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    Originally posted by ZakeD View Post
    Yeah, I also asked for cruisers since no one was submitting destroyers. If we don't get some voting going on this thread is going to be pointless.
    I submitted my battle crusier


      Originally posted by boberth2o View Post
      I submitted my battle crusier
      I know, you submitted a carrier as well, but we need multiple submissions for the same class before we can do any voting.

      Oh, I've been watching all sorts of old sg episodes I haven't seen in years, and was wondering what kind of uses the element discovered in the episode "message in a bottle" could have. It was hundreds of times stronger than steel. Thoughts?


        Originally posted by ZakeD View Post
        I know, you submitted a carrier as well, but we need multiple submissions for the same class before we can do any voting.

        Oh, I've been watching all sorts of old sg episodes I haven't seen in years, and was wondering what kind of uses the element discovered in the episode "message in a bottle" could have. It was hundreds of times stronger than steel. Thoughts?
        Maybe trinium or a trinium alloy


          Originally posted by Daryl Froggy View Post
          If I am correct you are thinking too bomb-like. 200 megatons need not describe a massive explosion, though that is what it was made to describe, it could instead be refering to the total amount of force behind the shot.
          I understand what you're saying, but the term "megaton" is a measurement meaning the rough equivalent of 1,000,000 tons of TNT.

          Just to give you a rough idea, a 1 megaton explosion striking the ground would create a crater a 500 meters across, and create a shockwave that would level anything within 10 kilometers of ground zero. A 200 Megaton blast would be 200 times more powerful. Do you really want to suggest that each ha'tak blast is capable of creating craters that are 100 kilometers wide that generate shockwaves that destroy everything in a 1,000 kilometer radius. I certainly hope not.
          Originally posted by Daryl Froggy View Post
          Thus a plasma blast from a ha'tak would be the equivalent of a 200 megaton explosion in an area roughly the size of your body.
          Energy can't be "concentrated" in the way you describe. The energy has to go somewhere, so the explosion has to occur. It's fundamental physics.
          Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


            Originally posted by Major Tyler View Post
            Do you really want to suggest that each ha'tak blast is capable of creating craters that are 100 kilometers wide that generate shockwaves that destroy everything in a 1,000 kilometer radius..

            I think he does as do I

            Energy can't be "concentrated" in the way you describe. The energy has to go somewhere, so the explosion has to occur. It's fundamental physics.[/
            But is it Goa'uld fundamental physics? We don't know for sure
            Vote Anubis for President in 2012
            A Face you Can Trust
            So whats the worst that could happen?
            Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
            It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


              Originally posted by fugiman View Post
              I think he does as do I
              Me also.


                Here is my Destroyer Design

                Freedom Class
                (a.k.a. The Phantom)
                ~Designation: Cloaked Destroyer
                ~Type: Medium Hyperspace Ship
                ~Role: Medium Cloaked Destroyer
                ~Users: US
                ~Technology Base: Taur'i/Goa'uld/Asgard/Ancients
                Build Time: 1 Year
                -Length: 200 meters
                -Width: 60 meters
                -Height: 50 meters
                -Displacement: 103,435 Metric Tons of Earth Gravity
                ~Capacity: 100
                -Crew: 40
                ~Troops: 60
                -Maximum Capacity: 150
                1x Mk. III Series (Mk3A-Mk3C) Medium Naquadah Reactor (Main Systems, Weapons, Propulsion, Sensors, Cloak and Shields)
                2x Mk. II Series (Mk2A-Mk2G) Medium Naquadah Reactor (secondary systems and back up power)
                1x Mk. A-2 Series Naquadriah Reactor (Used when Cloaking generator is on Max cloak and more power is required)

                Asgard Hypderdrive
                2x Large Linear Ion Drives
                8x Small Linear Ion Drives
                Goa'uld Based Anti-Gravity device
                ~Hull: Advanced Composites with a Trinium Underlay
                12x 50mm Rail Guns
                4x 155mm Rail Guns
                2x 406mm Coil Guns
                8x VLS Tubes
                2x DLS Tubes
                140x SM-6 Standard missiles (in DLS Tubes)
                60x Mk. 5 - 500 MT naquada-enhanced warhead (in 4 VLS Tubes)
                40x Mk. 8 - 1,000 MT naquada-enhanced warhead (in 2 VLS Tubes)
                20x Mk. 9 - 812 GT naquadriah-enhanced warhead (in 2 VlS Tubes)
                4x NEL-9 1.5 Petawatt Free Electron Laser Cannon
                2x Puddle Jumpers
                1x Tel'Tak
                Prototype Cloak based off of Goa'uld, Asgard, Sodan, Merlin and Ancients designs
                Inert naquada armor over critical areas and covered in advanced composites
                Asgard Class 1 Shields

