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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Originally posted by bradly08 View Post
    Im in favour of starting of in s6/7, but TBH I'd be happy enough whatever time we start of at. The main reason i'm in favour of s6/7 re-start is that the back story for my own race (humans) depends on there being a massive outside threat (Goa'uld)
    The same here except the outside threat : I like tha Goa'ulds but prefer the Replicators who didn't give a damn about the galaxy. The System Lords just wanted to maintain the status quo (well except Sokar/Apophis, Anubis and Baal later in the series).

    The Oris were supposed to have been able to drive away the Ancients but well except their Toilet ships we've seen nothing else. Adria and the Priors seemed badass at first but later they just became forgettable. I'm not even talking about Tomin. There wasn't any iconic villain among them.

    The Wraith did a little better with Todd and Michael but they too suffered from Villain Decay throughout SGA. Killman even talked earlier about the discrepancy between the size of their ships and our ability to pawn them nearly everytime we met them. And that even with a jumper which is supposed to be a scoutship (cloak but no shields).

    The PegAsgard got potential. That's all. Nothing else to remember. Lt. Col McCoy said it : they are going to flee Pegasus, come to Earth, take back the Asgard Core then leave for Ida. At best they could be a little puzzled about why their brothers gave us (and us only among all the Protected Planets) their knowledge and technology. Maybe even do some experiments on us (like Q in StarTRek) to assess our real potential. But they will be scarce.

    A new enemy ? I'm not sure either. SG1 already had a dangerous habit of killing off strong foes to just make place for a stronger one. MAybe it's time to take care of the guys back home like the Lucian Alliance, the Jaffa Nations, Aschens, etc. We just have to find a way for them to catch up with Earth.
    La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
    L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


      Please no Goa'uld, I don't want to rehash SG1...the Goa'uld were beaten years ago let's do something new.

      There can be massive outside threats other than the Goa'uld...
      Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


        Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
        Please no Goa'uld, I don't want to rehash SG1...the Goa'uld were beaten years ago let's do something new.

        There can be massive outside threats other than the Goa'uld...
        but who?
        La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
        L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


          What's wrong with creating our own unique enemy? We can design to be a fitting enemy for the level of development the fleet has. They don't have be stronger than what's come before I mean its pretty obvious the Tau'ri would be slaughtered by the combined forces of the Wraith or the Goa'uld.

          We had 8 seasons of the Goa'uld, let's not go over old ground. We could use the Aschen, although we already used them in 2.0...I wouldn't mind doing something with them again. But I'd prefer something totally new.
          Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


            what type of enemy do we want?

            i'd like to see an organic technology enemy, but nothing like the wraith. more of a machine-like organism than an organic..... organism. if that makes any sense.

            also my idea can be adapted to not include goauld but rather other enemies.

            i got to say i like BSG-like warfare. by which i mean: NOT just exchanging slow-moving energy bolts. have projectile weapons be powerful too. and NOT RKV's


              we should not go bigger badder etc. We tried that with the Ori, it fracked up BIGTIME.

              besides if we go on from 3.0 who'll participate, I wont, I don't know jack of 3.0 and I can find just about zero to get me up to speed, besides it will take a month or so to get it all...

              I can understand a reboot is unwanted but, there are some things that have to be done, there is just about no more room to stay after unending it just is no more fun... After season 7 and 8 it went down hill FAST. Also was stargate not meant to be about earth not having everything?! which we do now...

              There have been few ideas and mostly rants... Killman created an idea which does not cut it for noone wants it, but what other ideas have been presented? verry few.

              If you want us to go on after canon, create an idea and present it so we can take it in. AND DO NOT COME AT US TO GO LOOKING IN 3.0 TO FIND THE IDEAS! Those should be posted here so we can discuss it!

              I propose we start during season 3/4 from SG1, we modify canon slightly to make it clear where in the MW we are and how far we can go and how long such things take.

              AT first this version of fleet should be based around commandeered vessels like Al'kesh, Teltacs and such. Have some small space based fighters in development/near completion.
              Earth would not be a real power to confront the Goa'uld head on, just as in the series we need to take advantage of our long history in warfare and being sneaky, a la SG1. Slowly an Earth based space force should develop starting with things like the 302 and 303 followed by the 304 but no über tech in it, stay around the weak goa'uld stuff and let Earth her diversity shine throe more, Canada want this and the AS want that, make the US involve her allies, NATO more and faster,this allows for more diversity in writing and appeases people from different nations and bring in things from different nations also.

