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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Oh! more of distressed!Sam! (EWWW!!! when I typed in "love" it came up with S/J! It was simply LOVE, no need for pukage!!!) Your fic was LOVE - there no icons used. Very nice... ::kicks muse in rear to get her going with own fic:: can't wait for more!

    And like everyone else of the oogly eyed (usually) female-population, waiting for the flag scene. ::drool::
    Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



      Originally posted by Jackie View Post

      Daniel: "Did Jess just post us and run?"

      Sam: "I think so."

      Daniel: "I feel so, so--used."
      Awww.... *runs back, hugs Sam and Daniel*

      Love the captions, everyone. You guys never cease to crack me up... great job

      Originally posted by Beakymoose View Post
      You guys have made my week so much better. I should come here more often.

      Especially after the finale. I haven't been able to watch it again, it's so depressing. They had the perfect opportunity to make S/D cannon, and they went with D/V.

      How about this one. . .
      (((Beakymoose))) So glad we've helped - and yes, you should come here more often At least as often as you can... we love having you here.

      I agree. I knew deep down they'd do it that way, esp. after hearing MS mention it at that one con. While I would have liked to see it go S/D, I agree with Jackie that they should have kept ship out of it and that way people could see it whatever way they wanted to. And I would have loved to have Jack back.

      Love the pic - and love your caption to go with it, Jackie

      Originally posted by Toomi View Post
      I love reading everyone's captions... so here's a few pics. They look the same but the background 'scenery' changes...

      Thanks for the pics Toomi I love seeing the captions everyone comes up with.

      Thrae ... gotta agree with Amaranth. I now believe you are not a sweetie... hurting poor Danny. *tsk*!
      Last edited by JessM; 09 July 2007, 06:50 PM.


        By the way Amaranth, love chapter 2 as I told you before

        I finally posted my Unending fic too (thank you immensely for the beta!). Here we go:

        Unexpected Souvenir
        Subjects: Angst, UST/Unrequited Love, Friendship, Romance
        Rating: T (PG-13) for some adult themes
        Summary: Sam seems to have unintentionally learned a lesson from SG1’s time
        on board the Odyssey. Missing scenes and tag for Unending.

        Just a slight warning that there is some Daniel/Vala implied in the beginning, but it doesn't end up that way in the end. Besides Sam/Daniel the story also has implied Cam/Vala (at the end, anyway) and Sam/Teal'c friendship.

        Hope you like.


          Originally posted by JessM View Post

          Daniel: Truth or dare?
          Sam: Um, dare.
          Daniel: *thinking* Hmm, I wonder how far I can go with this...


            can't top ColonelSamanthaCarter's caption. My thoughts exactly...LOL

            I have an idea for a Sam/Daniel fic. Let me know what you all think.


            The fic would start with season 9 and the establishment of the supergate in our galaxy. But, instead of Vala using the Jaffa shuttle to jam the gate--Sam does.

            Sam then gets sucked into the Ori galaxy (instead of Vala) and is impregnated with the Orisis. (obviously, Sam would give her another name than Adria. The child would also be blonde haired and blue eyed, like Sam)

            Vala would remain in our galaxy and would be helping as an outsider.

            Daniel would be going nuts trying to figure out a way to get to Sam--stuck in the Ori galaxy.

            I would have to bring in a scientist who could fill Sam's shoes for the story. Possibly a relative of Daniel or Jack.

            I would have the Ori plague affect Earth, Landry dies. George Hammond survives exposer and his blood is used to make the cure. George is asked back to the SGC to command the site.

            Mitchell now has to step up to the plate and be a real SG team commander. He also becomes on of the few people who will trust Vala. The other possibility is bringing in Mini Jack as the commander, that would really piss off Mitchell.

            When Sam returns--the baby will born at the SGC. She becomes very powerful very fast and escapes to be with the Ori followers. I have not figured out what Sam will name the child.

            Daniel and Sam try to reach the growing child and convince her that she has been programmed, not blessed.

            that's as far as I got in my head with it.

            Any thoughts or suggestions?
            Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


              Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
              Fantastic captions, everyone! Made me giggle! Except for Thrae's.

              Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
              Whumping Daniel to spite me and Jess for calling you sweet is just...wrong. You blue meanie, you.
              Originally posted by JessM View Post
              Thrae ... gotta agree with Amaranth. I now believe you are not a sweetie... hurting poor Danny. *tsk*!
              And my work here is done.

              Originally posted by Jackie View Post
              I have an idea for a Sam/Daniel fic. Let me know what you all think.
              <Spoiler for space>


              The fic would start with season 9 and the establishment of the supergate in our galaxy. But, instead of Vala using the Jaffa shuttle to jam the gate--Sam does.

