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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Jackie View Post

    Sam: "With all due respect, General--I would like to know why you authorized Colonel O'Neill to change all my uniforms to jumpsuits and A-shirts. Do you have any idea how much this zipper irritates me?"

    Daniel: "I have some lotion in my lab, Sam. I'll help you put it on."

    Sam: "Permission to go to Daniel's lab, Sir."


      Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
      <snip> If i ever get to a conn I'd love to teach this game to others in the evening.
      Interesting game. Though I'm not quite at the point in fandom where I'll be attending cons. Unless one happens to come within a couple hour drive from my house. And even then, I'm not entirely sure I'd go... Some of you people are scary

      Originally posted by rebelwriter03 View Post
      Pass the Pig - Not a McKay friendly game apparently - involves two pigs, with dots on one side of their sides, and blank on the other. <snip>
      Don't do Thrae's homework for her! Sheesh. Also an interesting game. I clearly need to get out more.

      It's called "Seven Minutes in Heaven", Daniel. Pucker up.
      Wike deesh?
      Perfect. Now let's get in the closet.

      Care to explain what you two were doing in that closet, Carter?
      Well, you see Jack, when a boy and a girl have strong feelings for each other--
      Daniel, you're not helping.
      ~Amaranth Traces


        And it's Friday, people! You know what that means! It's the last day of this week for updates on my Ouroboros and Thrae's Remnant.

        Stay tuned next week for still more chapters! WOO!

        ~Amaranth Traces


          Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
          Interesting game. Though I'm not quite at the point in fandom where I'll be attending cons. Unless one happens to come within a couple hour drive from my house. And even then, I'm not entirely sure I'd go... Some of you people are scary
          *sinking feeling*
          she found the madhouse... and now she don't wanna play

          Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
          Don't do Thrae's homework for her! Sheesh. Also an interesting game. I clearly need to get out more.
          Opps. Well you see... um... figured I'd spare you all (and McKay) the pain in searching. Next time I shall lead you into the forest and not give you a compass if that's what you wish....

          And because I have finally gotten more of my icon challenges back... a few non-winners:

          Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



            Hi everyone,


            bad news, I've got to resit some exams and coursework; good news, I can post on here without having to shut everything else down. : D

            Anywho, lol! I esp. like Pass the Pig -- for some reason, I can imagine Cam mentioning that during a critical mission and then having to explain it while Teal'c raises an eyebrow, and Daniel just glares at him... all this while being surrounded by Jaffa (or, alternatively, whilst they're locked up in a Goa'uld prison, and Cam attempts to make small talk with the guards -- kinda like Jack in one of the Tanith epis when he asks the Tok'ra on the surface of that desert world how they know where to stand to get ringed )

            Nice icons -- he looked a tad strained in Bounty, but that was probably because Sam went to the conference with Bill... poor guy, he should really give up pacifism for a moment to fight for the woman he loves. *g*

            Originally posted by Jess
            So Jack, Sam and I were in that closet on level 24, and...
            (embarrassed) Daniel!
            (eyebrow goes up) Hey, come on, I'm dying here! Quick, before Hammond gets here from his round of golf with el Presidente - don't make me make it an order!
            Uh, Jack... I'm not military... which means that I can get away with sending the Nox through the 'gate without even getting tried by a civilian tribunal, which is funny... and not having to take orders from you when we're Earthside, and it also means that I can get away with kissing Sa... (face contorts in pain as his foot is crushed by Sam stomping on it) Owww!
            (eyebrow still up) Is that so!? Carter? (Sam suddenly finds the table surface of great interest)
            I believe that CaptainCarter is attempting to analyse the atomic structure of the table, and DanielJackson will require a tender caress to alleviate his mysteriously acquired pain (eyebrow shoots up, and he looks at Jack)
            Toooo much information (realises that Teal'c's looking at him) What?! Nope, not gonna happen -- it's Daniel... c'mon, Daniel... (Daniel pouts) Oh, fer cryin' out loud!


