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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Okay. Give me time to compile it.

    (It might help if somebody reminded me of particulars, especially from when I was gone last week.)

    The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
      after watching some more BSG (i LOVE that show. i just watched Flight of the Phoenix) i realised that our current fleet would be absolutely frakked if anything happened to maintenance. i mean, stargates are pretty fundamental in our supply lines. when Prometheus went down, supplies were sent by gate. a Deadalus Class does not have the facilities or anything for long-term spaceflight. at best they have food for a month, and that's because 4 people are left. it barely has water recycling, it's just a ship. i think that if we're gonna do a BC-305, it should be capable of more long-term spaceflight. the BB should be capable of this too. also a potential BC-305 should have better maintenance facilities etc.
      I agree. A 304 improved version (305 sic) would have to be capable of longer duration missions. I think I've already posted the material reserves for the CG cruisers so BC's and BB's will have to be so much more capable than that. The easiest way would be to do a Wiki search on stores for a CVN.

      This is from the Captives verbatum, unedited on the Jaffa and Goa'uld

      Footnote on Jaffa: The Jaffa nation in the aftermath of the Ori incursions, has now splintered into three main groups.

      The Free Jaffa: They have achieved complete and total democracy, ruled now by a parliament, with two houses similar to the British model and an elected President, as head of state; the government being held by the Jaffa Democracy Party and the opposition the Alliance Party, there are two hundred and sixty seven seats. They are true and genuine partners of the Tauri alliance (that includes many worlds in the galaxy and some in the Pegasus galaxy as well), with a large number of their people serving with Earth s forces and their allies. In many ways they have come to emulate their Earth friends, adopting a lot of the technology (TV, Radio etc and some clothing fashions). The Free Jaffa Military is now arranged in a manner much the same as it is for us. Uniforms, code of conduct, rank organization and discipline. Their people now reside on many settled worlds, having shed their old ways, but retaining some of the traditions important to their chosen paths. A large number (several millions now) have populated a world, once visited by SG1, where Teal c was bitten by a bug that had destroyed that entire planet s animal life. But having no other food source, the bugs eventually died out completely, leaving a modern infrastructure complete. It was later discovered that the Goa uld Nirti was responsible for the bugs, this planet has been named, Taurina , in honour to the people of Earth, whom most Jaffa acknowledge, had led them out of slavery from the Goa uld. Some of the Jaffa believe though, that their mimicking of the Tauri is losing too much of their identity; but for the most part it is widely and gladly accepted, as it is consentaneous that the Goa uld had suppressed the Jaffa into a medieval society for centuries, making them their virtual slaves and subservient to only the Master. It was through the efforts of the Tauri the Jaffa have gained their long sought freedom and they now acknowledge them as brothers and sisters (In fact Teal c went through a mind numbing ritual recently, adopting Jack O Neill as his own brother).

      The Kat kem; (meaning apart or separated) Neutral Jaffa, who wish to live out their lives in peace and away from all their former military and warring ways. They still have contact with their brethren, mainly in trade, and many have devoted their time to the arts of healing and science. A number of former priests have devoted themselves to a new path of enlightenment, much like Earth s Buddhist religion.

      The Rishek; (meaning faithful) Mostly those from Jaffa worlds that still held strong ties to the old ways, believing their former Goa uld masters will someday return (God s cannot die). A great number still serve what few Goa uld remain and they have become even more warlike than ever before.

      The Goa uld; though a great deal of them have fallen, there were still a lot of minor Goa uld unaccounted for. The Ori took out many, yet how many survived is unknown. Some it is believed may have fled to the Pegasus galaxy, being aware that Earth only has a small contingent there on Atlantis. None though have been detected in that sphere. Intelligence has also found that Baal may yet survive, though at this time it is uncertain. The number of clones he made, was never truly established. Rumour has it also, that Nirti has been sighted again. On hearing that, the SGC sent a team to the planet where she was supposed to have been killed. The people there assured the SG team she was indeed dead, but to allay fears they allowed the team to exhume the body from where she had been laid. When the grave was dug and the coffin retrieved, it was found to be empty. The locals could not explain it, as indeed SG1 witnessed her dying, yet one small boy claimed he saw Jaffa, digging up the grave on the night it was buried and the corpse placed in a large gold casket (a sarcophagus?).
      My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
      sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


        Well, I haven't added specifics about the Alesians or Aschen, because they're still being discussed, but here's the back-story with added detail about the Jaffa Nations:

        Fleet Back-story, Part I


        1997 – 2010: All of SG-1, SGA, Ark of Truth, Continuum, and SGU (season 1) happened exactly as portrayed in the show(s). Atlantis returned to Pegasus somehow. (We will fit the Atlantis movie in here, if-and-when it airs.)