                ~Additional Technology: Asgard Beams, 4 Ring Transport, Asgard Sensor grid including subspace sensors, heat sensors, Sound sensors Subspace Communications, State of the Art Medical equipment

                Technical and Historical Notes:

                The US looked at different ships in there navy to model there new fleet. They saw there submarine and destroyer as a ship they would like to combinded to make as a new cloaked destroyer for there space fleet. They put out a contract to make a new cloaked destroyer. Many different companies tried to make the design that the US fleet wanted. After a few years a large company that made the upgraded designs for the daedalus agreed to make a new model for the US. The company tried to make a ship that was cost effective. So the company abandoned the idea and left it alone. Then James Freedom an entrepreneur and accountant who worked for the company found the designs and with his scientist buddy, designed a ship that was cost effective and highly effective against enemy ships. The large company sold the idea for 50 thousand dollars to the newly founded Freedom Smarts. Freedom Smarts took there design to an american scientist who worked at Area 51 and the SGC and helped design the Daedalus and Prometheus. With the designs and the brain power of the American scientist the company started making a prototype for the US. Freedom Smarts got a grant from the US and was given graduate students from Harvard and MIT. With this team they made improvments to the ship based on Asgard designs and not just the Goa'uld used on the previous versions that the orginal compan used. After two years the first prototype was made. The US loved the design of the new ship and wanted to put into production right away. Freedom Smarts made there own ship yard in Duluth Minnesota. The set up shop and began producing the new Freedom Cloaked Destroyer for the US fleet. The ship made 3.2 million dollars a ship for Freedom Smarts and the company that sold the orginal designs is regretting ever selling there design to Freedom Smarts. With Freedom Works the ship yard of Freedom Smarts able to produce five ships at a time right now but the US and other nations are planning on giving money loans at a low intrest rates to expand and make more ship yards. With the US buying more and more ships and other countries wanting to have there own cloaked destroyers, Freedom Smarts is trying to keep up with demand and are planning are making another ship yard in the Europe and Asia but only giving Goa'uld tech versions (except the cloaking generator that is what makes the ship so powerful but they do remove the ability of a heavy cloak) and expanding there ship yard in Minnesota and making a new ship yard in St.Paul Minnesota. So far the US is keeping the asgard designs from foreign countries but a Goa'uld tech version is available to other countries.

                The Freedom class first action was seen in a patrol. The patrol was around a world that America wanted to colonize after large deposits of naquada. Unfortunalty the Lucian Alliance had other ideas for the planet. They were using it as a kasa and smuggling hideout. There were three freedom class ships against One Ha'tak and four Alkeshs of the Lucain Alliance. The order was given to see what the Freedom Class could do. The Freedom Class went into Max Cloak and destroyed two of the Alkeshs before they even knew what hit them. The Lucain Alliance sent out a distress call asking for help in order to fight a "phantom" The Freedom Class de-cloaked and attacked the Ha'tak. The Ha'tak fled but the other two Alkesh's were destoyed. The crew began calling the Freedom Class the "Phantom". The name stuck and many people know the Freedom Class as the Phantom Class as well. With no casualties from the first test of the Freedom Class the crew that served on them felt more and more honored to be on such a fine ship as the Phantom.

                Since the first Freedom Class was pt into production only 10% of those have had a death of crewman in a combat sisutation. Also there has only been one loss of a freedom class in combat. The ship is considered to be one of the safest ships ever made.

