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Watching SG-1 for the first time! Plus a blog!

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    Originally posted by discodiva View Post
    He was indeed...He was Methos, oldest living Immortal I believe...
    I knew it was something like that. It's just been a really long time since I saw any "Highlander" episodes.


      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
      I knew it was something like that. It's just been a really long time since I saw any "Highlander" episodes.
      Been lucky enough to catch some re-runs on an obscure cable channel over here.....I just adore "location spotting" in both Vancouver and Paris!...

      Deeds xx
      Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
      MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


        Originally posted by CMWriter View Post
        But I'm not entirely happy. The "jerkface" nickname has now gone down with him, and I won't dishonour his memory as SG-1's first real villian (I don't count Ra; he was an overconfident pansy in comparison) by letting another Goa'uld have it.
        I called him Sneaky Snakey a few times..

        Originally posted by CMWriter View Post
        "Threshold" is next up!!
        Watch it now, watch it now!! (Just kidding)
        "Thanks to denial, I'm immortal."
        "A big 'Hello' to all intelligent life out there, and for everyone else, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
        "Excuse me, barmaid? You seem to have brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone!"
        "I'm Jack. It means... what's in the box?"

        >-- Czechs Rock! >--


          IT WAS BRA'TAC.

          "Threshold" (5x02)
          Now that's what I call an emotional rollercoaster.
          What an amazing conclusion to one of the best, best, BEST arcs in SG-1 so far. I found it so fascinating that in the end, the biggest battle for Teal'c is not against a Goa'uld or really an external enemy, but rather with himself. Granted, Jerkface Apophis did this to him, but it was such an incredible look into his life that I can't really complain now. Not that I don't still hate his snakey butt. Dead snakey butt.
          I whined about this in my blog, but I'll say it again - Teal'c never seems to quite get the character development I believe he really deserves. Think of what the shame it would have been had this show been canceled after, say, the third season? Thankfully it wasn't (and there's much more to come for me) but I was so happy they made this. Teal'c is such a great character and it's so nice to finally see such a huge chunk of his life. Loved the bits with Bra'tac and Va'lar and even Drey'auc.
          And of course, incredible work from Chris Judge, and Tony Amendola as well.
          Just... wow. I don't even know what to say.


            Had a funny feeling you'd like this episode


              Hey guys,
              Just a little side thing I decided to do... I've decided to start making banners for each episode, hehe. Just little quick things I throw together in Photoshop, but they're kind of fun and add some colour to the blog.


              (Also my current signature.)

              So yup, I'll probably do a quick one before each blog is published. (:
              Oh, and should any weird people like them enough to want to use them somewhere, feel free. I don't mind.
              Last edited by CMWriter; 10 December 2011, 08:31 PM.


                Originally posted by CMWriter View Post
                IT WAS BRA'TAC.
                We told you you'd like it!
                Great banners, BTW
                "Thanks to denial, I'm immortal."
                "A big 'Hello' to all intelligent life out there, and for everyone else, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
                "Excuse me, barmaid? You seem to have brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone!"
                "I'm Jack. It means... what's in the box?"

                >-- Czechs Rock! >--


                  Tealc gets his development later on. I honestly look at it as brilliant in how it progresses though. He is learning to be human, which some people cant seem to do in a lifetime. lol
                  Check out my blog/forum!

                  Sci Fi TV shows I have watched all of: Star Trek (all shows), Battlestar Galactica (All shows) Firefly, V (old and new) Caprica, SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe, Fringe, Farscape, Lexx, Babylon 5

                  Currently watching: The Walking Dead, Falling Skies, Dr Who, Supernatural, Revolution, Red Dwarf, Under the Dome, Sleepy Hollow, Andromeda


                    Originally posted by Phinguyver View Post
                    Tealc gets his development later on. I honestly look at it as brilliant in how it progresses though. He is learning to be human, which some people cant seem to do in a lifetime. lol
                    Yes, Teal'c gets brilliant development all through season 10 only to be tarnished in the last episode of the series. Teal'c was my 3rd favorite character after , but after "Unending" I simply can't watch him anymore or SG-1 for that matter


                      Originally posted by siles View Post
                      Yes, Teal'c gets brilliant development all through season 10 only to be tarnished in the last episode of the series. Teal'c was my 3rd favorite character after , but after "Unending" I simply can't watch him anymore or SG-1 for that matter
                      So... don't watch the films?
                      Nah, I'll watch them, just because they're part of the canon and all that jazz. After all, not everything after a series can be brilliant.. Star Trek's own movie franchise tended to be hit and miss at best, but I guess I'll just wait and see for myself. (:

                      Besides, as far as I know, after "Unending" there are just two movies and I think he got a guest spot on an episode of Atlantis. Small potatoes in comparison.


                        Two episodes of Atlantis. But we are getting ahead of ourselves.
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by siles View Post
                          Teal'c was my 3rd favorite character after , but after "Unending" I simply can't watch him anymore or SG-1 for that matter
                          What was wrong with the finale and the movies?

                          Originally posted by CMWriter View Post
                          Besides, as far as I know, after "Unending" there are just two movies and I think he got a guest spot on an episode of Atlantis. Small potatoes in comparison.
                          That's right, there are two movies. The first movie resolves the central plot of Seasons 9&10. The second movie serves as an independent adventure that revolves the fate of a certain Goa'uld from the series. As for Teal'c in Atlantis, he popped up twice in the show's fourth season. His first appearance was just a cameo, but his second appearance was substantial.
                          Last edited by Snowman37; 11 December 2011, 08:30 AM.


                            Originally posted by Snowman37
                            What was wrong with the finale and the movies?
                            Nobody dare answer this question without putting it in spoiler tags!

                            Y'know, Carter, you should've learned from the guys not to let an alien fall for you, even if he is played by Sean Patrick Flanery, because in a couple years he's going to be a slimeball politician that kills his own father and threatens to wage nuclear war and steals my favourite psychic's girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend. Whatever.
                            But this is a blog on Stargate and not the TV series adaptation of The Dead Zone, so why not just talk about

                            "Ascension" (5x03)
                            First of all, I'm really pleased with that banner. It was an odd screenshot but I felt it blended in together nicely. Love~
                            Okay, so while the highlights of the episode for me were, as I said, Teal'c's hat, John de Lancie, and Sean Patrick Flanery (even though Orlin was kind of a creeper), it was nice to finally learn why Oma Desala is a glowing wisp of light that can SMITE YOU WITH THUNDERBOLTS and not... something else. I feel like I don't quite understand the whole ascension thing, but I also don't think it's a concept that will be going away. After all, we've seen it three times, now? It'll be interesting to see how that plays out later.
                            Not amazing, but good.. uh.. information.
                            And guest acting.


                              Ascension will become a much larger aspect of the series. It's not something you'll see often, but it does play a role in a number of event episodes. It'll all be explained in due time.


                                Ascensions starts off mysterious. You will learn more and more as time goes on. And watch out for Col. Simmons. He is more of a slimeball then Maybourne
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

