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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Originally posted by Davidtourniquet View Post
    Errrmmmmmm, can I just make a points: The solar system was born about the same time (circa 4.5 billion years ago). So to say that Ganyemede is older than the Earth is simply not the case.
    So it looks like Mcoy's backstory wins and if people are happy with my tech list we can use that. My tech list does include new weapons like coilguns, gatling guns and energy weapons, but is there anything else people want to see like more variation in shielding, more variation in hull material?
    Armor is one thing that could be added. given that our shields will no longer be uber, its not that off to think that they would install somekind of armour for when the shields fail (a sort of last resort)

    "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


      Could do, although that's just thickening up the hull (Daedalus already has two hulls, one for battle, one standard). I had an idea in 3.0 about a Neutronium/Trinium weave style hull (similar to how cars with carbon fibre are made). Maybe that could be modified to be Naquada/Trinium for the hull armour. It'll be stronger than normal Naquada/trinium or we could just have a stronger Naquada/Trinium hull.


        armor doesn't help.

        we saw in SGA clearly that whenever the shield fails, the armor doesn't take the hits: the ship itself does.

        i don't see the need for coilguns


          How did an Aurora get on Ganymede? I'm almost certain there's a time-line violation there . . .

          But as to Earth having an Aurora, I personally am fine with it. Though we may have to find a way to avert uberness.
          it could of been on its way back form Pegasus like the trya and when it got in to are star system the primary engine controls burnt out and it crashed killing its crew due to vacuum exposure they had no drones left but they did have 5 or 6 PJ aboard something like that


            Originally posted by thekillman View Post
            armor doesn't help.

            we saw in SGA clearly that whenever the shield fails, the armor doesn't take the hits: the ship itself does.

            i don't see the need for coilguns
            What about gatling guns then


              depends. CIWS is actually pretty useful against small stuff.

              coilguns have zero use in current technological levels, railguns offer a much higher accelleration and firepower for their size and power requirements.


                Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                Patronus (latin for guardian)



                Mckoy agreed on the fleet name.
                Technically, I said Praesidium, which can be translated Guard or Guardian. Patronus means Protector.

                and i personally think that your solution sounds too much like "plot device" and not enough like " natural progression of the story"
                Well, isn't that technically what it is? A massive plot device to get us from "where we are" to "where we want to be" without actually spelling it all out in detail. So yes, it is a plot device, but it's a plot device that tells a story, and a story that is comprised of a plot device. If you take my meaning.

                Originally posted by Amann View Post
                Well I was thinking if I do join the story, an Angelan would somehow alternate universe One bigass ship of Alesians....but I am not even sure if they would ally with Earth or give Earth technology. In Golden Dawn they would, because they were confident of their technological might and overall industrial capacity and superiority, where they could crush Earth into dust if they wanted. Here, if they give up tech, they lose their big advantage over other races. It might be interesting from a political standpoint.
                Who exactly are the Alesians? Alternate universe aliens might be interesting. What would they do?

                Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                Volaris sounds good, what does it mean?
                Technically (as far as I know) it's a made-up word. If it's related to volo ("to fly") then the closest word I know of is Volatilis.

                Originally posted by Davidtourniquet View Post
                Errrmmmmmm, can I just make a points: The solar system was born about the same time (circa 4.5 billion years ago). So to say that Ganyemede is older than the Earth is simply not the case.
                Yeah, the theory is that they all formed from the same disk.

                My tech list does include new weapons like coilguns, gatling guns and energy weapons, but is there anything else people want to see like more variation in shielding, more variation in hull material?
                Your hull idea sounded interesting. I'll look at the rest of the list.

                Originally posted by Davidtourniquet View Post
                What about gatling guns then
                They're probably the best kinetic weapon after railguns. 'killman makes a good point about coilguns, though.

                The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                  Originally posted by Davidtourniquet
                  Errrmmmmmm, can I just make a points: The solar system was born about the same time (circa 4.5 billion years ago). So to say that Ganyemede is older than the Earth is simply not the case.
                  So it looks like Mcoy's backstory wins and if people are happy with my tech list we can use that. My tech list does include new weapons like coilguns, gatling guns and energy weapons, but is there anything else people want to see like more variation in shielding, more variation in hull material?
                  Sublight engine speeds/efficiency? I'm not sure if it is worthwhile but nuclear thermal thrusters might be an interesting alternative to ion drives in that they could provide greater thrust for a short period.

                  Originally posted by bradly
                  Armor is one thing that could be added. given that our shields will no longer be uber, its not that off to think that they would install somekind of armour for when the shields fail (a sort of last resort)
                  Indeed, though in this case I think it would also just require people to think a bit more carefully about ship hull design as in modifying the profile to present a smaller target on optimum attack vectors, shaping to mitigate kinetic damage, or more creative countermeasures. Armour is just a small part of the equation.

                  Originally posted by killman
                  depends. CIWS is actually pretty useful against small stuff.
                  In terms of other technology that can be incorporated, I was watching a documentary recently on chemical lasers. I see the US airforce has supposedly successfully used one to shoot down a missile in a test conducted this year. The laser in question was chemical based, firing in the infrared spectrum with a range of about 150km. I guess that would make it a pretty decent alternative for a CIWS and should be viable as standard earth tech that could be deployed by 2025.


                    The only problem is whether laser CIWS would be useful against the enemies we fight in Stargate. They're rather easy to defend against, and most of our enemies don't use missiles anyway.

                    The 304's used a VASIMIR-type drive in concert with nuclear engines, did they not? I'm pretty sure it mentioned it on one of Daedalus's screens.

                    The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                      that laser project has been cancelled

                      also regular CIWS does the job just fine. right costs for the right protection.


                        The only problem is whether laser CIWS would be useful against the enemies we fight in Stargate. They're rather easy to defend against, and most of our enemies don't use missiles anyway.
                        Point taken.

                        The 304's used a VASIMIR-type drive in concert with nuclear engines, did they not? I'm pretty sure it mentioned it on one of Daedalus's screens.
                        I'm not sure, but if they are, then I suppose it isn't worthwhile pursuing since the concept will mostly likely be outdated then.


                          it's barely started, why would it be outdated?


                            Well, it depends. It may be outdated for the US, Russia, and China (who had it before), but possibly not for the nations who didn't have 304's.

                            For example, the nations who can buy/implement them may buy into Hebridian ion drives. But other than that the Nuclear engines and VASIMIR-type engines are the best we'll have for quite a while, in my opinion.

                            EDIT: And I suggest three things about david's tech list. All missiles above Mark V are non-standard armament, the beam weapons are removed, and some sort of Felger-style (the X-699) or Hebridian energy weapon is substituted.
                            Last edited by Lt. Col. Mcoy; 04 June 2010, 06:47 AM.

                            The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                              Well that's what the beam weapons are based on. As for post Mk-V weapons, there's only 860 missiles above that limit. So you might get one or two a ship, but that's it.
                              The ion drives are based on the hebridian ion drive/advanced VASIMR ion drive.


                                EDIT: And I suggest three things about david's tech list. All missiles above Mark V are non-standard armament, the beam weapons are removed, and some sort of Felger-style (the X-699) or Hebridian energy weapon is substituted.
                                that's basically my tech list