                The ship is the first to be a cloaked destroyer for the US fleet. The ship is based manily Asgard tech but the scientist from Area 51 was manily a researcher on Goa'uld, Sodan, Merlin and Ancinet types of cloak. So he took these designs with the previous cloaks and made a new cloaking generator for the Freedom Class. The generator is able to have three phases of cloak. The cloak phases are Light, Medium, and Max Cloak. The light cloak is a based off of a Goa'uld cloak but can easily be found with Asgard Sensors but requires minimal power and can stay on for 24 hours before buring out. The Medium cloak that will fool an Asgard sensors but can still be found and this cloak can be on for 12 hours before buring out. The Max cloak makes it invisible to sensors of any kind but can only be kept on for about 4 hour before buring out and only US ships are allowed to have this type of cloak. When the ship does not need to be cloaked the advanced composites keep the ship invisible from any known earth detection device. The advanced composites are state of the art but still reinforced with inert naquada over key areas of the ship. The Freedom class was given weaponry that the US has at its disposal. The ship was made to have lots of firepower so most of the ship is for holding ammunition and missles. The ship was later outfitted with a four new NEL-9 1.5 Petawatt Free Electron Laser Cannon. The ship has class I shields based off of Asgard shields. The ship can be easily updated as the team forsaw new technology that could be added later.

                If anyone wants to make a model for me that would be great
                Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                A Face you Can Trust
                So whats the worst that could happen?
                Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                  I've taken all the advice I received and reworked the design as best as I could, while maintaining the integrity of the original conception.

                  ~Potemkin-class capital ship~

                  ~Type: Capital Ship; Carrier/Gunship
                  ~Designation: Potemkin-class
                  ~Users: Russian Space Service
                  ~Builder: Soyuz Fleet Systems
                  ~Technology Base: Tau'ri/Ga'ould
                  ~Naval Classification: Carrier
                  -Length: 402 m
                  -Beam: 81.2 m
                  -Height: 137.1 m
                  ~Displacement: 260,000 tons
                  -Officers: 600
                  -Enlisted: 1200
                  -Maximum: 7,600
                  -Four Mk. IV-A Naquadah Reactors
                  -Sub-Light: M-1MYC Caspian-A Hydrogen/Anti-Hydrogen Reaction Thruster
                  -FTL: M-1BBYC Baikal-A Hyperspace Window Generator
                  -Maximum Acceleration: 5.6 PSL
                  -Maximum Velocity: .31 lightyears/year
                  -Maximum Range/Endurance: 8 months/top speed
                  -Maximum Acceleration: 91.66 PSL
                  -Maximum Hyperspace Velocity: 7340 lightyears/hour
                  -Maximum Hyperspace Endurance: 252 hours/top speed
                  -Hyperspace Generator Recharge Rate: 6.4 minutes between jumps
                  ~Ship Systems:
                  -Computer: Two IBM/Intel/McDonald-Douglas Ultraviolet Multi-Planar Optoelectronic Quantum Asynchronous Parallel Processor Mainframes; Hydra Defense Networking System
                  -Life Support: Algae/Bioreactor-based waste and air recycling; Hydroponic food synthesis
                  -Sensors: Ha'tak-based astrometric array; Phased array and Synthetic aperture radar
                  -Navigation: Stargate Network Common Coordinate Alignment Datalink
                  -Communications: Quantum Tunneling Gamma Ray Pulse Transceiver
                  ~Additional Systems
                  Kawasaki Robotics Inc. industrial robots; welding, palletizing, dispensing, racking, material handling, machine tending, press tending, part transfer, assembly.
                  -18 ASASN Missile Batteries; 36 missiles (Mk. IX or XM-3 Lancelot warheads)
                  -38 SA-9 Missile Batteries; 1,900 missiles
                  -40 CP-220 Laser Cannons; redundant liquid naqahdah power supplies
                  -40 153mm Rail Guns; redundant liquid naqahdah power supplies
                  -24 305mm Coil Guns
                  -16 VYEW Energy Cannons
                  -240 Fighters (design?)
                  -Multi-node Al'kesh cloaking grid (Only inertia and maneuvering thrusters when operating)
                  -Four Class I shield generators
                  -Trinium/Graphite nanotube-composite armor
                  RFS Potemkin

                  Technical and Historical Notes

                  In the wake of the Korolev's loss on her maiden voyage, the Russian military establishment was left in total disarray and its nascent interstellar corps in shambles. The Kremlin, with few options left, dissolved the program and started from scratch.

