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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Originally posted by marilynrose View Post
    That would be very nice to see Tom, apart from Blackluster, I've yet to see many of you working together for a good outcome. I firmly believe that's a part of the reason this thread is being dragged out so long. After all no one man is a design team on his own
    I don't think anyone's really thought of it that way in the past, the highly individualistic tradition in the fleets has been a huge blind spot I now realize.


      Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
      I don't think anyone's really thought of it that way in the past, the highly individualistic tradition in the fleets has been a huge blind spot I now realize.
      Well traditions can be broken or at least mended Tom. I'd never get anything done in my work if I had to go it alone all the time. There are many occasions I need to call my junior to help with a rather unhelpful patient
      Without the medical corps, there would be no SG teams left

      wonderful Signature by my Daughter RogueRanger aka Melanie


        Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
        I'll take the compliment, but I wasn't the one to make the offer, credit goes to PJOZ.

        I'll see what I can figure out.

        PS. I'll go with the hazard stripes too, there's no real reason not to, since camouflage doesn't work in space. Paint schemes take me back... Crap! I've lost all my fleet files when I installed a new OS! Does anyone now if it's possible to get them back?
        Thanks Tom I'd be very grateful. and there is a recovery software you can download, I'm not sure of the name of it but a google search will turn it up

        Originally posted by marilynrose View Post
        That would be very nice to see Tom, apart from Blackluster, I've yet to see many of you working together for a good outcome. I firmly believe that's a part of the reason this thread is being dragged out so long. After all no one man is a design team on his own
        I agree with you Maz. It's been a sad part of many threads like this on GW

        Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
        I don't think anyone's really thought of it that way in the past, the highly individualistic tradition in the fleets has been a huge blind spot I now realize.
        *uses x-ray vision*
        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


          Tep and PJ very nice work and that Cruiser looks the goods imo, very basic but it looks as if we could build it now, so I'm not even going to bother entering mine. Tom go for it, work with PJ I think you both would come up with something totally knockout imo.

          Marilyn ma'am, I've said it so many times, we should be working together on this thread, it doesn't make any sense not to.

          Thanks to Commander PJOZ for the siggy


            still an opponent of neural interface....

            this is what i consider a gunship:

            the closest craft in SG in terms of gunship roles, is the Tel'tak. a small FTL ship, capable of deploying lots of missiles, suppressing fire, assist SG teams and be more like helicopters. also capable of deploying troops. around 15-20 meters long

            the cruiser... well i can't think of any related craft, but a small prometheus-esque craft. approx 150-200 meters in lenght

            the BC (battlecruiser) has guns and fighter bay and well, is a multipurpose craft. similar to the deadalus.

            the BB shouldn't have any fighter bays because they serve no purpose when you're beating the crap out of an enemy


              I think some kind of carrier role should be voted on, not just because ive wrote one but there is a gap between BC and BB which doesnt allow us to field fighters in an effective combat role..BC's cant carry large numbers, and BB's shouldnt have them. That leaves our fighters with very few opportunities for combat and reduces their relevance to the fleets substantially. If we are going to develop new and advanced fighters, we should also develop the means to deploy them effectively and that requires a carrier class.
              You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
              Stargate : Genesis |
              Original Starship DesignThread
              Sanctuary for all |
              11000! green me


                Ok, I have been away from this thread a while, it is going too fast and deep into the physics thing, and I generally lost interest afterwards, but I'd like to try again.

                Then A question, what is the latest cost list? and a ship of about 100m would classify as what type of ship? I always classed my design as an attack cruiser or a Torpedojager/torpedo-boat destroyer.

                Her dimensions are:
                68,64m wide
                100,15m long
                17,27m high

                her armaments are:
                5x double barrel 240mm plasma guns (Goa'uld Staff cannon based)(pulse)(4 backward, 1 forward)(slight elevation, limited arc)
                5x double barrel 480mm plasma guns (Goa'uld Staff cannon based)(pulse)(forward only)(slight elevation, limited arc)
                4x triple barrel 540mm plasma guns (Goa'uld Staff cannon based)(pulse)(forward only)(slight elevation, limited arc)
                2x 1169,20mm plasma guns (AG-3 satellite based)(beam)(forward only)(slight elevation, limited arc)
                4x missile bays (8 missiles loaded, nuclear warheads (no reloads))

                low-powered shields (equal to Alkesh)
                Alkesh cloaking devise
                7cm thick Trinium/Titanium alloyed hull
                radar absorbent paint

                fighter compliment:

                high velocity sub-lights (Hibredean ion-drive based)
                Alkesh speed Hyperdive

                Medical bay:
                small, REALLY short-term only

                Power generation:
                ship cramped with as much naquadah generators as fit inside
                backup generators for shields, life-support, engines, guns

                ring system
                Asgard beaming system
                Al'kesh based sensors
                advanced Earth based RADAR/SONAR

                Tactical information:
                Predator, designed to come in fire a full volley retreat, repeat.
                Usually hunts in packs of three+.
                Really bad firing arc, mostly forward with slight elevations and only minor backwards.
                Atmospheric combat abilities (atmospheric/submarine landings common tactic)
                Rear shields minimal strength, forwards shields high strength
                Heavilly automated, minimal in flight reparations.

                Tau'ri Military (inclu. Colonial Militias)
                Terran commerce authority
                Trust (captured only)
                possibly allies
                Last edited by locutes; 13 July 2010, 03:20 AM.


                Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                  If you go back to the science and tech homepage and look up the 4.0 thread, click on the paperclip to bring up the attachments there are a load of documents that outline costings for different parts etc, its what i have been using and its easy to follow I would say that is a destroyer personally but most likely as gunship.
                  You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                  Stargate : Genesis |
                  Original Starship DesignThread
                  Sanctuary for all |
                  11000! green me


                    I am going to need a little help understanding it all...


