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The Ultimate Furling Discussion Thread

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    furlings are like wookies


      Originally posted by Jarnin
      Not human, humanoid. 1 head, 2 arms, 2 legs, male and female sexes. Just about every alien seen in the Milky Way and Pegasus fall into this catagory, with the exception of the Reetou and the Goa'uld.

      I'd say the ancients "seeding process" was designed to direct existing life to evolve into humanoid form.
      I'd also say the ancients had far more control over their "seeding process" in Pegasus than they did anywhere else, which explains why we have weird alien humanoids in the Milky Way, but none in Pegasus besides the Wraith.

      I mean, the ancients left the Milky Way about 5 million years ago, right? Well, 5 million years ago, our ancestors looked something like this:

      The funny thing is, if the ancients left for Pegasus 5 million years ago, and that galaxy was supposedly devoid of [intelligent] life, they would have had to have been much more aggressive in their direction of evolution in order to produce humans in 5 million years.

      Ayiana, the ancient found in Antarctica, was here for a reason. She was apparently frozen about 3 million years ago. At that time our ancestors looked more like this:

      Not exactly human, but definately more human than Australopithecus.

      I'm guessing that Ayiana was the one that was tinkering with human evolution. The problem was she wasn't able to finish her work on whatever time table they were striving for.

      Now consider this: What if the ancients were trying to recreate themselves (humans), but their interventions on some worlds didn't work out?
      For example, on the Unas world, the "seeding process" took hold not in mammals, like on Earth, but in reptiles. If the ancients wanted mammalian humans, they might have said "well, so much for this planet" and left to try somewhere else.
      The Unas still evolved, as would any other "failed experiements". Just because they're not what we would consider "human" doesn't mean the ancents didn't have a hand in their development too.

      I guess my point is, people need to get over the whole "not human = alien" idea, and come to the realization that the ancients had a hand in creating all the intelligent species we see in the StarGate universe.
      If the "aliens" have a StarGate on the planet they evolved on, then the ancients were tinkering with their DNA.
      I like it. It would also help to explain races such as the Serrakin, the Aschen, and the Gamekeeper's race which predates the Go'uld empire.


        Aren't the Aschen human?


          Originally posted by Sauron18
          Aren't the Aschen human?
          It was never actually said. It seems likely given their appearance. They may have gone the same way as the Tollan. But we don't know for certain.


            I've never seen the 30,000 year old Asgard.

            What episode was that in?

            Anyway, I think I like the idea of this story mechanic.

            The Alterans fled their home galaxy and set up shop here. Some Alterans left and settled in Ida and eventually became the Asgard. (Much like how the Lantians left for Pegasus.) Or maybe Ida was a stop-off point for a few century/millennia, and some stayed behind and became the Asgard.

            The Furlings split off from the main Alteran group and did their thing.

            Ditto the Nox.

            Much like how many former British colonies are seperate nations today, but are members of the Commonwealth.

            The model fits, I think, from a sociological and anthropological stance.

            That doesn't make it canon, but it is a sound theory.


              KLINGONS ARE HUMAN!

              See my point?

              Click Me And Win A Pie!


                Originally posted by Bragi
                I've never seen the 30,000 year old Asgard.

                What episode was that in?

                Anyway, I think I like the idea of this story mechanic.

                The Alterans fled their home galaxy and set up shop here. Some Alterans left and settled in Ida and eventually became the Asgard. (Much like how the Lantians left for Pegasus.) Or maybe Ida was a stop-off point for a few century/millennia, and some stayed behind and became the Asgard.

                The Furlings split off from the main Alteran group and did their thing.

                Ditto the Nox.

                Much like how many former British colonies are seperate nations today, but are members of the Commonwealth.

                The model fits, I think, from a sociological and anthropological stance.

                That doesn't make it canon, but it is a sound theory.
                Thanks, and the episode is "Revelations", the Season 5 Finale


                  Originally posted by Ace-Ventura
                  furlings are like wookies
                  You know, I know the general consensus of Stargate fans, thanks to O'neill, is that furlings are ewok/wookie like.

