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Baal/Sam Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    oooh, baal saves sam, eh?? why have we not thought of that yet??

    maybe after baal was willing to help them, she's feeling nice... so he gets in trouble somewhere and asks them for help, and sam's willing to save the day (er, save baal )

    but i really want a flirty fic!!

    Comment <----- check it out... yes a new forum... i created it... yes there's Ba'am too... oh yea and ba'al/wall/everyone too.... yea we have thunk threads, games, rps, fics ect too.. and heres the fun part.. ya'lls can post your fics there too, theres even a forum for those naughty fics too.


        woohoo!! a brand new board just for all of us crazies!! *goes to sign up*


          *lingers, unsure whether to sign up or not*
          The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

          Live life for what you have and those you love.


            sign up!!

            wow, CKO!! that place is huge!! you've got everything!! awesome!!


              Originally posted by Purpleyin
              ah, and after that brief interlude we return to Baal/Sam....anyone got any plot bunies for me to adopt? Au's possibly?
              ok read this in that supercool action movie trailer guy voice [start of supercool action movie trailer guy voice] In an alternite universe where tauri oppress goa'uld, one resistance leader fights for freedom, but will his love for a high ranking female officer in the sgc get in the way? starring baal as the resourseful and overconfidant resistance leader, samantha carter as The colnel/love intrest and General Jack O'neal as the arch baddie who is also after Carter's heart. Coming to a comp near you when somebody writes it, this fic not yet rated. [/end supercool action movie trailer guy voice] Well get writing!


                ROFLMAO!!! "supercool action movie trailer guy voice" i love it gatelover!!

                now, who's gonna write that!! *wants!*

                oh yeah, welcome to the craziness thread


                  ROTFL!"supercool action movie trailer guy voice"

                  Are you doing that Mcwe'al Hans?

                  The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


                    yeah... i'm waiting for that mcweal too personally i'l love to see mcwebaam, er at least mcweir/baam.... or sheybaam (sheyla/baam ) ...but, uh... not likely i guess



                      ..... BA hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! You guys kill me!! How about McylaWa'al?

                      TEAM SG1 LIVES


                        OMG!!! ROFL!! what'd that be?? mckay/teyla/weir/baal??


                          *bingo* That'd be some heavy fic, right there.
                          TEAM SG1 LIVES


                            could we throw shep into the mix??? oh wait, this prob'ly goes in the OTHER thread

                            though we could keep it in here by going ALL out with mcwesheybaam!!


                              Ok, people, I've told you before, I'm a writer. Give me the idea and I'll have it written in a week or so. And as for the idea's you've mentioned before, list them again cause I'm not searching in a thread this big.

                              And as for taking them OOC, that's not always a bad thing. The fic I'm writing has moments that are OOC but that's because it's an alternate universe. If you read the story and accept it as possible, it doesn't become OOC as much as another facit of the character you can mess with. Besides, anytime something new is done to a character, it is initially OOC until the fans accept it. ie- a Go'auld that actually seems to be more then evil and maybe something other then a Go'auld when things started. ::wink wink, nod nod:: see what I mean?
                              'Nou ani anquietus' - 'We are the Ancients:’ teachers of roads and builders of the 'gate.


                                lol ... okay, how about this, lemme pitch to you.

                                Sam finds herself in a strange place with no trace of her freinds, her home or anyone. As she searches for a way out, she encounters strange people from her past, including a man who looks exactly like Ba'al. She's mistrustful of him at first but he eventually helps her to escape the place which turns out
                                to be a vivd nightmare of Sam's.

                                Well? I'd write it myself but It needs more romance - which i'm terrible at writing. I get squemish.
                                TEAM SG1 LIVES

