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Favorite SG1 Quotes

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    Lost city pt 1
    O'NEILL: You are so wrong. It's a perfect analogy. Burns as Goa'uld.
    TEAL'C: They are merely animated characters O'Neill.
    O'NEILL: You are so shallow.
    JACKSON: Oh Please! Teal'C's like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. Come on! Tell em how deep you are. You'll be lucky if you understand this.
    TEAL'C:My depth is immaterial to this conversation.
    JACKSON: Oh!! See?
    O'NEILL: No more beer for you.
    CARTER:I'm sorry sir, but I have to agree. I don't see the connection.
    O'NEILL: Alright that does it. You know the entire VHS collection was going to one of you. It's going to Siler. He gets it. (Knock on door) Thank God. Pizza. (Gets up to answer door, it's Hammond) Well you're not the usual delivery boy.

    Reckoning Pt2
    O'NEILL: Use two of those things.
    REYNOLDS: Sir?
    O'NEILL: It's a (he makes air quotes) "blast door"!

    O'NEILL: Siler?
    SILER: Thank you, sir.
    O'NEILL: I expect to be put in your will.
    SILER: Already in it, sir.
    O'NEILL: Okay, that's ... weird.
    Why are there six pedals and only four directions?
    -Michael J. Caboose

    Sergeant, make it spin.
    Walter - Spin? Si-sir, it doesn't spin.
    What? It has to spin, it's round! Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I-I'm the general, I want it to spin. Now!


      O'Neill: Oh, c'mon, Samuels. Let me be the cynic around here, okay?


        Bra'tak: "Human, put this on."

        Jack: "Will you please stop calling me "Human"?"

        (The Serpent's Lair)

        Facebook post about Alexis Cruz and the Audiobook he's done. If you're a fan of Alexis and his work - you'll love it. Book 1 and 2 are there now. The second one is brilliant, but I can't vouch for the first one (not having heard it), but I'm sure it's just as good, if not better.

        "I'm not gonna eat it - that's disgusting... I'm gonna wear it as a worm-stache." - Misha Collins (Supernatural Season 6 Gag Reel)
        "Becker, it leads to the Victorian Era. What do you think is going to come through, an Oliver-Twist-Asaurus?" - Connor - Primeval.

        Alexis Cruz - Facebook. (insert Klorel/Skaara icon here...) and ThunkThread ~ The Unprofessionals page for updates. ~
        a game for Teal'c fans ~ Skaara/Klorel disscussion ~ Character Connection Game ~ "Beyond Redemption"...


          Jack: When we get through this, remind to harm Daniel severely.


            Point of No Return

            Martin: A top secret government program involving instantaneous travel to other solar systems by means of a device known as a Stargate.
            Jack: Sounds like a good idea for a TV show. If you're into that sort of thing.


              Originally posted by Fan-e-Gate View Post
              Point of No Return

              Martin: A top secret government program involving instantaneous travel to other solar systems by means of a device known as a Stargate.
              Jack: Sounds like a good idea for a TV show. If you're into that sort of thing.
              lol Always makes me laugh. Makes me wonder how many references to the original movie and jokes about it being a tv show are in the series.

              (The First Ones)

              Daniel: "Eat, nan is eat, of course!…No, you know, if I am the main course, I'd rather you fill up on the appetisers."
              Unas/Chaka: (gives Daniel the symiote head) "Nan!"
              Daniel: (Throws the head away)"So no…err ka!"
              (Unas/Chaka and Daniel repeat this a few times until Daniel starts laughing. Unas/Chaka laughs too)
              Daniel: "Right err…yes, toss the symbiote head! That's very, very popular, very interesting. Yes, all the kids are doing this."

              (Daniel pulls out a chocolate bar)
              Daniel: "Nan."
              Unas/Chaka: "Ka."
              Daniel: "Now don't say ka until you've tried it!"

              Facebook post about Alexis Cruz and the Audiobook he's done. If you're a fan of Alexis and his work - you'll love it. Book 1 and 2 are there now. The second one is brilliant, but I can't vouch for the first one (not having heard it), but I'm sure it's just as good, if not better.

              "I'm not gonna eat it - that's disgusting... I'm gonna wear it as a worm-stache." - Misha Collins (Supernatural Season 6 Gag Reel)
              "Becker, it leads to the Victorian Era. What do you think is going to come through, an Oliver-Twist-Asaurus?" - Connor - Primeval.

              Alexis Cruz - Facebook. (insert Klorel/Skaara icon here...) and ThunkThread ~ The Unprofessionals page for updates. ~
              a game for Teal'c fans ~ Skaara/Klorel disscussion ~ Character Connection Game ~ "Beyond Redemption"...