        2011: The Pegasus Asgard (hereafter referred to as the “Jotnar” in this overview) were forced to evacuate the planet they had been living on due to the toxicity of the atmosphere. They wandered from planet to planet until they stumbled upon a world with an amazing prize; an unfinished Ancient city-ship like Atlantis and the city in The Tower. The Jotnar found that the intergalactic hyperdrive was functional but unpowered, so they began construction to repair and finish the ship.

        In the Milky Way Galaxy, the Hebridians had begun to rebuild their home world with aid from their colonies. The Free Jaffa had fragmented into several non-warring states that resembled the German states before unification. Teal’c and Bra’tak led a faction based on Chulak that came to be known as the Republic of Free Jaffa, or the Jaffa Republic. (Events relating to Earth in this period should be left vague so that we can retain SGU continuity as long as possible.)

        2012: In the Pegasus Galaxy, the Jotnar completed their work on the city-ship, which they called the Jotunheim. They took the city back to Ida to search for any technology left behind by their brethren, and they still harbored a deep grudge against the Wraith.

        The Jotnar located a Daniel Jackson-class starship, the Ithavoller, drifting in the Othalla system, far from the planet. From it, they found that the Asgard capital had been moved to Orilla, and they decided to investigate (remembering that Doctor Jackson had told them their brothers were dead). They also discovered that the Ithavoller was a fail-safe against the destruction of the Asgard race: it contained copies of the last-downloaded consciousnesses of the Asgard leadership so that they could be revived in the case of a disaster. The ship was recalled to Orilla along with all other Asgard ships before the events of Unending, but its hyperdrive malfunctioned and it failed to make the jump.

        The Jotnar traveled to the remains of Orilla, and determined what happened based on the available evidence. They deduced that their brothers committed mass suicide, though they did not know the exact circumstances. They also found a record noting that an Information Core and several advanced technological upgrades had been transferred to the Earth Ship Odyssey before the planet’s destruction. They were puzzled that their brethren would give a young race such technology, and they wanted to get it back so that they could get their revenge on the Wraith.

        To get information about Earth (including its location), the Jotnar attempted to extract information from the Asgard consciousnesses on the Ithavoller. The system’s encryption proved too difficult for them to crack, but they thought of another method to get the information. They revived a few of the Asgard, including Thor, Freyr, and Heimdall, though their memories only extended to the end of the Replicator War (the last time their consciousnesses were uploaded to an Asgard computer). The Jotnar were also surprised to find Loki (whom they recognized as an agitator for their movement from millennia ago) locked away in the system; part of the memory was used as a prison for high-ranking Asgard who had been sentenced to long periods of disembodiment as punishment for crimes. (The Asgard did not use capital punishment.)

        In the Milky Way, small wars broke out between some of the Jaffa states, allowing smaller domains to be absorbed by larger ones and creating various alliances. The Hebridans continued to rebuild, and also made new alliances with some of the other advanced civilizations of the galaxy, such as the humans of Orban. (Once again, events relating to Earth during this period should be left vague so that SGU can continue in our continuity as long as possible.)

        2013: Thor and most of the other revived Asgard refused to give the Jotnar any information, but Loki was all too willing to cooperate. He told the Jotnar everything he knew about the people of Earth (whom the Jotnar called “Midgarders”). The Jotnar decided to trick the IOA into giving them the Asgard technology by pretending to be surviving Asgard, so they took the Ithavoller to Earth.

        The Jotnar arrived in orbit and contacted the IOA. They informed the representatives that they were Asgard who survived the destruction of Orilla in specialized stasis equipment, and that they wished to retrieve the Core and related technologies that the Asgard had entrusted to Earth. The Jotnar explained that Earth need not keep the memory of the Asgard alive anymore because they had miraculously found a way to halt their genetic degradation.

        The IOA protested, but ultimately they could do nothing to stop the Jotnar (whom they believed to be the real Asgard). They allowed the Jotnar to dismantle the Core-related technologies from the 304’s, but they did rotate them through Jotnar hands so that Earth didn’t have all of her ships out of commission at once. Because of this, the process took several months. Some elements in the IOA were suspicious of the Jotnar (especially those in the SGC who had known the Asgard), but they did not have any incriminating evidence that the Jotnar were deceiving them, just suspicions.

