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The Ultimate Furling Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Infinatus View Post
    With the Asgard Core and the Lantean database the Tau'ri should be able to figure out where the Furlings are or what happened to them. Though just to be fair as it may have been implied in "Paradise Lost" the Furlings may have been wiped out by the Goa'uld. In fact, since the Goa'uld are scavengers it's possible their technology was looted from the Furlings.
    Carter said that furling tech was unlike anything she had ever seen... and she knows Goa'uld tech inside out..


      Originally posted by Kebab Gud View Post
      Carter said that furling tech was unlike anything she had ever seen... and she knows Goa'uld tech inside out..
      Well, technology advances. I assume whatever happened between the Goa'uld and the Furlings took place thousands of years ago.

      Also, and I might remember this wrong, I seem to recall the temple/building in Paradise Lost looked an awful lot like a ziggurat. We know from The Tomb that at one time or another at least one of the Goa'uld built a ziggurat, and it is not too far off from more recent Goa'uld architecture.


        I like to think that Goa'uld technology comes not directly from the Furlings, but a civilization they 'fathered'. If the theory that the Giant Aliens are based on the Furlings then they were probably the first pyramid builders. I think the Furlings themselves were too powerful to be defeated by the Goa'uld, and the Goa'uld would have probably gotten inter-galactic technology, considering that the Furlings were part of the Alliance.

        There is, however, a 'dark age' between the fall of the Unas Goa'uld Empire and Ra's coming to Earth. Since the Goa'uld are only as knowledgeable as their hosts, I think it's highly unlikely that the Unas managed to steal and reproduce any advanced technologies, including Ra's pyramid ship.

        However, the movie has a solution. In the movie Ra's original for is an alien that resembles a tall Asgard. My theory is that they were a civilization seeded by the Furlings (we already know that the Ancients did the same thing) and that's why they had pyramid ships.

        Anyway, my theory is that they brought an end to the Unas Empire, but some of the Goa'uld escaped and managed to infiltrate them. That eventually led to their destruction.


          I don't think teh Goa'uld and the Furlings have a big history, as if we did we would know more about them. Also the Furlings would be too powerful for the Goa'uld and most Goa'uld tech is based on left behind Ancient Tech!

          So far we only known one Goa'uld learnt about the Furlings, but even he/her only managed to kill that small Human settlement on the moon. I belive that the paradise from 'Paradise Lost' (my fav ep) was long abandoned by the Furlings by the time the goa'uld had gottern there!
          That would exsplain why there was only a small Human settlement! as them Humans could have arrived late after the Furlings had gone, so set up their own little camp near the teleporter enterance!

          I hope the Furlings are the "new race" in Atlantis series 5, as that show needs its own version of the Asgard! As it could bring a whole bunch of new culture, technology and mythology to the show!
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            Originally posted by farcue View Post
            know what would be great?

            The furlings being twenty foot high warrior killing machines. Pure muscle. Even better if they got kicked out of the alliance of four races for excessive drinking and fighting.

            Probably been brought up before but doesnt anyone think SG Universe has the potential to involve the furlings? It is centered around the origins of the gate system after all.

            we have a name for a group of people who drink excessively and fight a lot, british hooligans ^_^

            I myself think the furlings are like 7 feet tall and are very strong and are furry (because fur makes them look cool) and maybe they might even be more powerful than the ancients, because tbh only villagers and stuff say the most powerful race of beings were the ancients, no one has ever talked about the furlings so maybe they are more powerful and that they are immortal.

            Just my idea of a furling.


              Don't forget to vote up if you like my ideas. (me <-- attention whore )


                that is NOT a furling.this is
                Vice Admiral and occasionally the Acting Leader of the Gateworld Cantina


                  ok we all already know what the furlings look like. their was an episode of a glimpse of them. i think it was in season 5 or 6




                      Originally posted by jeffsupersaiyan View Post
                      ok we all already know what the furlings look like. their was an episode of a glimpse of them. i think it was in season 5 or 6
                      what? what? WHAT?


                        Originally posted by jeffsupersaiyan View Post
                        ok we all already know what the furlings look like. their was an episode of a glimpse of them. i think it was in season 5 or 6
                        We've never seen the Furlings, ever.


                          SPOILERS for all three SG-1 Tollan episodes (Enigma, Pretense, Between Two Fires), and for that matter much of SG-1 and Atlantis. You probably shouldn't read it if you haven't seen all of SG-1 and several seasons of Atlantis.

