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Colonel Veselov

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    I never said I didn't like him when Anubis left. I thought he was a swell guy. I have a lot of respect for what I know to be the russian army's way. It takes a lot of bravery and a smidge of insanity to go that far...but it works.


      well aparently you dont really know what is REALLY happening in Russian army, you are so stereotyped. anyway it's just that you said "Oh sure, he was really great...until we found out he was Anubis." that's why i answered. you like being sarcastic huh?


        I am not stereotyping anything! Do you know how many hours of movies I've watched about WWI & WWII???? How many hours of interviews I've seen of russian generals talking about strategy??

        Do you know why they won what they did with inferior tanks and what not? They sent their men in in huge numbers, basically sacrificing themselves. In fact, they were still using horses for a part of WWII.

        History Channel and Scifi are but an ^ channel button push away, my friend.


          WW1 and WW2 where important...and yeah i saw lot's of stuff too on that....but that was 90-50 years ago!!! Times change...and belive me I know how Russian army is, I was born in Russian, and raied I've heard a lot, saw as much...etc...the army is rough, and not as it sill being stereotyped by Holywood, who take the idea from WW2 russian soldeirs. So basically it's a circlel of an idiotism...Russian army is basically the same, as Amercain.


            Well then. *scratches head* Perhaps...russia isn't fighting off the nazi invasion any more, are they?

            Where in russia were you born? All of my friends are russian and we listen to DISKOTEKA avariya, cuz they kick butt.


              yep russians dont fight nazi invasion for sure. it has ended. even tho there are skinheads...who should be...X|
              i was born in Anzero-Sudjensk (so misspelled), and then live in Novosibirsk! DISKOTEKA avariya...yeah i knwo them...don't realy like Russian pop tho....I listen to American Alternative Rock - Linkin Park.


                I have a friend from Stavropol, near Grozny. He left Russia because of the Chechen conflict, plus he said he was persecuted for being Protestant Christian.
                Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                  Really? Hm. Yeah, they're big on catholicism there, aren't they? Poor protestants. =/ Not everyone wants ze fuhrer Pope telling them how to live.


                    acutally that is wierd...suposedly we've got a Democracy there now...I'n kinda an atheist myself...and I never had any problems...and I didn't know anyone who was actually religious...

