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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy
    Ah, but here's the ultimate question; what exactly is standard range for a Ha'tak? Because logically, that would be when the plasma cooled and dispersed. But where does that happen? And how does the plasma bind in the first place?
    I don't think it strictly matters for the sake of entertainment. Whatever the Hatak's maximum range is, my design approach is simply to create a weapon system that can engage from outside it. I really want this vessel to be a departure from the kind of pitch battles one tends to see in sci fi. In this case, the long range ship cannot afford to get into close quarters, so it will rely on long range weapons, tactical maneuvering and various fictional ECM's.

    Considering how vague the source material is, is it reasonable to make a fan estimate? The furtherest I can recall a Hatak shooting was surface bombardment from orbit which I guess could make the range about 10 000 - 20 000 km?


      I extremely dislike the pre-SG-1 idea. The fleets have always been a continuation of, not a rewrite of, the Stargate universe. If we want to write crossover stories with an alternate universe, fine. But don't turn the fleet into that.
      Exactly! I think. This may be jus my opinion, but if this strays to much from the SG-1 storyline, I don’t see myself sticking around. It’s just not the same.

      Totally agree with you Mcoy, this new universe needs to be set after the events of SG1/Atlantis/Universe.
      I don’t really agree there, there are a lot of screw ups in the shows that really need to be fixed, especially the last seasons of SGA.

      The idea I had for a second Earth faction would take the form of a multinational conglomerate with incredible resources that doesn't answer to any government. They begin secretly expanding into a space venture which causes them to cross paths with the SGC since they now possess the means to observe events the SGC would rather keep secret. There is no legal recourse to silence the conglomerate who become more and more interested. To buy their silence, the SGC trades certain core technologies in a very limited fashion. The result is privately owned space vehicles which operate with inferior SGC tech but deploy it in an incredibly creative manner making their ships highly effective given certain tactical situations.

      In terms of development, this conglomerate can either take the economic route of resource mining and theft (somewhat like the NID did eventually) or they can begin to adopt a kind of galactic political agenda where they begin to back earth isolationism and intentionally undermining diplomacy with alien races.
      I think that formula is frankly cliché. It’s been done to death with Kingsley and the Trust and the NID. Also, private ownership? There’s no way the SGC is going along with that, they’ll just rat these guys out to their governments and get them to shut them down. Even if the tech falls into the hands of the various government’s it’ll actually be better from the SGC’s perspective than a private company owning it.

      It doesn't really matter what arm of the service is in there. AirForce, Army, Marines or even Navy. As we're starting new, we should be able to dictate when certain branches of the forces are used. For example, if you want a little more realism, you would not have Air Force Colonels in command of your capitol ships. They would be more likely from the Navy.
      Actually, space combat would be closer to the Air Force style, in terms of tactics. However it’s different enogh from both, that you won’t be putting ganyone in charge without having them complete a special Space Combat and Strategy course or something like that.

      What about Pinky?

      Anyhow I'm thinknig that if a planet is tangled jungle and the like; what about AMP suits like in Avatar? these suits could have a varity of mission setups, work, guard, armor, advanced scouts, etc. ?

      EDIT: I like the third truck the best, reminds me most of pinky do you think someone could make a 3D model of that?
      Those suits would need a ton of training and maintenance is real life. All those moving parts…
      With Altairan technology, powered exo-skeletons like the ones in development right now become possible. Not the MJOLNIR suits like Halo, but basically a frame with servos and hydraulics that can help soldiers carry heavier loads.
      This would let us develop all sorts of cool technologies, like powered armour, direct neural interfaces, and mind uploading, relatively early.

      (Given the trend towards UCAVs, I’d say that fighters with electronic pilots would have a serious place, given their advantages over manned vehicles.)