              Sam then gets sucked into the Ori galaxy (instead of Vala) and is impregnated with the Orisis. (obviously, Sam would give her another name than Adria. The child would also be blonde haired and blue eyed, like Sam)

              Vala would remain in our galaxy and would be helping as an outsider.

              Daniel would be going nuts trying to figure out a way to get to Sam--stuck in the Ori galaxy.

              I would have to bring in a scientist who could fill Sam's shoes for the story. Possibly a relative of Daniel or Jack.

              I would have the Ori plague affect Earth, Landry dies. George Hammond survives exposer and his blood is used to make the cure. George is asked back to the SGC to command the site.

              Mitchell now has to step up to the plate and be a real SG team commander. He also becomes on of the few people who will trust Vala. The other possibility is bringing in Mini Jack as the commander, that would really piss off Mitchell.

              When Sam returns--the baby will born at the SGC. She becomes very powerful very fast and escapes to be with the Ori followers. I have not figured out what Sam will name the child.

              Daniel and Sam try to reach the growing child and convince her that she has been programmed, not blessed.

              that's as far as I got in my head with it.

              Any thoughts or suggestions?
              Sounds like a great idea for an AU, Jackie. Having Sam as the mother will no doubt make for a stronger, smarter and scarier Orici than Adria. How will the Ori get the Orici back from the SGC? Or will she escape on her own?

              My only possibly helpful suggestion/thought is that you may want to use Bill Lee as your replacement scientist, or bring in a completely original character, rather than using a relative of Daniel or Jack's. If one of them has a brilliant astrophysicist for relative, I'd have thought they'd have brought him/her into the SGC years ago.

              Best of luck with it.



                Originally posted by Thraesja View Post

                Sounds like a great idea for an AU, Jackie. Having Sam as the mother will no doubt make for a stronger, smarter and scarier Orici than Adria. How will the Ori get the Orici back from the SGC? Or will she escape on her own?

                My only possibly helpful suggestion/thought is that you may want to use Bill Lee as your replacement scientist, or bring in a completely original character, rather than using a relative of Daniel or Jack's. If one of them has a brilliant astrophysicist for relative, I'd have thought they'd have brought him/her into the SGC years ago.

                Best of luck with it.
                I could use Dr. Lee; i would rather not use an original character. too much time would be used to intro that character. I could also use Dr. McKay, since this would be AU. Maybe he pissed off Wier one too many times?

                I did start writing some of it last night. I got 3 pages and in that I established that Sam/Jack was a summer fling that didn't work out. Daniel was going to go to Atlantis and Sam was going there after her temp position at Area 51 was done.

                I managed to establish some under tone of Daniel having issues with the Sam/Jack affair but he never confronted her about it--just distanced himself from her. (Defense mech)

                I had it so Sam was at her desk doing reviews when Daniel called after Vala showed up with the braclets and made him miss his flight to Atlantis.

                I've decided to center the story on Sam's POV and Daniel's POV after she goes to Ori-world.

                The Ori-child would escape from the SGC on her own, but use Sam against the SGC by making a bond with her. (mother protecting her child)

                The child would be fare smarter than Adria and I would give her gentic memory. She would have access to all of Sam's memories through DNA up to the time of conception. Therefore she would know how to manipulate the team.

                The child would make Adria look like an angel. I think that I would give her a superior body. She would age to adult with in a week. She would be physically stronger, faster, very beautiful, mental powers, ect.

                At first this child would be very pro Ori. Then she starts to listen to Sam/Daniel and decides that she is her own god and starts her own religion by making allies with Goa'uld. She then uses her knowledge of the Ori to wipe them out. Taking there followers and making them her own. Her human DNA would be manipulated to increase her mental ability. She soon discovers that the Ori have not provided her with all the knowledge and starts on a quest to find another head grabbing thingy.

                I would make Sam and Daniel's relationship emerge from dealing with the child.
                Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                  I really like your fic idea Jackie!

                  What about Rodney's sister?'s her name..Jeannie...I don't think she's considered a "scientist" though. It's just a thought


                    Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                    can't top ColonelSamanthaCarter's caption. My thoughts exactly...LOL
                    Mine too Great job, Col.Sam

                    I have an idea for a Sam/Daniel fic. Let me know what you all think.

                    (snipped for space)

                    Any thoughts or suggestions?
                    That's a cool idea, Jackie. I'd love to see how something like this would play out. As for suggestions I agree with Thrae that you could get someone like Dr. Lee to fill in for Sam, or even McKay like you suggested. It could be interesting to see him interact with Vala (I'm sure he'd get to interact with her at least once).

                    I also love the idea of Sam and Daniel's relationship emerging as they deal with the child.

                    Really looking forward to seeing this story.

