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Baal/Sam Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    does anyone but me think this is getting out if hand? ::goes back to corner to continue writing story::
    'Nou ani anquietus' - 'We are the Ancients:’ teachers of roads and builders of the 'gate.


      what?? the baal love?? we cleared the other ships for ya, WT so now we're back to just baam here!


        so i see. interesting. how many threads have sprung from Lord Ba'al appreciation? I'm couting four.
        'Nou ani anquietus' - 'We are the Ancients:’ teachers of roads and builders of the 'gate.


          hmmm... baal/sam, baal/cs thunk, bizarre ships.... 3 OFFICIAL ones 4 including the appreciation one though

          but, well, about three or four other threads have been massively taken over by us baal fans at one point or another...


            Originally posted by emily_reich
            but, well, about three or four other threads have been massively taken over by us baal fans at one point or another...
            Including the Shep/Teyla ship thread, Shepmagan Chatters and the Smifth thread...

            The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


              and the "which goauld would you serve" thread

              yup, us baal fans are not quiet little buggers, are we?? we're just very... er... ENTHUSIASTIC!

              did ya read the fic yet, ang?


                Originally posted by emily_reich
                and the "which goauld would you serve" thread

                yup, us baal fans are not quiet little buggers, are we?? we're just very... er... ENTHUSIASTIC!

                did ya read the fic yet, ang?
                Yes ... we're EVERYWHERE!! AAAAAAAHHHH!! But see, in the words of Martha Stewart, that's a VERY good thing.
                TEAM SG1 LIVES


                  Originally posted by Angelique
                  Including the Shep/Teyla ship thread, Shepmagan Chatters and the Smifth thread...
                  And don't forget the page or 2 of Baal/... and baal/mckay/weir over on the mckay/weir shipper thread- crazy but entertaining. and fic inspiring too *evil grin*


                    oh yes! how many is that now??


                      Originally posted by emily_reich
                      oh yes! how many is that now??
                      4 official? and 5? taken over,at the very least...


                        oh man....

                        ooh, boy!! we're drastically off topic!!

                        back to the shipping!! we need merrin to come back with more fics (or, with any luck, her finished VID!! lol... apparently vidding is hard to do when we're chatting for hours on end at the same time )


                          Originally posted by emily_reich
                          hmmm... baal/sam, baal/cs thunk, bizarre ships.... 3 OFFICIAL ones 4 including the appreciation one though

                          but, well, about three or four other threads have been massively taken over by us baal fans at one point or another...
                          Oh, that's it! Time to stage a counterattack! *puts on combat gear*

                          So, how about Rodney and Liz? Ain't they CUTE?! (Come on Hans, help me out here...)

                          j/k! j/k!


                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                            Oh, that's it! Time to stage a counterattack! *puts on combat gear*

                            So, how about Rodney and Liz? Ain't they CUTE?! (Come on Hans, help me out here...)

                            j/k! j/k!
                            Hehe, ooh yes, Rodney's good enough to want two of! McKay/McKay !!!!

                            ah, and after that brief interlude we return to Baal/Sam....anyone got any plot bunies for me to adopt? Au's possibly?


                              plot bunnies!! well our biggest problem methinks is that to keep folks in character for any real juicy baal/sam, baal captured sam every single flippin time!! in our plor bunnies anyway.... cept dreams, where anything goes...

                              what about just a flirt fic a la reckoning... baal helping out again and we get lots of baal/sam flirtness maybe to jack and daniel's amusement...


                                Plot bunnies...hmmm...

                                Well, the typical one is Ba'al capturing Sam which leads to flirting, etc.
                                Also, perhaps Ba'al is a bit down, what with losing this season and all, and maybe Sam gives him some support?
                                Or maybe Ba'al is in trouble and Sam saves the day?

                                Originally posted by emily_reich
                                what about just a flirt fic a la reckoning... baal helping out again and we get lots of baal/sam flirtness maybe to jack and daniel's amusement...
                                The Reckoning scenes were great, saw tons of potential there and I certainly wasn't looking for it. More of that in a fanfic would be amusing.