                    Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                      my ship is not too über is it?

                      I made a crude firing arc

                      The redder the more firepower at that point
                      Last edited by locutes; 13 July 2010, 03:30 PM.


                      Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                        Well if we are doing gunships next here's my entry:


                        Deimos class-Gunship– G-200 - $5 billion
                        -Designation: G-200
                        -Type: Small attack ship
                        -Role: Gunship
                        -Users: Earth and its Colonies
                        -Builders: Tauri

                        -Length: 40 metres
                        -Width: 30 metres
                        -Height: 10 metres
                        -Volume: 12,000 m3
                        - Material: Naquadah/Trinium
                        - Hull cost: $60,000,000
                        -Skeleton Material: Trinium Weave
                        - Skeleton cost: $30,000,000
                        -Mass: 1,700 tonnes

                        ~Crew: 4
                        ~Maximum Capacity: 20

                        -Powerplant: 1x Mk I medium sized Naquadah generator - $100 million

                        ~ 2x medium ion engines - $50 million
                        ~4x scramjets - $20 million
                        ~1x prototype naquadah enhanced chemical rocket engine - $25 million
                        ~1x small gaould based hyperspace window generator - $250 million

                        ~ 1x Advanced Al’kesh shield - $1.5 billion

                        ~2x Mk I gatling guns + ammunition - $9.5 million
                        ~ 8x Naquadah enhanced AIM-120D missiles - $2.8 million
                        ~ 4x Mk I naquadah enhanced nuclear missiles - $50 million
                        ~ 2x Mk II naquadah enhanced nuclear missiles - $28 million

                        -Additional Technology:
                        ~ Advanced Targeting Systems - $100 million
                        ~Drone technology - $250 million
                        ~ Laser guidance system - $15 million
                        ~CON system - $15 million
                        ~ Rings - $500 million
                        ~ Inertial Dampeners - $15 million
                        ~Stealth Technology - $10 million
                        ~ Sensor Jamming Technology - $10 million
                        ~Al’kesh cloaking device - $500 million

                        Total cost: $3.5 billion

                        ~Technical and Historical Notes~
                        With the emergence of the new Tauri empire in the Milky Way, the leaders looked at the ships that the Gaould used as scouts and atmospheric defence craft. This was of course the Al’kesh. So based on the information that SG1 had gained over the years for this craft, the Tauri built their own version of the Al’kesh. The result was the Deimos class gunship. The Deimos comes with the most advanced sensors and electronic warfare technology that the Tauri have available to them and a cloaking device that has been taken from an Al’kesh. This means that it can scout enemy fleets without being detected. However, the Deimos does have some firepower to defend itself in such instances that it is detected. The Deimos has an Al’kesh shield that the Tauri reverse engineered and improved its power output. The result when combined with a medium sized naquadah reactor is shield strength of 50 Megatons over a 15 minute battle; this corresponds to a power output of 55,555 kilotons per second. This generator is a prototype and has a standard power output of 250,000 kilotons per second. The shield generator is about 70% efficient, so this means that 80,000 kilotons per second of power is required to output the shield strength mentioned above. This leaves around 67% of the generator to power the other systems. Although it is possible to add more power to the shield, the shield works at its peak efficiency. In fact, the shield was tested at 70,000 kilotons per second and the shield required 140,000 kilotons per second of power, an efficiency of 50%. This is effectively the highest the Deimos can go without affecting its main systems. The generator has the dimensions: 5m x 10m x 4m and so is considerably bigger than the standard handheld generators. The reason for this generator was because the smaller ones did not provide enough power to warrant using a shield and would not be able to power the systems that the Tauri wanted on board the gunship. This is also the first ship to test bed a new type of technology based on Caius’s phantom vessel generator. These are called drones (not to be confused with the Ancient’s drone weapons). Once launched, they can misguide enemy sensors to think they are the Deimos and so the enemy will fire upon these while the Deimos can escape or defeat its enemy if it is possible. For propulsion, the Deimos uses advanced VASIMR/hebridian hybrid ion drives as are common throughout the Tauri fleet. This mode of propulsion can accelerate the Deimos to 0.5c in 17 seconds and a top sublight speed of 0.7c without the booster and 0.75c with the booster. The craft uses scramjets for atmospheric purposes only and for this reason the scramjets are retractable.

                        Energy quota:

                        Defence in a 15 minute battle:
                        Shield: 50MT
                        Hull: 10MT
                        Skeleton: 2MT

                        Missiles: 361.6MT
                        Railguns: 5.57kT

                        Total number by 2025: 250


                          Could someone please help me a bit in integrating the costs into my submission?

                          Besides, when will we start writing actual stories? I mean it has been quite a while since we started this all... I would like to get started...


                          Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                            Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                            If you go back to the science and tech homepage and look up the 4.0 thread, click on the paperclip to bring up the attachments there are a load of documents that outline costings for different parts etc, its what i have been using and its easy to follow I would say that is a destroyer personally but most likely as gunship.
                            how do you mean a destroyer as gunship? Since gunship is a synonym for gunboat and gunboats are a class of ship meant to have allot of guns as to bombard coastal targets instead of being designed for naval combat. So as to translate that into space, A gunboat should be used to attack planets and or their defences instead of ship to ship combat?


                            Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                              IMO gunships are the airforce varient, not the naval one. and yes they're most likely used to attack and storm planets, get out SG teams out of trouble, support them, blow up ground bases ETC ETC ETC. if there is space for soldiers, it can act as a dropship too.

                              a 40m gunship is a bit big IMO


                                Well the Al'kesh acts as a gunship/scout/dropship doesn't it and that's around 50 metres in length.