                  Through the effort of massive reorganization, a probing government examination of Russia's military-industrial capability showed some sobering deficiencies and produced three imperatives, eventually to become known as the Troika Protocol: (1) Diversify and extend research, especially in cooperation with other competent entities; old Soviet habits of secrecy and insularity had hampered Russian scientific capability. (2) Stimulate native talent capability through economic restructuring; though this primarily meant privatization, it also meant removing the old system of patronage existent in state-owned firms. (3) Place greater emphasis on Earth-based systems; much of the Russian design effort had been focused on trying to understand alien technology. By licensing and reverse-engineering human-designed technologies, they could find serviceable solutions and achieve parity with their allies much sooner.

                  A product of this plan was a boom in the Russian technology sector and three hundred percent surge in the number of startups. Paralleling policy changes for the private sector was the creation of a government brain-trust to begin laying the groundwork for a new capital ship design, kicking off a decade's worth of research.

                  Starting with the Daedalus-class as a baseline, Russian engineers identified weaknesses in the design. Much like the Ha'tak that it had been designed to fight, it was a hybrid carrier/gunship, but lacking the ability to construct a ship of similar size, it had to settle for a smaller compliment of fighters, compensating with a landing pylon configuration for more rapid deployment of fighters, an array of heavy Earth-designed weapon systems, and advanced Asgard shields. However, this arrangement left several glaring flaws: (1) the landing pylons and deck sections were exposed; (2) it lacked significant point-defense capabilities; (3) its generalist design left it inadequate as either a carrier or gunship; (4) its Asgard shields left it with a single point of failure.

                  The first approach Russian designers took was to create a number of "pure" specialized designs that would operate in battlegroups. As time and testing progressed, they realized this resulted in a problem: No multi-role capability. Any one craft with in a battlegroup would have been too inflexible to counteract the full capability of a Ha'tak. Thus, if a key craft were knocked out, the entire battlegroup could be placed at serious risk. The solution was to place one or two multi-role craft at the center of a battlegroup in order to provide flexibility. The key to creating a strong multi-role craft was two-fold: internal volume and integration of systems. The product was the RFS Potemkin, the first in a new class of multi-role capital ships.

                  By increasing width and and height of the vessel in comparison to the Daedalus-class without drastically increasing length, it provided with slightly more than four times the internal volume of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, allowing it to carry a large compliment of fighters and troops, with heavy naval weapons and point defense systems all spread over the substantial surface area of its hull.

                  It's dimensions and design are flatly utilitarian; its deck is buried in the center of its superstructure, wrapped in a continuous uninterrupted armored hull, resembling a bullion bar with sloped sides and a bluntly tapered front section. The underbelly protrudes slightly, containing a structurally-independent takeoff deck with two exit/landing ports at either end of the vessel. The fighters are stored in stacked open-ended containers--four high, two deep, with fifteen consecutive rows--removed with elevators, lowered into automated maintenance pits, and taxied onto a center lane, to be lowered by another elevator onto the takeoff deck.

                  It utilizes several natively developed technologies: anti-matter reaction sub-light engines, a reverse-engineered hyperspace drive, coil guns, rail guns, a Trinium/Graphite nanotube-composite armor that generates a dissipating plasma when hit with direct energy weapons, and the jointly developed Russian/Chinese Hydra networking system, similar to the AEGIS in capability.

                  Errata: Nimitz-class carrier can carry approximately eighty aircraft and has enough room left over for a crew of 3200 and a compliment of missile systems. At four times the internal volume, the Potemkin is only carrying three times the craft. Further, it utilizes a more efficient storage system than a conventional carrier, inspired by automated parking garages. To quote: This is an actual 20-story car tower that takes up just 20% of the space of a conventional parking garage handling the same number of vehicles.
                  Last edited by david3565; 02 April 2007, 01:18 AM.


                    Originally posted by Major Tyler View Post
                    I understand what you're saying, but the term "megaton" is a measurement meaning the rough equivalent of 1,000,000 tons of TNT.

                    Just to give you a rough idea, a 1 megaton explosion striking the ground would create a crater a 500 meters across, and create a shockwave that would level anything within 10 kilometers of ground zero. A 200 Megaton blast would be 200 times more powerful. Do you really want to suggest that each ha'tak blast is capable of creating craters that are 100 kilometers wide that generate shockwaves that destroy everything in a 1,000 kilometer radius. I certainly hope not.Energy can't be "concentrated" in the way you describe. The energy has to go somewhere, so the explosion has to occur. It's fundamental physics.
                    It doesn't work like that a 200 megaton explosion won't make a crater 200 times larger than a megaton explosion. I think it's called the inverse square law...

                    You seem like a clever bloke you must have heard of it.
                    Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                      Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                      It doesn't work like that a 200 megaton explosion won't make a crater 200 times larger than a megaton explosion. I think it's called the inverse square law...
                      The inverse square law is applied to acoustics and gravitational/electromagnetic energy, not explosive capacity.

                      Besides, even assuming what you say here is true, the destructive power of one single megaton is still massively more powerful than we have ever seen a Ha'tak blast capable of, and you cannot dispute my data on that.
                      Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                      You seem like a clever bloke you must have heard of it.
                      Resorting to not so cleverly veiled insults, are we? That just lets me know I'm winning.
                      Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                        Originally posted by Major Tyler View Post
                        The inverse square law is applied to gravitational and electromagnetic energy, not explosive capacity.
                        I know i checked what the inverse square law was after i posted lol. But still if you think about it logically but the increase in yield isn't the same as the increase in blast radius etc...

                        Besides, even assuming what you say here is true, the destructive power of one single megaton is still massively more powerful than we have ever seen a Ha'tak blast capable of, and you cannot dispute my data on that.
                        i agree but that doesn't change the fact that the character dialogue says they are able to inflict 200 megatons of damage by interpretation arguably by shot

                        Resorting to not so cleverly veiled insults, are we? That just lets me know I'm winning.

                        damm you got me I wasn't insulting you do seem pretty inteligent. I'm not even arguing...I agree we've never seen a Ha'tak display that amount of fire power but it's been stated in the show that they are capable of that level of damage...
                        Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                          Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                          i agree but that doesn't change the fact that the character dialogue says they are able to inflict 200 megatons of damage by interpretation arguably by shot
                          I'm aware of that quote, and it is VASTLY more likely that Sam meant "total shots fired" rather than per shot. She could also have easily misspoken and meant 200 kilotons. 200 kilotons actually sounds about right given what we've seen on-screen.

                          The context of the dialogue from The Lost City also supports my interpretation. Other ships in the Nimitz battle group are reporting "blasts hitting ships and them going up in flames." If each blast was 200 megatons, it would only have taken one to annihilate the entire one would have survived the first shot to report anything!

                          By any measure, 200 megatons per shot is beyond asinine.
                          Last edited by Major Tyler; 02 April 2007, 10:51 AM.
                          Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                            Originally posted by Major Tyler View Post
                            I'm aware of that quote, and it is VASTLY more likely that Sam meant "total shots fired" rather than per shot. She could also have easily misspoken and meant 200 kilotons. 200 kilotons actually sounds about right given what we've seen on-screen.

                            The context of the dialogue from The Lost City also supports my interpretation. Other ships in the Nimitz battle group are reporting "blasts hitting ships and them going up in flames." If each blast was 200 megatons, it would only have taken one to annihilate the entire one would have survived the first shot to report anything!

                            By any measure, 200 megatons per shot is beyond asinine.
                            ...i don't really want to get drawn into an arguement i'm neautral lol
                            Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                              Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                              ...i don't really want to get drawn into an arguement i'm neautral lol
                              Well, that's certainly your prerogative.

                              I'm just very disappointed because I thought this thread was about realistic technology and non-fanwankry...I had some cool ideas, too.

                              Well, if ya'll want your ships to have Death Star-level energy cannons, and be able to beam fleets through Stargates, etc. I guess that's your prerogative as well.
                              Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                                Originally posted by Major Tyler View Post
                                Well, that's certainly your prerogative.

                                I'm just very disappointed because I thought this thread was about realistic technology and non-fanwankry...I had some cool ideas, too.

                                Well, if ya'll want your ships to have Death Star-level energy cannons, and be able to beam fleets through Stargates, etc. I guess that's your prerogative as well.
                                We will not be putting Death Star equivalent weapons onto our ships, no matter how pretty the explosions would be. Did you miss my post about what the 200 megatons might have been refering to or are you just ignoring it because you feel it has no relevence what-so-ever?

                                If my rather limited view is even minutely correct it would mean that a Ha'tak's weapons wouldn't create 200 megaton explosions but instead have that much power levelled towards an incredibly small area.

                                So please stop thinking so 'splodey, please?

