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Alternate Universe Virtual Fleet

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    Originally posted by dboy-2007 View Post
    asgard no hebridans no tokra dont know yet genii yes
    Perhaps Puff


      well on engines mostly i have no idea lol.

      Continuing Stargate Virtual Fleet Link Below


        Also what about technology, if earth is gone then the vast majority of our intellectual and practical resources our out of the window, most likely everything from areas 51 and all the stuff from SGC would be gone too. So how are the designs for ships going to have Asgard or goauld tech, they will have to be retroengineered again most likely right?
        You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
        Stargate : Genesis |
        Original Starship DesignThread
        Sanctuary for all |
        11000! green me


          all in the history lol

          Continuing Stargate Virtual Fleet Link Below


            so mcoy when am i getting to read this story

            Continuing Stargate Virtual Fleet Link Below



              Well immhotep I dont know how much you read through but mcoy and me were talking about the wraith and had the idea that todd would get zpms or something to power up his cloning facility but instead would find michael and team up with him offering him the cloning facility but keeping some stuff to his self for leverage. Both hate each other but plan to use each other and eventually betray each other. Michael supplies ground troops todd supplies a fleet. Dboy never commented on it and its several pages back. This post is very rough on the idea because I need to leave and cant go into detail but what do you think?


                i could never see todd and micheall working together

                Continuing Stargate Virtual Fleet Link Below



                  Hold on, I'm working on it (the battle). Let me reply to tep first:

                  My plan is for the Asuran War to go on for a year or so, then we figure out how to make a PWARW. Todd convinces the Wraith under his command to help us get there, stay alive, charge it, and fire it. We manage to retrieve some Aurora's and ZPMs, and then suddenly a massive Wraith fleet shows up. Todd's betrayed us and called in other Hives. Our men on the ground activate Asuras' defences, and the Wraith take heavy damage. The Asuran defense systems hold long enough for our ships to escape and our men on the ground to flee through the gate, and then the Wraith just utterly slag Asuras; they raze everything.

                  Then I've already posted my ideas for the Wraith war. (read the posts between Smallz and me to see why Todd is 'working with' Michael)

                  Our engines are Daedalus-type plasma engines. (magneto-plasma-dynamic drives from what we see in the show)

                  Hebridan fell to the Ori like in the show.

                  The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                    Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                    Hold on, I'm working on it (the battle). Let me reply to tep first:

                    My plan is for the Asuran War to go on for a year or so, then we figure out how to make a PWARW. Todd convinces the Wraith under his command to help us get there, stay alive, charge it, and fire it. We manage to retrieve some Aurora's and ZPMs, and then suddenly a massive Wraith fleet shows up. Todd's betrayed us and called in other Hives. Our men on the ground activate Asuras' defences, and the Wraith take heavy damage. The Asuran defense systems hold long enough for our ships to escape and our men on the ground to flee through the gate, and then the Wraith just utterly slag Asuras; they raze everything.

                    Then I've already posted my ideas for the Wraith war. (read the posts between Smallz and me to see why Todd is 'working with' Michael)

                    Our engines are Daedalus-type plasma engines. (magneto-plasma-dynamic drives from what we see in the show)

                    Hebridan fell to the Ori like in the show.
                    Hmm I feel like a bit of an idoit agreeing with everyone but thats also really good.

                    Wouldnt the wraith go in and scavenge some tech such a shields etc (the wraith need shield in my opnion)
                    Perhaps Puff


                      My Asuran War idea (how it begins):

                      Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                      My idea is this; the Asuran war starts because the Asurans are attacking humans to try to wipe out the Wraith food supply (like in the show). When they attack the Genii, Ladan calls us and asks for our help. When we fight off the Asuran fleet attacking the Genii, the Asurans begin attacking us in retribution. (I'm writing this battle now)
                      My Wraith War idea (how it begins):

                      Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                      Todd betrays the humans after the Asurans are destroyed, [like what I just posted. what I just posted has more detail.] takes some ZPMs [he does this discretely just before the Wraith betray the humans], kills the queens [of the hives at the battle; he does this after Asuras is slagged]...and then presents the offer of the fleet and cloning facility to Michael to get on his good side. (he doesn't give it to Michael until after he gets assurances that he'll live; he's not he keeps some things from Michael so that he's still needed alive)

                      Michael uses the cloning facility to make hybrids for a ground army (as well as human clones for Todd's Wraith soldiers), while Todd works his way into being in charge of the Fleet. Michael's hybrid army and Todd's primarily Wraith fleet are the enemies in the Wraith War. (Todd doesn't like hybrids; Michael is amused by this, but allows the fleet to remain mostly pure-blood Wraith)
                      These were the relevant posts. (well, the final ones anyway; Smallz and I discussed it in between)
                      Last edited by Lt. Col. Mcoy; 22 April 2008, 02:22 PM.

                      The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                        nahh i like teps version better, i just cant see todd and michaell working together.