      To be fair, Air Force personnel do have more experience operating in six degrees of motion, and with NASA they actually have been in space. Of course, you could take submarine captains, but still. An honest-to-goodness Space Corps is the most practical; it would probably bud off of the Air Force just like the Air Force itself budded off of the Army.

      i know, i was just enforcing my point. however you talked about bullet resistance of trucks. a newly designed one with more plasma-resistant armor than bullet-resistant armor would be better. since practically nobody uses kinetic weapons
      This sounds like a job for the magnetic field shields they wan to develop for tanks, to defeat shaped jets. And just because the Goa’uld don’t use kinetics, does not mean that nobody else does. You all know how a P-90 compared with a staff. I doubt earth is the only planet that’s come to the same conclusion.

      So the three basic ideas that seem to the floating around are:

      1. Scrap the whole original canon, start over, bring all sorts of figures into more manageable ranges.
      2. Keep the original SG canon, but make adjustments in order for it to make sense as we go along.
      3. Keep all the canon we have so far, but begin in the far future, where most of it won’t matter.

      I vote for 2, keep what we liked about the show and what drew us here in the firs place, but lets us exercise our creative muscle.

      I propose:
      Klorel’s Ha’Tak is captured and brought to Earth, but given it’s enormous garrison, it’s landed on Earth were military forces an board it and provide reinforcements, however a ship the size of the Pyramid of Giza is rather visible, and overnight, most of the countries with spy satellites have big pictured of it.
      Under international pressure, and catalyzed by the intelligence on the immediate Goa’uld threat given by the Tok’Ra operative on board, the US allows the nations that know about it into the fold, creating a joint international organization to handle the defence of Earth and the management of the Stargate Program.

      Using this Ha’Tak as leverage with the Tok’Ra, the Tok’Ra begin to share the secrets of their technology with Earth, while we begin retrofitting the Death Gliders and Ha’Tak we have with naqudah enhanced missiles, CIWS and other performance enhancing systems.

      This gives us a god head start in tech so we can have the fleet aspect while SG-1 is still “running” so to speak, and it allows us to keep the overall canon.

      PS. Sorry for the delayed responses, try to bear with me.


        except that doesn't make any sense. if we had such toys then none of SG1 would work out the way it did. however if we want to start near the beginning, why not completely anew since we already have little canon.

        as to selective canon: i hate that, it confuses. 3.0 confused me terrribly when i found out what had and hadn't happened and all. for other things it's even worse. if we go rectify 5/6th of SG1 then who will understand what happened ?


          For me, i'd like to see us starting from the end of S7 or S8

          'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


            S6 seems to be rather late if you ask me


            Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


              well it allows us to ignore some of the damage, but it also allows us to prevent IMO some of the biggest damage:

              the whole asgard tech thing, well it sounded nice but fleet-wise it allows zero development. it's ridiculous to think we can upgrade their systems, the only thing we can do is get more power.


                and steal better stuff from stronger races


                Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                  which don't exist.

                  asgard stuff is pretty much the best.

                  i'd prefer if we continued with our own sucky tech, use alien knowledge to enhance it and costumise using alien stuff like goauld cloaks


                    I agree, that should be how it would happen, we should not go to über to fast


                    Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                      - from s1 : 0
                      - around s3/s4 : +2 (locutes and Crazy tom)
                      - from s6/s7 : +2,5
                      - from s10 : +1,5
                      - total rerun from 2010 : +1
                      La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                      L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                        seems like it is sure we are going to go back in time with this


                        Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                          My vote is from S6/S7

                          - from s1 : 0
                          - around s3/s4 : +2
                          - from s6/s7 : +3,5
                          - from s10 : +1,5
                          - total rerun from 2010 : +1

                          "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


                            except that i'd like to see us go FORWARD not just backward.

                            i'm starting to think that people have no idea what the 2010 plan is..... it's essentially the best of all worlds, with no need for canon correction while having shiny toys and a fleet setup


                              Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                              except that i'd like to see us go FORWARD not just backward.

                              i'm starting to think that people have no idea what the 2010 plan is..... it's essentially the best of all worlds, with no need for canon correction while having shiny toys and a fleet setup
                              Thats the problem, we have too many "shiny toys" *cough* APBW *cough*

                              "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


                                And since the 304s are just a redesigned version of the 303s with better integration of the Asgard tech they gave us earlier, killman can join the s6-s7 rerun. You can keep the core of the fleet and just forget the shiny toys.
                                La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                                L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.