        After the Jotnar dismantled the last of the Core-related technologies (leaving technologies previously given to Earth), they left Earth and returned to Ida to meet up with the Jotunheim. However, Thor and several of the other Asgard managed to break out and sneak into an escape pod just before the Ithavoller jumped into hyperspace. The Odyssey detected the pod and retrieved it from orbit.

        They were shocked to find the Asgard inside, and beamed them down to Earth when they requested to speak with the IOA. Thor, acting as leader, explained what happened and expressed his regret that he and the other Asgard were unable to stop the Jotnar from stealing the technologies the Asgard had entrusted to Earth. The IOA was incensed at the deception, but they could do nothing about it.

        Thor provided the IOA with the coordinates of a planet on the edge of the Milky Way that housed a secret Asgard facility, and asked that he and the escaped Asgard be taken there. He told the IOA that he and the other Asgard would try to come up with a way to recover the lost technology and perhaps rescue the other revived Asgard. The one good thing that had come from this debacle was that he and the other Asgard now had bodies which were not degenerate, thanks to the Jotnar, and Heimdall was confidant she could reproduce the techniques. The Asgard would survive.

        The IOA approved Thor’s request, and the Asgard were taken to their secret base (named “Thrudeim” in honor of Thor).

        By this time, the Jaffa states had ceased their open war and had coalesced into several major nations, with various other regions remaining independent. The largest of these major nations was the Republic of Free Jaffa, now chaired by Teal’c. It was considered the most direct descendant of the original Free Jaffa Nation, and was a Constitutional Democratic Republic.

        Another galactic power was the Jaffa Planets Alliance, which had a loose organization somewhat like the European Union. The JPA, while weaker than the Free Jaffa Republic, contained many agricultural worlds which sold produce to the rest of the galaxy. They had good relations with the Free Jaffa Republic.

        The Sanctum Imperium Illac or “Holy Empire of the Way” was a theocracy under the Illac Renin (the Jaffa followers of Origin). The Illac Renin labeled unofficial contact with the other nations as “dangerous”, but they did not actively prevent commerce. The main result of this policy was the establishment of “neutral” worlds bordering the Holy Empire where its citizens would meet citizens of other nations in order to trade.

        The last major Jaffa nation was called the Systems Alliance, which was a feudal state based on the continued deification of various Goa'uld System Lords. Its state religion, Nachuru Mu'awti, was similar to the belief system held by the People of Avidan on Tegalus. The Systems Alliance and Holy Empire were mistrustful of each other, but neither of them actively provoked conflict.

        Minor Jaffa nations had variously traditionalist or progressivist governments, mostly dependent on their location and relationships with the larger nations. There were also several unaligned worlds with their own governments, though these often allied with larger groups.
        Last edited by Lt. Col. Mcoy; 16 June 2010, 10:29 AM. Reason: grammar tidbits

        The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


          Fleet Back-story, Part II


          2014: With the Asgard Core-technologies gone, Earth moved back down the galactic food chain. The Lucian Alliance, sensing an opportunity, began to make overt moves against Earth forces, even going so far as to attack one of the off-world bases. The Alliance had become more unified during the Jaffa’s infighting, and a new, unknown leader had risen to power (possibly with Aschen or Shrin’yar influence). Commanding a large fraction of the Alliance’s resources, he (or she) sent a Ha’tak to Earth to test her defenses.

          The Ha’tak appeared in Earth orbit, and was immediately spotted by the Odyssey and another of Earth’s 304’s. They engaged the Ha’tak and managed to blow it up, but the pieces rained down into the North Atlantic in full view of the world.

          With no way to cover up the incident, the IOA was forced to reveal the existence of Earth’s space forces. The US pushed to keep the Stargate a secret at the very least, but Germany announced the Stargate’s existence as a maneuver to put itself ahead in the game. A period of geopolitical upheaval ensued. France’s government was forced to step down, as was Russia’s. The US senate demanded that certain technologies be removed from military control and handed over to the general government, including hyperdrive technology and the Stargate. The UK and Australia managed to remain mostly stable, though police crackdowns occurred in some areas.

