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The Ultimate Furling Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Capt.Mal Reynolds
    there appear to massing a few troops



      Aschen Carrier/Mothership, has the same weapons as the drones in "2010" and bears what i think is a similar design to what ships we've seen so far from "2001", although that could be utter rubish i do like to take into account any and all races to which this ship belongs and i just can't shake the feeling that the Aschen has something to do with it!?

      For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

      We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


        One problem with that. By now it's all gone! The castle was probably half destroyed in the Torment of Tantalus. And if the storm came every year, then nothing would be left after more than eight years. It would all be at the bottom of the ocean, and possibly be in several fragments. And since there was apparently nothing else on the planet, it would just be a waste of Hyperdrive fuel.
        Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

        Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


          Originally posted by Darkstar

          Aschen Carrier/Mothership, has the same weapons as the drones in "2010" and bears what i think is a similar design to what ships we've seen so far from "2001", although that could be utter rubish i do like to take into account any and all races to which this ship belongs and i just can't shake the feeling that the Aschen has something to do with it!?

          Oh so I'm not the only one who thought that the ship looked Aschen? Good.
          Last edited by Daryl Froggy; 18 May 2006, 04:47 PM.


            No way...not going to happen...I doubt they will mention anything serious about the Furlings.


              they'd better *shakes fist*

              also the stargate and dhd was fine underwater on the episode with the russin gate, i think that 4race info device would be fine just sitting there, they could beam in up and take all the secrets, at the very least we could get sum new elements to our pokedex's

              SAVE STARGATE!!!!!!



                Originally posted by WraithWarrior
                I has thought of that but even the Ancients had made mistakes before, the main one being the creation of the Iratus bug which led to the Wraith, which ultimately led to their deaths (for alot anyway)

                The scanning part, they could have done, but just because they are humans doesnt make them good does it?

                The Ancients didn't make the Iratus bug, they were merely on a planet that the ancients seeded with human life. I don't think that the ship in 'Grace' was full of humans or Furlings.


                  Originally posted by Snord
                  The Ancients didn't make the Iratus bug, they were merely on a planet that the ancients seeded with human life. I don't think that the ship in 'Grace' was full of humans or Furlings.
                  Well in one of the eps towards the ned of S1 of SGA, they said summat about the Ancients accidentally creating the Wraith


                    Originally posted by PyroSama
                    Asgaurd, Furlings, Alterans, and Nox

                    Asgaurd - Human like ansestors.

                    Nox - Tree / Human hybrids.

                    Alterans - Highly evolved humans.

                    So one would hope that the Furlings are not mearly technologicaly advanced humanoids. We need a furry race. Perhaps bear / human hybrids?
                    I hope they are not human/hybrids. Something new and fresh would be nice.

                    Ive always thought of them either like wolves, or small little hairy creatures, like the ewoks....
                    Science Fiction is an existential metaphor; it allows us to tell stories about the human condition.

                    Isaac Asimov once said individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all.




                      Thinkin' about it, I can understand why TPTB have been so reluctant the past few years to even mention the Furlings. 'Cause when they finally bring them onto the show, somebody's gonna be unhappy with the way they look. You know the old saying, "You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people when the jig is up and you're running with scissors." Or something like that.
                      Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                      Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?



                        i would say that they let the fans choose.
                        imo the furlings have to be furry.


                          How about. As the only non-humanoid race in the 'Alliance', they were outraged when the anthropocentric seeding practices of the Alterans were discovered. Maddened with indignation, they waged a devastating war with the Alterans over what was to be the dominant sentient lifeform in the known galaxies. It eventually culminated in a spate of mass-genocidal tit-for-tat engagements, which resulted in a schism between the other principal alliance races. The Asgard joined the Alterans, with them being a seeded-race, but the Nox remained aloof, ambivalent even; they did not condone of the Alteran seeding practices, even if the Alterans were their progenitors; but neither could they condone of the Furling warmongering. They withdraw themselves with great sympathy and commiseration, from the warring parties, as neither did they have the might, nor remonstrance to stop the conflict, and hid in obscure corners of the known universe, hoping to escape the resultant devastation brought about by the two sides.

                          The Furlings consequently reconstituted the 'Alliance', with the signatory parties being strictly non-humanoid races. They delivered their coup de grace with a virulent meta-disease, tailored specifically to elimate all humanoid lifeforms. (including their phylogenic ancestors)

                          With the Alterans dispatched off, and the Asgard absconding to the void in-between galaxies -- hoping to evade the overwhelming might of the Furling alliance that would inevitably crush their crumbling war apparatus, the Furlings came to an ideological impasse. They'd proven their superiority, yet were unable to interdict the cosmic seeding process, ignited by the Alterans.

                          Not perceiving any worthy adversaries in the immediate future of the Stargate universe, the Furlings, and other subsidiary non-humanoid races, combined their scientific brilliance and might, to tear open the very fabric of reality, all in an effort to create a navigable transdimensional rift. A gateway, to the STARTREK UNIVERSE! To pursue their anthropo-eradication crusade. (that should keep them occupied for a while, let's say, a piddling millenia or thousand, given that the Startrek universe was also seeded almost entirely with anthropomorphic lifeforms, by a race similar as the Alterans.)

                          Cough, cough, lame, cough.


                            i hoping for furryness, but i recon they'll be simliar to the nox, they made a place where weapons couldnt go amd lived there. it kinda makes sence, otherwise theyd have loads of weapons. and such laying around. nox and furlings must have been more advanced and enlightend then the asgard and the ancients prob start their great allience. hehe thats mean the asgard r the little ones tis no wonder they like trying to make us feel dumb. they must have been treated like that.
                            Last edited by xxmynameismikexx; 24 May 2006, 06:15 PM.

                            SAVE STARGATE!!!!!!



                              ( the mods merged this into this thread

                              but below is something worth discussing i think

                              ok every sense the early season's of SG-1 we've know about the four great races Asgurd. nox. ancients and the furlings.

                              now we have allied ourselves with the Asgard. we had a bad first contact with the nox. and we know the ancients don't care about the lower planes.

                              but the one race we haven't run into yet are the furlings and of course fans have always thorized about the furlings and we even had a mention of them in season 6 paradise lost and the ship from grace in season 7 has had a fans wondering if that was a furlings ship or not.

                              but in the grand scheme of things do you want to see the furlings or do you think it is better that there stay hidden in the mysteries of the stargate universe.
                              Last edited by Pharaoh Atem; 29 May 2006, 03:42 PM.


                                I dont want to see them, in fact, if I did I'd be pretty annoyed because they can never be done justice, so to TPTB I say leave them out of SG!
                                Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
                                - Joss Whedon - Equality Now

