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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 2.0

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    Originally posted by ZakeD View Post
    Looks good. Not sure you should say it's the most advanced ship in the fleet yet though until the rest of the ships are done.
    thanks , well it's the most advanced as of 2041 as it has the all the newest Tau'ri equipment...but we'll see what happens, the Aschen war starts in 2040 doesn't it?

    edit: immhotep i know you said this is the last class you would be entering but i think it may be good if you entered something for the flagship role, it would be fitting seeing as you started the idea and it would make it more interesting to have lots of entries
    Last edited by Buba uognarf; 21 November 2006, 12:55 PM.
    Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


      Originally posted by immhotep View Post
      AA you wil have to enter your battleships for the voting process when we get to vote for battleships, which isnt at the moment, but im sure yours will be gd.
      Also: Where can I find a list of the standard weapons that I can use?


        Originally posted by An-Alteran View Post
        Also: Where can I find a list of the standard weapons that I can use?
        page 1, there's a list of standard tech to be used in fleet ships
        Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


          Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
          edit: immhotep i know you said this is the last class you would be entering but i think it may be good if you entered something for the flagship role, it would be fitting seeing as you started the idea and it would make it more interesting to have lots of entries
          Thanks alot buba, its kind of you to say that but i had the flagship in the last fleet and i think its time for another member to fill the position. I have got a design that could be submitted and im sure i could come up with a design for every class. But thats not the point, i want to create a fleet which brings the communities designs together; so while i have won 1.5/3 of the classes already finished i will resist the urge to submit in to others. I will concentrate on the modelling, backstory/mainstory, enemie and standardisation parts to fill my time.
          To that end i will spend my free time in the coming week trying to come up with a coherent, post Ori aschen confederation, with fleet and sample technology and submit that at some point in the near future. If i need help then i will ask or speak to you on MSN/AIM
          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
          Stargate : Genesis |
          Original Starship DesignThread
          Sanctuary for all |
          11000! green me


            Originally posted by immhotep View Post
            Thanks alot buba, its kind of you to say that but i had the flagship in the last fleet and i think its time for another member to fill the position. I have got a design that could be submitted and im sure i could come up with a design for every class. But thats not the point, i want to create a fleet which brings the communities designs together; so while i have won 1.5/3 of the classes already finished i will resist the urge to submit in to others. I will concentrate on the modelling, backstory/mainstory, enemie and standardisation parts to fill my time.
            To that end i will spend my free time in the coming week trying to come up with a coherent, post Ori aschen confederation, with fleet and sample technology and submit that at some point in the near future. If i need help then i will ask or speak to you on MSN/AIM
            ok sounds good, you know how to contact me i probably won't release many more designs either, if we're having the 'grac' aliens as allies of the Aschen and enemies to us, i'd be happy to develop their history and technology...if thats ok with you?

            edit: i've just thought of a really cool idea for the Grace aliens, lets just say it involves the great alliance e.g. nox, asgad, furlings and ancients
            Last edited by Buba uognarf; 21 November 2006, 02:32 PM.
            Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


              I have a good idea for a race I'd like to submit later, if thats okay. Already have their main ships done.


                Great that will help alot.
                You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                Stargate : Genesis |
                Original Starship DesignThread
                Sanctuary for all |
                11000! green me


                  I wanna do the grace backstory, ill trade for the Aschen lol! I have no intention of making them the furling, which i think is where your going with your allience thing. I have my own universe relating to the Allience, through genesis and all so , i dunno i would like to do the grace alien's but tell me your ideas by all means..
                  You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                  Stargate : Genesis |
                  Original Starship DesignThread
                  Sanctuary for all |
                  11000! green me


                    I agree I dont think the "grace" aliens should be the furlings. Maybe we can work on the ships together Immhotep.


                      Sure thatd be gd, ill talk to anyone whose interested, probley a MSN multiconvo if possible to discuss it; im at school at the moment but ill talk to you when i get home ok, damn twilight ICT lol, wont be too long. If you can be on MSN in like 25min
                      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                      Stargate : Genesis |
                      Original Starship DesignThread
                      Sanctuary for all |
                      11000! green me


                        Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                        I wanna do the grace backstory, ill trade for the Aschen lol! I have no intention of making them the furling, which i think is where your going with your allience thing. I have my own universe relating to the Allience, through genesis and all so , i dunno i would like to do the grace alien's but tell me your ideas by all means..
                        Oh..., and in my story they are in no way the furlings!!!! lol

                        basically this is my history,

                        Several million years ago when the great alliance thrived another race *insert name* as advanced as the ancients of the time wished to join the alliance. This race was cold, calculating, sadistic and barely humanoid. They tried to join the alliance but they were turned away because of their evil nature. The *insert name* enraged by the refusal of the other races went to war with the alliance. It was a long and bloody war and millions were killed on both sides though eventually the *insert name* were defeated their power broken. But the alliance was undecided on how to deal with them, the asgard and ancients saw the threat they posed and although they were against genocide and violence they wished to destroy them. The nox and furlings however were against this idea so the vote was split. A settlement was found, the *insert name* would be locked away in a their own starless planetary system formed just outside the milky way an emense time dilation field would surround the system and there they would stay...

