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Anti-Ship Thread

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    The problem with ship on Stargate is that it doesn't add to our understanding of the characters, it acts as a substitue for plot/character development.


      Originally posted by AdrianneP
      I'm with you. I can ignore ship when it's not being shoved down my throat or it doesn't ruin an episode or scene for being so badly written and shoved so deeply down my throat as if the screen/writers are screaming in my face, "HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THE PASSION THESE TWO HAVE FOR ONE ANOTHER!?" Then I can ignore a ship ...

      It's when it's being forced down my throat, then things get ugly.

      NG.1, I like your thinking. Maybe I'll move to South Africa. I've had it suggested that I'm gay because of my thinking on sex and relationships.

      I am not going to comment your first post because like I said before to each their own - I'm personally a Jack/Sam fan and can see the chemistry but can respect those of you that can't.

      As for your last post - you are more than welcome,

      Here in South Africa the worse they'll do is try and set you up on a date with a brother/nephew/friend etc.

      South Africa is actually a wonderful country (except the crime, ) because we respect everybody's point of view.


        Resurrecting this thread to mention a pet peeve of mine when it comes to ship. Anytime I say I don't want ship, or when I say too much time has been spent on the romantic lives of characters (I'm talking any various fandoms) or when I say that I think a character should be single for awhile, someone inevitably says, "don't you want the characters to be happy?" Why is there this idea that unless you're paired up with someone, you can't be happy? I think some people can be lonely and sad without a romantic partner. But, not everyone is. And, I'm not going to assume that if a character doesn't have a romance, or worse, some Kirking going on, it means they're unhappy and not wanting to see any of that is denying them their chance at happiness. I see nothing to indicate that Daniel is missing some happiness that only being hooked up with someone would rectify. So, again, just because I don't want ship doesn't mean I don't want happiness for the characters. I just think there are many ways of finding happiness.
        I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

        Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

        Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

        Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty

        Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


          i've always said, i don't mind ship IN the show, just not AS the show

          in MM for example
          why couldn't it have been the TEAM taking vala out to dinner to give her her patches? why this incessant obsession with daniel/vala?

          what? vala's not capable of standing onher own two feet? she's only 'worthy' of being in an episode if she's paired iwth a guy?

          Here's teh danger. Ok, one excuse of a lack of sam is that without jack they 'dont' know what to do with her' - writer weakness IMHO. so why is vala being treated the same way?

          doesn't anyone realize if vala is an inseparable part of daniel, then when/if michael leaves the show - moot point i know - then vala will too be rendered useless?

          screw pairing them up like noah's ark. let them stand on their own
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Dani347
            Why is there this idea that unless you're paired up with someone, you can't be happy? I think some people can be lonely and sad without a romantic partner. But, not everyone is....I see nothing to indicate that Daniel is missing some happiness that only being hooked up with someone would rectify.
            You already know that I completely agree with this but I had to say it anyway. I don't understand it either. As I was saying in the episode thread, Daniel has plenty of happy moments when he is around his close friends and I don't think pairing him up with Vala will all of a sudden make him happier than he already is with the people in his life. In fact, given the Ori threat, I think this is one of the worst times to start a new romantic/sexual relationship. I don't see why they can't just have Daniel and Vala as friends.


              Originally posted by Racingtime
              You already know that I completely agree with this but I had to say it anyway. I don't understand it either. As I was saying in the episode thread, Daniel has plenty of happy moments when he is around his close friends and I don't think pairing him up with Vala will all of a sudden make him happier than he already is with the people in his life. In fact, given the Ori threat, I think this is one of the worst times to start a new romantic/sexual relationship. I don't see why they can't just have Daniel and Vala as friends.
              I totally agree. They should leave it well enough alone and have EVERYone on the show just remain friends.

              (yeah I'm new to this thread...and I know my sig is shippy, but I'm a shipper in fanfics only... anti-ship onscreen)


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                screw pairing them up like noah's ark. let them stand on their own
                But don't you want them to be ... Oops, never mind.

