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Anti-Ship Thread

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    Welcome, killdeer!


      I suppose I should clarify why I'm here. Ship is acceptable in fanfic form and little more. I love reading about my favourite pairing online, but in no way do I want it to happen on the show itself. At least, not more than I already read into the show


        Hey, Cory. That's pretty much how I feel as well. I am more of a FRIENDshipper on the show. I love all the friendships (although I do have my favorites) and the team dynamic, and I save my shipping mostly for fanfiction as well.


          I'm glad this thread is active again, like most people here I want shipping between any characters to be left to fanfic and not happen onscreen.

          I can't help but be a bit nervous about what they will do in Unending

          This whole being stuck on a spaceship for 50 years and "exploring the team relationships" or something like that, plus MS saying they will explore a bit of Daniel/Vala (whatever that means). You never know what TPTB will do, but the fact that the reset button will be hit at the end of this ep and it'll be like it never happened, they'll use it as an excuse to throw in some shipping.
          Spare me please Come on this is the final ever episode of SG1, don't waste it on ship
          sorry had to rant a little...

          Thanks to Kidwizz for sig


            Originally posted by grasshopper64 View Post
            I'm glad this thread is active again, like most people here I want shipping between any characters to be left to fanfic and not happen onscreen.

            I can't help but be a bit nervous about what they will do in Unending

            This whole being stuck on a spaceship for 50 years and "exploring the team relationships" or something like that, plus MS saying they will explore a bit of Daniel/Vala (whatever that means). You never know what TPTB will do, but the fact that the reset button will be hit at the end of this ep and it'll be like it never happened, they'll use it as an excuse to throw in some shipping.
            Spare me please Come on this is the final ever episode of SG1, don't waste it on ship
            sorry had to rant a little...
            I'm resigned to them putting some kind of "Romantic Ship" in Unending.....I'm expecting it to be ruined like the "Desert Scene" in Moebius was for me, where all the important stuff like the "2nd" Teal'c and the "Original" Daniel's great victory with the rebels over Ra's Jaffa was glossed over for a few ridiculously comic moments from "Geeky" Sam and "Revolting" Jack (my words because imho that AU Jack was NOTHING LIKE "Original" Jack from the past 7 seasons... ) in that Puddle Jumper.... ....

            If they stick "Romantic Ship" in Unending at least I'll be prepared for it so I can make sure I flit over to my "silly side" and watch it for what it is..........Silly.....

            Don't get me wrong ...I LOVE good friendship scenes in SG-1....amongst any's when it goes OTT in the Romance stakes I run screaming for the hills!.....

            Deeds xx
            Last edited by discodiva; 17 February 2007, 05:24 AM.
            Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
            MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


              Originally posted by discodiva View Post
              Don't get me wrong ...I LOVE good friendship scenes in SG-1....amongst any's when it goes OTT in the Romance stakes I run screaming for the hills!.....

              Deeds xx
              It wouldn't be so bad if they made a half way decent job of it. They can't write romance to save their lives, it's just not well written.



                Originally posted by grasshopper64 View Post
                I'm glad this thread is active again, like most people here I want shipping between any characters to be left to fanfic and not happen onscreen.

                I can't help but be a bit nervous about what they will do in Unending

                This whole being stuck on a spaceship for 50 years and "exploring the team relationships" or something like that, plus MS saying they will explore a bit of Daniel/Vala (whatever that means). You never know what TPTB will do, but the fact that the reset button will be hit at the end of this ep and it'll be like it never happened, they'll use it as an excuse to throw in some shipping.
                Spare me please Come on this is the final ever episode of SG1, don't waste it on ship
                sorry had to rant a little...
                I just posted about this over at the "My reasons for Anti-Daniel/Vala" thread, but I feel the same way.

