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Watching SG-1 for the first time! Plus a blog!

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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    Ascensions starts off mysterious. You will learn more and more as time goes on. And watch out for Col. Simmons. He is more of a slimeball then Maybourne
    Oh, is he, now? That's pretty slimy. Because even Sen. Kinsey's not as conniving as Maybourne. That slimeball managed to turn a jail sentence into a trip to the Caribbean... I laugh when I think about it, but gah, he just frustrates me!
    But I do get a weird vibe from Simmons.
    Or maybe it's just de Lancie's awesome acting. Shoot, I want to see more of him.


      Originally posted by CMWriter View Post
      Oh, is he, now? That's pretty slimy. Because even Sen. Kinsey's not as conniving as Maybourne. That slimeball managed to turn a jail sentence into a trip to the Caribbean... I laugh when I think about it, but gah, he just frustrates me!
      But I do get a weird vibe from Simmons.
      Or maybe it's just de Lancie's awesome acting. Shoot, I want to see more of him.
      Trust me, by the end of season 8 you'll love Harry Maybourne


        Originally posted by CMWriter View Post
        So... don't watch the films?
        Nah, I'll watch them, just because they're part of the canon and all that jazz. After all, not everything after a series can be brilliant.. Star Trek's own movie franchise tended to be hit and miss at best, but I guess I'll just wait and see for myself. (:

        Besides, as far as I know, after "Unending" there are just two movies and I think he got a guest spot on an episode of Atlantis. Small potatoes in comparison.
        Being such a huge fan of Teal'c you'll be doing yourself a deservice if you miss his brilliant conversation in Ark of Truth(the first movie after s10) with a character introduced in s9....brilliantly written and brilliantly delivered.

        My Fiction:


          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
          Being such a huge fan of Teal'c you'll be doing yourself a deservice if you miss his brilliant conversation in Ark of Truth(the first movie after s10) with a character introduced in s9....brilliantly written and brilliantly delivered.
          Oh, now, don't worry, like I said, I'll watch them.. and blog them, for that matter. Just one person's impression of the films. I try not to go in biased and just make my own judgments. (:


            Deja Q! Heeeeee's baaaack!
            (Cue the mariachi band!)

            "The Fifth Man" (5x04)
            (Sorry, I just get SO EXCITED whenever I see de Lancie! )
            Okay, wasn't super-impressed with this one, but an improvement over yesterday's, just in my opinion. Some good dialogue and scenes with O'Neill, and I thought the interrogations were pretty clever.. Really clued me in as to what our good friend Q Simmons is up to, and the contrasting priorities of the SGC and... NID, or whoever he's with. (The same slimeballs that Maybourne's loved to collaborate with, anyways! Or similar ones!)
            And ya gotta love how Teal'c take everything in stride. It's basically like, "I could kill you. Really. Right now. If I felt like it. But I'm not going to. But I could. And don't you forget it."
            Oh, and that final brawl at the end when they saved Tyler? GLIDER CANNON!!! So epic!


              Originally posted by CMWriter View Post
              I've added a speculative comment about what happened when Tyler returned to his people.


                Originally posted by davidf View Post
                I've added a speculative comment about what happened when Tyler returned to his people.
                You've been getting quite creative lately! I enjoy it. (:

                All you guys, if you ever get curious, take a gander at the comments people sometimes leave on my blog. Seaboe often leaves me little behind-the-scenes trivia and the like, and David always leaves some food for thought on concepts, ideas, etc. (:

                Well, we got to say "hi" to some new Asgard in

                "Red Sky" (5x05)
                I really like the banner this time around. That "red sky" effect was really neat-looking. One of my favourite effects I've seen thus far - aside of course from cool things like ships and Netu. Netu was epic.
                I think "Red Sky" was a potentially bland episode that was made more interesting with the involvement of the Asgard - but I like those guys. They're pretty cool. I mentioned this in the review, but I really felt RDA had some great moments here. (Thus why he's featured in this episode's banner.)

                A couple funny lines, too:
                "We saved your little grey butts from the Replicators!"
                Also when he was in the Hangout with Carter and Hammond, and he "gets something right" about the wormhole established. I love his cocky little smile there. "I was right!"


                  Jack crossing the line of almost killing Malcolm was what made this episode. It was a powerful exchange between him and Daniel. On the other end I cringe when he tries to tell the people of K'Taul the existence of the Asgard.
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    On the other end I cringe when he tries to tell the people of K'Taul the existence of the Asgard.
                    I'm with you, there. It's definitely a cringe-worthy moment.

