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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post
    I was watching early SG1 as a personal tribute to Don S Davis and noted some stuff that I wanted to share.

    In Point of View "Captain" Sam was really, really happy to see Daniel through the mirror. Course it was the wrong Sam, but ya know.

    This isn't SD ... When our Sam is watching Samantha and Jack kiss -- some thought she was jealous and maybe she was, but I don't think she was jealous from a SJ perspective -- as SJ'ers do. No offense to SJ'ers meant. I think she was jealous, because Samantha had a life outside of the SGC that "our" Sam doesn't -- but that may be my rose-coloured SD glasses speaking.

    The other thing I noticed was in Foothold. When Sam returns to the SGC -- she takes on the guise of Daniel. If she was as in love with Jack as it was said then why didn't she choose his guise? And do you think she took some peaks at our handsome archaeologist?

    Kinda of pointless, but wanted to share anyway.
    I'm with DrG, it's not silly at all

    Yeah, I noticed that "Captain" Sam seemed really happy to see our Daniel... big smile and all. That was nice.

    I know different people will interpret that bit as they see fit, but that's how I see it, too. Maybe she was jealous that Dr. Sam had a life outside the SGC, and had been married to someone no matter who it was. I mean, up until this time, the last relationship our Sam had was Jonas Hansen, and we saw how that ended up.

    As for Foothold... just thinking back to what DrG answered. Did she shoot the alien pretending to be Daniel? I know she shot Jack and then I remember Maybourne grabbing "Daniel" and almost choking him... there was one point where he pleaded "Sam...." And Sam asked Maybourne to let him go. It was as if the alien used Daniel's personality/thoughts/whatever to get through to Sam. I think she grabbed the device off the alien and then they shot it. At least that's what I remember...

    and as for your last question, I would not doubt that she did *grin*

    Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
    J: That's just wrong
    MJ: Well, here at least
    J: Hey!
    MJ: *whisper* Loki's got his camera out
    J: Dammit! Carter, Daniel, off the table... now!
    S (off-screen): *embarrassed* Sorry, Sir
    D (off-screen): It's just the level of technology here... we never really get to explore much... and we're here now, and no-one's in peril right now...
    J & MJ: Oh fer cryin' out loud...
    Heh... Jack does look a bit peeved there, doesn't he
    Jonas: Out of the way, I'm late for Sam's wedding! In a rather ironic twist of fate, I'm Doctor Jackson's best man.
    Ironic indeed!

    Thanks for the giggles... these were great


      I'm spamming waaaaay too much today... sorry about that I wanted to get here earlier but I've been feeling sick the past few days. Got a dr's appt on Thursday. I think it's my sinuses or my ears. Not sure which, but hopefully I'll find out when I go. Anyway...

      Originally posted by fishyone View Post
      I will forgo the comments about how I have not died (my computer did, though) and jump right into the discussion of PoV.

      I noticed some of the same things as you guys did when I clipped that episode for my vid, Time After Time. I had this idea of showing how Sam/Daniel were still the same science twins in alternate realities (and I just now realize I totally forgot the Moebius universe when I did that, oops!) but I used that clip of him and the Captain Sam in the mirror for the vid, thinking she looked really happy to see him. I also used a clip where the Alternate Sam thanks Daniel right before she leaves because she smiles at him very warmly.

      I've never really thought Sam looked jealous while watching the Alternate Sam and Jack kiss. Startled, I think is a better description of it... and in my S/D glasses, she's going "EW! No! I can't believe she--I just did that!"

      That's just me, though.
      *hugs* Hope your computer will be on the mend soon. It's great to see you here again!

      Very good points about those scenes. I did love the warm smile AUSam gave Daniel. And from what I remember, Daniel gave her a bright smile back. And I like the view from your S/D glasses

      Speaking of POV and AU's... I think this was mentioned quite a few times already... but did you notice how in each of the AU situations where Sam was shown with Jack (TBFTGOG, POV, and even Moebius Part 2), Daniel wasn't around? In the first two eps, he'd never even joined the SGC and in Moebius he was killed after he was snaked with a goa'uld spy. Things that make you go "hmmmmm..."

      Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post
      Hey I started a discussion. I'm proud of myself.

