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Alternate Universe Virtual Fleet

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    Originally posted by thekillman View Post
    well i wouldnt want superhumans swarming all over, but several specialized groups.
    Well then that's rather pointless form a story perspective. Where's the social tension there?


      well i mean, you wouldnt just outright make masses of supersoldiers. but i think the time of the human professional soldier WOULD be running out in RL. once the damn moral barrier is down, genetic engineering will be used to make soldiers literally bred for war. the galaran memory device, carbon nanites for repair, advanced conduitry, wraith biopolymer replacing bones, genetic immune system, genetic memory, ETC, in stargate this will all contribute to a new class of supersoldiers. or better said: genetic machines. in the first decade, its going to be supercommandos fit for special tasks, to test out their battlefield value. then, more and more regular humanity will be replaced by superhumanity, or human warmachines fit for war. only for many decades later, they will be numerous enough to make their own class.


        Originally posted by thekillman View Post
        well i mean, you wouldnt just outright make masses of supersoldiers. but i think the time of the human professional soldier WOULD be running out in RL. once the damn moral barrier is down, genetic engineering will be used to make soldiers literally bred for war. the galaran memory device, carbon nanites for repair, advanced conduitry, wraith biopolymer replacing bones, genetic immune system, genetic memory, ETC, in stargate this will all contribute to a new class of supersoldiers. or better said: genetic machines. in the first decade, its going to be supercommandos fit for special tasks, to test out their battlefield value. then, more and more regular humanity will be replaced by superhumanity, or human warmachines fit for war. only for many decades later, they will be numerous enough to make their own class.
        Except it won't go that way. It's simpler to just make robot bodies like the Altairan Golden Army.

        So that's out the window. Not only that, but genetic engineering is useless compared to the nanite technology. It's ismpler to make, repair, and it has no moral baggage.

        Hence, why it own't work that way. If on the oherr hand, a portion of the population sudenly gains superhuman powers- not necesarily very powerfull, some powerfull ones, other mediumpowerful one, some that can simply run faster or hear better, or nap veryeasily. most in fact, would have relatively minor powers i imagine.


          So that's out the window. Not only that, but genetic engineering is useless compared to the nanite technology. It's ismpler to make, repair, and it has no moral baggage.
          the moral baggage is MASSIVE for replicators. the dangers even more massive.


            Originally posted by thekillman View Post
            the moral baggage is MASSIVE for replicators. the dangers even more massive.
            Were not using replicators! These are educated peoplewho realise the diference between taking the code from a hostile alien civilisation and slaping it onto one of the most advanced technologies available and writing your own code for simple neual control by the host.

            Gentic engineering on the other hand opens up the whole playing god question.


              You know tom what about if we have something like on Andromeda. Get some scientist that wants to make the perfect human. Removes genes for diseases, increases strength, vision etc. And they feel superior to normal humans but they dont have supernatural powers and can still be defeated by normal humans.


                Originally posted by Smallz View Post
                You know tom what about if we have something like on Andromeda. Get some scientist that wants to make the perfect human. Removes genes for diseases, increases strength, vision etc. And they feel superior to normal humans but they dont have supernatural powers and can still be defeated by normal humans.
                That's no different from a Supersoldier.


                  Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
                  That's no different from a Supersoldier.
                  And so yourt point is. They will be genetically enhanced which will make them different and will give you your story.


                    Originally posted by Smallz View Post
                    And so yourt point is. They will be genetically enhanced which will make them different and will give you your story.
                    But their not really superhuman. Nothing distinguishes them from regular people since everyone can be just as powerful. Anyays, the point isn't to defeat them. It's to jump spart character development. It can't all be about battles and **** blowing up.


                      But you can have a plot with one side wanting genetic enhancements and thinking they are superior to all and another that doesnt.


                        Originally posted by Smallz View Post
                        But you can have a plot with one side wanting genetic enhancements and thinking they are superior to all and another that doesnt.
                        What? The "evil human supremacists who want everyone to do thing their wway or the highway"- please, how muh more cliche can you get.


                          Well I dont want a bunch of telepathic superhuman cant die type of people running around.


                            Originally posted by Smallz View Post
                            Well I dont want a bunch of telepathic superhuman cant die type of people running around.
                            Their obviously not gonna be uber.

                            HAHAHA-HA haha! See! See? SEEE? Social intolerance! See the kind of coll sotio-political storylines we can have?


                              guys i most say i´m not really into the superhuman idea if there whould be mine whould be

                              maybe bigger and stronger(better in combat)
                              bigger brain (can take more knowleadge)

                              but i really dont want some uper prior army


                                Originally posted by ha´tak View Post
                                guys i most say i´m not really into the superhuman idea if there whould be mine whould be

                                maybe bigger and stronger(better in combat)
                                bigger brain (can take more knowleadge)

                                but i really dont want some uper prior army
                                I'm not proposing anythng like that. Not even close. These people would have a whle slew of powers, each diferent from the next, each powerful to diferent degrees. Like somebody beaing able to teleport things, but only about the size of a coin, or somebody who can store oxugen in their muscles (like some whales do on earth) so they can hold their breaths for long periods of time.

                                Some would have high order telekinetic powers, but there owun't be that many of these trully powrful people, and their powers would be lmited to certain things.