                    And I have another pic to offer

                    (I think it may speak for itself....
                    perhaps the first instance of briefing room antics? If not comfortable with that because it's before Sha're's death we could call it AU. )


                      Originally posted by Col.SamanthaCarter View Post
                      I really like your fic idea Jackie!

                      What about Rodney's sister?'s her name..Jeannie...I don't think she's considered a "scientist" though. It's just a thought
                      Oooo, I forgot about her. I liked Jenny--great suggestion.

                      I think I will leave Vala a rogue figure with her own ship. She can be the female version of Jack Sparrow.

                      Originally posted by JessM View Post
                      Mine too Great job, Col.Sam

                      That's a cool idea, Jackie. I'd love to see how something like this would play out. As for suggestions I agree with Thrae that you could get someone like Dr. Lee to fill in for Sam, or even McKay like you suggested. It could be interesting to see him interact with Vala (I'm sure he'd get to interact with her at least once).

                      I also love the idea of Sam and Daniel's relationship emerging as they deal with the child.

                      Really looking forward to seeing this story.
                      I will let you all know when I start to post it.

                      Sam: "Meditative breathing is easy...breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Now, everybody try. In through the nose and out through the mouth."

                      Daniel: "No more Oprah for you, Sam."
                      Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                        Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                        I will let you all know when I start to post it.
                        Sounds good.


                        Sam: "Meditative breathing is easy...breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Now, everybody try. In through the nose and out through the mouth."

                        Daniel: "No more Oprah for you, Sam."
                        Hee hee

                        Made a couple new wallpapers. I couldn't decide which style I liked better so I kept them both.

                        And another pic:


                          I like the top one better, Jess. It has a much better contrast in color and makes Sam's eyes stare at you. Really neat.

                          Sam: "Okay Daniel! It's time to stop feeling sorry for yourself and get back out there! We cannot let him win this. There is no way I will let him win this. You have got to get your butt up and back out there, pronto."

                          Daniel: "But Jack got my uniform all covered with paint balls. I got killed and untold number of times. I don't want to play splat ball anymore."

                          Sam: "But Daniel, you have been killed an untold number of times going through the gate. That never stopped you. Hell, you're the Pillsbury Dough boy. They can fry you, pound you, flatten you, roll you over and you pop right back into shape. Now come on, Daniel. You help me splat Jack and I will let you do that nibble thing tonight."

                          Daniel pops up ready to go, "Okay."
                          Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                            Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                            I like the top one better, Jess. It has a much better contrast in color and makes Sam's eyes stare at you. Really neat.


                            Sam: "Okay Daniel! It's time to stop feeling sorry for yourself and get back out there! We cannot let him win this. There is no way I will let him win this. You have got to get your butt up and back out there, pronto."

                            Daniel: "But Jack got my uniform all covered with paint balls. I got killed and untold number of times. I don't want to play splat ball anymore."

                            Sam: "But Daniel, you have been killed an untold number of times going through the gate. That never stopped you. Hell, you're the Pillsbury Dough boy. They can fry you, pound you, flatten you, roll you over and you pop right back into shape. Now come on, Daniel. You help me splat Jack and I will let you do that nibble thing tonight."

                            Daniel pops up ready to go, "Okay."

                            *giggles, and then giggles some more*

                            Also, hiya guys! I'm Dem, long-time Sam/Daniel fan, thought I'd pop into the thread and see how everyone is doing?

                            MULTI-SHIPPER, AND PROUD

                            My command is this: Love each other as
                            I have loved you. Greater love has no man than
                            this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
                            - John 15:12,13


                              We interrupt this thread to bring you a word from our sponsor...

                              Thraesja (who now refers to herself in the third person) has started posting her new SamDaniel fic at

                              Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Adventure/Angst
                              Pairing: Sam/Daniel. Also team friendship and Jacob/Daniel friendship.
                              Rating:T, for violence, torture, attempted non-con, sexual situations, and a smidge of language. None of it is graphic.
                              Season: 7, after Fallout but before Chimera. AU from the start of the story onward.
                              Summary: Jacob recruits SG-1 to help deal a crucial blow to the forces of
                              Anubis and reunite them with an old foe. The question is: When has a Tok’ra
                              mission ever gone well?

                              We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.
                              Last edited by Thraesja; 11 July 2007, 03:46 AM. Reason: Again with the spelling.



                                Originally posted by DropsOfAngst View Post
                                *giggles, and then giggles some more*

                                Also, hiya guys! I'm Dem, long-time Sam/Daniel fan, thought I'd pop into the thread and see how everyone is doing?
                                Hi! Welcome to the wonderful thread! I'm glad (and I think the rest of us are too...idk, you will have to ask them) that you stopped by! come by any time and poke your nose in. Just make sure you stay out of the way of Amaratha and Thjea's banter. It can get a little dangerous.
                                Thanks Jess for the Sig!