            S: Oh my
            Yes, I think everyone gets the point
            D:Well Sam, you said you wanted a big marquee
            S: (shocked) Yes, but when I said 'big', I didn't mean the size of Notre Dame
            V: I know it's big and a shock, but there's no need to swear
            S: (looks at Daniel, smiling slightly) Daniel?
            Here we go
            T: Indeed -- I suggest earplugs ColonelMitchell
            How about a sound proof booth?
            S: Come on guys, it's Daniel - he has a nice voice
            You're only saying that 'cos you hear it mornin', noon and night... late at night, and...
            D: (after he and Sam glare at Cam)Well, Notre Dame is actually French for 'our lady', and can refer to several churches and basilicas across Europe, Canada, Haiti, and the United States. The most famous one is arguably Notre Dame in Paris, which is the one Sam was mostly likely referring to. It's a Cathedral, and...
            V: (to Sam) Is he always like this? (Teal'c looks interested, Cam zones out)
            S: (grins) Pretty much!

            *grins* Daniel?
            ... yeah?
            Are you checking me out?
            *doesn't answer*
            *continues grinning, thinks* Yep, I chose the right top...
            Walter: Congratulations Ma'am, you've just rendered the galaxy's chattiest linguist, speechless
            S: *still grinning* I did, didn't I? *hums* All is well... feedle deedle dee...
            Last edited by DrGemini2405; 23 July 2007, 05:22 AM.
            (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)




              Since it's been a wee while since I've been on here, here's the fics I've written in the mean time... I'll start with the Jackson Junior series, and then put the rest in... oh, and the link to a little SamDaniel C2 I've got on FF.

              Jackson Junior -
              Set vaguely in season 10. Following a horrifying offworld ritual, Sam
              and Daniel's lives are changed forever when they're forced to, ahem, do it off-world, and then face the consequences... Oh yeah. (Rated: M, for torture, rape... and some other stuff)

              Jackson Junior: Nuptial Preludes -
              Sequel to Jackson Junior. Set two months after the beach party, Sam
              and Daniel must overcome a series of obstacles before they can get
              married, ranging from a stint over in Atlantis, to Sam getting kidnapped by a deranged ex (here's... Pete!), to a mission of a life time and their kids getting sick. Sam gets promoted to full Colonel in this and eventually leads SG-1 (boo yeah!, and she gets a touch Jack-like). Spoilers for anything up to and including season 10, Atlantis season 3, a little SGA season 4 & Ark of Truth. SamDaniel, CamVala, ValaTomin, ShWeir (Rated: M, for all-round rudeness in between missions - they just can't help themselves sometimes...)

              Jackson Junior: Alternates -
              Spinoff of chapter 59 of Jackson Junior:Nuptial Preludes, following
              the alternate team that SG1 encountered in Ortus Mallum. SamJack, not
              for SamJack fans, CamVala, SamDaniel, ValaminiJack (Rated: M, for, ahem, rudeness)

              Jackson Junior: Commanders -
              Sequel to Jackson Junior: Nuptial Preludes, the CarterJacksons adjust
              to the changes in their lives what with Daniel as SGC leader, when
              Sam gets a surprise posting. Lots of cameos and action, including a dalliance with an AU, the Daedalus being blown up, and a mysterious visitor from the future... Spoilers for Continuum and Atlantis season 4. Includes Charmed ripoff SamDaniel,CamVala,JonasLam,ShWeir WiP (Rated: T (tentatively))

              Jackson Junior: Fight the Past -
              Prequel to the original timeline in Jackson Junior:Commanders. Daniel
              discovers something that, if true could undo everything that has
              happened in the 18 years since Atlantis was destroyed, giving him a
              second chance with the woman he loves. SamDaniel, CamVala (Rated: T (little mention of something with Sarah))

              Jackson Junior: Lonely this Christmas -
              Missing scene from Jackson Junior:Commanders, Daniel misses Sam at
              Christmas while she's over in Atlantis. Lyrics featured are Mud's
              Lonely this Christmas. SamDaniel, implied ShWeir, esp. if you know
              the back story.

