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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by JessM View Post
    *blushes* I've been away from this place for far too long... *hugs you all*
    Aww, that's ok... kept the light on for ya. *hugs*

    Originally posted by Jess
    Yeah, I've noticed in some of the past games there were some vindictive shippers (mostly DV'ers from what I could tell) that would post manically... and lots that took great pleasure hurting Sam/Daniel in the heal/hurt ship games. I decided those were a lost cause. Heh, why do those results not surprise me? Except for the DanielElizabeth one... Yeah, I think they were only in two episodes, New Order and The Pegasus Project. Not that I minded them together as friends or anything. It really makes me wonder sometimes if people either like Sam/Daniel but are afraid to "come out of the closet" (so to speak), or if they view it as a threat in some way.
    lol! Manic is right. They remind of Priors sometimes... *sigh*

    Hmm. Well, the Steen-Weir definitely had a crush on Daniel, which was comical... but Higginson-Weir was somewhat more demure about it, if she did crush on him at all... although I thought in season 8, she had more of a thing for Jack. lol

    Tsk. Yeah. Heh. Closet. I think there is an element of that... like it's fashionable to 'hate' SD. And it's obvious by the actions/words of some DV'ers/SJ'ers that SD is a threat. It's like if Sam likes Jack, she has to have a callous disregard for Daniel otherwise it's bad... dearie me. Some SJ'ers don't know how to deal with Daniel so they just put him to one side... as for DV'ers... it's like saying that Daniel has a thing for the rogue Colonel in the Sentinel because of that, ahem, 'sparkage' before going into the 'gate... but that may just be me. *dodges blows from DV'ers hovering around an SD thread for some very obscure reason*

    Originally posted by Jess
    Yeah that would be great. When I first joined SDR, I was looking through the archives and the files, and they used to have these drabble-thons. I think they had people writing drabbles for each episode.

    I was surprised that this one didn't get much participation, especially seeing as how other individuals in the group (apart from us) are usually quite prolific with fic. I believe one of them in particular had even suggested something like the SD-Thon. Then we actually have it and ... *shakes head*
    Wow. That sounds great. *sigh*

    Yeah. Terrible. I mean, it's a great way in principle to keep the 'ship alive and to keep us all motivated... as well as perhaps raising our profile in the wider fandom. Honestly.

    Originally posted by Jess
    lol! Yep, one day. I know that rebelwriter (Chris) and Spacemonkey_Jackson asked MS that question at the Burbank con in 2006 and his response was something like, "one word - 'ew'." And then he went on about how he sees them as siblings who have an understanding or a rivalry or something odd like that. But there was only two of them. Maybe if we had a lot more people we could show him just how many of us there are and we'd get a different response. *grin*
    Yeah. I think sometimes his (and others) answers in general are chosen according to the audience shippage demographic... I remember seeing some footage of a con where someone asked about whether there was anything between Sam and Daniel, and in amidst the huge boos that ensued (methinks the others were SJ'ers...), MS said that there wasn't... but I get the feeling that he was little embarrassed (or at least according to my shoddy memory... lol).

    But yeah, that would be just brilliant... the SD gang. lol. His/anyone's answer's sure to vary.

    Originally posted by Jess
    It's been a while since I last watched it, but I'll always remember the Daniel alien being strangled by Maybourne and going, "Sam....."

    Originally posted by Jess
    That's pretty much how I see it, too. I've seen both SJ shippers and Daniel fans who hate Sam argue that her shooting Daniel shows that she doesn't think much of him at all. Come on.
    Honestly. You know, if that was true, that would screw the team dynamics up so bad... and what about Meridian, eh? And Revelations... and... ooh, Children of the Gods, Fire and Water, Singularity, the season 2 opener (I swear, I must have Alzheimer's...)... Forever in a Day, Fallen, Icon... Flesh and Blood, and others that I've forgotten. That's just crazy talk lol.

    Originally posted by Jess
    Thanks! *hugs* I'm feeling much better now. Luckily it wasn't to bad this time... I usually don't get sick much in the summer.
    Aww, glad to hear it! *hugs* Hmm. It may be something going about.

    Originally posted by Jess
    Hee... love the caption

    Wow, thanks for the info on Sam's dog tags. Definitely filing it away for future reference.
    Heh. Thanks.

    lol, you're welcome. Had to run off to change something in a story on finding that. Not that it mattered really, but it just incited a yet another bout of neurosis.

    Originally posted by JessM View Post
    I think I saw someone talking about that in LJ once... it was some meta about Daniel. They said it was from a screen cap from Disclosure (S6)... where they show a slide with Daniel's picture and some personal info about him. It said something about place of birth being "OLYMPIA, GR" and they took the "GR" to mean "Greece." The person who mentioned this then started a discussion about it, saying it could be possible as his parents were archaeologists and could've been on a dig in Greece at the time, or something like that. But then someone else said that it could even mean the city of Olympia in Washington state, that maybe "GR" stands for some county or something like that. I'm not entirely sure. I tend to file it away with the wonky birthdate for Sam that was shown in Entity... it's really not possible for her to be that young if she flew in the Gulf War. I still think Daniel's birthplace is an open question.
    Ah. Righty -- thanks! When Paul Davis and General Hammond are telling other countries about the Stargate programme. You know, that would have worked better with Daniel being there, although love what Hammond did.