          There was a squabble over what would happen to the Stargate, but eventually the various nations agreed that Cheyenne Mountain was (for the time) the best place for it to be. However, the mountain was declared to be international territory and a multi-national base was set up on the surface to monitor the ’gate.

          In the Pegasus Galaxy, the Jotnar had returned and they began a war with the Wraith. Todd asked the Atlantis team to help his faction, but they were wary and did nothing. The chaos on Earth also lessened their capacity to help human worlds caught in the crossfire.

          2015-2020: Civilian corporations that were able to bargain for access to extraterrestrial technologies began constructing hyperspace-capable starships for civilian use, as did various non-military government firms. Colonies were established off-world, and trading deals were struck with some of the more advanced planets in the Milky Way. The Hebridians were especially congenial to the expansion, and several Hebridian firms began operating on Earth. Business deals with companies like the Tech Con Group helped several Earth corporations to acclimate quickly to the interstellar business climate, and the various Earth militaries helped to defend and set up colonies established by their nations.

          In the Pegasus Galaxy, the Jotnar continued their war with the Wraith. However, Todd discovered how to use his last ZPMs to create a pair of Superhives that could survive against the Jotnar ships. Many of the Wraith rallied around his banner, and the Atlantis expedition worried that he might eventually turn on them.

          2025: Earth has sixteen-or-so colonies in the Milky Way, and relations between Earth and the Hebridians are very warm. The Asgard haven’t been heard from in a while, but intelligence indicates that they are simply being reclusive. The Lucian Alliance is still a threat, though Hebridian and reverse-engineered Goa’uld weaponry has lessened the danger. With Asgard shields (which the Jotnar left), typical Earth ships can stand up to an Alliance Ha’tak in a normal fight.

          The Jaffa nations are still in the formation they reached a decade ago, and show few signs of instability. Rumors of a rising Aschen Confederation have been heard, but they are so far unsubstantiated. On Earth, the IOA and UN have reformed into the United Nations of Earth (UNE). The UNE is often referred to as “the new UN” or just “the UN”, though the latter term is strictly inaccurate because the organizations are not the same.

          In Pegasus, the Atlantis Expedition has also expanded slightly, establishing a pair of major off-world bases. The Wraith and the Jotnar have reached a stalemate, thanks to Todd, and are in a state of cold war.

          I'll add more as I have time.

          The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


            ^^^ Pretty good so far Mcoy, can't pick it apart, seems worthy. You can use any of the stuff I posted if you like for some of the Jaffa splinter groups.
            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


              Alright guys here is what I have so far for the Jaffa Planet Alliance

              Pretty much what I did was set up a Jaffa nation that had the mind set of building a strong economy and to have it so at least a majority knows how to maintain and at least have some of their population able to understand goa'uld technology.

              Also these guys aren't going to be Militaristic or Jaffa Patriots, all they care about is money and being able to protect themselves.

              And I have much much more on these guys but this a simple history of them so let me know what you think as this is going to be my baby for this fleet


              Jaffa Planet Alliance History

              The Jaffa Planet Alliance formed in 2013 with seven large Jaffa planets coming together to form an alliance with the goals of mutual protection and economic strengthening. The worlds came together after the attack of the Jaffa world of Mut by the Lucian Alliance. In the attack the Lucian Alliance did a quick raid gathering as many resources as possible but at the same time causing wide spread fear of another attack. After the attack Mut knew that it didn’t have the resources to go to war with the Lucian Alliance and fearing another attack from the Lucian alliance the leaders of Mut called a meeting with six other jaffa worlds that were in the same situation. The worlds that met each had the same overall characteristics being that they had strong infrastructure in place for mining and manufacturing but lacked the military resources of a strong fleet to protect themselves from groups and worlds that would pick on them and weaken each of the planets individually.

              At the meeting to set up the Jaffa Planet Alliance, seven Jaffa delegates met to set up a constitution that would make it so Mut never happened again to any of them. They set it up to allow mutual protection and sharing their limited military forces as well as setting up economic conditions that would allow for all of the worlds to prosper. In effect they created a monopoly within themselves that allowed them to fix prices to allow growth for each planet. So after the constitution was ratified the seven planets shared their military and were able to move themselves into a position of power as they now had the military power to strike back, well strong enough to strike back at smaller threats as well as the economical power to barter trade with other space faring nations which gave them leverage over many of the more powerful space races. After a year of the Jaffa Planet Alliance being in place 10 more Jaffa worlds wanted in however to make sure that they took worlds that would prosper the group rather than hinder. They removed any worlds that would weaken or take resources without giving back a fair share. So they judged a planet capability based on military power, economic strength, and infrastructure in place but they did consider potential of planets that led to high detailed scanning of resources and looking at population growth and technology base on the planet. So out of the 10 worlds only three more were allowed to join. This process of choosing worlds that would strength the Jaffa Planet Alliance made them into an economical powerhouse but would also make them look like traitors to many Jaffa worlds and nations as they saw it as an act of abandoning their brothers but as far as the Jaffa Planet Alliance considered them to be a waste of limited resources.