              Then I have got the idea of former Colonial nations, like the UK, France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Belgium, Japan etc have found strange artefacts like Goa'uld stuf or some simple Asgard stuff, early advanced civilisations developing a flasdrive or subspace drive, and let some of those nations join together (perhaps not part of the same program with the US or keeping it secret from or even mutually not knowing of the other programmes).

              Thus creating diversity and allowing for more and different devellopment. As to why season 3 or 4, I started disliking things afterwards fast, but it was still rather enjoying. Also, after Apophis has been killed off by Earth, should the Goa'uld not take a different view towards us and start to fight us more and force them to change certain things in their way of fighting? We see the Goa'uld deteriorating after Apophis, obviously Ba'al and Yu are some great characters but the Goa'uld and all are not doing neearly all they should and could against Earth after it has been proven we 'took out' one of the mightiest System Lords.

              All in all we have a few Goa'uld that have innovated, Ba'al (slightly) Apophis/Sokar and Anubis, should this also go on with different Goa'uld or having different Goa'uld have different things like Killman suggested it could be allot more fun.


              Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                I could use my Canderan race as bad guys.

                -They've been occupied by Goa'ulds for centuries until they managed to drive them away. Now, they want to show their badassery to the rest of the galaxy.

                - They are suspicious of the FJN and the Tok'ra because of their obvious links with the Goa'ulds.

                - Their former Lord is Qetesh which is famous for having a certain Vala Mal Doran as host (obviously they won't like SG1 either), having been extracted by Tok'ras (those damn snakes!) and hiding information about a Clava Thesaura Infinitas (Key to Infinite Treasures of the Ancients !)

                I've already written a background story and even got into some modelling for their ships. After that, I'd have to work out their ascension of power (probably some stealing, hijacking, alliance with the Lucian Alliance (no pun intended), finding new technology and reverse-engineering them). I'm open to any advice.

                Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                what type of enemy do we want?

                i'd like to see an organic technology enemy, but nothing like the wraith. more of a machine-like organism than an organic..... organism. if that makes any sense.
                That's the Replicators with their cells made of Carbon-Oxygen molecules rather than neutronium. But whatever that is, just what makes them our enemies?
                La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                  I suggest we start the fleet several years into the future, we write in a backstory for what happened to the Wraith and leave Pegasus be so we focus solely on the MW.

                  We either pretend Unending didn't happen or do something along the lines of Mcoy's idea to eliminate the Asgard wank tech.

                  Say it's the year 2025;

                  - Disclosure has happened. This eventually leads to war, large sections of the population + infastracture are destroyed.
                  - Before the outbreak of war in the years leading up to it large numbers of people evacuated to various colonies. There are now Tau'ri settlements dotted all over the MW, in many cases these people have simply been assimilated into existing planets populus.
                  - This has led to a surge in technology across the galaxy, black market Tau'ri tech is common. This tech is is no more advanced than the early 21st technology we enjoy.
                  - Also Goa'uld technology is much more highly dispersed at this time.
                  - The FJN works hard to keep weapons out of the reach of everyday people but the Lucian Alliance (which is now reduced to a crime syndicate) do their best to unravel the fragile balance.
                  - The FJN are the major power in the galaxy.
                  - The various Tau'ri settlements are loosely alligned with Earth which controls a small fleet of ships.
                  - The Aschen are expanding their coalition of worlds.

                  That's basically the setting. My idea would be for an unknown force to try and steer these parties towards war. They're too weak to fight everyone together so are seeking to divide and conquer.
                  Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                    That does seem like a possible way to get it work, perhaps entire nations have been evacuated and all and with this tau'ri civil war we could have lost the core to perhaps the Vanir or simply to time and history.

                    This could possibly be YEARS after wards also, the Exodus of Earth, Earth has become a myth and the former Nations of Earth are now once again united in a possible coalition of former Earth nations by stargate.

                    (so as I said, create ideas so we can work things out)


                    Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                      We are not going over SG1, sorry but no.


                        you can ether be useful to the thread or post ultimatums and be GONE!


                        Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                          I noticed some things :

                          Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                          I suggest we start the fleet several years into the future, we write in a backstory for what happened to the Wraith and leave Pegasus be so we focus solely on the MW.

                          We either pretend Unending didn't happen or do something along the lines of Mcoy's idea to eliminate the Asgard wank tech.