                Teal'c: You received permission for me to fire my staff weapon in the gate room?

                Carter: Oh yeah.

                Jackson: Absolutely.



                  Anise: You may call me Anise.
                  Daniel: Anise?
                  Anise: It means noble strength.
                  Daniel: I'm Daniel. It means God is my judge.
                  Jack: I'm Jack. It means..... What's in the box?


                  Daniel: Did you just read that?
                  Jack: I guess. Don't suppose there is another book around that explains this book.
                  Daniel: What reason did Hobbes (?!) give for the fall of the civilization?
                  Jack: Failing agricultural infrastructure.
                  Daniel: Jack, it's unbelievable!
                  Jack: Hey, it's just theory.


                  General Hammond: I thought these devices were made to enhance them physically, not make them stupid.


                    Carter: Are you crazy? It's a paradise.

                    Jackson: Yeah, sure, have an apple. What could happen?


                      The Serpent's Venom

                      ad feedback
                      Jacob: Obviously I'll need Dr. Jackson, and there may be some complicated mathematical calculations to be done, so Sam would be a big help, too.
                      [Jack clears his throat]
                      Jacob: Of course, Colonel O'Neill is always lots of fun to have around.


                      [Daniel has a couple of large backpacks]
                      Jack: Sure you got everything?
                      Daniel: You wanna try and reprogram that mine without the proper translation?
                      Jack: Thought of a laptop?
                      Daniel: Oh, I have one. I just couldn't find Beck's Ancient Phoenician Symbology on CD at


                        (Window Of Op)

                        Jack: "You know the worst part about this? Every time we loop Daniel asks me a question and…I wasn't listening the first time."

                        Facebook post about Alexis Cruz and the Audiobook he's done. If you're a fan of Alexis and his work - you'll love it. Book 1 and 2 are there now. The second one is brilliant, but I can't vouch for the first one (not having heard it), but I'm sure it's just as good, if not better.

                        "I'm not gonna eat it - that's disgusting... I'm gonna wear it as a worm-stache." - Misha Collins (Supernatural Season 6 Gag Reel)
                        "Becker, it leads to the Victorian Era. What do you think is going to come through, an Oliver-Twist-Asaurus?" - Connor - Primeval.

                        Alexis Cruz - Facebook. (insert Klorel/Skaara icon here...) and ThunkThread ~ The Unprofessionals page for updates. ~
                        a game for Teal'c fans ~ Skaara/Klorel disscussion ~ Character Connection Game ~ "Beyond Redemption"...


                          O'Neill: I thought you said it was Greek.

                          Jackson: Oh, um, Mycenae was an ancient city in the southern Peloponnesus region.

                          O'Neill: Where's that?

                          Jackson: Greece.

                          O'Neill: Why do I do that?



                            Jack: Let me tell ya somthin', Carter. You wanna erase your mistakes, that's your business. My conscience is clear. I warned everybody. I threw up the red flag and everybody, including you, shut me down.
                            Sam: I'm asking you to put that behind us.
                            Jack: You're not happy with the way things turned out, I'm sorry to hear that. Personally, I like things the way they are. No more savin' the world, just a nice pond with no pesky fish in it. And the single most pressing issue in my life is whether or not to get a dog.


                              From "The Serpent's Lair" when SG1 is in the holding cell on Apophis' ship and have just regained their sight (and after Sam bit Jack's hand):

                              JACK: Now that's what I wanna hear. Carter, if someone comes in here, you bite them in the hand.


                                (Teal'c is sick)

                                Ally: "Don't sweat it..."
                                Teal'c: "I can not prevent it."

                                Facebook post about Alexis Cruz and the Audiobook he's done. If you're a fan of Alexis and his work - you'll love it. Book 1 and 2 are there now. The second one is brilliant, but I can't vouch for the first one (not having heard it), but I'm sure it's just as good, if not better.

                                "I'm not gonna eat it - that's disgusting... I'm gonna wear it as a worm-stache." - Misha Collins (Supernatural Season 6 Gag Reel)
                                "Becker, it leads to the Victorian Era. What do you think is going to come through, an Oliver-Twist-Asaurus?" - Connor - Primeval.

                                Alexis Cruz - Facebook. (insert Klorel/Skaara icon here...) and ThunkThread ~ The Unprofessionals page for updates. ~
                                a game for Teal'c fans ~ Skaara/Klorel disscussion ~ Character Connection Game ~ "Beyond Redemption"...