    That's true. I think some people tend to just assume that he was born in Egypt because of him being an Egyptologist. lol.

    lol. Heh. A friend of mine once said that maybe she could have been skipped ahead a year or something at the Academy, but I don't think they'd do that unless Sam was like the military equivalent of House M.D. lol

    Oh yes, that's in the same part of the filing cabinet as the wee inconsistency in 1969 where Daniel says that he was four and a half during the bit of the year they'd gone back to... oh, and the Sears Tower being visible in 1969. lol.

    Originally posted by Jess
    Oh, I loved your captions to the MS pics too... great job I've got to check out your fic, you've got me intrigued!

    Oh, speaking of fic, here are a couple of recs...

    Atlantis' Gain
    Author: deviantfantasy
    Rating: PG
    Subjects: Unrequited love
    Summary: Daniel doesn't like the idea of Sam going to Atlantis.

    The Visit
    Author: Same as above
    Rating: G
    Summary: Sequel to ‘Atlantis’ Gain’. After not seeing Sam for close to a year, Daniel is called to Atlantis to help with a set of translations.
    Heh. Thanks.

    Woot. Ficness! *bounces with glee* and Daniel going to see Sam in Atlantis. Why didn't that happen in season 4? Stupid writers.

    Originally posted by Jess
    They could be, couldn't they? *grin* Actually they're of Michael Shanks, but they're not from Stargate. There from an episode of 24 that he did last year. But it could very well be Daniel, couldn't it.
    Ah right. That was really bugging me because I couldn't be bothered to go back to whatever page of the thunk thread I'd been snurching from. lol. I think someone must've mentioned the episode name or something because I remember a word being with the pics, although not what the word act. was. Still, very nice... I mean, if he looked like that in SG-1, I think the writers would have to do some really strange writing for Sam not to notice him... if she hasn't already... ;o)

    Originally posted by Jess
    Oh, and before I forget, here is the next random piccie:


    C: Yay, Jack's got me a present!
    S: *forced grin* It's a dog
    D: Uh... I can get more antihistamines from Janet, right?
    S: *still grinning; whisper* I think you'll have to, honey
    (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



      Originally posted by MerryK View Post
      As if Sam and Daniel would let a bit of romance ruin their wonderful intellectual relationship...they are far too smart for that.
      Here, here!

      : )
      (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



        Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
        Tsk. Yeah. Heh. Closet. I think there is an element of that... like it's fashionable to 'hate' SD. And it's obvious by the actions/words of some DV'ers/SJ'ers that SD is a threat. It's like if Sam likes Jack, she has to have a callous disregard for Daniel otherwise it's bad... dearie me. Some SJ'ers don't know how to deal with Daniel so they just put him to one side... as for DV'ers... it's like saying that Daniel has a thing for the rogue Colonel in the Sentinel because of that, ahem, 'sparkage' before going into the 'gate... but that may just be me. *dodges blows from DV'ers hovering around an SD thread for some very obscure reason*
        There are those who ship both...I can see either working in separate alternate universes. I'm a shipper who ships based on how I see relationships working, only partly based on what we get as "evidence" on the show, so I'm a multishipper in a multiverse of possibilities.

        That being said (I had to be honest), I definitely feel for this. I love all the relationships on the show, shippy or not, so when I do ship, I don't want to forget all of those. I don't see any character as a threat to the ships I support—real life couples have best friends of the same or opposite sex, and that isn't considered odd.

        One thing I love to death about Sam/Daniel is that it's so natural, without any tension that might lead to angst, so fics with S/D are usually kind to all the supporting characters. It just fits so well that they would end up together without anything really changing—not their relationships with the rest of the team members, not their jobs, not their personalities or how they relate to each other around others. That's a healthy relationship, a realistic relationship—not the sort that makes good television, unfortunately, or we surely would have seen it more.

        ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
        ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


          Originally posted by JessM View Post
          I think I saw someone talking about that in LJ once... it was some meta about Daniel. They said it was from a screen cap from Disclosure (S6)... where they show a slide with Daniel's picture and some personal info about him. It said something about place of birth being "OLYMPIA, GR" and they took the "GR" to mean "Greece." The person who mentioned this then started a discussion about it, saying it could be possible as his parents were archaeologists and could've been on a dig in Greece at the time, or something like that. But then someone else said that it could even mean the city of Olympia in Washington state, that maybe "GR" stands for some county or something like that. I'm not entirely sure. I tend to file it away with the wonky birthdate for Sam that was shown in Entity... it's really not possible for her to be that young if she flew in the Gulf War. I still think Daniel's birthplace is an open question.
          Spoilerised for size:


          lol. Sorry, back again. Couldn't get this out of my head so went hunting for screen caps after finding a comment on Fig Newton's LJ post about canon and fanon. This is about the clearest one I could find. Hm. Can just about see the Olympia bit.

          : )
          (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



            Originally posted by MerryK View Post
            There are those who ship both...I can see either working in separate alternate universes. I'm a shipper who ships based on how I see relationships working, only partly based on what we get as "evidence" on the show, so I'm a multishipper in a multiverse of possibilities.
            Ah. Sorry. Keep forgetting that. Sometimes though, we get people hovering who don't even like SD at all, and it's just odd.

            Heh. Love the multiverse of possibilities bit.