                That does seem to be their excuse for trying things like this, just like they did in Moebius Part 2 ... "oh we can just reset it at the end so both the shippers and non-shippers will be happy!" I read a comment that I believe RCC made about Unending, that they're making it a team episode because they know there are so many fans of the team. If they were exploring the relationships between each team member on a fairly equal basis, I wouldn't object. However, taking MS' comments and other spoilers I've read about it, it makes it seem like they will just focus on a Daniel/Vala relationship.... no Daniel/Teal'c, Daniel/Sam, Daniel/Cam, Vala/Cam, Vala/Teal'c, Vala/Sam... well, you get the idea.

                I agree - it's the final episode and I think there should be at least some tribute paid to Daniel, Sam and Teal'c together. I mean, they've been friends for ten years now and have been through so much together. There should be something in there for the three of them, but I just have a bad feeling that they'll focus on the 'ship instead. And then there is that quote some time back from TV Guide: "There will be a touch of romance in the air as two fan favorites finally lock lips (but we're sworn to secrecy)." A friend of mine thought they were talking about Cam and Vala, that she thought she saw a clip of them kissing. Bounty has come and gone and there was no kiss, so I'm now assuming they're talking about a Daniel/Vala kiss in Unending.

                No problem, rant away! Heck I've done more than my fair share

                Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                I'm resigned to them putting some kind of "Romantic Ship" in Unending.....I'm expecting it to be ruined like the "Desert Scene" in Moebius was for me, where all the important stuff like the "2nd" Teal'c and the "Original" Daniel's great victory with the rebels over Ra's Jaffa was glossed over for a few ridiculously comic moments from "Geeky" Sam and "Revolting" Jack (my words because imho that AU Jack was NOTHING LIKE "Original" Jack from the past 7 seasons... ) in that Puddle Jumper.... ....

                If they stick "Romantic Ship" in Unending at least I'll be prepared for it so I can make sure I flit over to my "silly side" and watch it for what it is..........Silly.....

                Don't get me wrong ...I LOVE good friendship scenes in SG-1....amongst any's when it goes OTT in the Romance stakes I run screaming for the hills!.....

                Deeds xx
                You have a good point, Deeds.
                That desert scene in Moebius Part 2 was ruined for me too. I suppose it would be silly not to expect them to do almost the same thing with Unending. I guess the thing that has me sort of riled up about it is that it seems like a big waste to devote their final episode to ship just to please one faction of fans.

                See, if they just stuck to good friendship scenes between everybody, I would be fine with it. But going OTT with the romance because the episode is set up with a "failsafe" of sorts to allow them to get away with it is so annoying. And it's bad enough to have the shippers gloating about how their pairing was shown and how it's now canon, or whatever.


                  Hello again everyone, and thanks for the welcome! Wow, this thread gets pushed down pretty fast, doesn't it?

                  I suppose I should clarify my anti-ship position a little. I'm not really pro-ship in either SG-1 or Atlantis. Unfortunately for me the writers of SG-1 have not agreed with me, and Sam/Jack is more or less canon at this point, although I don't care for that pairing.

                  In Atlantis, on the other hand, I feel like we still have a strong team vibe going on. Yeah there are hints of possible attractions here and there between various characters, but as long as that's where it stays I'm happy. I suppose I'm afraid that once a particular pairing is made canon, it will split the whole group dynamic. I want the team family to stay the focus, not one particular ship or another.

                  I hope I don't sound overly whiny here. I'm just hoping going into Season four we can continue to keep Atlantis ship-free. I guess I'm a little nervous remembering that Season four of SG-1 was when Sam/Jack became canon, and I'm hoping the writers don't take us down that road again.

                  As to why I have such a problem with Sam/Jack, well, there's probably lots of reasons, but here's two. One, I felt like the writers focused on Sam's love life as a substitute for true character development. I'd rather not see that happen with say, Teyla, for example. And two, I've always had a hangup with superior/subordinate relationships. I didn't like it on Stargate, I didn't like it on House (which I no longer watch), and I didn't like it on Without A Trace, even though it was a past relationship.