      Moving on... I seem to remember her shooting "Jack" first. I think Maybourne shot "Daniel." "Jack" flickered first and I think Sam shot "Paul Davis." That's sad I just watched Foothold the other day and can't remember. If I was Sam I doubt I could resist the call of our sexy archaeologist's body -- scratch that I know I couldn't resist -- I'd be happy just to get him topless truth be told.

      I think it's a pretty good Maybourne episode, I like him better after he leaves the NID, when he's not so much Maybourne as Harry.
      Go Kitty! *grin*

      Yeah, that's pretty much what I was saying too. I thought she shot "Jack" first, and shot "Davis" as well... and it was Maybourne who shot Daniel, but I think that was after they took the device off him, so we saw his true alien form before Maybourne shot him.

      I think that's about all I have to add..... random pic time


        Originally posted by JessM View Post
        I'm spamming waaaaay too much today... sorry about that I wanted to get here earlier but I've been feeling sick the past few days. Got a dr's appt on Thursday. I think it's my sinuses or my ears. Not sure which, but hopefully I'll find out when I go. Anyway...

        *hugs* Hope your computer will be on the mend soon. It's great to see you here again!

        Very good points about those scenes. I did love the warm smile AUSam gave Daniel. And from what I remember, Daniel gave her a bright smile back. And I like the view from your S/D glasses

        Speaking of POV and AU's... I think this was mentioned quite a few times already... but did you notice how in each of the AU situations where Sam was shown with Jack (TBFTGOG, POV, and even Moebius Part 2), Daniel wasn't around? In the first two eps, he'd never even joined the SGC and in Moebius he was killed after he was snaked with a goa'uld spy. Things that make you go "hmmmmm..."
        Sorry to hear you aren't feeling good, Jess. I hope you feel better soon. I've been kind of down myself, mostly because I can't sleep...

        Well, I think I have to wait until after I get back from vacation at the end of the month and see how badly I overspent myself (as I always do) to see if I can afford to replace my computer... Meanwhile I will borrow a laptop when it is not in use and hope for the best...

        S/D glasses really are the best kind of glasses to have, aren't they? And no GPS in them, lol!

        That's a good point about the AUs... No Daniel, so Sam's actually settling for Jack, right?
        The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


          Originally posted by fishyone View Post
          That's a good point about the AUs... No Daniel, so Sam's actually settling for Jack, right?
          Well of course! It's especially obvious in Moebius where she's clearly got a crush on Daniel until he dies and she meets alternate Daniel—he's a bit off from the Daniel she knew, though, so she's crushed and rebounds to the only other eligible guy. Poor thing.

          ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
          ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


            Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post
            Hey I started a discussion. I'm proud of myself.

            Moving on... I seem to remember her shooting "Jack" first. I think Maybourne shot "Daniel." "Jack" flickered first and I think Sam shot "Paul Davis." That's sad I just watched Foothold the other day and can't remember. If I was Sam I doubt I could resist the call of our sexy archaeologist's body -- scratch that I know I couldn't resist -- I'd be happy just to get him topless truth be told.

            I think it's a pretty good Maybourne episode, I like him better after he leaves the NID, when he's not so much Maybourne as Harry.
            Ah, right. Well, it was one or the other. lol. Heh. Interesting even more now, eh? ;o) lol.

            Hmm. It must have been way too tempting... lol.

            He was rather one-sided in that though... Yeah, I agree -- I think my favourite Maybourne ep is It's Good to be King... although the ones before that where Jack almost shot him were pretty good.

            Originally posted by JessM View Post
            Yeah, I'd only voted the one time. I figured there's really not much point... we know who has already won and S/D probably won't even get into the top 10. If I saw more people voting then maybe I'd vote again. Meh, I guess I'm a wet blanket
            Aww.. no, you're not. It's just rather disheartening because I think the other posters choose some of the other 'ships just out of malice. SamDaniel's up to 18 now, but DanielVala have already won, DanielJanet is close to winning... oh, and DanielElizabeth is above SamDaniel too, which I find perplexing, because we've got only, what, a couple of episodes with them together as opposed to the many with SamDaniel... the same going for DanielJanet. Tsk. lol.

