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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 2.0

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    Originally posted by hotshotalpha1 View Post
    For things like carriers and cargo transports there are no real limitaions. Just define them by Cargo they carry.
    For Carriers say 12- 30 fighters are light/escort carriers, and 30 - 60+ fighters are fleet/heavy carriers
    Assult ships should be along the lines of carriers just a predomance of dropships and barracks over fighters.

    will there be a section for dropships/ landing craft/ assult boats?
    Yes because i have got at least 1 class that i want to put in for that role.
    You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
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      Originally posted by Davidtourniquet View Post

      thats a corvette
      NICE!, yours?

      Thanks immhotep, i've got one myself i'd like to put in. What about Gunships like an apache style craft, same catogery?


        nope not mine at all.


          transport/drop ship
          supply/Cargo ship
          orbital defence system
          ~ Custom ~
          Those are the current stations, im trying to keep it down to a minimum, but i also want as full a fleet as possible. I have considered that for special ships, such as the ASIS a special form of ship, Custom made could be used. This would mean that for a certain number of ships, a 1 off exception to the rules could be made. These ships only have 1 model of thier class and are in all likelyhood privately built and owned ships. So they would exist within the fleet uniiverse but not neccisarilly in the fleet. This is not a way to get a ship in if it has already been entered in to a class and been voted out. It is for ships that dont fit anywhere but that are too good not to be part of the fleet.
          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
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          11000! green me


            Originally posted by hotshotalpha1 View Post
            We should set some rough guide lines for ship classes.
            Like :-
            20 - 100m = Corvete
            100m - 200m = Frigate
            200m - 350m = destroyer
            350m - 500m = cruiser
            500m - 600m = battlecruiser
            600m + = battleship

            N.B. these are very rough guidelines. I can change them as appropite. What do you think?
            I think that everything from cruiser and below is abit too big still, i'd put cruiser at 200-300m and adjust the ships times of war it's easier and more efficent to build lots of smaller more heavily armed ships than large ones...

            which is the doctrine i think the fleet should adopt unless you have the infastructure to build lots of massive ships but i doubt we're up to that level yet
            Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


              How about
              20-100m corvette
              100m - 200m frigate
              200m -300m destroyer
              300 - 400m cruiser

              However cruisers are classed as (small) Capital ships . destroyers , frigates and corvettes are meant to be mass produced


                Originally posted by hotshotalpha1 View Post
                How about
                20-100m corvette
                100m - 200m frigate
                200m -300m destroyer
                300 - 400m cruiser

                However cruisers are classed as (small) Capital ships . destroyers , frigates and corvettes are meant to be mass produced
                The cruiser I entered into the voting was 259..

                We could always say the ones that lost the vote are older ships still in service but are no longer produced.
                We could always say the ones that lost the vote are older ships still in service but are no longer produced.


                  259 fine . The guidelines are only rough.


                    Would anyone mind making a backstory for my cruiser or something? o_o


                      you can use the back stories from the Dauntless ships. Feel free to chop, change, delete or edit any of my backstoriys to use . Just leave the V class alone plz


                        Also i think that this is a good question, do we want the fleet to be grant and impressive, with a few large ships representing our power. Or do we want lot of smaller ships which as a collective mean power. I prefer the later, the thing is that we have already done the whole grand and powerfull stuff. We did that in pegasus, now in the MW we should try and create an empire, and that is built on the backbone of powerfull ships, and then those ships make way for a large fleet of smaller ships which are not required to be all powerfull, they are jsut required to do thier jobs.
                        You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                        Stargate : Genesis |
                        Original Starship DesignThread
                        Sanctuary for all |
                        11000! green me


                          Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                          Also i think that this is a good question, do we want the fleet to be grant and impressive, with a few large ships representing our power. Or do we want lot of smaller ships which as a collective mean power. I prefer the later, the thing is that we have already done the whole grand and powerfull stuff. We did that in pegasus, now in the MW we should try and create an empire, and that is built on the backbone of powerfull ships, and then those ships make way for a large fleet of smaller ships which are not required to be all powerfull, they are jsut required to do thier jobs.
                          The later is more realistic, a few powerful ships cannot cover the galaxy while a fleet of smaller less powerful ships working as a group can cover that distance more effectivly.
                          Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


                            Small is our thing!.
                            Compared to the wraith our ships are tiny . The dedy is about 1 twelth the size of a hive ship. Even a hat'ak is over 800m wide and long. Human ships rarely reach over 800m.
                            I say we need lots of ships(50% of fleet ships) as corvettes ,frigates, destroyers and lightcarriers. Cruisers (15%), Capital ships should make up 15%in total. The remaining 25% should be cargo ships, assult ships, resupply ships.
                            The light ships could work in squdrons of between 3-5 ships each, the cruisers in squdrons of 2-3 and the captial ships work independatly. Fleet Carriers should have between 2 and 3 frigates/corvettes for escort.


                              Sounds a sound plan
                              Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


                                indeed i think that is almost exactly what i ahd imagined, Gd work 2night
                                You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                                Stargate : Genesis |
                                Original Starship DesignThread
                                Sanctuary for all |
                                11000! green me