              'ships featured across the entire series:

              -- SamDaniel (!)
              -- SamJack (in Alternates)
              -- DanielSarah (brief mention in Fight the Past)
              -- CamVala
              -- ValaMiniJack (in Alternates)
              -- HaileyMiniJack (in Fight the Past)
              -- CassieOC
              -- Teal'cIsh'ta (this one's mentioned but not shown)
              -- JonasLam (Jonas makes his first appearance in Jackson Junior during the double maternity leave, and rejoins SG-1 again... him and the CMO having a mutual attraction)
              -- JackSara
              -- ShWeir
              -- ShEmmagan (brief mention in Commanders when they make contact with an AU and score another ZPM with a little help from Jeannie Miller... and an alternate Jeannie)
              -- DexTeyla (a little hint in Fight the Past, with a mention of their daughter)
              -- McKatie (mentioned but not seen... he broke up with her after the events of Sunday)
              -- McCarson (in Fight the Past... it's *not* slash though... I brought Carson back in Commanders, but he's, uh, she's different now (Loki wasn't the only pesky, meddling Asgard))
              -- Lornifer (Lorne, and Jennifer Keller -- I actually thought she was supposed to be a linguist given her surname but turns out that she's Carson's replacement... I don't need a replacement for Atlantis' Scotty, so she's a linguist/diplomat that goes to Atlantis with Sam in Commanders to keep all sides happy -- anywho, her and Lorne hit it off one night while he's out painting, and in the alternate future in Fight the Past, they're shown to have kids)

              OC 'ships... this is for anyone who's familiar with the story:

              CassieSimon -- Simon Brookes is someone she was going out with, but they put their relationship on hiatus, wanting to come back in five years to see what their feelings are like
              JamesCharlotte -- Sam and Daniel's oldest son (conceived in Jackson Junior... inside Daniel...), and Shep and Elizabeth's daughter, Charlotte that was conceived on Atlantis and born on Earth, Elizabeth having been sent back to Earth for the duration (part of the reason why Sam is sent out to the City). 'ship is mentioned in Commanders by the older Daniel -- shown in Fight the Past in the alternate future (the one where Sam was killed in action in the City)
              CammieFrancis -- Sam and Daniel's oldest daughter (conceived in Jackson Junior), and Cam and Vala's first born. Older Daniel mentions this in Commanders, and it's shown in Fight the Past... Cammie can't give her heart to him though.
              ReynoldsGreta -- Reynolds and his wifey, mentioned briefly in Commanders
              Lornifer -- I suppose this could count seeing as Jennifer Keller isn't going to be a linguist in season four of SGA
              MarkEmmie -- Mark and his wifey... I call her Emmie 'cos... there's a tutor called Mark at Uni, whose middle name is Henry, so every time I think of Mark, I think Henry, and then, naturally, Auntie Em... Oh yeah, WoO. lol

              Cripes, I've got too much time on my hands. Poor Radek, Ronon and Teyla... I'll try to hook them up (not together! Dearie me, I don't think I've ever written OT3 before... it's... odd)

              : )

              EDIT: *runs* Agh, sorry! Forgot to put the link in for the C2 archive I mentioned!... at least, I think I mentioned it.

              The Lost City of Sam and Daniel -- if FF's not playing up again, there should be nearly two hundred SamDaniel fics on it, and it's growing (hopefully). Shame I can't create another C2, 'cos it'd be nice to have a 'SamDaniel Family Archive', like the SamJack family thread on here, and it'd have all the fics where Sam and Daniel have kids, care for kids, get pregnant or whatever else that involves them being or acting as a family. Inspired?
              Last edited by DrGemini2405; 23 July 2007, 02:49 AM.
              (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                just a thought...
                isn't it funny how Daniel can make rude jokes in fics, and still go red?
                I think it's the cute factor involved with him being cheeky

                And now that this is something like my third post, I will rest... (act. I think I'll go home... been at this computer since this morning, not getting much in the way of resit coursework done... I'm less tempted to come on here at home what with the slow net connection... lol)
                (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                  *scratches head*

                  Anyone else confused about that last post? Riiiight. Maybe Jess is right with her conspiracy theory and they are appologizing for that? *shrug*

                  *goes back to spying on Sam and Daniel ... working... closely*
                  Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                    Seeing as everyone else is pushing posting their fics, I'll jump on board - seeing as i finally have one done.

                    Bad Liars was written for the SD ficathon ... someone didn't get a fic, and we all know the world is sad without SD fic. Enjoy! Muse stroking is nice... just sayin'...
                    Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                      I'm almost done with chapter 2 of my Sam as Adria's mom story. I've decided not to make any romantic ships, instead...(you will all kill me)...I will leave lingering notions that hint at ships. This way I don't have to write two stories and not actually PO either camp.