              So with the added worlds the Jaffa Planet Alliance focused on ensuring their continued prosperity by putting their money into three places, technological development, focusing on economical ties in the universe, and finally building defenses on their worlds to ensure mutual protection. The one thing that did shock most of the space faring civilizations was that the Jaffa Planet Alliance took little emphasis on capital ships as to the JPA they were wasted capitol and time as they didn’t have the money to build the infrastructure and lacked the knowledge to maintain a large fleet. So with this new found spirit the Free Jaffa Alliance focused on the three stages of their plans. The first thing they did was send diplomats to the Tok’ra and Hebridan in hopes of negotiating scientist from both communities to serve as their engineers and teachers. The Jaffa Planet Alliance also dismissed the Tau’ri as a major trading partner fearing that they would be drawn into wars such as the Ori Invasion and the Jaffa Planet Alliance didn’t see the need to get involved with them as they were still struggling to the new galaxy. So after negotiating the Tok’ra agreed on the terms that they be paid in weapons grade naqahdah, to which the Jaffa Planet Alliance agreed knowing that they could afford almost any price in naqahdah. The Hebridan agreed as well however instead of trading just scientists they traded businessmen and economists as the Hebridan knew that if they wanted a strong trading partner they would need to know some business skills so they taught at the first Jaffa school of business on Mut. The school taught how precious the resources that they had were worth and how to use that to further their power base without relying to heavily on military. In exchange the Hebridan were given access to different Goa’uld technology that the Jaffa Planet Alliance had as well as a smaller payment of weapons grade naqahdah then that of the Tok’ra. So with the fusion of Tok’ra and Hebridan knowledge the Jaffa Planet Alliance was able to start to grasp understanding their technology base but more importantly learned of capitalism and how truly powerful of a force it was.

              So four years after the creation of the Jaffa Planet Alliance six more Jaffa worlds were allowed to join giving unyielding mines of naqahdah as well as labor force that numbers in the hundreds of millions they were able to finally have a stable economy. So the next step was to use the business school that the Hebridan had made to its fullest as it become one of the most important institutions in all of the Jaffa Planet Alliances worlds. The school was pumping out Jaffa with degrees in business that led to one of the most important events of the Jaffa Planet Alliance as they became one of the first Jaffa nations to set up their own form of currency, they made a dollar that was completely backed by a naqahdah standard to ensure strength of it. At first their dollar was weak in the galactic market and most advisor told them to pull and just keep paying in naqahdah however using their new found business savvy they negotiated with foreign markets as well as proving their continued growth in the naqahdah market they were able to keep their dollar at a constant level that would soon become a galactic standard.

              Also at the same time the Jaffa Planet Alliance decided to strength their domestic economy by giving loans to potential companies with good business plans. The reason being that most of the Jaffa who went to the business school had to work for the government but after pressuring the Senate for low interest loans, the Senate knew it had no choice and the loans were finally given out as the Senate knew it would help their economy grow. So with this money many of the Jaffa business graduates looked at what the Jaffa Planet Alliance lacked and built corporations around what they didn't have. Many business started up and failed however the ones that succeed found that the business that companies and firms that prospered usually dealt in three distinct categories with urban planning, small arms manufacturing and consumer goods which all three led to domestic growth and strength as the urban planning companies made and remade cities as to bring more effecient output for the economy, the small arms firms grew in power and wealth as the staff weapon was found to be a weapon of the past and finally consumer goods were made for the first time which led to a decrease in importing the same consumer goods from earth and Hebridan which led to a higher revenue stream for the Jaffa Planet Alliance. Soon there were numerous different companies formed within the Jaffa Planet Alliance that made the goods that the Jaffa needed desperately to ensure domestic growth instead of importing the same materials.

