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Browder's character should OUTRANK Carter

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    The issue is, we know that he's got the position due to his vailiant fight in TLC, but we don't know what else he has on his resume, he could have been on one of the other SG teams in the past for all we know, or a black ops specialist like Jack O'Neill. Remember that Sam and Jack have both been pilots at some point in their careers (the exchage of dialogue in the breifing room in "Children of The Gods"), plus the fact that Jack and Sam were involved in the training of 302 pilots in season 7. So just because Mitchell has been a pilot, don't mean that's all he was.

    As a footnote, what do guys think Shepperd did before he went to Atlantis?

    Star Trek Reborn


      Originally posted by Believer

      Oh, one other little thing, Jack had no special training, other than his special ops. I don't remember Jack being especially gifted in diplomacy, languages or science. But he did just fine.
      Ah, but from the movie 'Stargate, we know that Colonel O'Neill has:

      1. Gate travel experience
      2. Experience with the Jaffa and their weaponry
      3. Knowledge of the Goa,uld

      Limited though this knowledgge/experience may be, it is far more than anyone else, except for Lt./Major Ferretti and Lt./Major Kawalsky. Both of whom he outranks.


        Originally posted by Fred
        Ah, but from the movie 'Stargate, we know that Colonel O'Neill has:

        1. Gate travel experience
        2. Experience with the Jaffa and their weaponry
        3. Knowledge of the Goa,uld

        Limited though this knowledgge/experience may be, it is far more than anyone else, except for Lt./Major Ferretti and Lt./Major Kawalsky. Both of whom he outranks.
        From the "movie", he made one trip through the Gate, met one Gou'ald and really didn't understand their technology. Was he the best qualified to lead SG-1 in the series? Yes, because he was one of only 4 (don't forget Daniel) who at that time had any experience, however, there are now many SG teams, who never had any Gate travel, only simulations and drills.

        OK, forget it. Let's just wait and see what TPTB have given to BB's character. I can't believe they would put just anyone in that position, but with TV, you never know.
        "After all is said and done, more is said, than done." - Unknown


          O'Niell was only a pilot for a short time before being assigned by choice or by order so some secret AF black ops unit. He has had extensive training in Special operations, including winter survival training in Norway. He'd been a special forces operator for a long time before he was moved to lead the first SG expedition.

          Ok, for all those that believe the Mitchell is capable. Explain to me this, how foot patrols, rifle marksmanship, assaulting a position, fire and movement, and other infantry based skills have ANY similarity with parking your ass on a seat flying a plane, ACM, dogfighting, furballs, booming-and-zooming, and manuevering theory. Does one doing the latter, develop and eye for where ambushes are good and the enemy could be hiding? Does one develop an instinct for where the best cover and concealment are offered? Does one develop their riflecraft so well that it becomes merely and extension of the self while doing such things?

          The answer is clearly no. From the current information we have is he's being doing the pilot thing for most of his career, but the SOF bit only one.

          @Cymro. I said "As far has we know he's a pilot". I'm working from this premise. Should his background turn out to be different then that's fine. But that's all we know now and arguing there could be more isn't going to help unless there is actually more.

          Quemadmoeum gladis nemeinum occidit, occidentis telum est - "A sword is never a killer, it's a tool in the killer's hands"
          - Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4BC-65AD)

          Why it's a "magazine" and not a "clip".


            Originally posted by Panther
            He's a freaking flyboy puke! What could he bring that she doesn't have? She's been a groundpounder for the last eight years, and she's probably developed the instincts, which nobody can train in to you. It's a poor choice IMHO. They should have grabbed one of the other experienced COs from another SG team then transferred them to command SG-1. Bringing a totally inexperience and untrained CO is asking for it. Case in point, Vietnam.
            Panther, I've been reading your posts and you seem to rely heavily on the thought that Mitchell is a)Just a pilot, ie no combat, ground skills whatsoever
            and b)promoted after Carter.
            From the info I've read, it seems likely that he's been a Lt Colnel for longer than Sam.
            Also, when he gets to pick his assignment and chooses SG1, it's been disbanded.
            So when Sam comes back, he's in charge. Why should be be demoted?
            Yes, Sam has experience and he should listen, but it's his command.


              Originally posted by Panther
              O'Niell was only a pilot for a short time before being assigned by choice or by order so some secret AF black ops unit. He has had extensive training in Special operations, including winter survival training in Norway. He'd been a special forces operator for a long time before he was moved to lead the first SG expedition.

              Ok, for all those that believe the Mitchell is capable. Explain to me this, how foot patrols, rifle marksmanship, assaulting a position, fire and movement, and other infantry based skills have ANY similarity with parking your ass on a seat flying a plane, ACM, dogfighting, furballs, booming-and-zooming, and manuevering theory. Does one doing the latter, develop and eye for where ambushes are good and the enemy could be hiding? Does one develop an instinct for where the best cover and concealment are offered? Does one develop their riflecraft so well that it becomes merely and extension of the self while doing such things?

              The answer is clearly no. From the current information we have is he's being doing the pilot thing for most of his career, but the SOF bit only one.

              @Cymro. I said "As far has we know he's a pilot". I'm working from this premise. Should his background turn out to be different then that's fine. But that's all we know now and arguing there could be more isn't going to help unless there is actually more.
              Actually, he should have a small amount of ground training. Air Force, Navy, and Marine pilots have to be trained on how to survive if they are shot down over enemy territory. If your stuck in an area where every other person has a gun and is looking for you, possibly to kill you, your going to need to know how to survive until a rescue force arrives, or until you can find a way out on your own.


