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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Maybe with Kebechet and Ignatius, they could be in the development stage of building a following and their appetite for war doesn't become apparent until the next fleet?
    Ignatius has no appetite for war.

    I had an idea about something we've never done before:



      But Kebechet would.

      Thanks for the vote of confidence with "idea about something we've never done before" .


        Not a bad idea actually ... pretty interesting twist, story-wise. Perhaps this could happen in 2027, when the Aschen align themselves with the LA? Let's see ...

        2025: The Lucian Alliance attacks Earth; UNEC declares war on the Lucian Alliance. The Aschen begin annexing worlds into the Confederacy by force. Hebridan and the RFJ join UNEC against the LA.
        The LA attack Langara and manage to connect to the Destiny.

        The LA attack Vae'Alis.

        2026: After an Aschen attempt to annex Orban, UNEC is forced to declare war on them as well. The BC-310 Troy leads a battle group against an Ashen industrial world.
        The Holy Empire and the Systems Alliance go to war; outside influence is suspected. The other warring factions maintain neutrality in this new conflict, as they are too strained as it is. However, the LA is suspected to be selling arms to the HE. No conclusive proof is found.

        2027: The LA and Aschen unite against UNEC, Hebridan, and the RFJ, but this is not yet widely known.
        The LA launches a series of attacks against the RFJ to divert their forces. Shortly after, the new Aschen/Lucian alliance launches a massive attack on Earth. The battle is lost; UNEC is forced to abandon Earth and relocates its leadership to Scoria.

        The LA is not interested in holding Earth, being more interested in the victory itself as a blow to moral. The Aschen, however, claim it as part of the Confederacy. Aschen forces declare martial law on Earth and place it under the command of an Aschen Governor. Tensions rise throughout the year between the LA and Aschen due to the LA's lack of support for the occupation.

        The HE decimates the SA in a decisive battle, absorbing enough territory to become the largest Jaffa nation in the galaxy. The SA nearly collapses, but a charismatic new leader takes control, and she rallies their forces. The JPA and several human worlds maintain neutrality and set up a mutual defense pact.

        2028: Because of continued LA refusal to support the occupation of Earth, the Aschen betray the LA and take over much of its operation. It is revealed that the Aschen expansion which started the war (and their new-found knowledge of the 'gate system) may have been catalyzed by an unknown force.
        The SA, under its new leader, begins to come back against the HE. However, it also begins to forcefully annex JPA worlds for resources and labor. The JPA and her allies respond by providing military aid to the HE.

        An unknown force helps UNEC and the RFJ win a decisive victory against the Aschen. Days later, Earth is retaken.

        When a Horizon is launched at Aschae, the Aschen are finally driven to surrender. Given their perilous position, the remaining Lords of Lucia decide to accept a new peace treaty with UNEC. Just afterward, however, Hebridan is annexed by the SA...

        The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


          Yeah, similar to the idea I had, I also want to introduce a dreadnaught ship that's used in the final battle. I'll get writing.


            Why am I personally seeing Dreadnaught type craft as a DVSC* subtype ?

            *DVSC = Deep Void Super Carrier

            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              I had an idea about something we've never done before: We normally end a war with an attack by the enemy on Earth, what if we changed it round: the Lucian Alliance captured Earth, but the majority of the fleet and leadership are able to reach Scoria, the Lucian Alliance bring reinforcements to Earth (the majority of their fleet) and the Tauri fleet can then take on the full Lucian Alliance fleet.
              Actually we ended 2.0 with an attack on the 6 strongholds of Talos, and 3.0 we ended at the citadel and 1.0 we ended with the battle of the superhives in Pegasus (well end of the reaper war at least) and the Adnihlo war ended around their homeworld. So actually weve only had 2 Earth battles, 3.0 and 1.0. It only seems that way because we usually start with rebuilding Earth.

              Just read the last two pages and Keb will have an important role in this fleet, also she is a woman as she was in myth as well. Here is what I originally wrote about her
              Thats a really interesting history, really perfect. I love it, I wish the Keb history from 2.0 was that detailed. But I have to say that the general storyline progression can be pretty similar. Anubis has always represented a renegade faction. He is not a conventional enemy in that he is playing both the goauld system of power and the ascended. Keb doesnt have to, she is mortal so would be constrained by this plane, but with plans on the rest obviously. As she plays a left field agenda with regards to the Jaffa, Lucian alliance and Aschen. It is possible that any alliance with the new religious formations in the galaxy such as Ignatious or the other followers of origin could play on the plans and knowledge which anubis used to have for his takeover of the ascended plane.