                        Continuing Stargate Virtual Fleet Link Below



                          Well, originally I just had it as Todd. He betrays us, drugs the queens and hooks them up to the cloning facility, and then declares himself commander of all wraith. He 'purges' Michael and his hybrids, and uses the cloning facility to breed Wraith and humans for them to feed on. Do you like that better?

                          The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                            Here's the first part of my battle:

                            The Asuran War

                            December 16, 2011
                            And So It Begins; The Battle of Genia



                            The Genii. A race of humans who are at forever at war with the Wraith and value secrecy above all morals, they are considered by some to be treacherous and untrustworthy, and perhaps they have earned this reputation. Still, despite betrayal by their former leader, and even an assault from their greatest commander, the Tau'ri consider them allies. Their new Commander in Chief, Ladon Radim, has showed that he is at least trustworthy as long as it costs the Genii less than they gain, and is considered a friend by some in the Tau'ri military. The Tau'ri have even constructed a shipyard on Genia as a symbol of their trust.

                            The Asurans. A race of semi-sentient AIs inhabiting humanoid nanite bodies. Created by the Lantians as a weapon, and then betrayed by their creators when they realized they were becoming capable of reason, and would never fully serve their purpose. They survived...barely. For years they hid on the planet they had been created on, called Asuras, but when their numbers grew too large, their attack code, hidden deep in their programming, activated. They attacked the Wraith for several years, until the Wraith managed to deactivate the code remotely. Freed from their need to fight, they withdrew to Asuras. There, their anger against their creators and their 'favored siblings', the humans, festered, growing into a full-blown hatred. When the Tau'ri contacted them, they became aware that humans had taken on the mantle of their creators, reclaiming the lost city of Atlantis that had been their capital. In cold, mechanistic rage, they sought to destroy the Tau'ri and all memory of Atlantis, but they were beaten back. In the process, the Tau'ri managed to reactivate the attack code that had lain dormant for so long.

                            Forced to again resume their war with the Wraith, the Asurans fought for months, their programming overriding their hatred of the humans, until they found an outlet for it not contrary to their programming. The Wraith fed on humans...they needed humans. Wipe out the humans...and you destroy the Wraith. The Asurans began coldly exterminating humans and Wraith alike in a bloody purge. One Wraith, a commander called 'Todd' by the Tau'ri, left his own kind and allied with the humans. He and the Tau'ri scientists tried to find a way to destroy the Asurans, but with no success. The ARW weapons, used by the Tau'ri to fight the Asurans on the ground, were difficult to replicate on a larger scale...and no other means of fighting them could be found.

                            So the Asuran purge continues across the galaxy; an unstoppable swath of destroyed worlds.

                            And the Genii are next.

                            The Message


                            General O'Neill was settling down for a nice nap in his quarters on Atlantis when a klaxon sounded over the intercom. "All senior officers to the gate room," Chuck's voice came over the speaker, "Repeat, all senior officers..."

                            Mumbling something about the unfairness of it all, O'Neill rolled off his cot and straightened his uniform; he'd gotten used to sleeping in his clothes a long time ago. He ran to the transporter, brushing past techs and soldiers going about their daily business. When he got to the transporter, he keyed the command tower and waited as the machine transported him nearly halfway across the city.

                            He walked into the room to find Colonels Sheppard, Caldwell, and Lorne waiting for him with Doctor McKay and Chuck. "Sir," Chuck said, "We're receiving a message through the gate." He nodded at the active wormhole. "It's the Genii."

                            "Put it on speaker." O'Neill said.

                            A familiar voice came over the speakers. "This is Ladon Radim of the Genii, Atlantis base, please respond. We are under attack from the Asurans. We're holding them off, but we can't last long. Please help. Again, this is Ladon Radim..."

                            O'Neill touched the 'talk' button on the city's transmitter. "This is General Jack O'Neill of Atlantis base, we read you. Be advised, help is on the way." He cut the transmission, and motioned to Colonel Sheppard. "How many ground teams can you get ready with AR weaponry in five minutes?"

                            "We should be able to get at least six teams through, sir," Sheppard replied, "Maybe more."

                            O'Neill reactivated the transmitter. "Genii Stargate Command, we should be able to get six teams through the gate in five minutes. I'll have more ships on the way, but you'll have to hold them off long enough for us to get there."

                            "Understood," Ladon's voice came back over the comm. "We are ready to receive your teams as soon as possible." The Stargate shut off.

                            O'Neill turned to Lorne and Caldwell as Sheppard ran off. "I want the Daedalus and Phoenix on route to Genia immediately with a full task force. The Serpent, Roosevelt, and Jacob Carter are in orbit now, along with the Washington, Theseus, Yosemite, and Endurance. I'll contact their captains and give them their orders."

                            "Yes, sir," the colonels said in unison as they touched their auto-transport transmitters. A flash of light enveloped them as the Asgard beaming stations on their respective ships received the signal and transported each immediately to the bridge of his ship.

                            O'Neill had finished contacting the three 315s and four 311s by the time Colonel Sheppard ran into the gateroom, followed by SG teams 1, 3, 8, 15, and 12.