                Originally posted by Fred
                Ah, but from the movie 'Stargate, we know that Colonel O'Neill has:

                1. Gate travel experience
                2. Experience with the Jaffa and their weaponry
                3. Knowledge of the Goa,uld

                Limited though this knowledgge/experience may be, it is far more than anyone else, except for Lt./Major Ferretti and Lt./Major Kawalsky. Both of whom he outranks.
                Kawlasky's dead. Ferretti commands SG-2.
                Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                  I think he was talking about O'Neill.

                  Simple fact is: unless they give Mitchell some special training or experience, there is no logical reason for him to keep command even if Carter is (in effect) demoted, as there are far too many experienced Colonels leading other teams who would be first inline for the post.


                    Originally posted by Lightsabre
                    Also, when he gets to pick his assignment and chooses SG1, it's been disbanded. So when Sam comes back, he's in charge. Why should be be demoted? Yes, Sam has experience and he should listen, but it's his command.
                    Good point. The team had (at least as we know it) broken up. Mitchell was in command of SG-1, but he had not yet picked the other three members. From the snippet we got at the Con, It's clear that Cameron wants the original members back. Sam may have been offered the command of another SG team, but decided to rejoin Daniel and Teal'c under Mitchell. She wasn't "demoted" from team leader, she chose to be under Mitchell's command.
                    Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                      Why should Sam be demoted? Regardless of whether SG1 has been disbanded, if it is resurrected with the same teammates, sans 1, than it is still SG1 and TPTB have insisted that this is not a spin-off or a new show - it is the same SG1 as it has always been. No matter how you slice it and no matter how hard TPTB try, there are many, many fans that will be angry, unhappy, disgusted, disappointed, fed-up, if they do not give command back to Carter upon her return to the team because she was, and is, and should be, the SG1 Team leader. Mitchell should have command until Carter is back with the team because Carter is not available but that's it. It was her team and should continue to be her team as long as it is called SG1 and the show is called SG1 and the team is 3/4 the same personnel, and she was the legitimate leader of the team in S8 - anything else, including trying to make it look like Carter made the choice t o be 2IC to Mitchell, is just, IMO, TPTB cowardly way out to have a male leader.

                      Even AT indicated in her interview done at the end of S8 that she wanted TPTB to show Carter more in command in S9 so AT was under the impression that Carter would remain in command if S9 materialized - to take it away would be a slap no matter how they try to sugar coat it - and to me arguing about time in rank, service, experience, etc., is futile as this is TV and we all know TPTB and the suits will do whatever they want. They have clearly used the AF regs over the years as their protection and excuse not to do some things and they have also clearly not followed the AF regs to the exact line when it did not suit them so they will do whatever they please and if it is to demote Carter then they will make up some excuse to hide behind the AF regs just as they have done in the past and if they give her command back they will then do exactly as they have also done in the past which is bend the regs some but not so it is in flagrant violation of the regs (it is TV - they can do anything they want and making Carter leader would be the right thing to do but how often, when it comes to Carter in particular, have we seen TPTB do the right thing in the past 2 seasons?) All of this is just my opinion, of course.


                        Personally I prefer seeing Carter in the 2IC role. She seems to be much more in her element as a complimenting character. I didn't realize I felt this way until I saw It's Good to Be King. It was very refreshing to see Sam in her old role as the person who says "I just need another minute, sir." It's the same way in Moebius. Sam does an excellent job as a supporting character, but I don't think she was well-characterized to be the lead. This could have been because she was still overshadowed by RDA, so it may change when Browder joins the cast.

                        P.S. Please don't interpret this as opinion has nothing to do with Carter being a woman.
                        Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                          You dinosaur!

                          Star Trek Reborn


                            Originally posted by Major Tyler
                            Good point. The team had (at least as we know it) broken up. Mitchell was in command of SG-1, but he had not yet picked the other three members. From the snippet we got at the Con, It's clear that Cameron wants the original members back. Sam may have been offered the command of another SG team, but decided to rejoin Daniel and Teal'c under Mitchell. She wasn't "demoted" from team leader, she chose to be under Mitchell's command.
                            Why has SG-1 been disbanded? (Sorry, haven't really been following the detailed spoilers - like to stay relatively spoiler free for individual episodes)
                            If it has been disbanded, by which I assume Teal'c and Daniel not being a part of it, surely Sam wouldn't be given command of another team, she would have been offered a chance to build a new SG-1.

                            Choosing to be a 2IC is such a get out for TPTB, and a lovely extra piece of character destruction.


                              Originally posted by smurf
                              Why has SG-1 been disbanded? (Sorry, haven't really been following the detailed spoilers - like to stay relatively spoiler free for individual episodes)
                              If it has been disbanded, by which I assume Teal'c and Daniel not being a part of it, surely Sam wouldn't be given command of another team, she would have been offered a chance to build a new SG-1.

                              Choosing to be a 2IC is such a get out for TPTB, and a lovely extra piece of character destruction.
                              i think the answer to that is hidden in the spoilers or one of those questions that joe would answer 'tune in and find out'
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                I've read several of the posts here, and they are all good, I'd just like to add that pilots who fly the A-10 Warthog in the Air Force will rotate to a ground assignment called the Forward Air Controler who is then part of an Army combat unit. It's possible that BB's Lt. Col Mitchel has seen ground combat up close throughout the world.

                                And also flying a jet is not just a glorified driver. I've looked into joining the air force, and not only do you have to have near perfect vison they want to already be a civilian pilot, before they will test you to even see if you can handle the AF's flight training.

                                I'll admit that an Air Force pilot is not a Navy Seal, but hey they have to at least be competant, a good organizer, and commitment.