              In effect her "bigger" picture, is the same as anubis, playing each game in turn and being able to shake things up. One of the interesting things will be the return of the Kulls, and if she can modify their production, then out dispruptors could be made redundant.

              I would def be interested in seeing more from these two storylines and how they might marry together. Ive always loved the final solution of Anubis that was never actioned because it got moulded in to the Ori plot. In the fleet we can bridge the gaps in our own universe by putting the Origin faith and Anubis's plans back in to play with Keb. So yeah, love these ideas.

              The original draft of prototype as noted on GW illuminates some of those ideas:
              An earlier draft of the script for "Prototype" explained just what Anubis's purposes were for Khalek. He was the prototype of an army of warriors called the Mashur (from the Goa'uld word for "mutation," "mashur-nat"), which Anubis hoped to train to ascend and do battle with the Ancients on their own plane of existence and destroy them -- something ultimately cut from the episode.

              Nice to see everyone posting again, its been awfully quiet over the holidays
              Last edited by immhotep; 13 March 2012, 04:15 PM.
              You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
              Stargate : Genesis |
              Original Starship DesignThread
              Sanctuary for all |
              11000! green me


                Well the original plan for 3.0 was to end with a battle for Earth with the Swarm. My main point was that we've never done a scenario where Earth has be taken and we have to retake it.

                Was thinking for the dreadnought, basically a tank that could dish out a powerful punch, but had the turning circle of a hippo.


                  So something like extrenix's stormfront?

                  You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                  Stargate : Genesis |
                  Original Starship DesignThread
                  Sanctuary for all |
                  11000! green me


                    Something like that yes.

                    Basically, the idea is to build a ship that has all the new technology acquired in the last few years , completely integrated into the ship (not just as add ons in refits). Think the upgrade from Prometheus to the Daedalus.
                    Last edited by Davidtourniquet; 14 March 2012, 03:40 AM.


                      Ok, and im not trying to butt in to the voting system here, but should that have been already put in?? What is our mainline battleship in this fleet?
                      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                      Stargate : Genesis |
                      Original Starship DesignThread
                      Sanctuary for all |
                      11000! green me


                        Originally posted by Davidtourniquet View Post
                        But Kebechet would.

                        Thanks for the vote of confidence with "idea about something we've never done before" .
                        i really hate saying this but...

                        i've thought of that. in fact, it was a pretty big thought of mine. probably very different from what you had in mind, but i really did think of a moment where Earth surrenders to the Lucian Alliance. The Earth fleet "rebels" and continues the war.

                        Not a bad idea actually ... pretty interesting twist, story-wise. Perhaps this could happen in 2027, when the Aschen align themselves with the LA? Let's see ...
                        yes that's definitely different from how i had it.

                        Aschen occupation could throw a few monkey-wrenches in some concepts i had in mind.


                        the CON core is a databank containing tons of knowledge about ships, species, designs, cultures, etc etc etc. the CON onboard ships only has a small databank, and whenever specialized knowledge is required, it's simply downloaded from the CON core. the CON core also tracks the Earth Fleet, allows the issuing of commands, and even allows remote shutdown of ships in case of capture.

                        Mostly Immhotep's idea. Phoenix would mean that the LA/Aschen get their hands on drones.

                        a lot of secrets i don't like other races having (mostly due to galactic balancing) could be spread this way. Neutronium refining is one of them. the Ark of Truth is another.

                        what i DO like about it, is that it would allow a better focus on the Colonies.

                        the one thing i REALLY am not sure about, is Earth's forces relocating to Scoria. i do not really understand the motive behind that.

                        Ok, and im not trying to butt in to the voting system here, but should that have been already put in?? What is our mainline battleship in this fleet?
                        the Athens-class is the biggest ship we have. i think it's rated at 800m.

                        i don't see a point in an even bigger class. Factions like the Jaffa and the LA need bigger ships, because they have a lower "power density". Earth has the highest power density in the GALAXY. we need smaller ships, not bigger.

