. Closet. I think there is an element of that... like it's fashionable to 'hate' SD. And it's obvious by the actions/words of some DV'ers/SJ'ers that SD is a threat. It's like if Sam likes Jack, she has to have a callous disregard for Daniel otherwise it's bad... dearie me. Some SJ'ers don't know how to deal with Daniel so they just put him to one side... as for DV'ers... it's like saying that Daniel has a thing for the rogue Colonel in the Sentinel because of that, ahem, 'sparkage' before going into the 'gate... but that may just be me. *dodges blows from DV'ers hovering around an SD thread for some very obscure reason*
            I have to wonder how much of it is SJ'ers and DV'ers viewing SD as a threat, and how much of it is the shippers just hating either Daniel or Sam. I know quite a few SJ'ers who hate Daniel. They say he's too whiny and he always gets them all in trouble, etc (there was that SJ'er who wrote a CV fic and had them mention that Sam would need therapy if she was ever tied to Daniel or stranded with him or something like that ... and he actually mentioned to me that he hates Daniel). Then there are DV'ers who hate Sam because they don't think she's as cool as Vala or she's boring ... or they just love anyone who gives Daniel more screen time, and Sam magically subtracts from it. Oy, the whole thing makes my head hurt sometimes

            Yeah. Terrible. I mean, it's a great way in principle to keep the 'ship alive and to keep us all motivated... as well as perhaps raising our profile in the wider fandom. Honestly.
            Exactly. And after all the talk of promoting the ship more and getting more active in the group (after all that silly O/T stuff) you'd think people would be more game to get involved. Guess everyone is too busy or their fangirlishness for SG-1 has faded somewhat. It's a shame.

            Yeah. I think sometimes his (and others) answers in general are chosen according to the audience shippage demographic... I remember seeing some footage of a con where someone asked about whether there was anything between Sam and Daniel, and in amidst the huge boos that ensued (methinks the others were SJ'ers...), MS said that there wasn't... but I get the feeling that he was little embarrassed (or at least according to my shoddy memory... lol).

            But yeah, that would be just brilliant... the SD gang. lol. His/anyone's answer's sure to vary.
            Yeah, wouldn't surprise me. There was also AT mentioning at one of the GABIT cons that kissing Daniel was like kissing your brother. Though she had asked who likes SD and a couple of people raised their hands, but she hadn't seen them. You'd have to wonder if she would've said that if she had seen them.

            Hmm, that incident with MS at the con sounds familiar. Would that possibly be one of the Wolf SG cons? I think there was one that he attended with AT, Tom McBeath and Lexa right after he left the show. I have that con footage on tape and I think I remember that happening.

            Honestly. You know, if that was true, that would screw the team dynamics up so bad... and what about Meridian, eh? And Revelations... and... ooh, Children of the Gods, Fire and Water, Singularity, the season 2 opener (I swear, I must have Alzheimer's...)... Forever in a Day, Fallen, Icon... Flesh and Blood, and others that I've forgotten. That's just crazy talk lol.
            I know it and you know it... shame that others can't see it though. Oh well, their loss, eh?

            Aww, glad to hear it! *hugs* Hmm. It may be something going about.
            Yep, wouldn't surprise me. And the antibiotic made me a bit ill for a while. Glad that's over with.

            Ah. Righty -- thanks! When Paul Davis and General Hammond are telling other countries about the Stargate programme. You know, that would have worked better with Daniel being there, although love what Hammond did.

            That's true. I think some people tend to just assume that he was born in Egypt because of him being an Egyptologist. lol.

            lol. Heh. A friend of mine once said that maybe she could have been skipped ahead a year or something at the Academy, but I don't think they'd do that unless Sam was like the military equivalent of House M.D. lol

            Oh yes, that's in the same part of the filing cabinet as the wee inconsistency in 1969 where Daniel says that he was four and a half during the bit of the year they'd gone back to... oh, and the Sears Tower being visible in 1969. lol.
            No prob! Yep, that's the one. I thought Hammond did a good job there too. It's too bad they didn't have that episode in season 4 or 5, before Daniel turned into a glo stick (oops... maybe that's a bit much... how about "glow thingy"? ).

            Ha, yeah I can see people assuming that. I think the whole "Daniel was born in Egypt" thing is another bit of Daniel fanon.

            I don't see Sam skipping a year either. Someone did some meta discussion on Sam too, and pretty much threw out that whole concept. I think it might've been the same person who did the Daniel meta.