                    If you're going to allow yourself to be offended by a cat, you might as well just pack it in -- Steven Brust


                      Hey look, it's Ally!
                      Oh wait, it's not Ally, but it is that "Bane" actress once again, stepping in as Cassandra Fraiser in

                      "Rite of Passage (5x06)
                      As much as I enjoyed this episode for the reappearance of Cassie, I really felt like the bigger issue here was Nirrti. However, even more than her simply being there (as in, having successfully infiltrated the SGC completely undetected) was the fact that the SGC was willing to bargain with a Goa'uld was kind of a change. At the beginning of the series it was like "OHSNAP A GOA'ULD" and now it's like "well, just another snake runnin' around; we'll get 'em eventually". Of course some of them are a lot scarier/creepier/jerkier than others, but with Apophis gone, things seem to be going pretty okay for us when those guys are concerned. So far, they've been thrown into chaos. Can't really whine about that!
                      In the end, I think that they made the right decision, bargaining for Cassandra's life. There's no guarantee Nirrti would have told them anything, anyways.

                      But there is one other trend I've noticed in Stargate... We do something nice for a Goa'uld, and they just come back and give us all kinds of trouble. We try to save Apophis, he comes back to life even more of a jerkface than before. We try to do what Sokar says and give him Apophis, and he still tries to kill us. We get rid of the greatest threats to the System Lords, and they still hate us.
                      Let's face it: We just can't win!

                      Oh, and just one more thing:
                      Janet Fraiser + a gun = BAMF.
                      Need I say more?


                        Yeah, for a tiny lady, she's quite the tiger - isn't our Janet?


                          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                          Yeah, for a tiny lady, she's quite the tiger - isn't our Janet?
                          Oh, I wouldn't get in her way. You don't argue with Doc Fraiser! I think even Replicators would be scared of her. She can be pretty intimidating, haha. "Doctor's orders!" and all.


                            Originally posted by CMWriter View Post
                            Hey look, it's Ally!
                            Oh wait, it's not Ally, but it is that "Bane" actress once again, stepping in as Cassandra Fraiser in

                            "Rite of Passage (5x06)
                            As much as I enjoyed this episode for the reappearance of Cassie, I really felt like the bigger issue here was Nirrti. However, even more than her simply being there (as in, having successfully infiltrated the SGC completely undetected) was the fact that the SGC was willing to bargain with a Goa'uld was kind of a change. At the beginning of the series it was like "OHSNAP A GOA'ULD" and now it's like "well, just another snake runnin' around; we'll get 'em eventually". Of course some of them are a lot scarier/creepier/jerkier than others, but with Apophis gone, things seem to be going pretty okay for us when those guys are concerned. So far, they've been thrown into chaos. Can't really whine about that!
                            In the end, I think that they made the right decision, bargaining for Cassandra's life. There's no guarantee Nirrti would have told them anything, anyways.

                            But there is one other trend I've noticed in Stargate... We do something nice for a Goa'uld, and they just come back and give us all kinds of trouble. We try to save Apophis, he comes back to life even more of a jerkface than before. We try to do what Sokar says and give him Apophis, and he still tries to kill us. We get rid of the greatest threats to the System Lords, and they still hate us.
                            Let's face it: We just can't win!

                            Oh, and just one more thing:
                            Janet Fraiser + a gun = BAMF.
                            Need I say more?
                            Janet is awesome...I loved her in this episode.


                              "Beast of Burden" (5x07)
                              Kind of an interesting episode here. Sorry; couldn't help but draw parallels to a similar Star Trek: Enterprise episode throughout... the entire thing, haha. ("North Star" (3x09) is a personal favourite of mine because I loved the western setting.)
                              ...But of course this is better because we've already seen this concept of slavery.
                              Uh, humans? Jaffa? Unas? Thanks to some jerky guys we know as the Goa'uld?

                              It's also kind of a neat contrast between Jack and Daniel as characters. O'Neill is always inclined to think of his fellow humans, while Daniel has more of a personal-connection kind of relation with other people in general. As I've said before, he's more likely to sympathize with the "other side", as it were, and try to see an issue from all sides.

                              I think it would be interesting to some day go back and see how things turned out for the Unas (and the humans who were enslaving them for that matter) but in any case it made for a pretty decent episode. And you've got to love the elaborate stage makeup.


                                Originally posted by CMWriter View Post
                                "Beast of Burden" (5x07)
                                Kind of an interesting episode here. Sorry; couldn't help but draw parallels to a similar Star Trek: Enterprise episode throughout... the entire thing, haha. ("North Star" (3x09) is a personal favourite of mine because I loved the western setting.)
                                ...But of course this is better because we've already seen this concept of slavery.
                                Uh, humans? Jaffa? Unas? Thanks to some jerky guys we know as the Goa'uld?

                                It's also kind of a neat contrast between Jack and Daniel as characters. O'Neill is always inclined to think of his fellow humans, while Daniel has more of a personal-connection kind of relation with other people in general. As I've said before, he's more likely to sympathize with the "other side", as it were, and try to see an issue from all sides.

                                I think it would be interesting to some day go back and see how things turned out for the Unas (and the humans who were enslaving them for that matter) but in any case it made for a pretty decent episode. And you've got to love the elaborate stage makeup.
                                Your wish shall be granted!

