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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    -Cost: $152 billion
    Davidt i think you made an error. the description says it costs 190 billion just expensive parts. so i assume it should be 252 billion?

    -Powerplant: 3x Mk III capital Naquadah generator - $7.5 billion
    this is roughtly 3x.9GT=2.7Gt per second at maximum capacity.

    your shield uses 1.78 GT per second. your energy weapons add it up to roughly 2 GT per second powerrequirement. so where do the other .78Gt go?

    additionally, the energy density for naquahdah is 10Kt/g (10Gt per tonne). 270 Kg's of naquahdah are burned every second. well assuming the energy density is higher than that, say an order of magnitude higher (although unlikely) it becomes much less. however at a price of several thousand dollars per kilogram, you're burning millions of dollars per battle just for operation.

    my ship has an output of 1.2 GT/s max, using naquahdriah, and according to my calcs that's sufficient.

    my concern is, that your ship is simply too much of a powerhog


      ok Davidt your ship has a plasma weapon output of 5.7 Mt/s, plus a 424.6 GT nuke arsenal.

      my ship has a 1.4 Mt/s plasma weapon output +484 GT nuke arsenal


        That $193.55 billion including the $152 billion material cost. The valiant has a a shield power of 1.33 Gt/s and so there's still 1.39 GT/s of power to go around the other systems which is more than enough.
        What I don't like about yours is the naquadriah generator and if you think I'm burning millions of dollars in operation, the Naquadriah generator will be much worse and less reliable.
        Seriously, there is enough power to cover everything.


          actually Rush' proof ensures safe extraction of energy from naquahdriah. which is logical, since the instability increases exponentially, which means the variations become predictable. it's just a matter of building the right reactor.

          the Naquadriah generator will be much worse
          naquahdriah is at least an order of magnitude more energetic.


            Yeah, but the cost of getting that order of magnitude higher is going to cost a lot in comparasion to standard naquadah reactors.


              only if the costs increase the same as the power increases. i doubt that.


                It's similar to the difference between fission generation and fusion generation (the closest real life comparasion), when fusion comes out it will be more expensive at first compared to fission, but over time the cost to power ratio will come in favour of fusion, the same thing will happen here. So I think it's an idea that can be developed through 4.0, but I don't think we'll be ready for a naquadriah generator just yet. So possibly have the naquadah generator equivalent, but with an optional change to a naquadriah generator a few years down the line.


                  ^That sounds like a nice equaliser imo david
                  Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


                    Thank you Experiment. I do try my best, that idea goes for whichever battleship wins.


                      yet we used naquahdriah for our 303's and it wasn't used for the 304's because the asgard tech was better, and because we couldn't handle naquahdriah. with rush' proof, we can.


                        It's one thing connecting it up to a core like in SGU, but it's another to have it in a generator for a ship.


                          When we are more confident with using Nahquadria in the fleet universe, say a/a few decade(s).
                          Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


                            What page were the cost tables on, David?

                            The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                              Page 76, post 1516 Mcoy.


                                Originally posted by Experiment 442 View Post
                                When we are more confident with using Nahquadria in the fleet universe, say a/a few decade(s).
                                Why not using a new generator (Mark VII?) that can work with both regular naquadah and a combination of naquadriah and naquadah?

                                Somewhere between 0.1 and 10% of Naquadriah in the fuel should be fine at the beginning. That would still make the Tau'ri generators as powerful and efficient as the Goa'uld version while significantly smaller.

                                I think you should forget for now about a pur Naquadriah generators because so far Rush's proof just managed to blow up 2 planets (still better than a sun or 5/6 of a solar system).
                                La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                                L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.