                      I got to the point where Tomin finds Sam and brings her back to his place.

                      Jack is so PO-ed about Sam that he calls Thor up on favors to help him and Daniel get to the Ori galaxy.

                      Of course my story won't turn out the way I planned--they never do.

                      I find I have no need for Vala and Mitchell gets wumped big time. (Which is develops him). I'm making it AU where Janet and Jacob are still alive. I figured Jacob would go nuts trying to get to Sam and Salmak would have to remind him of his duties.

                      If I place them on Thor's ship and going to the Ori galaxy that would make an interesting turn of events.

                      So, all of Sam's friends will be volunteering for this rescue mission to save Sam.
                      Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                        Originally posted by petemoretti
                        I'm leaving GW. Just before I go I have a couple of confessions to make.
                        I've made at least 20+ clones to rate the threads accordingly
                        (Terrible for Cam, Daniel, Daniel/Vala, Sam/Cam, Vala and once for SaGC threads
                        Excellent for SaGC, RDA thunk thread and SJ shipper family), and I used 3 clones in Fun&Games section (Petemoretti, ccdsah, nihela)

                        Clones I use frequently
                        Other clones

                        I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused...
                        I would like to apologise for Pete's behaviour and assure you that he does not represent the majority of S/J shippers. Most of us are disgusted by his behaviour.

                        There's one in every group, I guess.

                        Heh, please continue with your regular scheduled shipping
                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                          I'm almost done with chapter 2 of my Sam as Adria's mom story. I've decided not to make any romantic ships, instead...(you will all kill me)...I will leave lingering notions that hint at ships. This way I don't have to write two stories and not actually PO either camp.

                          I got to the point where Tomin finds Sam and brings her back to his place.

                          Jack is so PO-ed about Sam that he calls Thor up on favors to help him and Daniel get to the Ori galaxy.

                          Of course my story won't turn out the way I planned--they never do.

                          I find I have no need for Vala and Mitchell gets wumped big time. (Which is develops him). I'm making it AU where Janet and Jacob are still alive. I figured Jacob would go nuts trying to get to Sam and Salmak would have to remind him of his duties.

                          If I place them on Thor's ship and going to the Ori galaxy that would make an interesting turn of events.

                          So, all of Sam's friends will be volunteering for this rescue mission to save Sam.
                          I, for one, am really looking forward to reading your story


                            Originally posted by Col.SamanthaCarter View Post
                            I, for one, am really looking forward to reading your story
                            Let me just say this - the beginning (or what I have seen) looks awesome. It will be a great fic! I just wish we could fast forward over the waiting part and read it! Alas, it takes time to be creative. *sigh*
                            Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                              Originally posted by rebelwriter03 View Post
                              Let me just say this - the beginning (or what I have seen) looks awesome. It will be a great fic! I just wish we could fast forward over the waiting part and read it! Alas, it takes time to be creative. *sigh*
                              I wish I could fast forward too! I posted the first chapter on fan fic.

                              I've got a few more paragraphs to write for the second chp then send it to rebel for editing.

                              I read the first chapter back last night when I posted it--man Jack turned out funny. Daniel seems a bit whinny to me and Jack is a bit immature. I'm trying to keep most of the story Sam centered and to her, they probably do sound that way.


                              Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                                Originally posted by rebelwriter03 View Post
                                Seeing as everyone else is pushing posting their fics, I'll jump on board - seeing as i finally have one done.

                                Bad Liars was written for the SD ficathon ... someone didn't get a fic, and we all know the world is sad without SD fic. Enjoy! Muse stroking is nice... just sayin'...
                                Read it! Loved it! Any thoughts on continuing it?

                                Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                                I wish I could fast forward too! I posted the first chapter on fan fic.

                                I've got a few more paragraphs to write for the second chp then send it to rebel for editing.

                                I read the first chapter back last night when I posted it--man Jack turned out funny. Daniel seems a bit whinny to me and Jack is a bit immature. I'm trying to keep most of the story Sam centered and to her, they probably do sound that way.


                                Chris is right, it's awesome!!

                                I don't think Daniel's whinny. I mean come on, he's attached to Vala and he missed the Daedalus. He handled it pretty well IMO I left you a review on FF