                            "General," Sheppard yelled up at the control room, "We're ready to move out."

                            O'Neill nodded at Chuck, and he began dialing Genia. The stargate activated, and as soon as the unstable activation vortex subsided, Sheppard ran through, followed closely by the SG teams.

                            "Godspeed," O'Neill said softly as the gate closed down.

                            Genia: Genii Underground Complex


                            Colonel Sheppard and the SG teams stepped through the gate into one of the Genii underground complexes. After the Tau'ri had constructed their shipyard on Genia, the Genii had moved their Stargate underground. Sounds of explosions could be heard in the upper levels, and a Genii officer was motioning to them. "This way," he said, "Follow me. You're needed on sublevel five."

                            The teams ran through endless grey hallways on their way towards the battle. As they ran, they passed genii soldiers at checkpoints and other Genii hurrying to different parts of the complex. On the way, their guide filled them in.

                            "The Asurans arrived without any warning. They took out one of our Destroyers, and engaged your two frigates immediately. Your smaller corvettes helped the frigates along with our destroyers, but after a few minutes they were forced to jump away before they were destroyed. Our destroyers retreated to the other side of the planet, and the Asurans attacked us from orbit. They ruined the upper levels of our facilities, but the lower levels, where the Genii population and your shipyards are, are still mostly intact. The Asurans have landed ground troops now to finish exterminating us."

                            They reached level sublevel five, and their guide led them through several more corridors. Suddenly, as they turned a corner, the guide screamed out in anguish as a hole six inches in diameter burned through his chest. He fell to the floor, dead.

                            "Take cover!" Sheppard yelled, diving back around the corner as blue bolts sizzled past his head, making pits in the cement wall he'd been about to walk in front of. He glanced around the corner, and quickly pulled his head back as four more blasts flashed down the corridor. He motioned to a marine, making the hand signal for a grenade. The marine nodded and handed him an ARW grenade. A pulse-grenade capable of being tuned to a replicator-block disruption wave frequency, it was modified from a regular ARG rifle, but designed to emit a spherical pulse instead of a uni-directional wave. He dialed the frequency modulator, activated it, and tossed it around the corner. There was a blue flash, and a sound like falling sand could be heard. He glanced around the corner, and saw seven piles of metallic dust on the corridor floor. He motioned for the marines to take point, and then followed them down the corridor.


                            Several minutes later, the teams had worked their way up to sublevel three. They had split up into groups, systematically destroying all the replicators they found by using a modified life-signs detector. They had also met up with several Genii teams who carried borrowed ARGs on the way up, and had teamed up with them on occasion. So far, most of the facility seemed relatively intact, but on sublevel three they suddenly began to see many more signs of damage. The orbital drone bombardment had clearly devastated the upper levels. Sheppard and his team had just come to an intersection in the corridor they were walking through when his radio crackled.

                            "This is Colonel Lorne of the Earth Starship Phoenix, may we be of assistance?"

                            "Lorne!" Sheppard exclaimed, hitting the talk switch on his radio, "Finally! Where's Daedalus and the rest of your group?"

                            "Daedalus and the other ships are currently engaging the Asuran Warships in orbit above the planet," Lorne replied. "The Phoenix has been assigned several teams of marines, and we're beaming them into the complex as we speak. We should have these ground troops mopped up in no time. We're about to fire several KNq missiles into the Asuran Destroyer that's sending them out, so that should put a stop to their reinforcements."

                            "Thank you, Colonel," Sheppard said. "Let's wipe out these buggers. Sheppard out."

                            The SG teams and marines quickly cleared out the upper levels, and with the drop ship neutralized, the Asurans had no reinforcements coming. Now it was just up to Colonel Caldwell's task force to take care of the rest of the Asuran Warships in orbit.

                            The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                              Ok so here is some specs that I put together for killmans model.

                              Dakara Class Dreadnaught

                              704m long
                              674m wide
                              97m high

                              2x Goauld Powercores

                              12x mkIII Plasma Cannons
                              5x Standard Hatak Cannons
                              12x mkI Plasma Cannons

                              Enhanced Anubis Shields (35% more powerful than standard Anubis Shields)

                              60% Steel, 30% Naquadah, 10% Carbon

                              12x Standard Goauld Drives
                              Asgard Intergalatic Hyperdrive

                              When the Jaffa arrived in the pegasus galaxy it was apparent that the Hatak could not stand up to the Wraith Hive Ships or the Asuran Auroras. When the Jaffa's first shipyard was built they decided on a new design. Needing more advance weapons and shields the Jaffa asked for assitance from the Tauri. In exchange for a quantity of natural resources from the Jaffa's planet the Tauri supplied the Jaffa with 12 mkIII and 12 mkI cannons as well as helping them in enhancing their current shields. In August 2011 the first and only, so far, Dakara was launched. It currently takes the Jaffa 18 months to build one.
                              Last edited by Smallz; 22 April 2008, 11:04 PM.


                                Here's a redone 'Serpent':


                                The model's on the warehouse. Hope you like it.

                                The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database