            Woot. Ficness! *bounces with glee* and Daniel going to see Sam in Atlantis. Why didn't that happen in season 4? Stupid writers.
            *sigh* I know. And of course it aint gonna happen in season 5. I thought we'd have our chance, but they had to stick Daniel's episodes so far back in the season (and I've heard Sam could still make some appearances in the show, but I doubt they're in Daniel's episodes, esp. from what I've read).

            Ah right. That was really bugging me because I couldn't be bothered to go back to whatever page of the thunk thread I'd been snurching from. lol. I think someone must've mentioned the episode name or something because I remember a word being with the pics, although not what the word act. was. Still, very nice... I mean, if he looked like that in SG-1, I think the writers would have to do some really strange writing for Sam not to notice him... if she hasn't already... ;o)
            Must've been the MS thunk thread, eh? I haven't been there in ages, still don't have much desire to go back. Same ol', same ol', plus any news about him I can usually get from LJ instead.

            Poor Sam would certainly have a problem concentrating on much.

            Hee hee, love the caption! It seems like Daniel, Sam and Cassie are a little family. One of my friends wanted to co-write a fic with me that would be AU and involve Sam and Daniel adopting Cassie. We both got really busy with other things, though.

            Originally posted by MerryK View Post
            One thing I love to death about Sam/Daniel is that it's so natural, without any tension that might lead to angst, so fics with S/D are usually kind to all the supporting characters. It just fits so well that they would end up together without anything really changing—not their relationships with the rest of the team members, not their jobs, not their personalities or how they relate to each other around others. That's a healthy relationship, a realistic relationship—not the sort that makes good television, unfortunately, or we surely would have seen it more.
            Count me in with DrG as another person who totally agrees! That is one thing that attracted me to Sam/Daniel - besides them having so much in common as scientists (they can and do empathize with each other's successes and failures in that area), their relationship seems so easy and natural. Perhaps other shippers find that sort of thing boring, that things are more "spiced up" when there's a lot of tension or a love/hate type of relationship. But I agree that Sam and Daniel's relationship is healthier and more realistic. Some might say it's too perfect and such a thing isn't possible. But I know a couple who are just like them. When I was in college, there were two profs in my department that were married to each other. They were both scientists and I believe they were friends for a while before they got together. And from all I've seen, they complemented each other very well (and had the same easy type of relationship that we see in Sam and Daniel).


              Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
              I like this idea. Kinda like the screencap-caption-game on steroids.

              Maybe we don't even have to limit it to S/D caps. What do the multi-shippers and friendshippers we have present think about other-pairing caps being posted and having them explained away in an S/D light?

              As may be evident from some of the stories I write, one of my favourite pasttimes is coming up with plausible Sam/Daniel explanations for the common Sam/Jack or Daniel/Vala "twu-wuv" misconceptions moments.
              Exactly. And yes, I've seemed to notice that about you.

              But I love it. And I love your idea of coming up with an SD-themed caption for a screencap (hey, you could post one of just Jack and Teal'c ... perhaps our lovely couple is late for a mission because of ...a few good reasons. *grin*). I think it'd be fine to start with that. If people feel open to the drabble idea later on, we could give that a go too. But I love the caption idea.

              Originally posted by MerryK View Post
              I agreed with what people said about the teamy goodness. I love all the dynamics between the characters, and how most of them are pure friendship without a lot of baggage. They are certainly the kind of team that wouldn't suffer from a bit of romance between a couple—more like a big giant family than a bunch of single friends. I once had a dream about SG-1 where they were all at Jack's cabin: Sam was married to Daniel, Vala was married to Tomin (who had joined the team), and Cam and Jack were tossing all their cute kids around while Teal'c barbecued. That's one Stargate alternate universe I'd like to see on screen...
              Agreed. It's always about the teamy goodness for me. Oh, what a dream!! I wouldn't mind seeing it on screen, either... or, in the very least, turned into a fanfic


                Yay, welcome back, Jess!

                See, look, even T agrees...

                Glad to hear that you're feeling better again.

                Oh yeah, so true -- more of a professional vibe between him and Higgi-Weir. Could see how 'ship too could develop from that although... I think Sam would be annoyed to say the least...

                lol, my head just hurts thinking about it all over again.

                *goes away to rehydrate*

                PS: oh... not sure which con it was but it was the one where he did his Thor voice.