            Originally posted by Jess
            Hee hee! Thanks. I realized it'd been so long since I made some S/D art and I really wanted to contribute something for the 'Thon. So I made myself sit down in front of the puter, browsed through all my S/D caps and fortunately a few things jumped out at me. These two can really inspire me sometimes when I least expect it. I did love that look she gave him. So subtle, yet it says so much. Such a nice, quiet little moment between them. I'm glad they gave us that.
            You know what would be nice? If we had another 'thon but this time publicise it better and keep everyone motivated. It's a shame that the last one didn't get as much attention as it could have.

            lol. Yeah. Those funny scientists. They're probably pre-Ascended muses or something...

            Hmm. *happy sigh*

            Originally posted by Jess
            That is an intriguing little idea. You know what might be fun? To post a screencap of S/D, just a random one, and challenge people to come up with some fic to explain it away. It doesn't even have to be a full-length thing - it could even be a drabble.
            Now that would be really cool.

            Originally posted by Jess
            Thank ya again! He does. I remember when I saw him at a con in 2004 he did a parade of Daniel expressions... I think he did "surprised Daniel," "angry Daniel" and "perplexed Daniel." Some guy yelled out "how about Dead Daniel?" lol, if I had nerves of steel I would have asked him "how about late-night-with-Sam Daniel?"
            Oh! That would have been such a great question to ask! lol. Aww. One day, eh? ;o) Wouldn't it be cool if there was a bunch of SD'ers at a con and we could motivate each other to ask SD questions (ignoring the boo's of course...)? That'd be sweet.

            Originally posted by JessM View Post
            As for Foothold... just thinking back to what DrG answered. Did she shoot the alien pretending to be Daniel? I know she shot Jack and then I remember Maybourne grabbing "Daniel" and almost choking him... there was one point where he pleaded "Sam...." And Sam asked Maybourne to let him go. It was as if the alien used Daniel's personality/thoughts/whatever to get through to Sam. I think she grabbed the device off the alien and then they shot it. At least that's what I remember...

            and as for your last question, I would not doubt that she did *grin*
            I have so got to watch Foothold again. Heh. That'd be cool though, and those mysterious aliens had access to thoughts/personalities... so maybe thingy-masquerading-as-Daniel thought he could exploit that.

            Speaking of which... a lot of people seem to think that, in Gemini I think, when RepliCarter didn't shoot Jack, that RepliCarter had found Sam's feelings for him and couldn't fight them or whatever. That bemuses me really, because if you think about it, she shoots Daniel... I think, and this is someone that's ashamed of her humanity, who thinks it's her weakness, so perhaps she had to shoot Daniel to prove to herself that she wasn't giving in to 'weak' human feelings like love, etc. Which then leads to Reckoning. She chooses Daniel because she knows that he has Ancient knowledge tucked away in there somewhere... and she almost tries to seduce him into giving up the knowledge... to my recollection at least... and you've got to wonder why she didn't just stab him in the head to begin with because she knows Daniel quite well seeing as she's from Sam, so she knows that he'd never give up... so why try to take the long way around if there weren't feelings that were too strong to let go maybe?

            Originally posted by JessM View Post
            I'm spamming waaaaay too much today... sorry about that I wanted to get here earlier but I've been feeling sick the past few days. Got a dr's appt on Thursday. I think it's my sinuses or my ears. Not sure which, but hopefully I'll find out when I go. Anyway...
            Aww. Hope you feel better soon! *hugs* Sinus conditions are just horrible.

            Originally posted by Jess
            Very good points about those scenes. I did love the warm smile AUSam gave Daniel. And from what I remember, Daniel gave her a bright smile back. And I like the view from your S/D glasses

            Speaking of POV and AU's... I think this was mentioned quite a few times already... but did you notice how in each of the AU situations where Sam was shown with Jack (TBFTGOG, POV, and even Moebius Part 2), Daniel wasn't around? In the first two eps, he'd never even joined the SGC and in Moebius he was killed after he was snaked with a goa'uld spy. Things that make you go "hmmmmm..."
            lol, oh yeah. She'd never met him... and then before they could get even more acquainted, he got snaked. Hmmmmmmm indeed. And you know, she thought she was going to die, and there was only Jack there... which explains the ickiness. But she did say that she had feelings for Daniel! Whoop! SD glasses are the best, lol.