                  Hope this makes sense and is not offensive to anyone! Here's to keeping the anti-ship thread alive and well!
                  - Life after Stargate -
                  Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                  Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                    Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
                    and Sam/Jack is more or less canon at this point, although I don't care for that pairing.
                    Don't worry, soon Sam will join Atlantis and the writers will focus on hooking her up with McKay and completly forget any Jack and Sam history in doing so.

                    As an avid, rabid, and fanatical anti-Sam'nSir person, I can only see this as a good thing.


                      Originally posted by Cory Holmes View Post
                      Don't worry, soon Sam will join Atlantis and the writers will focus on hooking her up with McKay and completly forget any Jack and Sam history in doing so.

                      As an avid, rabid, and fanatical anti-Sam'nSir person, I can only see this as a good thing.

                      Oh I so hope not, even though I'm pretty adamantly against Sam/Jack myself. I love Atlantis, and McKay/Carter, or even Sheppard/Carter, would really put a huge damper on my enjoyment of the show. Although I don't honestly see the second one happening. The first could be possible-though I hope not.

                      I think the most likely possibility is Sheppard/Teyla, even though I'm hoping I'm wrong. Sheppard is their lead, and Teyla has been so underused that the writers may feel that putting her in a relationship with John might be a way to give her some character development. In Sunday,
                      there was a scene that hinted of Teyla's interest in someone, but they didn't tell us who. And then we had the scene with Ronan asking John if he was interested in Teyla.
                      That could be interpreted a variety of ways, but it did make me a little tiny bit nervous

                      I guess we'll have to see. Here's me still holding out hope for a ship-less Season 4. (except for friendship of course).
                      - Life after Stargate -
                      Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                      Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                        Yeah, that's one of the downsides to the Stargate franchise. They follow the standard Hollywood rule that Male Lead + Female Lead = Smoochies. While SGA is saved by the fact that there is no real definable "lead actor/character", I still see TPTB walloping us over the head with the Ship-by-Four and have been right from the start.

                        I was most disappointed with the Pierre Bernard interview when he asked if Weir was ever going to fight Teyla to the death for Sheppard's affections. It saddened me that people were expected Atlantis to be as boringly predictable as every other TV show in existance.


                          Originally posted by LoneStar1836 View Post
                          LOL! That’s a good one. The only ship left in the movie was the ship between the ship and the iceberg and even that ended badly. (not funny, I know, but that movie is kind of like the perfect analogy for anti-ship. Both the literal ship and the relationship sucked, and both sank in the end. Yeah her “heart went on” (or however the song went) but Leo was dead. It takes two to tango.)

                          The iceberg was my favorite character. The movie got better when it showed up.
                          Me too. I liked the part where people were falling and hitting parts of the ship. That was the greatest part of Titanic.
                          Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                            Originally posted by Cory Holmes View Post
                            Yeah, that's one of the downsides to the Stargate franchise. They follow the standard Hollywood rule that Male Lead + Female Lead = Smoochies. While SGA is saved by the fact that there is no real definable "lead actor/character", I still see TPTB walloping us over the head with the Ship-by-Four and have been right from the start.
                            One of my reasons for disliking Sam&Jack is that I really like Sam in particular and find the relationship to be very detrimental to her character, in part because of how it was written and in part because of confirming all the stereotypes about a woman working on the front line being a distraction to the men they work with. Which is bollox, but not helped by TV shows such as Stargate perpetuating the myth.
                            The idea of Sam'nSir pushes all my squick buttons (along with Jack being of her father's generation, but that's another issue) and even if they were no longer working together, it would be the death knell of her marvelous career, which is utterly unfair, particularly as the chances are, it would hardly impact on Jack's career. And it would follow her wherever she went - 'That's Sam O'Neill, you know how she got those promotions, he was her boss at the time, etc, etc.' It's not fair, it's not true, but it's what would happen. And I hate to think of Sam being remembered for marrying the boss, rather for being a top knotch soldier and scientist.