                : )
                (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                  Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                  B&Q Daniel:


                  He's spraying his and Sam's fence...

                  : )
                  Hee! Oh, that's great

                  Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                  Both those points made sense—I've been driven or nearly driven away from supporting major ships simply because they became too fanatical, and not just in this fandom. There was even a time when I was redded for not being fanatical enough, just supportive. But there are some wonderful threads for my little ships, and they serve as my port of refuge after I dare dabble in the major ones. This one especially—I love how you've kept this ship alive even with all TPTB against it. As if they know what's best for their characters!

                  And after lurking for months and being afraid of openly admitting that I support minor ships, that latter point hits especially close. In fact, I think there are a lot more potential Sam/Daniel shippers than one would think. I've seen a lot of friends watch shows, Stargate included, and they're always reluctant to understand the appeal of shipping at all—once they get involved in fandom, though, it's hard to escape, so they gravitate towards the most accepted. And after being around all that enthusiasm, unless you really dislike the couple, you'll pick up on it and join the club. But a couple of my friends who were Sam/Jack shippers admitted when we were watching Moebius that alt!Sam and alt!Daniel were the cutest thing they'd ever seen, and after talking with them, I think if they had come across the idea of Sam/Daniel first, they'd be diehard S/D shippers now.
                  Oh, that is ridiculous. Redded for not being supportive enough? Eek.

                  Yeah, I have to admit the friend who helped get me into Stargate was a Sam/Jack shipper. When I first started watching I didn't mind S/J ship. I wasn't totally sold on it, but I didn't mind it. Then I got into Sam/Daniel when I watched the reruns from the beginning (I started watching the show in S6). I started writing S/D fic and when I showed it to my friend, she at first said she'd like to see a love triangle develop between Sam, Daniel and Jack that would make Jack declare his love for Sam. But as I wrote more and more S/D fic, she started saying she liked the idea of Sam/Daniel. She stopped watching the show around S8 though and last I heard, she's not active in the fandom anymore.

                  I also noticed that when people start watching the show can influence what choices they make in shipping, etc. It seems that a lot of newer fans, who started watching the show after S8 (or maybe during S8) like D/V. I guess I could understand if Prometheus Unbound was their first ep, or anything in early S9 and they liked Daniel and Vala together. It's funny though - the way some of them talk about the other characters or Daniel's interactions with them, it's like they'd never seen the early seasons. So when they say stuff like "oh, look at the cute worried look on Daniel's face when Vala is missing in Memento Mori. He's never gotten that look when either Carter or Teal'c were missing" it just makes them look ignorant, 'cause if you'd seen any of the earlier episodes, you'd see Daniel looking very worried about Teal'c and Sam (and Jack too).

                  Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                  Yay, welcome back, Jess!

                  See, look, even T agrees...

                  Glad to hear that you're feeling better again.

                  Oh yeah, so true -- more of a professional vibe between him and Higgi-Weir. Could see how 'ship too could develop from that although... I think Sam would be annoyed to say the least...

                  lol, my head just hurts thinking about it all over again.

                  *goes away to rehydrate*

                  PS: oh... not sure which con it was but it was the one where he did his Thor voice.

                  : )
                  Thanks hon! LOL, I have a friend who ships Daniel/Weir (Higgi-Weir). She wrote a fic for them that was a tag for Pegasus Project. It was actually pretty nice (even though I don't really ship them, and despite that fact that it seemed like there was some implied D/V in it).

                  Ooh... hmm... I think he's done the Thor voice at most of the cons he attends I know he did it at the first con I went to. I'm gonna have to check the Wolf SG tape again and see if it was that one.

                  Oh, btw, I love your sig banner! And the captions were just great. Aw, the idea of Jack calling Daniel "spacemonkey" as he officiates at their wedding makes me all fuzzy inside. Hee hee


                    Okay, enough spamming from me now, lol

                    Here is the new stuff I promised. Screen caps from Continuum!! Um, some of them are pretty spoilery, but if you're not a spoiler phobe, I hope you'll take a gander. Very nice scenes

                    But first a few funny caption pics from it (the first one really isn't spoilery at all...but if you think it is, let me know and I'll stick it back under the tags):



                      Originally posted by JessM View Post
                      Hee! Oh, that's great
                      lol, that's spooky... was just explaining it at the Chem Lab (well, where I got the pic as opposed to the ficcage behind it...). lol

                      Originally posted by Jess
                      Thanks hon! LOL, I have a friend who ships Daniel/Weir (Higgi-Weir). She wrote a fic for them that was a tag for Pegasus Project. It was actually pretty nice (even though I don't really ship them, and despite that fact that it seemed like there was some implied D/V in it).
                      Heh. lol. Hm.