                          Say it's the year 2025;

                          - Disclosure has happened. This eventually leads to war, large sections of the population + infastracture are destroyed.
                          Who's going to war with who? The rest of the world against the US or the IOA nations? Not going to work because most countries over the world depends economically speaking on their well-being. It would be like shooting yourself through the stomach...

                          go for terrorrist attacks and 1984-like response from some countries (and please for god's sake leave the muslims out of it). People will just look for new opportunities on other planets and finally settle there. A little like Maybourne did.

                          - Before the outbreak of war in the years leading up to it large numbers of people evacuated to various colonies. There are now Tau'ri settlements dotted all over the MW, in many cases these people have simply been assimilated into existing planets populus.
                          - This has led to a surge in technology across the galaxy, black market Tau'ri tech is common. This tech is is no more advanced than the early 21st technology we enjoy.
                          - Also Goa'uld technology is much more highly dispersed at this time.
                          - The FJN works hard to keep weapons out of the reach of everyday people but the Lucian Alliance (which is now reduced to a crime syndicate) do their best to unravel the fragile balance.
                          Though in some places crime syndicates are often seen fighting against the police, they are not always trying to undermine every actions from a government. On the contrary they work to become the necessary evil and associate of governments to maintain peace in the poorer part of the country (or the FJN here).

                          - The FJN are the major power in the galaxy.
                          - The various Tau'ri settlements are loosely alligned with Earth which controls a small fleet of ships.
                          - The Aschen are expanding their coalition of worlds.

                          That's basically the setting. My idea would be for an unknown force to try and steer these parties towards war. They're too weak to fight everyone together so are seeking to divide and conquer.
                          Except the little remarks, that's a perfect start.
                          La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                          L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                            also perhaps the loose Tau'ri confederation (possibly Earth (or what's left of it) and the small colonies) is under threat of the Aschen, something which seems logical


                            Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                              Originally posted by locutes View Post
                              That does seem like a possible way to get it work, perhaps entire nations have been evacuated and all and with this tau'ri civil war we could have lost the core to perhaps the Vanir or simply to time and history.

                              This could possibly be YEARS after wards also, the Exodus of Earth, Earth has become a myth and the former Nations of Earth are now once again united in a possible coalition of former Earth nations by stargate.

                              (so as I said, create ideas so we can work things out)
                              I'd like Earth to still be around, if we take out Earth how would we ever recover? I think for a story point of view it's better to have Earth than not to have it. I'd like it to have a diminished role with the focus on what's happening in the galaxy but it should still be the focal point of the Tau'ri.

                              Originally posted by lord groovy View Post
                              I noticed some things :
                              Who's going to war with who? The rest of the world against the US or the IOA nations? Not going to work because most countries over the world depends economically speaking on their well-being. It would be like shooting yourself through the stomach...

                              go for terrorrist attacks and 1984-like response from some countries (and please for god's sake leave the muslims out of it). People will just look for new opportunities on other planets and finally settle there. A little like Maybourne did.
                              Yeah well as long as there's something to ravage Earth a little, maybe Terrorists get some Goa'uld weapons etc...

                              There just needs to be a catalyst to get people off Earth into the MW and to also weaken the influence Earth has, I want Earth to be a background force loosely in control or trying to control its colonies.

                              Though in some places crime syndicates are often seen fighting against the police, they are not always trying to undermine every actions from a government. On the contrary they work to become the necessary evil and associate of governments to maintain peace in the poorer part of the country (or the FJN here).
                              Well that's something to work on. I think the Lucian Alliance should be present but not a military force.

                              Except the little remarks, that's a perfect start.
                              I'm glad you like it. I wrote that up in 10 minutes so there's alot to do but I think it gives us a good start.

                              I was thinking that the main story could be the race to find this new race and expose them before open war. We could have small skirmishes etc...going on in the background but we'd focus on individual ships and crews.

                              Maybe have the Hebridians as a significant force expanding after the power vaccum?
                              Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                                Originally posted by locutes View Post
                                you can ether be useful to the thread or post ultimatums and be GONE!
                                That is being useful, it's called saying what isn't going to happen. As I have said before, if you think we are going to redo SG1, then you have come to the wrong place. The fleet has always been about taking stargate beyond SG1/Atlantis . How do I know? Because I've been here since the first fleet. I think Buba's idea is the best present day/near future option so far.