                          In Season One’s “Enigma”, Samantha Carter gives the Tollan Narim a housecat named Schrödinger, as their world had been devoid of animal life for ages. Seeking to preserve the cat for future generations, the Tollans began altering the feline’s DNA in an attempt to drastically extend its lifespan. The thrill of performing experiments on a real animal soon took hold, however, and the scientists began to alter other genes, and even cyberize it. The cat soon had superhuman intelligence and could communicate telepathically(though not until after the events of "Pretense"), among other feats. One such feat was the use of phase-shifting technology built into its body to walk through the Earth stargate’s defensive iris as a message to the SGC in the episode “Pretense” (cuz seriously, every other time you have to either hold the phase device or be touching someone who is, but the cat goes through the iris doing neither). These powers allowed him to escape the goa'uld when they destroyed the Tollans in “Between Two Fires”, though he vowed vengeance on Carter and the SGC for leaving him to die.

                          He tried to build a time machine so he could attack Earth before the Stargate Program existed, but he was flung back thousands of years in time instead. He concentrated on prolonging his own lifespan and breeding a race of feline superbeings, and was eventually discovered by the Ancients. He decided to hide his vengeful intentions and claimed to be the leader of an alien race evolved from cats, and called themselves "the Furlings". He allied with the Ancients, all the while learning from their advanced technology. At the same time, the Ancients gained insight into the idea of Ascension from studying him, as cats, especially genetically advanced ones, are already half ascended (C'mon. Look at your cat. You know it exists on multiple planes of existence. Why do you think it's always reacting to things you can't see?). Schrödinger continued to learn from his own genetic advancement and became a master of geneweaving.

                          The furlings functioned as a member of the great alliance stably for some time, but it became apparent to Schrödinger that the Ancients would be a hindrance to his plans and began secretly plotting against them. He did not see the Nox as a threat due to their extreme pacifism and tendency not to involve themselves in conflicts, and he convinced the Asgard to accept his guidance in cloning themselves to become immortal, secretly knowing it would spell their doom. He created a deadly virus and unleashed it on the Milky Way, killing many Ancients, and later targeted Pegasus Ancients by using his own body as a guide on genetic experimentation, and crossed several humans with Iratus bugs, creating the Wraith (seems more plausible then a natural emergence from the bugs feeding on humans). These attacks crippled the Ancients, who never suspected their true enemy until it was too late.

                          Those who ascended quickly became aware of the Furling treachery as they invisibly observed their deeds, and used their powers to wipe them from existence. Horrified at what they had so casually done, they vowed to no longer interfere in corporeal matters. Once they started using their power that way again it could quickly escalate to similar genocidal acts, like perhaps destroying the goa'uld, which they felt they did not have the right to arbitrarily do. Little did they realize that Schrödinger's advanced nature and unusual state of existence had set him apart from other Furlings, who he never fully patterned after himself in order to maintain power, and he just barely escaped his death (similar to the ascended ancients' inability to fully cast down Anubis), hiding himself from their senses and taking refuge in an abandoned Atlantis-style city (as seen in "The Tower", other such cities have existed besides Atlantis)and placing himself in a recovery chamber to heal himself over thousands of years. Soon he will awaken, and rebuild his army of Furlings, waiting for the day when the Earth will tremble before the fury of the hidden city of Catlantis!

                          I find this idea greatly amusing. I think I need to get out more.

                          Daniel: "This tastes like chicken..."
                          Carter: "So, what's the problem?"
                          Daniel: "This is Macaroni and Cheese."


                            Originally posted by ibelieveinfurlings View Post
                            One such feat was the use of phase-shifting technology built into its body to walk through the Earth stargate’s defensive iris as a message to the SGC in the episode “Pretense” (cuz seriously, every other time you have to either hold the phase device or be touching someone who is, but the cat goes through the iris doing neither).
                            Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                            - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                              Yes. Cat.

                              Think how stupidly great a climactic fight between Carter and a little orange cat would be, her tearfully having to destroy an enemy who was once her beloved pet.

                              Heh. Like Martouf. Lol.

                              Daniel: "This tastes like chicken..."
                              Carter: "So, what's the problem?"
                              Daniel: "This is Macaroni and Cheese."


                                if we're the second evolution of it possible the Unas are the second evolution of furlings and the originals died out?
                                Vice Admiral and occasionally the Acting Leader of the Gateworld Cantina