                  I wonder though if we look at the word, furling, for a clue?

                  Definitions of Furl:

                  * To wrap or roll a sail close to the yard, stay or mast to which it belongs

                  * To lower a sail. Sails are sometimes partially furled to reduce the amount of sail area in use without completely lowering the sail. This is usually known as reefing.

                  * To tie a sail in a bundle to a spar.

                  * To roll a sail up snugly on a yard or boom and secure it.

                  * to fold or roll a sail and secure it to its main support

                  * roll or wrap a sail around the mast or spar to which it is attached.

                  * roll up: form into a cylinder by rolling; "Roll up the cloth"

                  Definitions of Furling:

                  * A passive protection for the turbine where typically the rotor folds either up or around the tail vane.

                  * Rolling or folding a sail on its boom.

                  * The act of a wind generator Yawing out of the wind either horizontally or vertically to protect itself from high wind speeds.

                  * The gathering in of a sail and lashing it down.

                  I'm just wondering if the actual term Furl may have some clues as to why the furlings were named such?

                  This concept of a sail, especially folding and such, or the concepts of gathering in/lashing down.

                  Any ideas? Or am I just nuts?
                  Teal'c- "I have a strange feeling about Allar, like he's concealing something."

                  O'Neill - "Like what?"

                  Teal'c - "I do not know colonel, he is concealing it."


                    i don't believe that when they made up the name Furlings, they made it thinking on that, but who knows? I believe that they will look like humans (boring), but if not i hope that they aren't just a copy of another star gate/trek/wars alien.


                      Originally posted by Karec
                      KLINGONS ARE HUMAN!

                      See my point?
                      Well the Klingon are not a part of the SG universe and these theories are sound, remember that everything we know about the ancients and evolution of life, support that at least life in the Pegasus Galaxy and MJ galaxy have been engineered by the Ancients.

                      Pegasus: Galaxy had no life/o intelligent life (dont remember specific wording from rising) when the Ancients arrived, the Ancients then seeded "life of this form", the Wraith are Iratus bugs mutating due to Ancient/human DNA.

                      Milky Way: The Ancients came here after the split with the Ori and found a galaxy they could live and spread in.

                      We have seen later Ancients reluctance to build anything near other races/potential races which could support this galaxy being devoid of life/low on life before their arrival (no way canon but could be so). Going with that thought the Ancients would have seeded life on worlds they wanted to live on in a part of the terraforming process.
                      As they spread and increased their numbers some might have begun to rethink the anti-ori ways and incorporate religion in their lives more and more, thus forming the Nox these Ancients might very well decide to become pacifists and live on a single world (or a number of worlds close to each other (it is doubtfull many Ancients would have choosen this path, they would still remember the Ori split). The Nox were still friends as they did not try to convert others and they were generally friendly), they started to change due to their planets conditions.

                      Others formed the Furlings whom we know nothing about other then the fact that some of them tried to create a place like the sanctuary in Epiphany just without the time dialation field which could support Furling ascention (guessing and got nothing to do with my point)...

                      A third group settled in Ida perhaps finding something about that galaxy better then the Milky way for them. In time they started calling themselves Asgaard and they did not embrace religion in any way that we know of. The Asgaard seem to have no religion and anyone who know of nordic religions will tell you that the Aesir (Asgaard) or Asser (Asgård) as they are called in my langauge (danish) did not consider or call themselves gods, it was the people that called them that, in nordic texts they are not depicted in the regular god ways either.
                      They are depicted much like normal humans except they have some extraordinary powers like Thors hammer that created lighting and always returned (made by dwarves as far as I recall) and his wagon that created thunder when he drove it across the sky (due to his to goats hoves), they were only immortal due to apples (according to some) that grew in Asgaard (Asgård) these were tended by an Aesir named Idun (some believe she was the actual source of their immortality) in stargate their immortality comes from cloning, no doubt invented by Idun .
                      I am getting off track though. My point is that the Asgaard would have started to do everything the scientific way, more then likely leading to their loss of the ability to reproduce normally as it was uneeded. Their brains enlarging due to increased need for storage and brain power. Due to tehnology dueing everything for them their bodies and muscles would have decreased in size (mayby through natural means though I cant see that happen to a society clonning themselves, so must have been random mutations that they choose over others in their clones leading to their present bodies).