            Originally posted by Jess
            I think that's about all I have to add..... random pic time

            Yay! Random pic time! )

            D: "But Sam... you're an Astrophysicist... why are you wearing a white lab coat?"
            S: "Because... Daniel, there are apparently not enough scientists on base... or at least not enough scientists qualified to help Janet like I can..." *glance to the side at where his left hand is, smile* "Keep doing that and don't expect to be able to talk for a while."

            Ooh, and before I forget... just a resource I came across last night if anyone's writing/has written a story involving the precise inscriptions on Sam's dog tags:

            Went looking after I heard from someone on Yahoo! Answers in a question about religious abbreviations on military dog tags that both Jack and Sam have 'RC' (Roman Catholic) on theirs. Anyway, the pic is of merchandise from the MGM store. Couldn't find one for Daniel (well, he's not military... but I'd've thunk that he'd have some for the same reasons as the military folk seeing as he's essentially a soldier), but found photo ones. lol.

            The inscription on Sam's says:

            CARTER, SAMANTHA
            456 731 479
            A POS RC

            the number's her service number; 'A POS' is her blood type... and you know what RC is.

            : )
            Last edited by DrGemini2405; 17 July 2008, 09:09 AM. Reason: adding a pic
            (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



              I think you might be right about RepliCarter DrG. It makes too much sense.

              I think RepliCarter knew how Sam felt for Daniel, but also how perplexed she felt because of Jack. In Reckoning she says "I have no desire to destroy you ... or Earth." Or something like that and it's just the way she says it ... You so pointedly and then "or Earth."

              Oddly one of my favourite Maybourne eps is the one where he teams up with Jack and goes after Kinsey. For the life of me I can't remember the title... Wait is it Chain Reaction? I did like It's Good To Be King and I liked Paradise Lost where Jack and Harry are trapped off-world together. It's a season six ep, which makes me sad 'cause no Daniel but whatever... I think Sam mentions Daniel so it's something.

              Jess I think your idea (stories for caps) is cool. I'm with DrG. Don't know how much I'll contribute -- I don't work well under pressure.

              Yes SD glasses are the best. ::sigh::

              Banner made by Jess!


                Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post
                I think you might be right about RepliCarter DrG. It makes too much sense.

                lol. And it's something else that's conveniently overlooked by the anti-SD squad

                Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson
                I think RepliCarter knew how Sam felt for Daniel, but also how perplexed she felt because of Jack. In Reckoning she says "I have no desire to destroy you ... or Earth." Or something like that and it's just the way she says it ... You so pointedly and then "or Earth."

                Hmm. Interesting point.

                Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson
                Oddly one of my favourite Maybourne eps is the one where he teams up with Jack and goes after Kinsey. For the life of me I can't remember the title... Wait is it Chain Reaction? I did like It's Good To Be King and I liked Paradise Lost where Jack and Harry are trapped off-world together. It's a season six ep, which makes me sad 'cause no Daniel but whatever... I think Sam mentions Daniel so it's something.

                I think that's Chain Reaction. Hm. They're all great eps. The dynamic esp. between Jack and Harry is pretty funny.

                Yep... when Sam gets upset at losing Jack so soon after losing Daniel... and got hugged by T-man in the locker room.

                : )
                Last edited by DrGemini2405; 18 July 2008, 06:45 AM. Reason: extra tags which just confuse me... meh
                (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                  Not SG ones, but hey, they could be... It doesn't matter though, does it? It's MS... topless... *happy sigh*

                  D: Yeah, found your bag last night... it was under my bed. *smile, pause* Oh... baby, I can't find my cell charger... yeah, I checked there... and there... *rolls eyes* and there too... yes...

                  D: I checked the fridge already!... *surprise* oh, what the hell is it doing in here? Thanks, Sam. I don't know how you manage to find things I lose even when you're not in the room. *smiles* Thank you. You want me to deliver your bag?

                  D: *thinks* Now to tell Balinsky and Nyan that I have a mutated form of the Ebola virus that's transmutable via phone calls during the night... dammit, I'm going to spend at least one uninterrupted night with my girlfriend without some kind of emergency... *hums merrily*

                  EDIT: just found a really cute pic I thought I'd share... not as squeeworthy as the previously three... just cute:

                  Doesn't it look as though Daniel's all snuggled up in his shirt? lol

                  C: Hey, cut that out, you've got the fan girls' attention already
                  L: Yes... about that, Doctor Jackson... how did a hundred hysterical women gain access to my base?
                  D: *oblivious, distracted* Hmm... Wha...?
                  fan girls: *super squee*

                  meh, I need sleep.

                  Oh, before I go... does anyone know if there is any point at which it's mentioned in the canon of the series that Daniel was born in Olympia, Greece? That's bugging me because a few months ago at least, that little 'fact' suddenly started appearing on his various Wiki entries with no citation. 'tis strange...

                  : )
                  Last edited by DrGemini2405; 18 July 2008, 07:03 PM. Reason: disjointed thoughts... but who can blame me? :D
                  (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                    *looks around... notices tumbleweed.* Oh dear. Don't make me get the flag scene pic out again! (wait, just how is that a threat? ). I've got my own theories about why everyone seems to have disappeared. Here it is in script form:

                    SD gang: ooh, almost naked Daniel *mass faint*

                    The reason I'm still here may be down to my low seratonin levels at the mo.

                    Anywho. Got some ficciness for ya.

                    What We Should Be Doing, by DrGemini86 (DrGemini24)
                    Summary: As SG-1 and Jack plan their weddings, the team is dragged into another mission. Missing scenes for Ark of Truth. Sequel to the What I Should Have Told You series.
                    Pairings: SamDaniel, CamVala, ValaTomin, Teal'cIsh'ta, JackSara
                    Rating: T
                    Category: Established Relationship
                    Genres: Angst, Drama, Episode-related, Friendship, Relationship-focussed, Sequel
                    Spoilers: seasons 1-10, Ark of Truth
                    Series: Preceded by the What I Should Have Told You series

                    [insert small enough picture of Harley Jane Kozak/Sara O'Neill... stupid Google...]

                    (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                      Is back, after it took a while to scroll down the page
                      The pictures of the almost naked daniel......were they from the episode with Shifu?


                        Hey gang! Wow. Been a while since I've been here. Real life, etc. Way too many posts to catch up on though. Hope everyone's doing well!

                        Originally posted by x_stargatergirl_x View Post
                        Is back, after it took a while to scroll down the page
                        The pictures of the almost naked daniel......were they from the episode with Shifu?
                        I'm not sure where those pics are from, but I don't think they're from Stargate. Some other movie or show, I believe. They're nice, either way
                        ~Amaranth Traces


                          *blushes* I've been away from this place for far too long... *hugs you all*

                          Originally posted by fishyone View Post
                          Sorry to hear you aren't feeling good, Jess. I hope you feel better soon. I've been kind of down myself, mostly because I can't sleep...

                          Well, I think I have to wait until after I get back from vacation at the end of the month and see how badly I overspent myself (as I always do) to see if I can afford to replace my computer... Meanwhile I will borrow a laptop when it is not in use and hope for the best...

                          S/D glasses really are the best kind of glasses to have, aren't they? And no GPS in them, lol!

                          That's a good point about the AUs... No Daniel, so Sam's actually settling for Jack, right?
                          Thanks, fishy. I went to the doctor last Thurs and turns out I have a sinus infection. I got medication for it though and I'm practically over it now thank goodness. Sorry to hear you've been feeling down *hugs*

                          I'm glad you have something you can use in between, even if it's not too often. It's great to see you pop in here whenever you can.

                          Yes, exactly! The lack of GPS is definitely a plus, lol!!

                          Heh... oh, very good point. It does seem to make a lot of sense

                          Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                          Aww.. no, you're not. It's just rather disheartening because I think the other posters choose some of the other 'ships just out of malice. SamDaniel's up to 18 now, but DanielVala have already won, DanielJanet is close to winning... oh, and DanielElizabeth is above SamDaniel too, which I find perplexing, because we've got only, what, a couple of episodes with them together as opposed to the many with SamDaniel... the same going for DanielJanet. Tsk. lol.
                          Yeah, I've noticed in some of the past games there were some vindictive shippers (mostly DV'ers from what I could tell) that would post manically... and lots that took great pleasure hurting Sam/Daniel in the heal/hurt ship games. I decided those were a lost cause. Heh, why do those results not surprise me? Except for the DanielElizabeth one... Yeah, I think they were only in two episodes, New Order and The Pegasus Project. Not that I minded them together as friends or anything. It really makes me wonder sometimes if people either like Sam/Daniel but are afraid to "come out of the closet" (so to speak), or if they view it as a threat in some way.

                          You know what would be nice? If we had another 'thon but this time publicise it better and keep everyone motivated. It's a shame that the last one didn't get as much attention as it could have.
                          Yeah that would be great. When I first joined SDR, I was looking through the archives and the files, and they used to have these drabble-thons. I think they had people writing drabbles for each episode.

                          I was surprised that this one didn't get much participation, especially seeing as how other individuals in the group (apart from us) are usually quite prolific with fic. I believe one of them in particular had even suggested something like the SD-Thon. Then we actually have it and ... *shakes head*

                          Oh! That would have been such a great question to ask! lol. Aww. One day, eh? ;o) Wouldn't it be cool if there was a bunch of SD'ers at a con and we could motivate each other to ask SD questions (ignoring the boo's of course...)? That'd be sweet.
                          lol! Yep, one day. I know that rebelwriter (Chris) and Spacemonkey_Jackson asked MS that question at the Burbank con in 2006 and his response was something like, "one word - 'ew'." And then he went on about how he sees them as siblings who have an understanding or a rivalry or something odd like that. But there was only two of them. Maybe if we had a lot more people we could show him just how many of us there are and we'd get a different response. *grin*

                          I have so got to watch Foothold again. Heh. That'd be cool though, and those mysterious aliens had access to thoughts/personalities... so maybe thingy-masquerading-as-Daniel thought he could exploit that.
                          It's been a while since I last watched it, but I'll always remember the Daniel alien being strangled by Maybourne and going, "Sam....."


                          Speaking of which... a lot of people seem to think that, in Gemini I think, when RepliCarter didn't shoot Jack, that RepliCarter had found Sam's feelings for him and couldn't fight them or whatever. That bemuses me really, because if you think about it, she shoots Daniel... I think, and this is someone that's ashamed of her humanity, who thinks it's her weakness, so perhaps she had to shoot Daniel to prove to herself that she wasn't giving in to 'weak' human feelings like love, etc. Which then leads to Reckoning. She chooses Daniel because she knows that he has Ancient knowledge tucked away in there somewhere... and she almost tries to seduce him into giving up the knowledge... to my recollection at least... and you've got to wonder why she didn't just stab him in the head to begin with because she knows Daniel quite well seeing as she's from Sam, so she knows that he'd never give up... so why try to take the long way around if there weren't feelings that were too strong to let go maybe?
                          That's pretty much how I see it, too. I've seen both SJ shippers and Daniel fans who hate Sam argue that her shooting Daniel shows that she doesn't think much of him at all. Come on.

                          Aww. Hope you feel better soon! *hugs* Sinus conditions are just horrible.
                          Thanks! *hugs* I'm feeling much better now. Luckily it wasn't to bad this time... I usually don't get sick much in the summer.

                          lol, oh yeah. She'd never met him... and then before they could get even more acquainted, he got snaked. Hmmmmmmm indeed. And you know, she thought she was going to die, and there was only Jack there... which explains the ickiness. But she did say that she had feelings for Daniel! Whoop! SD glasses are the best, lol.
                          Heh. Exactly. I even made a wallpaper dedicated to it once... I think I posted it in my LJ some time ago. Might have posted it here too but I don't remember.

                          Hee... love the caption

                          Wow, thanks for the info on Sam's dog tags. Definitely filing it away for future reference.[/QUOTE]

                          Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post

                          Jess I think your idea (stories for caps) is cool. I'm with DrG. Don't know how much I'll contribute -- I don't work well under pressure.

                          Yes SD glasses are the best. ::sigh::
                          Thanks Kitty No problem - if you'd like to contribute at all, I know I'd love to see what you come up with.



                            Originally posted by x_stargatergirl_x View Post
                            Is back, after it took a while to scroll down the page
                            The pictures of the almost naked daniel......were they from the episode with Shifu?

