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The Ultimate Furling Discussion Thread

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    Uhh, Are you sure they aren't quitting next year ? Sorry for not being such a happy person.... It is just I liked Jonus Quinn and then they too him away and gave us the pansy who isn't near as cool. But if we go to season 20, i'll still watch... Except if the Furlings are Ferlings, people of the Ferl galaxy and giants.....

    We need to find more cool places with SG-1 and not have them be just a fight the goa uld team. Since goa uld are gone yeah yeah.....

    Come on make them be Aris Bocks race... yes i can't spell!

    Sorry for the sarcasm, I am prepared to be called immature, juvinile and retarted for what must seem like some idiots ramblings.

    "Carter tried to seduce me."
    "You poor man"

    "No no no no, he just doesn't like going through the Stargate."
    "He's worse than Dr. McCoy."
    "The character that Dr. Beckett plays in real life."


      I don't think that the Furlings will be made evil, for eight seasons stargate fans have waited for the dawn of Furling civilizations, the idea that there will be so much new technology ideas cultre and history. To have them be a pain in the you know where, would suck, it would be like this, I can picture it now...

      "It would be bad enough if they just died out or didn't want to share any of there knowledge and technology, but then they had to go rub our faces in it and become evil, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!!!"

      Owen Macri


        The Furlings are a warrior race, as evidenced by this super-secret picture


          Originally posted by Ote_4_T
          I want the furlings to be an enemy.

          Speaking for all Furlings: We are not your enemy!
          We're too warm & fuzzy

          "We'll keep the light on for you."


            Originally posted by Droops
            The Furlings are a warrior race, as evidenced by this super-secret picture



              best ending to stargate ever will be the 5 RACES COMING TOGETHER TO DESTROY 1 POWERFULL ENEMY!!!! that would be so cool azgard furling nox and even the ancients show up dont know about u guys but that would really make me happy seing what there ships can do and what they look like....oh ye jack and sam finaly get together

              Mckay: Size doesnt matter

              Sheppard:thats a myth

              I like farris wheels,college football and a good cup of tea.


                Originally posted by True!Ancient
                best ending to stargate ever will be the 5 RACES COMING TOGETHER TO DESTROY 1 POWERFULL ENEMY!!!! that would be so cool azgard furling nox and even the ancients show up dont know about u guys but that would really make me happy seing what there ships can do and what they look like....oh ye jack and sam finaly get together
                yeah, but that would be like... season 20? , and it's more typical for stargate to make a multi front war, like in season 8 "the reckoning", if the accients where energybased in that attack, they could fight another similar enemy while the Asgard and Terrans fight some enemy, the Nox wouldn't fight and we know nothing about furlings so...


                  I've just read an article about the SG1 game in production which is out later this year and according to the developers "there'll be Furlings"!!!!

                  Are we finally gonna see 'em????? Hope so.......


                    Oo yay furlings been waiting for them for soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long and after it was confirmed that they will not be in the show all my hope was last but now i see hope has returned

                    Lantia home of Atlantis, Lost City of the Ancients

                    Anyone else going Portsmouth University in the summer?


                      w00t w00t! we get to learn more about the mysterious Furbies of Stargate Universe!

                      I am very interested in learning more about the Furlings.


                        I hope they don't mess up the Furlings with a weak design or something.


                          I can't wait.


                            now if they do in fact do stuff with the furlings in the game will that be considered canon? does anyone know what kind of role or say the writers have had in the storyline for the game?


                              I just hope the Furlings will look like badass warriors instead of what their name implies


                                Personally i was hoping they would be reptillian, as kind of a joke on their name. "furlings" with all scales and no fur would be pretty funny.