            Originally posted by MerryK
            That being said (I had to be honest), I definitely feel for this. I love all the relationships on the show, shippy or not, so when I do ship, I don't want to forget all of those. I don't see any character as a threat to the ships I support—real life couples have best friends of the same or opposite sex, and that isn't considered odd.
            Hmm. Yep, that is true. It's just that the more rabid of the anti-SD'ers can sometimes get childish.

            Originally posted by MerryK
            One thing I love to death about Sam/Daniel is that it's so natural, without any tension that might lead to angst, so fics with S/D are usually kind to all the supporting characters. It just fits so well that they would end up together without anything really changing—not their relationships with the rest of the team members, not their jobs, not their personalities or how they relate to each other around others. That's a healthy relationship, a realistic relationship—not the sort that makes good television, unfortunately, or we surely would have seen it more.
            omg. Yeah. That is just so unbelievably true. It would be a mutually fulfilling relationship without compromise. It would just be so comfortable, and it would last. And I've thought about it before that it might just have been considered uninteresting for TV if there are no fights or disputes, or abrupt endings. Ah. Ooh. We could have a new catchphrase/motto.

            "Sam and Daniel. Unchangeable."

            : )
            (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



              Originally posted by JessM View Post
              That is an intriguing little idea. You know what might be fun? To post a screencap of S/D, just a random one, and challenge people to come up with some fic to explain it away. It doesn't even have to be a full-length thing - it could even be a drabble.
              I like this idea. Kinda like the screencap-caption-game on steroids.

              Maybe we don't even have to limit it to S/D caps. What do the multi-shippers and friendshippers we have present think about other-pairing caps being posted and having them explained away in an S/D light?

              As may be evident from some of the stories I write, one of my favourite pasttimes is coming up with plausible Sam/Daniel explanations for the common Sam/Jack or Daniel/Vala "twu-wuv" misconceptions moments.

              Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
              Eh-oh. *waves*

              Well. Was looking for a Teletubbies emoticon to back that up... but that is way cooler.
              Yoda, chickie!

              Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
              heh. I'm a Death Glider Pilot.
              Awesome! I'm still a Jaffa Warrior. I take it that's based on the number of posts we've made?

              Originally posted by JessM View Post
              I think I saw someone talking about that in LJ once... it was some meta about Daniel. They said it was from a screen cap from Disclosure (S6)... where they show a slide with Daniel's picture and some personal info about him. It said something about place of birth being "OLYMPIA, GR" and they took the "GR" to mean "Greece."
              Heh. Maybe they're implying that Daniel's a Greek God. Y'know, if he's actually an Olympian... Okay, lame, I know.

              Moving on...

              Originally posted by MerryK View Post
              I've seen that a lot for the major ships. I think the shippers for more minor ships know what it's like to be in the "minority" and be ignored or attacked, so they're considerate and tolerant of other ships. But the S/Jers and the D/Vers can sometimes be a bit over the top about their love and support for their ship...not that I'm saying the majority is.
              That sounds like a really plausible explanation for the behaviour of that very noisy fraction of the most popular 'ships. They don't know what it's like to be the underdog, so they have little sympathy for us.

              Originally posted by MerryK View Post
              I think some people are afraid to ship Sam/Daniel because they love the part of the relationship that doesn't rely on romance, and are afraid that if romance entered the scene, that would be what the relationship was all about. (As so many ship fics show, a lot of shippers like the characters head over heals for each other and having sex and possibly making babies, not being their normal characters and having a wonderful friendship as well as romance.)

              As if Sam and Daniel would let a bit of romance ruin their wonderful intellectual relationship...they are far too smart for that.
              I second DrG's response. Sam and Daniel are *far* too smart for that. They'd never sacrifice their team dynamic for romance. They're plenty mature enough to strike a balance between loving each other and loving the rest of their "family".

              That's actually one (of many) reasons that I can't stand the Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala 'ships. Almost invariably, the authors sacrifice the team or other characters in order to make the 'ship work. Even TPTB couldn't stop the Daniel/Vala "subtleties" from affecting the rest of the team dynamic. ...But that's a whole 'nother tale

              Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
              Wow. That sounds great. *sigh*

              Yeah. Terrible. I mean, it's a great way in principle to keep the 'ship alive and to keep us all motivated... as well as perhaps raising our profile in the wider fandom. Honestly.
              I had plans for at least one other fic and some other art for the SD-thon, but unfortunately, real life got in my way and all my plans ended up being vaporized by an unstable event horizon.

              I'm slowly getting my life back to normal again, so maybe there is more fic ahead. My biggest problem right now is that I'm feeling unmotivated

              Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
              That's true. I think some people tend to just assume that he was born in Egypt because of him being an Egyptologist. lol.
              Well, that makes perfect sense. I mean, I was born in Canada, so naturally I'm a Canadiologist.

              Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
              lol. Heh. A friend of mine once said that maybe she could have been skipped ahead a year or something at the Academy, but I don't think they'd do that unless Sam was like the military equivalent of House M.D. lol

              Oh yes, that's in the same part of the filing cabinet as the wee inconsistency in 1969 where Daniel says that he was four and a half during the bit of the year they'd gone back to... oh, and the Sears Tower being visible in 1969. lol.
              There are a lot of things that TPTB never put much effort into confirming/checking before they made it 'canon'.