                        the Valkyrie was intended to be more of the Workhorse. i consider the Valkyrie the swiss knife, the 304 earth's "baseship" and the Athens a Command ship and item of fear.


                          I've already though of ideas to stop the LA/Aschen getting hold of those sort of technologies. What we could have for the retake is a rebellion on Earth and a space battle.

                          I chose Scoria, because it is the home of the 2nd fleet, closest outpost to Earth and it is the Tauri's second "city" as such.


                            good to hear you thought about that.

                            i don't think the LA are really after gaining new tech. i think that the main resource the LA need from Earth, is actually properly educated people.

                            in fact, i've been looking for ways to more forcibly "advance" the galaxy. not in terms of advanced technology, but more in terms of creating new Earth-like planets, with a higher standard of tech than the average medieval ****hole.

                            one way is that i think the LA would strategically spread humans from Earthworlds to mining and production colonies.

                            My choice for the relocation, by the way, would've been Anthalon. The tag "the new Atlantis" kind of stuck with me. i have also thought about some alterations to Anthalon.

                            Anthalon has only trace amounts of naquahdah and trinium. neither of which is native to it, both have asteroid impact sites where the stuff is found.

                            HOWEVER, it is Earth's only natural source of Neutronium, and the only planet with Neutronium on it known in the galaxy. Anthalon also has the only offworld Neutronium forge, and is the only other offworld source capable of producing Asgard-grade alloys required for producing Asgard technology.

                            It's called "the new Atlantis" because of it's sophisticated Asgard Shield system, consisting of multiple overlapping domes.

                            and lastly, it's also one of the few colonies that allows the migration of alien humans (but i'll write more on that later).


                              Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                              Aschen occupation could throw a few monkey-wrenches in some concepts i had in mind.


                              the CON core is a databank containing tons of knowledge about ships, species, designs, cultures, etc etc etc. the CON onboard ships only has a small databank, and whenever specialized knowledge is required, it's simply downloaded from the CON core. the CON core also tracks the Earth Fleet, allows the issuing of commands, and even allows remote shutdown of ships in case of capture.
                              Hmm, well, if we have this locked down in a very secure and shielded bunker, it could be something that we had to leave behind but the Aschen can't get to. Or its so dense and secure they can't get stuff out of it. They hold the planet for about a year, so its possible that throughout this time they're trying to break into it, but can't. Think us with an Ancient database (pre-Atlantis).

                              Option two could be that it's in a cloaked bunker, so they don't even know it's there.

                              Or, we could self-destruct it. Which sets us back quite a bit I suppose, but hey, story-twist.

                              A problem with the first option is that it would actually make the LA interested in the planet, which would mess with the whole tension thing. So maybe ditch that one.

                              Mostly Immhotep's idea. Phoenix would mean that the LA/Aschen get their hands on drones.
                              I don't remember the details of this. Do we have to have it? If so, well, that might not be a terrible thing story-wise. In universe it'd be cause for concern, but in terms of story it creates tension that they might reverse-engineer it or control it (whether they do is up to us).

                              a lot of secrets i don't like other races having (mostly due to galactic balancing) could be spread this way. Neutronium refining is one of them. the Ark of Truth is another.
                              Security lock-downs. Self-destructs, maybe. A lot of information could be lost, but surely it's not all exclusive to Earth.

                              Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                              My choice for the relocation, by the way, would've been Anthalon. The tag "the new Atlantis" kind of stuck with me. i have also thought about some alterations to Anthalon.
                              Didn't we call it "Antalon"? Or was that just me ... ?

                              The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                                A problem with the first option is that it would actually make the LA interested in the planet, which would mess with the whole tension thing. So maybe ditch that one.
                                yes. one option i had would be beaming it out, but i don't really think it fits on any ship we have. i think a small tactical nuke should do.

                                I don't remember the details of this. Do we have to have it? If so, well, that might not be a terrible thing story-wise. In universe it'd be cause for concern, but in terms of story it creates tension that they might reverse-engineer it or control it (whether they do is up to us).
                                we have the Arctic weapon regardless. last thing i remember from the show was that it was terribly low on drones. however Phoenix would have a much better chance of actually being useful.

                                i'd say we beam that out.

                                Didn't we call it "Antalon"? Or was that just me ... ?
                                i can't remember which one we chose.