                            Originally posted by Cory Holmes View Post
                            I was most disappointed with the Pierre Bernard interview when he asked if Weir was ever going to fight Teyla to the death for Sheppard's affections. It saddened me that people were expected Atlantis to be as boringly predictable as every other TV show in existance.
                            I don't watch Atlantis, must get round to it! (I don't watch much TV) But, considering the pigs ear they made of the relationships on SG1, I feel nothing but sympathy for the fans who don't want any part of the relationship circus which so distracts so much from the shows.



                              Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                              The idea of Sam'nSir pushes all my squick buttons (along with Jack being of her father's generation, but that's another issue)
                              Wow - I thought it was just me. The whole Jack/Sam thing always made me think "wow, Carter's got some serious Daddy issues here." Not to mention the squick of such a competant professional woman having a crush on her boss. Because honestly, that's all it ever seemed like to me. A crush on Carter's side, and some middle-aged fantasies on Jack's side. I never got any sense of deep undying passion, even if the whole scenario hadn't been terribly inappropriate.

                              I guess my fear, if I haven't said it before, is that making any particular ship canon for Atlantis will weaken the show. TPTB haven't been good at selling romance in SG1 -IMO it's weakened the team and the whole show whenever it was made the focus. I don't want to see Atlantis go down that same road, with Shep/Teyla or whatever pairing might become the focus. We've barely gotten to know Teyla, but she doesn't deserve what Sam went through. She's a strong woman, a warrior, a leader. She is owed some character development, but putting her in a relationship with someone is not the way to do that.
                              - Life after Stargate -
                              Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                              Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                                Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
                                Hello again everyone, and thanks for the welcome! Wow, this thread gets pushed down pretty fast, doesn't it?

                                I suppose I should clarify my anti-ship position a little. I'm not really pro-ship in either SG-1 or Atlantis. Unfortunately for me the writers of SG-1 have not agreed with me, and Sam/Jack is more or less canon at this point, although I don't care for that pairing.

                                In Atlantis, on the other hand, I feel like we still have a strong team vibe going on. Yeah there are hints of possible attractions here and there between various characters, but as long as that's where it stays I'm happy. I suppose I'm afraid that once a particular pairing is made canon, it will split the whole group dynamic. I want the team family to stay the focus, not one particular ship or another.
                                That is one thing that I love about Atlantis, and why - to be honest - I've been enjoying it a bit more than SG-1 lately. There does seem to be more of a team vibe there. In SG-1 it's like they're all fragmented. There is Cam and Teal'c as one part, Daniel and Vala as another, and Sam on her own. There have been one or two nice team episodes this season, but that's about it.

                                I hope I don't sound overly whiny here. I'm just hoping going into Season four we can continue to keep Atlantis ship-free. I guess I'm a little nervous remembering that Season four of SG-1 was when Sam/Jack became canon, and I'm hoping the writers don't take us down that road again.

                                As to why I have such a problem with Sam/Jack, well, there's probably lots of reasons, but here's two. One, I felt like the writers focused on Sam's love life as a substitute for true character development. I'd rather not see that happen with say, Teyla, for example. And two, I've always had a hangup with superior/subordinate relationships. I didn't like it on Stargate, I didn't like it on House (which I no longer watch), and I didn't like it on Without A Trace, even though it was a past relationship.

                                Hope this makes sense and is not offensive to anyone! Here's to keeping the anti-ship thread alive and well!
                                No offense taken at all! If you want to hear whiny, you should hear me on various threads I got into a huge argument with a S/J shipper on another site who kept insisting it was canon and gave me all this proof. If people want to ship that way then fine, but they were pretty rude about it and acted like they wanted to convert me.

                                To tell the truth, I'm more annoyed about Daniel/Vala this season than about Sam/Jack. While I don't ship S/J, it seems to have taken a back seat this season
                                (with the exception of 200 I guess, but even that I didn't take very seriously)
                                and Daniel/Vala has been practically forced down our throats. Having Vala paired with Daniel all the time leaves little in the way of character development for her, like her interaction with him is all that defines her character. I like it when she's allowed to interact with other people, and I hope we continue to see that.