                Originally posted by Racingtime
                In fact, given the Ori threat, I think this is one of the worst times to start a new romantic/sexual relationship. I don't see why they can't just have Daniel and Vala as friends.
                My pet peeve with Shippers is they'll argue that they're not talking about a romantic/sexual relationship. They're talking about "friendSHIP", it's still a Ship. No, just shut up and watch the show ... Don't talk to me about two characters and their budding friendSHIP. It's an ensemble cast/show. It's not the McKay/Shep Show, Shep/Weir Show, Jack/Sam Show, Daniel/Vala Show. It's about the freakin' TEAM!

                If I never reply to something you said to me, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, it means I'm lazy and the thread moves too fast.
                It's all explained here. Well, one part anyhow

                My LibraryThing.


                  Originally posted by AdrianneP
                  My pet peeve with Shippers is they'll argue that they're not talking about a romantic/sexual relationship. They're talking about "friendSHIP", it's still a Ship. No, just shut up and watch the show ... Don't talk to me about two characters and their budding friendSHIP. It's an ensemble cast/show. It's not the McKay/Shep Show, Shep/Weir Show, Jack/Sam Show, Daniel/Vala Show. It's about the freakin' TEAM!

                  I know what you mean. And I am a friendshipper onscreen, but that does not mean I want to see one friendship highlighted above the rest. I'd like to see friendship between each of the characters, if that makes any sense. That's what I liked about the show in the early days. The friendships between the different characters were shown more or less equally. We saw Sam/Daniel friendship, Sam/Jack friendship, Jack/Daniel friendship, Jack/Teal'c friendship, Daniel/Teal'c, Sam/Janet, etc. etc. And none of these were EVER at the expense of the others. We saw the friendship in the team dynamic. Does that make any sense? Or am I just speaking jibberish like I tend to do sometimes, lol


                    It makes sense to me because I've seen it as well ... You don't see that anymore. Like, now, at least for me, Vala seems most comfortable with Daniel ... It seems that no one else really likes her ... :;Shrug:: Sam and Cameron are finally getting along -- which I love seeing but you only ever see them getting along when it's just the two of them ...

                    There is no real TEAM dynamic.

                    If I never reply to something you said to me, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, it means I'm lazy and the thread moves too fast.
                    It's all explained here. Well, one part anyhow

                    My LibraryThing.


                      Exactly. And that's one of many reasons why I like the early season eps better. I think it's a shame that Vala only feels comfortable with Daniel. I'd like to see her interact with the others a bit more so that she can ease into the team more and will seem more like a team player (right now it just seems like she's there because Daniel's there... at least IMHO).

                      I was glad to see a bit of a team scene in the very last scene of In the Company of Thieves...don't think we've really had one of those this season (with the exception of Morpheus, maybe).


                        If they don't get the Team Dynamic back do you really think SG1 Movies is going to sell? I don't think so ... :;Shrug::

                        I've stopped watching Atlantis, I have never seen a Team Dynamic there ...

                        If I never reply to something you said to me, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, it means I'm lazy and the thread moves too fast.
                        It's all explained here. Well, one part anyhow

                        My LibraryThing.


                          This is what Jim Carrey from Dumb and Dumber thinks of Jack and Sam getting together.

                          I consider myself an anti shipper. I really don't watch the show just to see people get together. BUT, if I were to choose only one ship, it would be Daniel and Sam.


                            Originally posted by MasterPower
                            I consider myself an anti shipper. I really don't watch the show just to see people get together. BUT, if I were to choose only one ship, it would be Daniel and Sam.
                            I have to agree with that

                            If I never reply to something you said to me, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, it means I'm lazy and the thread moves too fast.
                            It's all explained here. Well, one part anyhow

                            My LibraryThing.


                              Originally posted by AdrianneP
                              If they don't get the Team Dynamic back do you really think SG1 Movies is going to sell? I don't think so ... :;Shrug::

                              I've stopped watching Atlantis, I have never seen a Team Dynamic there ...


                              I know I probably wouldn't watch the movies if we didn't get the team dyamic back...I sometimes wonder if it's now lost forever...


                                Originally posted by AdrianneP
                                I have to agree with that

                                Me too. LOL @ the Jim Carrey "Dumb and Dumber" clip, MasterPower... that's great.