                      The Ancients/Alterans themselves may have changed very little due to them having no need of change. They would have been the most numerous incarnation of the Ancient race (more then likely) and thus we have an explanation for the Asgaard being less advanced even though they went pourly scientific, there is no reason to believe everything was shared in the alliance or the Asgaard might not have wanted new Ancient knowledge immidiatly prefering to find they own way.

                      These 4 offshoots of the Ancients made a great alliance to deter any new intraracial (interracial later ) conflict as they did not want to have another Ori split.
                      When the Plague broke out among the Ancients, the Asgaard were in another Galaxy so they could easily keep it way, the Nox might have closed off access to their world to prevent infection. The Furlings? who knows. The Ancients being the most affected (only affected?) race would have been the ones to try and cure it and thus becomming riscing more people becoming infected thus in the end threatening their entire race.
                      They decide to restart life on all affected worlds and builds the Dakara device, they then send off their city ships with all their survivors to other galaxies to find a new place to live. During this they boot up the Dakara device and kills everything infected and reseed the infected areas with the new lifeforms.

                      Conclusion: IMO very likely that the great races are all Acient decendants. I have believe this ever since we saw the Asgaard clone though so I am biased.

                      The no great races have nothing to do with the Ancients IMO.

                      For example:

                      The Gadmeer, sulphor based totally alien race (more then likely lived on a non infected, non gate networked planet thus never needing reseeding).

                      The Reol, very alien, live on a gate network planet, unclear whether they were reseeded, could be as the reseeding process in the Milky way does not seem to center around making new humans but more around making new life in general (where as the Pegasus seeding seemed to focus on humans). Heh mayby they first Goa'uld to dump a gate there did so because he was fooled by the Reols into thinking they were allies or simply not there.

                      The Retu: Very very alien, more then likely not created by the reseed process as I can't Imagine the Ancients creating life that lived in a phase 180 degrees shifted from ours. Dont know wether their homeworld is gate networked could very well have not been, and the Goa'uld dumped one there before descovering the Retu.

                      Got a bit long so cant be arsed to proofread atm, so any and all spelling errors should be PM'ed and i MIGHT do something about it.


                        Originally posted by Sauron18
                        Thanks, and the episode is "Revelations", the Season 5 Finale
                        Ahhh.... the one I've yet to see aired on Sci-Fi. Is there some reason Sci-Fi has been mixing up the episodes? I mean, they jumped from Crystal Skull to Upgrades last week, then back to Nemesis.

                        And the last time they showed Meridian, the next day they showed Redemption 1. It's getting frelling annoying.......


                          you know what Alf the alien.
                          iff he was a furling that should be nice
                          sorry could not help myself


                            Actually, the Asgaard form seen in Revelations from 30,000 years ago had been genetically altered for awhile, it's just that back then, they could still reproduce. It was never said that that was their (pre-genetics) form or not, just the last that was viable for reproduction.


                              I remeber on the "science of stargate" that Tapping said that any alien that looks as huminoid as the Asgurd would most likely have a common ancestor with us. So it stems to reason that the noxs were originaly like us

                              Also the achen had very sensitive ears, when ever a gun was fired, they would cover there ears, even if they were the other side of the room.



                                Originally posted by BC - 303
                                Also the achen had very sensitive ears, when ever a gun was fired, they would cover there ears, even if they were the other side of the room.
                                That's probably just because they are wimps.

                                Anyway, this is all nice and all, but it's pure speculation. I prefer to think of the similarities in the races as simple wardrobe bills...
                                "You have been impregnated, without copulation?"
                                "Yes! And I am absolutly terrified! Have any of you ever heard of anything like it?"
                                "Well, there's one..."
                                "Darth Vader!"
                                "Really!? How did that turn out?"