              At the same time as their dollar was issued a new focus on defense technology was issued to ensure the safety of their worlds. So after paying top engineers from the Tok’ra and the Hebridan they wanted to set up a network of defense satellites across everyone of their worlds as they were still relying on their small fleet of ha’taks and their slightly growing number of Al’Keshs to protect them but there were several conditions that had to be met, being that the satellites had to be easy to make and maintain as they knew most Jaffa wouldn’t know how to properly treat the equipment so they wanted it easy to use also they wanted the satellites to be able to take on threats of capital ships such as ha’taks and finally they wanted to satellites to be able to be expendable, in essence they designed the AK-47 in satellite defense technology. So after putting millions of dollars into their program and two years of development their first satellite defense weapon was put in place over Mut, it was called the LAS or the Lucian Alliance Slayer as to get back at the Lucian Alliance for all those years ago. Soon there were over a dozen over Mut as many hoped that the expensive system would work. After hearing the name the Lucian Alliance sent several Ha’taks to destroy the weapons to show that the Jaffa Planet Alliance was still only an economic powerhouse and nothing more however to the surprise of many the LAS weapon system of only 19 satellites were able to fight off a small fleet of eight ha’taks. After the attack the Jaffa Planet Alliance started pumping money into the satellite program so they would have the numbers to properly protect their worlds as well as have a product that could be sold to any worlds that lacked the proper technology base and manufacturing for their own weapon system. After only one year the easy to make and operate weapon system three thousand satellites were made to compensate for a lack of a fleet as almost all worlds in the Jaffa Planet Alliance could produce and maintain the satellites with ease. Two Thousand and four hundred made it out to the Jaffa Planet Alliance worlds and the rest were sold off to independent worlds for the right price of course.

              By the year 2025 the Jaffa Planet Alliance had almost reached all of their goals, being that they had set up an interstellar economy that is based on heavy trade of naqahdah, designed a practical weapon system that could be massed produced and be effective at the same time, and had set up five universities for different fields of scientific research and now had two business schools also they set up a network of public education and technical schools for everyone to attend if they wanted too. Currently most of their younger generation of Jaffa have an understanding of how to maintain goa'uld technology but a few thousand out of 2.8 billion understand how it works which is the biggest strength of the Jaffa Planet Alliance. The Alliance now has twenty three planets in the alliance with more and more smaller and weaker Jaffa worlds wanting the economic stability and defense technology of the Jaffa Planet Alliance to strength there world
              Last edited by fugiman; 15 June 2010, 01:39 AM.
              Vote Anubis for President in 2012
              A Face you Can Trust
              So whats the worst that could happen?
              Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
              It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                I like it, this is a nice start for a fleet I think


                Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                  Oh and McCoy I just read your revised history so I hope you don't mind if I changed the Jaffa Planet Alliance from agr to mining and refining naqahdah as their source of their economy as it makes them more powerful over the entire galaxy in terms of economy but they still lack a strong fleet
                  Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                  A Face you Can Trust
                  So whats the worst that could happen?
                  Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                  It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                    That's fine fugiman; looks good. Though perhaps they should have another name besides "dollar" for their currency. Maybe they could take the old Goa'uld term and call it a Shesh'ta?

                    The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                      I agree. A 304 improved version (305 sic) would have to be capable of longer duration missions. I think I've already posted the material reserves for the CG cruisers so BC's and BB's will have to be so much more capable than that. The easiest way would be to do a Wiki search on stores for a CVN.
                      on second thought i propose the following.

                      we vote for :

                      and we add 1 freelance spot for cruisers/destroyers/BC's etc

                      Part 1 backstory:

                      Agreed and accepted.

                      Part 2 Backstory:

                      agreed and accepted. Note: the Hebridans would grow in power as earth is an extremely lucrative market to them. nothing millitary-grade would be given to the public though, the blueprints for Prometheus' hyperdrive would be sufficient.