              Personally, I have an easier time believing that Sam could have flown in the Gulf War that I do believing that Daniel and the Air Force have a difference in opinion as to when his birthday is.

              Originally posted by MerryK View Post
              There are those who ship both...I can see either working in separate alternate universes. I'm a shipper who ships based on how I see relationships working, only partly based on what we get as "evidence" on the show, so I'm a multishipper in a multiverse of possibilities.

              That being said (I had to be honest), I definitely feel for this. I love all the relationships on the show, shippy or not, so when I do ship, I don't want to forget all of those. I don't see any character as a threat to the ships I support—real life couples have best friends of the same or opposite sex, and that isn't considered odd.
              While there's nothing that beats Sam/Daniel in all flavours - friendship, UST, romance... I definitely love teamy goodness - all of the complex interactions of everyone on the show.

              I *love* the Sam/Teal'c dynamic. Not romantically, but I just *adore* the fierce but quiet friendship they share. I can also see Cam/Vala and Jack/Janet and I've been known to read a well-written Jack/Daniel story on occassion. And I've even co-written a story that had a touch of Vala/Siler in it! I also have a growing fondness for the Vala/Teal'c 'ship and I'm a secret fan of Janet/Teal'c 'ship. Shh! Don't tell!

              Does that qualify me as a multi-shipper?

              Originally posted by MerryK View Post
              One thing I love to death about Sam/Daniel is that it's so natural, without any tension that might lead to angst, so fics with S/D are usually kind to all the supporting characters. It just fits so well that they would end up together without anything really changing—not their relationships with the rest of the team members, not their jobs, not their personalities or how they relate to each other around others. That's a healthy relationship, a realistic relationship—not the sort that makes good television, unfortunately, or we surely would have seen it more.
              I agree completely. I think that in the real (non-televised) world, Sam/Daniel has the most staying power of *any* other 'ship. That and the team dynamic. That's probably why those two dynamics are at the top of my preference list.
              ~Amaranth Traces


                One more thing, I've spent some time recently working on a website for Thrae and I. It's still very much a work in progress, but if anyone wants to check it out and tell me what you think - what's good, what's not, what you'd like to see added, etc. - I'd really appreciate the feedback.

                Just threw together this kinda crappy button. Click for the site.

                ~Amaranth Traces


                  Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
                  I like this idea. Kinda like the screencap-caption-game on steroids.
                  lol... isn't it pretty much on steroids much of the time anyhow?

                  Originally posted by Amaranth
                  Maybe we don't even have to limit it to S/D caps. What do the multi-shippers and friendshippers we have present think about other-pairing caps being posted and having them explained away in an S/D light?

                  As may be evident from some of the stories I write, one of my favourite pasttimes is coming up with plausible Sam/Daniel explanations for the common Sam/Jack or Daniel/Vala "twu-wuv" misconceptions moments.
                  lol! Act. that would be cool. : )

                  Originally posted by Amaranth
                  Awesome! I'm still a Jaffa Warrior. I take it that's based on the number of posts we've made?
                  : D Yep. It's like a ranking according to how much you've posted... which could be a double-edged sword as, in principle, it could encourage an outrageous amount of spammage, but hey... that would be silly... wouldn't it? ;o)

                  Originally posted by Amaranth
                  Heh. Maybe they're implying that Daniel's a Greek God. Y'know, if he's actually an Olympian... Okay, lame, I know.
                  Heh. They don't need to imply that... ;o)

                  Hmm. Thinking about it some more... there were some excavations carried out during the fifties and sixties at Olympia... and maybe Daniel's parents were involved in that.


                  Originally posted by Amaranth
                  That sounds like a really plausible explanation for the behaviour of that very noisy fraction of the most popular 'ships. They don't know what it's like to be the underdog, so they have little sympathy for us.
                  Hmm. We're the subtle 'ship built up on small and not quite so small moments... not the one(s)-being-thrown-down-your-throat-if-you-look-too-hard-(or-expect-a-decent-last-ever-ep) kind of 'ship.

                  Originally posted by Amaranth
                  I second DrG's response. Sam and Daniel are *far* too smart for that. They'd never sacrifice their team dynamic for romance. They're plenty mature enough to strike a balance between loving each other and loving the rest of their "family".
                  That's a relief -- I thought it would be misunderstood, because, for some obscure as yet undeniably unascertained reason, I got greened for it... and then I had an epiphany in the shower (like Jack with beer, I do my best thinking in there) that maybe I got greened 'cos it could have been construed as Sam and Daniel are too smart to even get into romance... and then that worried me... not just because of it looking as though I'd jumped 'ship, but that I'd wasted time overanalysing things.

                  Can't win.

                  If anything, it would make everyone closer. I find that when I write established relationship fics -- the characters seem to be even more like a family than they were previously. Aw. It's just a nice thought though, esp. when they have kids, of Uncle Jack dropping in to teach the blue-eyed progeny with towering intellects, how to shock their parents at dinnertime.

                  Originally posted by Amaranth
                  That's actually one (of many) reasons that I can't stand the Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala 'ships. Almost invariably, the authors sacrifice the team or other characters in order to make the 'ship work. Even TPTB couldn't stop the Daniel/Vala "subtleties" from affecting the rest of the team dynamic. ...But that's a whole 'nother tale
                  Ugh. Yeah. In SamJack, Daniel's like some random someone who isn't Sam's friend... and in DanielVala, Sam doesn't get too close to Daniel... and Daniel's ooc... and Vala's super-innuendo woman, and... yeesh. Oh yeah. I hear ya loud and clear. *cough*season10*cough*

                  Originally posted by Amaranth
                  I had plans for at least one other fic and some other art for the SD-thon, but unfortunately, real life got in my way and all my plans ended up being vaporized by an unstable event horizon.

                  lol. That's an apt smiley...

                  Aww. Hmm. I think it could have either done with being a little longer, or perhaps just shorter so there's a shorter concentration of time in which things can be done... or even perhaps in stages or something. Ugh. I'm too foggy-eyed for this.

                  Originally posted by Amaranth
                  I'm slowly getting my life back to normal again, so maybe there is more fic ahead. My biggest problem right now is that I'm feeling unmotivated
                  Woo at the more fic

                  Boo at the maybe

                  Aw. Hope things pick up.

                  Motivation, eh? Isn't having the alleged original Daniel motivation enough? </sArCaSm>

                  Originally posted by Amaranth
                  Well, that makes perfect sense. I mean, I was born in Canada, so naturally I'm a Canadiologist.
                  lol!! Well, we share certain qualities and traits with simian primates, it doesn't mean that we're all monkeys.

                  Originally posted by Amaranth
                  There are a lot of things that TPTB never put much effort into confirming/checking before they made it 'canon'.

                  Personally, I have an easier time believing that Sam could have flown in the Gulf War that I do believing that Daniel and the Air Force have a difference in opinion as to when his birthday is.
                  lmao. Well. It's a war of attrition between man and institution. : D I'm sure Daniel says all sorts of things about the USAF. Hm. Maybe he blogs... although he could get shot for that, but then again, he does have a habit of coming back from the dead... so...

                  Originally posted by Amaranth
                  While there's nothing that beats Sam/Daniel in all flavours - friendship, UST, romance... I definitely love teamy goodness - all of the complex interactions of everyone on the show.

                  I *love* the Sam/Teal'c dynamic. Not romantically, but I just *adore* the fierce but quiet friendship they share. I can also see Cam/Vala and Jack/Janet and I've been known to read a well-written Jack/Daniel story on occassion. And I've even co-written a story that had a touch of Vala/Siler in it! I also have a growing fondness for the Vala/Teal'c 'ship and I'm a secret fan of Janet/Teal'c 'ship. Shh! Don't tell!

                  Does that qualify me as a multi-shipper?
                  : )

                  Teamy goodness rocks.

                  I hear ya on the well-written JackDaniel. That's usu. quite hard to come across because Jack ends up being amazingly ooc... and Daniel can be quite wimpy/whiney. (oh my word... I even read a JackJonas one... where Jonas began to take Daniel's place in Jack's life... and I don't mean in general... *wink* Ahem.) A good Daniel slash, I think, is DanielPaul -- that comes out quite nicely. No idea why. I read one once that was JackDaniel, and DanielPaul, and it read very much like Bridget Jones' Diary (with dashings of neurosis... the cookie counting kind). That was awfully spiffy.

                  EDIT: *looks around for a moment* that wasn't negative, btw.

                  Oh yes... that quiet mutual respect that Sam and Teal'c have going on. There aren't many fics that play on that... which is just sad. I mean, come on... it's mostly down to not really knowing how to write the big T-man, so he just gets glued to the wall... *eyebrow*


                  Hmm. I won't... but those things have a habit of getting out. Careful, you might get invited to a secret lair... or a cave...

                  Heh. Literally? Quite possibly. I don't think so though -- I think a multishipper's someone who, for example, ships Sam and Daniel but also isn't averse to shipping Daniel and Vala, etc.

                  Oh, that was a bit of sarcasm wasn't it? *awkward* Why didn't I see the wink? Tsk. Just as well that I have my glasses on otherwise I might have missed a lot more... which might be a good thing for everyone else. *shrug*

                  Originally posted by Amaranth
                  I agree completely. I think that in the real (non-televised) world, Sam/Daniel has the most staying power of *any* other 'ship. That and the team dynamic. That's probably why those two dynamics are at the top of my preference list.
                  It's just squee-ful.

                  Ouch. I've gone numb.



                  Spoilerised for size.


                  I just love how she's touching his waist in this one. It's sweet because it just shows how close they've become over eight or so years that she can do that.


                  She's done a lot more than that before...
                  Last edited by DrGemini2405; 22 July 2008, 05:01 PM.
                  (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                    Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
                    One more thing, I've spent some time recently working on a website for Thrae and I. It's still very much a work in progress, but if anyone wants to check it out and tell me what you think - what's good, what's not, what you'd like to see added, etc. - I'd really appreciate the feedback.

                    Just threw together this kinda crappy button. Click for the site.

                    Yay, you.

                    Aww. It's a nice button.

                    And love the site... but I think I told you that already, so I'm repeating myself... which is kind of like temporal tautology... although...

                    (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                      Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
                      Maybe we don't even have to limit it to S/D caps. What do the multi-shippers and friendshippers we have present think about other-pairing caps being posted and having them explained away in an S/D light?

                      As may be evident from some of the stories I write, one of my favourite pasttimes is coming up with plausible Sam/Daniel explanations for the common Sam/Jack or Daniel/Vala "twu-wuv" misconceptions moments.
                      I'm all for clever manipulations of pictures.

                      Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                      If anything, it would make everyone closer. I find that when I write established relationship fics -- the characters seem to be even more like a family than they were previously. Aw. It's just a nice thought though, esp. when they have kids, of Uncle Jack dropping in to teach the blue-eyed progeny with towering intellects, how to shock their parents at dinnertime.
                      Squee! Just the thought of the blue-eyed progeny makes this ship so dear to my heart! (That's actually the only time I really like Jack, when he's good with kids.)

                      Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                      Heh. Literally? Quite possibly. I don't think so though -- I think a multishipper's someone who, for example, ships Sam and Daniel but also isn't averse to shipping Daniel and Vala, etc.
                      Yeah...that's more accurate. Actually, I'm an equal multishipper. I enter into one universe (one thread or fic), and I'm totally for one ship...but I enter another, and then I'm completely for that one. I don't ship everything, but I do have quite a few. I guess it's because I don't believe in the idea of a "one true love".

                      I agreed with what people said about the teamy goodness. I love all the dynamics between the characters, and how most of them are pure friendship without a lot of baggage. They are certainly the kind of team that wouldn't suffer from a bit of romance between a couple—more like a big giant family than a bunch of single friends. I once had a dream about SG-1 where they were all at Jack's cabin: Sam was married to Daniel, Vala was married to Tomin (who had joined the team), and Cam and Jack were tossing all their cute kids around while Teal'c barbecued. That's one Stargate alternate universe I'd like to see on screen...

                      ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                      ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                        Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                        Squee! Just the thought of the blue-eyed progeny makes this ship so dear to my heart! (That's actually the only time I really like Jack, when he's good with kids.)
                        Oh yeah... I loved the ep with Merrin -- that was just so sweet. Oh, and of course, the end of Singularity with the dog.

                        Originally posted by MerryK
                        Yeah...that's more accurate. Actually, I'm an equal multishipper. I enter into one universe (one thread or fic), and I'm totally for one ship...but I enter another, and then I'm completely for that one. I don't ship everything, but I do have quite a few. I guess it's because I don't believe in the idea of a "one true love".
                        Ah, that's cool.

                        Personally, SamDaniel are my OTP... but I'll mix everyone else up (although *looks around nervously* I do like CamVala quite a lot. *phew*).

                        Originally posted by MerryK
                        I agreed with what people said about the teamy goodness. I love all the dynamics between the characters, and how most of them are pure friendship without a lot of baggage. They are certainly the kind of team that wouldn't suffer from a bit of romance between a couple—more like a big giant family than a bunch of single friends. I once had a dream about SG-1 where they were all at Jack's cabin: Sam was married to Daniel, Vala was married to Tomin (who had joined the team), and Cam and Jack were tossing all their cute kids around while Teal'c barbecued. That's one Stargate alternate universe I'd like to see on screen...
                        Oh yeah. Esp.

                        Continuum spoilers:

                        at the start of Continuum -- very close there, every one of them. It was nice to see Vala so integrated

                        Aww. lol! I love that dream! That would be so cool. Cam too works as a good uncle figure (although not as good as Jack, of course ). And Teal'c doing the barbecuing -- wise, otherwise everyone would get food poisoning if Jack was let loose on that thing.

                        : )
                        (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                          Phew. It's been quiet around here lately. I keep getting distracted by my many projects and forgetting to visit the thread.

                          Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                          lol... isn't it pretty much on steroids much of the time anyhow?

                          lol! Act. that would be cool. : )
                          Maybe that's what we should do. Post a screencap - any screencap, SD or otherwise - and play the write-an-SD-themed-caption. That way it's a little less time consuming (and therefore more productive) than writing an actual ficlet for each screencap. Personally, I have some <ahem> issues with declaring something I've written as "finished". Captions are far less stressful

                          What does everyone think?

                          Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                          Hmm. We're the subtle 'ship built up on small and not quite so small moments... not the one(s)-being-thrown-down-your-throat-if-you-look-too-hard-(or-expect-a-decent-last-ever-ep) kind of 'ship.
                          LOL Speaking of subtle... Bitter much?

                          Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                          If anything, it would make everyone closer. I find that when I write established relationship fics -- the characters seem to be even more like a family than they were previously. Aw. It's just a nice thought though, esp. when they have kids, of Uncle Jack dropping in to teach the blue-eyed progeny with towering intellects, how to shock their parents at dinnertime.

                          Ugh. Yeah. In SamJack, Daniel's like some random someone who isn't Sam's friend... and in DanielVala, Sam doesn't get too close to Daniel... and Daniel's ooc... and Vala's super-innuendo woman, and... yeesh. Oh yeah. I hear ya loud and clear. *cough*season10*cough*
                          I've found that too. Established Sam/Daniel fics can't help but be warm and loving and comfortable for everyone.

                          Far too many times, in my experience, Sam/Jack stories end up demonizing Daniel, and Daniel/Vala stories demonize Sam. It's sad, really, that those shippers seem to believe they have to make other characters look bad just to make their ship work.

                          Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                          Aww. Hmm. I think it could have either done with being a little longer, or perhaps just shorter so there's a shorter concentration of time in which things can be done... or even perhaps in stages or something. Ugh. I'm too foggy-eyed for this.
                          Personally, I think the timing was good. My problem was the RL got in the way.

                          Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                          Woo at the more fic

                          Boo at the maybe

                          Aw. Hope things pick up.

                          Motivation, eh? Isn't having the alleged original Daniel motivation enough? </sArCaSm>
                          Heh. Well, I've made some progress, but it's all very scattered among several story ideas, unfortunately. But still. Any progress is good progress...right? <looks around nervously>

                          Anyway, T-Fap (Thrae's Former Abdominal Parasite) ordered me to write something the last time I visited. He waved a little fist in the air and said "Write something!" in a voice that sounded remarkably like Thrae's. Pretty amazing for only being a few weeks outside of his host.

                          So I'm going to try to get a little more ficage done tonight. Can't let the little guy down!

                          Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                          I hear ya on the well-written JackDaniel. That's usu. quite hard to come across because Jack ends up being amazingly ooc... and Daniel can be quite wimpy/whiney. (oh my word... I even read a JackJonas one... where Jonas began to take Daniel's place in Jack's life... and I don't mean in general... *wink* Ahem.) A good Daniel slash, I think, is DanielPaul -- that comes out quite nicely. No idea why. I read one once that was JackDaniel, and DanielPaul, and it read very much like Bridget Jones' Diary (with dashings of neurosis... the cookie counting kind). That was awfully spiffy.

                          EDIT: *looks around for a moment* that wasn't negative, btw.
                          I haven't read any Daniel/Paul. Actually, I'm not sure I've read many stories with Paul at all. Don't really know why.

                          Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                          Oh yes... that quiet mutual respect that Sam and Teal'c have going on. There aren't many fics that play on that... which is just sad. I mean, come on... it's mostly down to not really knowing how to write the big T-man, so he just gets glued to the wall... *eyebrow*
                          I love playing on the Teal'c friendships. You're right that he's hard to write, though. When I first started writing, I glued him to the wall quite often (something I poked fun at in my parody Playing Gods). But I've been making a concerted effort to explore his relationships with everyone more in my stories.

                          Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                          I just love how she's touching his waist in this one. It's sweet because it just shows how close they've become over eight or so years that she can do that.
                          <happy sigh> Love that pic. I'm feeling completely non-captiony today though, so I'll have to let it go.

                          Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                          And love the site... but I think I told you that already, so I'm repeating myself... which is kind of like temporal tautology... although...
                          You are so weird. It's great. I'm still working on the site (as you know). It should be moderately interactive soon. And even moreso later. theory.

                          Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                          I'm all for clever manipulations of pictures.
                          Excellent. Things here seem pretty quiet these days. But I'll add "gathering screencaps that need SD explanations" to my rather lengthy to-do list and maybe we can get something going to liven up this joint!

                          Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                          I agreed with what people said about the teamy goodness. I love all the dynamics between the characters, and how most of them are pure friendship without a lot of baggage. They are certainly the kind of team that wouldn't suffer from a bit of romance between a couple—more like a big giant family than a bunch of single friends. I once had a dream about SG-1 where they were all at Jack's cabin: Sam was married to Daniel, Vala was married to Tomin (who had joined the team), and Cam and Jack were tossing all their cute kids around while Teal'c barbecued. That's one Stargate alternate universe I'd like to see on screen...
                          <wistful sigh> Sounds positively lovely.

                          Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                          Personally, SamDaniel are my OTP... but I'll mix everyone else up (although *looks around nervously* I do like CamVala quite a lot. *phew*).
                          Yeah, I'm the same way. I can't really ship Sam and Daniel with anyone but each other, but I'm pretty open with most other combinations.
                          ~Amaranth Traces


                            Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
                            Phew. It's been quiet around here lately. I keep getting distracted by my many projects and forgetting to visit the thread.
                            lol. Yeah. Think everyone else is actually on holiday for the summer... wow, holidays... I remember them...

                            Originally posted by Amaranth
                            Maybe that's what we should do. Post a screencap - any screencap, SD or otherwise - and play the write-an-SD-themed-caption. That way it's a little less time consuming (and therefore more productive) than writing an actual ficlet for each screencap. Personally, I have some <ahem> issues with declaring something I've written as "finished". Captions are far less stressful
                            Heh. Well, that would make more sense seeing as not many folk have the time to hang around long, let alone write ficness. lol. Can totally imagine you with seven windows open, trying to decide which cap to use, and then deciding by way of a game of darts to choose out of the 200 hundred caption scenarios you've written already... and then second-guessing the wisdom of the dart...

                            Originally posted by Amaranth
                            LOL Speaking of subtle... Bitter much?
                            Bitter? Moi? *grumble*

                            Originally posted by Amaranth
                            I've found that too. Established Sam/Daniel fics can't help but be warm and loving and comfortable for everyone.

                            Far too many times, in my experience, Sam/Jack stories end up demonizing Daniel, and Daniel/Vala stories demonize Sam. It's sad, really, that those shippers seem to believe they have to make other characters look bad just to make their ship work.
                            lol yeah... it's because there wouldn't be any changes in the dynamic of the team seeing as that Sam and Daniel are already close. I mean, romance would just be an extension of that... that's why it works so well... and neither has to do something to be with the other (although... realistically, the fraternisation rule would apply to Daniel too even though he isn't military... but then you know they'd make concessions seeing as he and Sam especially, are essentially the core of the team).

                            Originally posted by Amaranth
                            Personally, I think the timing was good. My problem was the RL got in the way.
                            lol. Heh. That seems to have been contagious.

                            Originally posted by Amaranth
                            Heh. Well, I've made some progress, but it's all very scattered among several story ideas, unfortunately. But still. Any progress is good progress...right? <looks around nervously>
                            Ordinarily, yes, as it would mean being closer to releasing a fic from the confines of your HDD... but seeing as it's you... we could all be retired... or married to Daniel... or both... (not sure how that would work out but 'spose it's a pigs might fly thing)

                            Originally posted by Amaranth
                            Anyway, T-Fap (Thrae's Former Abdominal Parasite) ordered me to write something the last time I visited. He waved a little fist in the air and said "Write something!" in a voice that sounded remarkably like Thrae's. Pretty amazing for only being a few weeks outside of his host.
                            Ah... the wee rap star. lol. That was an ideal opportunity for you to demand in return that he release a solo album.

                            Originally posted by Amaranth
                            So I'm going to try to get a little more ficage done tonight. Can't let the little guy down!
                            yes... because he'd call his homies and have you shot. Oh dear, that was in my House voice. Terrible.

                            Originally posted by Amaranth
                            I haven't read any Daniel/Paul. Actually, I'm not sure I've read many stories with Paul at all. Don't really know why.
                            lol. Maybe 'cos it is a bit obscure... esp. seeing as Major Disaster Davis isn't in the main cast. I think Orion6 wrote a SamDaniel story centring on the chap but I don't think she's finished it (<insert Amaranth line on WiPs>).

                            Originally posted by Amaranth
                            I love playing on the Teal'c friendships. You're right that he's hard to write, though. When I first started writing, I glued him to the wall quite often (something I poked fun at in my parody Playing Gods). But I've been making a concerted effort to explore his relationships with everyone more in my stories.
                            lol. When you get into him though he's a great character to write. I'm too sh!t a writer to do anything too deep, but I'm probably getting there.

                            Originally posted by Amaranth
                            <happy sigh> Love that pic. I'm feeling completely non-captiony today though, so I'll have to let it go.

                            *looks down*

                            Ohh... right... the Sacrifices pic. lol. Sorry, brain-fried from watching Stardust, and Muriel's Wedding.

                            Originally posted by Amaranth
                            You are so weird. It's great. I'm still working on the site (as you know). It should be moderately interactive soon. And even moreso later. theory.
                            A great what? Oh. Um. Right. Thought you were going to say something like it being a great travesty to nature but then noticed that there wasn't an 'a' immediately prior to the word 'great'.

                            Woo. lol. Good luck with that.

                            Originally posted by Amaranth
                            Excellent. Things here seem pretty quiet these days. But I'll add "gathering screencaps that need SD explanations" to my rather lengthy to-do list and maybe we can get something going to liven up this joint!
                            That's always good... the livening up part.

                            Originally posted by Amaranth

                            Yeah, I'm the same way. I can't really ship Sam and Daniel with anyone but each other, but I'm pretty open with most other combinations.
                            I think that may reflect the, sometimes, versatile nature of the show. Or maybe we're all nuts. *shrug*
                            (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                              Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                              Ordinarily, yes, as it would mean being closer to releasing a fic from the confines of your HDD... but seeing as it's you... we could all be retired... or married to Daniel... or both... (not sure how that would work out but 'spose it's a pigs might fly thing)
                              LOL Well, in order to start posting a story, I have to actually finish it first. So yeah, the flying pigs thing might fit.

                              Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                              Ah... the wee rap star. lol. That was an ideal opportunity for you to demand in return that he release a solo album.
                              I think it might be best until he starts talking, first. I'm determined to get his first word to be "Amaranth". Hoping to get up to see T-Fap and Thrae again next week to work on that

                              Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                              Ohh... right... the Sacrifices pic. lol. Sorry, brain-fried from watching Stardust, and Muriel's Wedding.
                              Heh. Muriel's wedding. I haven't seen that in ages. But I saw Mamma Mia last night. What a hoot.

                              Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                              I think that may reflect the, sometimes, versatile nature of the show. Or maybe we're all nuts. *shrug*
                              Well, you are, at least
                              ~Amaranth Traces


                                Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
                                LOL Well, in order to start posting a story, I have to actually finish it first. So yeah, the flying pigs thing might fit.
                                Heh. Nice dig. You should be an Archaeologist...

                                Originally posted by Amaranth
                                I think it might be best until he starts talking, first. I'm determined to get his first word to be "Amaranth". Hoping to get up to see T-Fap and Thrae again next week to work on that

                                That'll be the day. I'd bet the last remnants of my student loan on the wee scamp's first word being 'neurotic'...

                                Originally posted by Amaranth
                                Heh. Muriel's wedding. I haven't seen that in ages. But I saw Mamma Mia last night. What a hoot.
                                Ooh, that looks to be a really cool film... on the merit of the sing-a-long aspect of it at least (kinda like Grease that way... )

                                Originally posted by Amaranth
                                Well, you are, at least
                                Well, that's a given really, eh?

                                Speaking of which... ooh, was in B&Q earlier (umm... huge DIY store; no idea what B or Q stands for btw...) and saw Daniel spraying a fence. Pic to come soon
                                (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)