                      Originally posted by Jess
                      Ooh... hmm... I think he's done the Thor voice at most of the cons he attends I know he did it at the first con I went to. I'm gonna have to check the Wolf SG tape again and see if it was that one.

                      Oh, btw, I love your sig banner! And the captions were just great. Aw, the idea of Jack calling Daniel "spacemonkey" as he officiates at their wedding makes me all fuzzy inside. Hee hee
                      lol, figures. I seem to remember one where he was really embarrassed about it when someone asked, but then again that probably doesn't narrow it down at all. It was one where a girl stood up and asked, I think, whether there was anything between Sam and Daniel, as well as another question, can't remember what, and it seemed like the entire room was filled with boos and jeers. He laughed and then when it died down, said politely that there wasn't anything, and then went on to answer her next question.

                      lol. Thanks! I think I nicked it from someone. It has teamy goodness but also some S/D sparkage in it too. How's that for seamless?


                      : )
                      (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                        lmao! Love the little story! Heh, funny how everyone forgot to tell Jack that Sam and Daniel got married. Love those nice little looks Daniel sends Sam's way. lol, yeah, the Tok'ra know them well enough that they're not standing near them (they don't want to get in the way when Sam and Daniel go to check out the private quarters... ). Poor Cam...

                        Great work! Here's some greenage because GW won't let me green you today...

                        : )
                        (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                          Originally posted by JessM View Post
                          I also noticed that when people start watching the show can influence what choices they make in shipping, etc. It seems that a lot of newer fans, who started watching the show after S8 (or maybe during S8) like D/V. I guess I could understand if Prometheus Unbound was their first ep, or anything in early S9 and they liked Daniel and Vala together. It's funny though - the way some of them talk about the other characters or Daniel's interactions with them, it's like they'd never seen the early seasons. So when they say stuff like "oh, look at the cute worried look on Daniel's face when Vala is missing in Memento Mori. He's never gotten that look when either Carter or Teal'c were missing" it just makes them look ignorant, 'cause if you'd seen any of the earlier episodes, you'd see Daniel looking very worried about Teal'c and Sam (and Jack too).
                          Yeah, I've actually seen that from many's like they only see their ship. Even the ships with the most on-screen support have the characters showing care and concern for others than their "true love"... Actually, I think a lot of D/V shippers liked Vala first, and since she attached herself to Daniel, they attached themselves to the ship. Plus, they do have chemistry...whether it's romantic or not is a matter of opinion, but regardless they do bounce off each other in a way that I like to watch. But when it comes to being attentive, Sam was always first on Daniel's list, and even when Teal'c and Jack seemed to care more about her condition he was always there for her. He even got beat up for it in The Broca Divide.

                          ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                          ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                            Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                            lol, figures. I seem to remember one where he was really embarrassed about it when someone asked, but then again that probably doesn't narrow it down at all. It was one where a girl stood up and asked, I think, whether there was anything between Sam and Daniel, as well as another question, can't remember what, and it seemed like the entire room was filled with boos and jeers. He laughed and then when it died down, said politely that there wasn't anything, and then went on to answer her next question.

                            lol. Thanks! I think I nicked it from someone. It has teamy goodness but also some S/D sparkage in it too. How's that for seamless?


                            Hm, sounds like it's a pretty early con - or at least taking place before season 9 (after which everyone seemed preoccupied with DV).

                            Very seamless! Heh... love it

                            : )
                            Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                            lmao! Love the little story! Heh, funny how everyone forgot to tell Jack that Sam and Daniel got married. Love those nice little looks Daniel sends Sam's way. lol, yeah, the Tok'ra know them well enough that they're not standing near them (they don't want to get in the way when Sam and Daniel go to check out the private quarters... ). Poor Cam...

                            Great work! Here's some greenage because GW won't let me green you today...

                            : )
                            *curtsies* Thank you! Heh, Cam knows the drill by now - though he's sure to be a bit weary of it I think.

                            Thanks again! Oh and finally, here are the caps I promised:



                              more Continuum caps (all are snurchable):



                                And still more (sorry for spamming again, lol):


                                think I'll stop here I've got about 85 S/D caps from this one, so if you want me to post more just let me know.