                      Also these guys aren't going to be Militaristic or Jaffa Patriots, all they care about is money and being able to protect themselves.
                      i don't think that sounds very jaffa-ish. but yes it's possible these guys are more on the defence and more of a turtle-type.

                      i doubt the Hebridans would tell them how precious resources are, it would be a rather dumb thing to do. i think jaffa know damn well how precious naquahdah is. Goauld did anything for it.

                      i do think the JPA (it was my idea but i have no interest in expanding the idea myself, so go ahead) would be agricultural, but also industrial. we know that jaffa industrial worlds existed. it's possible these guys lived under the reign of Hefaistos or Vulcanus or some other smith-god.

                      i think the JPA would mostly pay for schools. schools that teach them what's teached to us. building things like elementaries, high schools and universities. the last mentioned only accessible to the upper-class of course.

                      to mining and refining naqahdah as their source of their economy
                      technology requires many more elements than just naquahdah. also given that naquahdah is scarce and most goauld went primarily after just that, they could mine many elements, from iron to titanium to trinium to aluminium to copper, to what not. earth is a good parter, elements like chromium are getting scarce, and many other elements are getting more and more expensive.

                      and that's just earth.

                      besides Platinum is a pretty important element in chemistry as it's an excellent catalyst.


                        Maybe they could take the old Goa'uld term and call it a Shesh'ta?
                        money seems to have a simple, short name. i'd say Shesh would be better


                          Thanks for the input guys and I just said dollar to give it a name and I'm going to write up the education system in a little bit but pretty much you are right Killman they start building up their public schools and then if you prove yourself to be smart they allow you to go to the university but that is a big privlage to be allowed as you have pointed out that a good number of jaffa are not trained properly which is why their system is set up to maintain most goa'uld tech and have a few actually understand it

                          But I guess the reason I made them turtle is because so far in their history the jaffa have been cannon fodder and these jaffa really don't like that idea which is also why they are so selective of who they let in as they don't want to weaken themselves even if means not protecting one of their smaller jaffa worlds that isn't in the alliance

                          However does anyone else have any input?
                          Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                          A Face you Can Trust
                          So whats the worst that could happen?
                          Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                          It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                            Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                            money seems to have a simple, short name. i'd say Shesh would be better
                            That's a good idea. A colloquial form of the old term.

                            The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                              Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                              EDIT: Tom: Loki is described as a Jotunn in some of the ancient texts. This is (in my opinion) the strongest argument for calling the Loki-esque faction the Jotnar. The Vanir were often more friendly than the Aesir, not less. Also, there's the issue (as I pointed out earlier) of Freyr and Heimdall.
                              It's possible the Jotnar were an older Asagard civilization, that came before their clone based immortality and engineered bodies.

                              And these stories are a thousand years or more out of date, a lot can change in that time, even in the relatively static SG universe. The Vanir join the Aesir, they become the Asgard, maybe some faction later on when the cloning issue begins, with some Vanir heritage decides to adopt the name. It seems to me calling them Vanir would be a closer approximation to their relationship with the rest of the Asgard.

                              Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                              I prefer to, um, ignore that little goof. A possible explanation (in-universe) is that Asgard is the "politically correct" name after the merger of the Aesir and the Vanir.
                              I've come to the same conclusion. Like calling people by their home world's name.

                              McKoy, could you amend the System's Alliance article with the following:

                              The System's Alliance represents the Traditionalist faction of the original Free Jaffa Nation, having coalesced around a charismatic leader by the name Re'Nai who led the Traditionalists in battle during the Jaffa Civil War. Under his dictatorial leadership, the System's Alliance has fought the corruption that plagued the early nation with a return to the old virtues of martial discipline and honor and recently transitioned to a constitutional monarchy.
                              While emphasizing the traditional Jaffa hierarchical system, with a System Lord being the head of state, the SA is organized around exclusively Jaffa membership with no ties to the old Goa'uld. They do however maintain diplomatic relations with the Praxis alliance, which has led to a good deal of bad publicity from the rest of the galaxy.
                              Despite their traditionalist values, Re'Nai has gone to great lengths to begin a program of mass technological modernization, modeling an extensive Stargate exploration effort on the successful Tau'ri program.

                              I believe the Jaffa that still worship the Goa'uld have coalesced under the rule of the New Mind Goa'uld led by Anat, Ra's rebel daughter.


                                Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                                on second thought i propose the following.

                                we vote for :

                                and we add 1 freelance spot for cruisers/destroyers/BC's etc

                                Part 1 backstory:

                                Agreed and accepted.

                                Part 2 Backstory:

                                agreed and accepted. Note: the Hebridans would grow in power as earth is an extremely lucrative market to them. nothing millitary-grade would be given to the public though, the blueprints for Prometheus' hyperdrive would be sufficient.
                                1: why exactlyvote? are we voting on the type/design or what?
                                2&3: backstory's I enjoy and think well worth the time to write and I'll stick with.
                                4: can someone give me a sitrep of who the Hebridans are?

                                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress

