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The Ultimate Furling Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by veneticuss
    So who the hell are these advanced aliens? No infos on them?
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      Originally posted by Ugly Pig
      Yo, so they better explain it, till the SG-1 ends completly
      "Maybe one day you will learn that your way is not the only way!"

      Visit Dr. Radek Zelenka's Complete Translations and thunk thread

      All translations will be found in the first post of this thread, though i recommend to read the whole discussion ;]


        They should, just don't forget that sometimes writers forget to finish up story arcs.
        Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

        Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


          Originally posted by Mio
          Perhaps they are from yet another galaxy?
          Andromeda, perhaps?


            Originally posted by Ugly Pig
            I doubt the Furlings ever met the Wraith, since they were in separate galaxies.
            This statement is not logical. If the Furlings are close to Asgard technology, why wouldn't they be able to move on to Pegasus like the Asgard did to Ida? Also, the Wraith could migrate to the MW galaxy, if they wanted to, but they didn't need/want to. Who knows if the Wraith are confined to the Pegasus galaxy. I mean, there are other galaxies bordering Pegasus besides MW. Who's to say they haven't spread to an adjacent galaxy?


              Originally posted by Crazedwraith
              bah!I stand by my belif the Furlings = Ewoks with big honking space guns.
              I knew there were people out there just as nerdy as me! Yay for nerdiness! I second this motion, by the way........

              My Own Little World

              101 Ways to Annoy, Harass, Confuse or Generally Scare Lord Voldemort
              "Be nice to nerds;
              one day, you'll end up working for one."
              -Evil Overlord Bill Gates
              Ba'al: I'll never let go, Jack, I'll never let go!
              Jack: *choke* That's my throat, Ba'al.....


                I think that there MUST have been contact between the Galaxies. If the Asgaard, who are NOT from the Milky Way have spent so much time here in the Milky Way....why wouldn't they also have visited or play some role in the other galaxies as well? Why the Milky Way and why not Pegasus? If they have the capabilities to reach one why not the other. Especially, since the Ancients already had moved into Pegasus and they were in an alliance with the Asgaard so the Asgaard had to have some info on Pegasus. Funny they did not mention anything about it. Maybe there is this big secret. Maybe the Wraith are the original from of the Asgaard. They live just as long. Plus, after seeing the pilot I am convinced that that animal head on the Wraith's Dinner table was that camel-like creature from the Stargate movie that lived on Abyddos. Maybe they were domesticated and imported to the Milky way or visa versa by the Ancients. It would be fun to see them again.


                  When I hear "Furlings" it makes me think of Hobbits.


                    Originally posted by aschen
                    Outside of the classic hit video game Lemmings, we don't know where the Furlings are.
                    shadow...what have you done to this poor boy....he just keeps getting more and more peculiar
                    Eagles may soar free and proud, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.
                    "We're not going to Guam are we?"


                      Originally posted by greytop
                      Andromeda, perhaps?
                      Well theres an interesting thought...but sorry guys...I can't help but think the furballs died out long many extinct civilizations have SG-1 found so far??One of them could very well have been the remnants of the furlings
                      Eagles may soar free and proud, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.
                      "We're not going to Guam are we?"


                        Originally posted by alaskannut
                        Well theres an interesting thought...but sorry guys...I can't help but think the furballs died out long many extinct civilizations have SG-1 found so far??One of them could very well have been the remnants of the furlings
                        No. None of them had doorhandles fifteen feet off the ground.
                        Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                        - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                          Im putting my money behind fully evolved tribbles


                            Originally posted by LordAnubis
                            If the Furlings are close to Asgard technology, why wouldn't they be able to move on to Pegasus like the Asgard did to Ida?
                            So you mean it would be logical if the Furlings just happened to migrate to the same exact galaxy the Ancients just happened to migrate to?
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                              Originally posted by walter_MacChevron
                              I am betting that the furlings will be an acient race that is no longer in existance due to the Wraith. (I don't think they will be as cute and fuzzy as Jack said!)
                              Is this theory stating that the Furlings and the Ancients left the Milkway together? I was there and the Furlings were mostly there just working as janitors. I doubt any survived the first culling.

                              "We'll keep the light on for you."


                                Originally posted by Ancient 1
                                Is this theory stating that the Furlings and the Ancients left the Milkway together? I was there and the Furlings were mostly there just working as janitors. I doubt any survived the first culling.
                                If they were just janitors, how could they be one of the four great races?

