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The Ultimate Furling Discussion Thread

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    alright...i admit it!
    Vice Admiral and occasionally the Acting Leader of the Gateworld Cantina


      Originally posted by tombombadail View Post
      alright...i admit it!


        The likelihood that the Furlings will ever be introduced is quite slim. The writers probably intended for the entire Furling civilization to be somewhat shrouded in mystery.


          Originally posted by Infinatus View Post
          The likelihood that the Furlings will ever be introduced is quite slim. The writers probably intended for the entire Furling civilization to be somewhat shrouded in mystery.

          I doubt the writers ever expected that people would care so much about the Furlings.

          Would be cool to see them - not counting on it though. There are a bunch of species that the show touched on only once, would be cool to see them again too.
          Long live the Asgard

          Long live my buddy Thor


            Originally posted by tombombadail View Post
            alright...i admit it!
            I'M A FURLING! I'M SO ASHAMED!
            /buy u a hair trimmer

            see now ure less furry


              Hey I looked at all my box set seasons 1-10 and i can not find the picture of the ship you are talking about. All of the menu screens have the pictures that are on the bottom of the DVD case. The other thing is could any of those ships be the one that the little mousy writer guy from '200' friends' took in an earlier episode. (maybe you have a different region on your dvds? im region 1) I would love to see a picture of the ship.


                Oh and did anyone wonder why Jack dialed the asgard in "fifth race" and not the Furlings? I understand why he didnt dial the nox (gate is buried) but the furlings might not have needed a collect call(the one time ZPM thing a ma bob)


                  Originally posted by djkbb5 View Post
                  Hey I looked at all my box set seasons 1-10 and i can not find the picture of the ship you are talking about. All of the menu screens have the pictures that are on the bottom of the DVD case. The other thing is could any of those ships be the one that the little mousy writer guy from '200' friends' took in an earlier episode. (maybe you have a different region on your dvds? im region 1) I would love to see a picture of the ship.
                  Ok its nothing Amazing but this is the best pic I could get from it b4 my comps DVd player decided to Crash. This ship is from the menus of the Region 2 DVDs for series 5, From in Indivisual 4 episodes pre disc set, Not the Box set!

                  (Big Image)


                  I Dout the ship is Furling, just something random made for the DVD. However for me it looks of Goa'uld Origin due to its colour.
                  Banner Made By Me for Me
                  The Red Team proudly supports Stargate: Universe, Suck it Blue


                    The Furlings will appear in Stargate Worlds, it should be out near the end of the year.


                      Originally posted by jenks View Post
                      The Furlings will appear in Stargate Worlds, it should be out near the end of the year.
                      Yeah but as far as I am concerned that is Uncanon, Only if they appear in the TV Series or Films will I be happy! and not counting the lie that was the 200th episode!
                      Banner Made By Me for Me
                      The Red Team proudly supports Stargate: Universe, Suck it Blue


                        Originally posted by MechaThor View Post
                        Yeah but as far as I am concerned that is Uncanon, Only if they appear in the TV Series or Films will I be happy! and not counting the lie that was the 200th episode!
                        Stargate Worlds is canon according to the makers of the game and the producers of the show, unlike the books/comics etc.


                          Role playing games do wonders for canon.
                          Just look what Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic did for te SW universe.

                          Basically, you can have unlimited storytelling at a fraction of the price it takes to do the same stuff in film.
                          Don't forget to vote up if you like my ideas. (me <-- attention whore )


                            Originally posted by xSFx View Post
                            Role playing games do wonders for canon.
                            Just look what Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic did for te SW universe.

                            Basically, you can have unlimited storytelling at a fraction of the price it takes to do the same stuff in film.
                            True and some of the alien worlds look great in "SG:Worlds" showing that the stargate universe has more than pine trees! But I still never really view games (with there own films and TV series) as being set in the same "universe" as the tv shows. Do you understabnd what I am trying to say?

                            I mean in worlds you can have an Asgard on your SGC team, and that would never of happened in the TV show, tahts where I find it hard to merge Computer game canon with TV canon, so to me the Tv series will always take canon highroad. Thats why I will not be happy until I see the Furlings on the show, not just in the game world.
                            Hopefully however if people like what the Furlings look like in the Game, and they get more popular then the chance of seeing them on the show may become greater, as some information about them would already be within the fandom.
                            Banner Made By Me for Me
                            The Red Team proudly supports Stargate: Universe, Suck it Blue


                              Well, the game might not be able to replace the series but games can hold their own.
                              I remember KotOR as being quite emotional at times (not sure if that can happen in a MMORPG, KotOR was a single player RPG).

                              There are certainly many planets and stories to be explored back in the milky way galaxy.

                              If they feature the Furlings both in the game AND the TV series, that would be just a cool treat for the fans.
                              Don't forget to vote up if you like my ideas. (me <-- attention whore )


                                Originally posted by MechaThor View Post
                                True and some of the alien worlds look great in "SG:Worlds" showing that the stargate universe has more than pine trees! But I still never really view games (with there own films and TV series) as being set in the same "universe" as the tv shows. Do you understabnd what I am trying to say?
                                I understand what you're trying to say, but they are