                        For thousands of years they stayed frozen in time, over the centuries the great alliance crumbled the races went their seperate ways and the *insert name* passed into myth and legend forgotten by all. Early at the turning of the last century (earth calender) a minor Goa'uld found one of the last surviving references to this race, misintepreting the warnings the Goa'uld flew to the system over the course of several months and using an ancient artefact deactivated the time dilation field. Unaware of the danger the Goa'uld traveled to the surface only to be confronted by the *insert name*, they killed his entorage *sp* and probed his mind for information. Infuriated by the knowledge of what had been done to them the *insert name* reawakened the furnaces of war and began to marshell their forces. Fueled by an unquenchable rage they would crush the descendants of those who imprisoned them and take their place as rulers of the galaxy...

                        For years they rebuilt their forces, but work was slow as they had little resources. Their technology level now just slightly ahead of the modern asgard but few in number they planned for war.

                        By 2040 they had encountered the aschen who wished to destroy the Tau'ri the emerging superpower. Seeing that their military resources were insufficant to conquer the galaxy the *insert name* entered an alliance with the Aschen to destroy the Tau'ri. The Aschen over confident in their power failed to realise the threat posed by the *insert name*, but what the aschen don't realise is that they too are human descendants of the ancients and once everything is said and done and Earth and the Tau'ri burn they will turn their attention to them...

                        wat do you think?
                        Last edited by Buba uognarf; 22 November 2006, 08:02 AM.
                        Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                          I think thats a great story, i really do, its great, just come up with a name and were golden I like it alot. I think the fact that they are old enemies, espeicially of the Asgard and ancients, to whom we owe our new found superprowess makes thier war on us seem really cool. Becuase it accepts that we are a new power, decended in every war from the Asgard and Ancients, and now were fighting an enemy that they fought, which proves that were (dare i say it) becoming the fifth race of the allience.
                          The aschen are our main enemies sure, because they too are an equally powerfull emerging superpower, both sides have powerfull allies, we have the Asgard (and i guess the ancients for wiping out the Ori), they have the grace aliens, that i think a suitable name for would be Jotan or Giants from norse mythology ( asgard gave them this name, the ancients probley called them titans ( they ruled during the golden age, like the Olympians which i kinda see as the Alterans..the golden age being the time of the allienc)
                          I think that it works very well. Nice work id green you if i could.
                          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                          Stargate : Genesis |
                          Original Starship DesignThread
                          Sanctuary for all |
                          11000! green me


                            ok thanks are you sure you're ok with using my history because i know you wanted to do it yourself?

                            and the Jotan it is i see them as pulling the strings more although the Aschen don't know that, in the shadows letting the Aschen do their dirty work while planning the destruction of both...

                            they don't have the ships to fight an entire war but they are present in the more major battles...

                            when the war goes south and defeat seems immenent i see them as the kind of race to use genocidal tactics and try and destroy everything anubis reckoning style...we could work together on them if you like

                            btw i'd like the ship seen in 'grace' to be one of their cruisers, ,akes them seem more impressive...they'll have even bigger motherships
                            Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                              Well I like the story above got some potental. We need to come up with a really cool name for the species through. Also perhaps at the time of the alliance they were at our level of technology and then have it that the ancient simply created device which not only slowed down their development to a cruel, may be a millon of our years , to thousand of their own, this would mean they could still be more advance than the Asgurd. The reason they did this was in hope that they would eventually become peacefull and the ancients would be their to welcome them back into the universe again. But with the ancients long gone, and with them just living in hate of the ancients, they now have a unending rage.

                              May be we could write a episode when sg team encounter this species and have be interrogated,learning that they can no longer destroy the ancient and make them pay they are now going to destroy the humans the ancients created, every planet and every solar system. And Asgard.
                              Have this epidsode set before grace, and then have them learn about the prometheous and it route back to earth, then have them send their only constructed war shiped, to come attacked us, and test out defenses. We could then have a other battle scene further on the time, when they come and attack earth base or vessel, earth vessels wins, and they relies that they would not win in a full frontal assault on earth and our allies and so they decide to build up their forces in secrete and use other forces to weaken earth first like the aschen.
                              I would like to work on their vessels, May be I could do their fighters.
                              Also I be wiling to attempt recreate the modal that we saw in grace.

                              Just some quickly thought out ideas hear.


                                No they are thier battleships, did you see the size of that thing, its the biggest ship ever seen in SG. Its bigger than the Oneil and the OWS. Did you see the size of the guns! thats not a cruiser lol, thats a battleships with a kickass weapons system. I want to flesh them out a bit in terms of technology and the structure of the race and their motives etc but i think the basics are there for a great enemy. I wish that grace aliens had become the main S10 enemy, they are jsut so much more mysterious and cooler than the Ori, thats why i wanted to use them, i loved that ship, its my favourate one ever.
                                If i hadnt already promised to write episode and have episode writing commitments with Genesis and SGAN then i would write a pre-grace epsiode for the fleet, i could do it but i have other episodes that need doing before i would be able to do it. Maybe in the long term once they are fully fleshed out someone could do it.
                                Also if you want to try modelling it then you can, if you fail ill have a crack and if we both fail cooky or Zake can have a go lol..
                                You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                                Stargate : Genesis |
                                Original Starship DesignThread
                                Sanctuary for all |
                                11000! green me