                            Hm. If there was any naked Daniel in that ep, I probably forgot it when I passed out. There was naked Daniel in Forever in a Day... and Fallen... and Threads though.

                            I forget which show it's from -- nicked it from the MS/Daniel thunk thread -- it'll come to me eventually...

                            Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
                            Hey gang! Wow. Been a while since I've been here. Real life, etc. Way too many posts to catch up on though. Hope everyone's doing well!

                            I'm not sure where those pics are from, but I don't think they're from Stargate. Some other movie or show, I believe. They're nice, either way
                            Eh-oh. *waves*

                            Well. Was looking for a Teletubbies emoticon to back that up... but that is way cooler.

                            D: *scared* Ok Sam, I'm sorry for missing our anniversary! Uh... why are you... *distracted*

                            Terrible, just terrible.

                            EDIT: heh. I'm a Death Glider Pilot.

                            (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                              Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                              Oh, before I go... does anyone know if there is any point at which it's mentioned in the canon of the series that Daniel was born in Olympia, Greece? That's bugging me because a few months ago at least, that little 'fact' suddenly started appearing on his various Wiki entries with no citation. 'tis strange...

                              : )
                              I think I saw someone talking about that in LJ once... it was some meta about Daniel. They said it was from a screen cap from Disclosure (S6)... where they show a slide with Daniel's picture and some personal info about him. It said something about place of birth being "OLYMPIA, GR" and they took the "GR" to mean "Greece." The person who mentioned this then started a discussion about it, saying it could be possible as his parents were archaeologists and could've been on a dig in Greece at the time, or something like that. But then someone else said that it could even mean the city of Olympia in Washington state, that maybe "GR" stands for some county or something like that. I'm not entirely sure. I tend to file it away with the wonky birthdate for Sam that was shown in Entity... it's really not possible for her to be that young if she flew in the Gulf War. I still think Daniel's birthplace is an open question.

                              Oh, I loved your captions to the MS pics too... great job I've got to check out your fic, you've got me intrigued!

                              Oh, speaking of fic, here are a couple of recs...

                              Atlantis' Gain
                              Author: deviantfantasy
                              Rating: PG
                              Subjects: Unrequited love
                              Summary: Daniel doesn't like the idea of Sam going to Atlantis.

                              The Visit
                              Author: Same as above
                              Rating: G
                              Summary: Sequel to ‘Atlantis’ Gain’. After not seeing Sam for close to a year, Daniel is called to Atlantis to help with a set of translations.

                              Originally posted by x_stargatergirl_x View Post
                              Is back, after it took a while to scroll down the page
                              The pictures of the almost naked daniel......were they from the episode with Shifu?
                              They could be, couldn't they? *grin* Actually they're of Michael Shanks, but they're not from Stargate. There from an episode of 24 that he did last year. But it could very well be Daniel, couldn't it.

                              Oh, and before I forget, here is the next random piccie:


                                Originally posted by JessM View Post
                                Yeah, I've noticed in some of the past games there were some vindictive shippers (mostly DV'ers from what I could tell) that would post manically... and lots that took great pleasure hurting Sam/Daniel in the heal/hurt ship games. I decided those were a lost cause. Heh, why do those results not surprise me? Except for the DanielElizabeth one... Yeah, I think they were only in two episodes, New Order and The Pegasus Project. Not that I minded them together as friends or anything. It really makes me wonder sometimes if people either like Sam/Daniel but are afraid to "come out of the closet" (so to speak), or if they view it as a threat in some way.
                                I've seen that a lot for the major ships. I think the shippers for more minor ships know what it's like to be in the "minority" and be ignored or attacked, so they're considerate and tolerant of other ships. But the S/Jers and the D/Vers can sometimes be a bit over the top about their love and support for their ship...not that I'm saying the majority is.

                                I think some people are afraid to ship Sam/Daniel because they love the part of the relationship that doesn't rely on romance, and are afraid that if romance entered the scene, that would be what the relationship was all about. (As so many ship fics show, a lot of shippers like the characters head over heals for each other and having sex and possibly making babies, not being their normal characters and having a wonderful friendship as well as romance.)

                                As if Sam and Daniel would let a bit of romance ruin their wonderful intellectual relationship...they are far too smart for that.

                                ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                                ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal

